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农村家庭碳排放影响因素分析的研究对于合理发展农村经济,有效制定农村减排政策具有重要的指导意义.根据IPCC参考方法、生活碳排放研究方法和投入产出基本方法,计算了1995—2010年中国大陆31省区农村人均家庭碳排放量.通过因子分析方法,剔除农村人均家庭碳排放量不显著相关的影响因素,利用灰色关联分析方法对影响农村人均家庭碳排放量的显著相关影响因素进行评价,得出不同驱动因子对碳排放的关联度.结果表明,(1)从时间上看,1995至2010年,农村家庭碳排放呈现出逐渐上升趋势,1995年农村的人均家庭排放量为C 0.170 t?人-1,增加到2010年的0.504 t?人-1,同比增长196.90%.(2)从空间看,东部地区的农村家庭碳排放远远高于中部、东北和西部地区的农村家庭碳排放.(3)从地区差异看,位于东部地区的上海市农村人均家庭碳排放远远高于位于西部地区的内蒙古,1995年上海市农村人均家庭碳排放为C 0.454 t?人-1,而内蒙古为0.145 t?人-1;2010年上海市农村人均家庭碳排放为C 1.351 t?人-1,而内蒙古为0.498 t?人-1.(4)利用灰色关联分析,经济水平指标中的农林牧渔总产值与农村人均家庭碳排放的关联度为最大,为0.9824,因此对农村家庭碳排放的影响最大,而人口指标中的农村人口比例与农村人均家庭碳排放的关联度最小,为0.5702,因此对农村家庭碳排放的影响最小.  相似文献   
碳定价机制是利用市场机制推动碳减排、减缓气候变化方案的核心内容,包括碳排放权交易和碳税等措施。尽管新冠肺炎疫情打乱了经济发展节奏,但是中国主动提高国家自主贡献力度,积极推进战略提升与政策强化。本研究构建并运用"碳定价机制模型"模拟涵盖不同主体范围及政策组合下的碳排放权交易市场运行情况,分析评估碳减排效果及经济影响,为丰富完善我国实现碳达峰的政策工具提供技术支持。  相似文献   
基于GPS浮动车法的机动车尾气排放量分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以广州市城市干道东风路1902~1903路段为研究对象,根据交通流理论建立了速度-流量模型,采用GPS浮动车速度数据和视频检测流量数据计算了模型的关键参数——阻塞密度,实现了从速度到流量的推算,并采用COPERT Ⅳ模型计算了不同速度等级下的综合排放因子,通过源强法计算该路段00:01─24:00的小时排放量. 对CO,NOx,VOC和PM综合排放因子的速度敏感性分析表明,当平均速度达50 km/h后,随速度的增加综合排放因子下降明显变缓;对小时排放量的分析表明,污染物排放量主要集中在车流量的高峰时段,且与车流密度有很好的线性相关性,相关系数均大于0.90.   相似文献   
不同掺混比例甲醇汽油车的排放特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法》(GB 18352.3─2005)规定的Ⅰ型试验方法,对汽油车和不同掺混比例的甲醇燃料车在原催化器和新催化器条件下的瞬态常规污染物排放特性进行了研究. 结果表明:甲醇燃料汽车CO和HC排放较汽油车低,其NOx的排放通常高于汽油车,且随甲醇比例的提高而增加,使用针对甲醇燃料开发的新催化器后,3种常规污染物排放均明显降低;甲醇燃料汽车CO的排放多数出现在第1个195工况,HC的瞬态排放规律与CO相近,NOx几乎在每个急加速阶段和城郊运行工况(EUDC)循环中均出现峰值.   相似文献   
2007年火电行业温室气体排放量估算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了解我国火电行业温室气体排放情况,参考《IPCC国家温室气体排放清单指南》中固定源燃烧温室气体排放量计算方法学部门方法的相关内容,利用实测的温室气体排放因子以及2007年火电行业活动水平数据,计算火电行业温室气体排放量. 排放因子测算及排放量计算过程均遵循IPCC关于温室气体排放计算的质量保证和质量控制内容. 结果表明,2007年我国火电行业CO2与N2O排放量分别为2.81×109和1.56×105 t.同时使用参考方法,利用国家级能源统计数据直接计算火电行业CO2排放量.将部门方法与参考方法计算结果进行比对发现,原煤、原油和天然气燃烧温室气体排放量2种方法的相对偏差分别为7.5%,98.8%和1.6%,除原油外,原煤和天然气燃烧CO2排放量与参考方法相差并不大.   相似文献   
The engagement of UK local authorities is vital if national government is to meet its climate change commitments. However, with no mandatory targets at local government level, other drivers must explain engagement. Using a Geographic Information System, this study compares the spatial distribution of action on climate change based on past actions and stated intentions to a suite of relevant independent variables. The Action Index created is among the first to quantify climate change engagement beyond a simple binary measure and provides a useful comparative study to recent work in the USA. The Index enables investigation of both mitigation and adaptation, which show different trends in relation to some variables. The study shows that action is strongest where the voting habits of the local population suggest environmental concern and where neighbouring local authorities are also engaging in action on climate change. Physical vulnerability to the effects of climate change is a motivator for action only where the dangers are obvious. Action is less likely where other resource-intensive issues such as crime and housing exist within a local authority area.  相似文献   
This paper presents results from a gate-to-gate analysis of the energy balance, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic efficiency of biochar production from palm oil empty fruit bunches (EFB). The analysis is based on data obtained from EFB combustion in a slow pyrolysis plant in Selangor, Malaysia. The outputs of the slow pyrolysis plant are biochar, syngas, bio-oil and water vapor. The net energy yield of the biochar produced in the Selangor plant is 11.47 MJ kg−1 EFB. The energy content of the biochar produced is higher than the energy required for producing the biochar, i.e. the energy balance of biochar production is positive. The combustion of EFB using diesel fuel has the largest energy demand of 2.31 MJ kg−1 EFB in the pyrolysis process. Comparatively smaller amounts of energy are required as electricity (0.39 MJ kg−1 EFB) and for transportation of biochar to the warehouse and the field (0.13 MJ kg−1 EFB). The net greenhouse gas emissions of the studied biochar production account for 0.046 kg CO2-equiv. kg−1 EFB yr−1 without considering fertilizer substitution effects and carbon accumulation from biochar in the soil. The studied biochar production is profitable where biochar can be sold for at least 533 US-$ t−1. Potential measures for improvement are discussed, including higher productivity of biochar production, reduced energy consumption and efficient use of the byproducts from the slow pyrolysis.  相似文献   
Hourly concentrations of TSP, PM(10), PM(2.5) near the surface at Seoul city were examined from March 20 to March 25, 2001 (duststorm event) in order to investigate the effect of a duststorm generated in China on the local aerosol concentration in Korea, The ratios of fine to coarse particles such as TSP to PM(10), TSP to PM(2.5) and PM(10)-PM(2.5) to PM(2.5) showed that a great amount of dust transported from the origin of the duststorm was remarkable with a maximum ratio of 9.77 between TSP and PM(2.5). Back trajectories every 6 h showed the movement of dust particles in the lower atmosphere near 500 m to 1500 m (atmospheric boundary layer), which implied transport from Baotou in inner Mongolia of northern China to the direction of Seoul city in Korea and then the back trajectories passed near the southern border of Mongolia and Baotou through Zengzhou in the midlevels (3000 m) and low levels (500 m) of China, finally reaching Seoul city. So, the TSP concentration at Seoul city was partially influenced by the duststorm, under the prevailing westerly wind and the transported aerosols could influence high concentrations of pollutants of TSP, PM(10) and PM(2.5) in Seoul. The sudden high concentrations of TSP and PM(10) were found for a few hours, especially at 1500 to 1800 LST, March 22. At 1200 LST, before the passage of a cold front through the Korean peninsula, the convective boundary layer (CBL) near Seoul was not shallow, but at 1500 LST, under the frontal passage, the CBL was remarkably thinner (less than 300 m), due to the compression of the boundary layer by the intrusion of cold air. This resulted in the increase of the TSP concentration, even though the mixed layer above maintained almost the same depth. At 1800 LST shortly after the frontal passage, that is, near sunset, the nocturnal cooling of the ground caused air parcels to cool, thereby enhancing the shallower nocturnal surface inversion layer and producing the maximum concentration of TSP of 1388 microg/m(3) near Seoul city.  相似文献   
A Carbon Emission Signature (CES) and a Carbon Emission Label have been proposed for manufactured products in previous CIRP (Collège International pour la Recherche en Productique) annals. This paper considers two things: (1) an example of a CES calculation for assembly with CO2 emissions and (2) the need for a transparent method of calculation. In comparing carbon footprint calculations for 17 websites, the results are found to vary more than threefold depending upon the site used and even more between different methods illustrating the need for standardisation in emission calculations for carbon accounting.  相似文献   
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission has drawn a great attention in recent years all over the world, and it plays a very important role in the process of global warming. The off-road equipment, which includes construction equipment, accounted for 7.5% emission of CO2. The objective of this article is to propose a groundwork for a methodology that can be used to estimate the total fuel use and CO2 emissions from construction equipment activities based on its productivity rate. Currently, there is not a methodology or technique for estimating productivity, fuel use and emissions at once. The multiple linear regression analysis has successfully modelled the productivity rate and good to be used as a benchmark for estimating fuel use and CO2 emissions from various types of construction equipment performing earthwork activities. The proposed methodology will help the contractor to estimate the total expected pollutant emissions for the project, which would be valuable information for a preliminary environmental assessment of the project. By using construction plans and specifications, the methodology and tool presented in this research can be used to estimate cost, fuel use and emissions from commercial, residential, industrial or heavy highway. By the proposed approach, it is possible to develop new fuel use and emissions inventories for construction industry in general.  相似文献   
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