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This paper assesses land-use changes related to naturbanization processes on three biosphere reserves in Southern Europe. A comparative analysis has been done on the National Parks in Peneda-Gerês in North Portugal, Cévennes in South France and Sierra Nevada in South Spain, using Corine Land Cover data from 1990 until 2006. Results indicate that the process of land-use intensification is taking place in the frame of naturbanization dynamics that could jeopardize the role of Protected Areas. Focusing on the trends faced by National Parks and their surrounding territories, the analysis demonstrates, both in quantitative and spatial terms, the intensification processes of land-use changes and how it is important to know them for coping with increasing threats. The article concludes that in the current context of increasing stresses, a broader focus on nature protection, encompassing the wider countryside, is needed if the initiatives for biodiversity protection are to be effective.  相似文献   
随着欧债危机的蔓延,我国煤炭企业市场效益也受到一定程度的影响。当前企业需要不断改变营销模式,拓展营销渠道,完善市场营销机制,才能提升企业的营销水平,为可持续发展奠定坚实的基础。煤炭企业在发展过程中受到国内市场和国际市场的双重影响,需要采取科学的营销策略,降低企业的营销成本,提升企业的市场经营水平,才能够帮助企业摆脱危机,实现经济效益增长。  相似文献   
开展大气臭氧前体物挥发性有机物(VOCs)的大尺度监测对于臭氧污染的联防联控有重要意义。欧洲早在20世纪90年代初就开展VOCs大尺度监测,而中国自2018年才开始建设全国性的VOCs监测网络,目前处于起步发展阶段。通过总结欧洲VOCs大尺度监测的发展历程、监测指标、质量保证及监测结果等,对中国VOCs监测提出建议:开展VOCs监测的顶层设计,对全国VOCs监测进行统一科学规划,保持VOCs监测的稳定性和持续性;通过科学方法筛选优化VOCs监测指标体系,构建统一的监测技术体系和质量管理体系,优先确保监测结果的准确性和可比性;将VOCs监测与现有的大气常规六参数常规监测网、颗粒物组分监测网等其他大气监测网有机融合,形成一个综合而丰富的大气环境监测网络,同时满足业务和科研需求。  相似文献   
INTENTION, GOAL, SCOPE, BACKGROUND: Abatement measures since the 1970s have depleted lead and bromine levels in the atmosphere over large parts of Europe. Our knowledge of the atmospheric cycling of these elements while a several decade-long period of intensive mobilization reaches its end is incomplete. OBJECTIVE: We have characterized the trends in the atmospheric levels of Pb and Br and present-day temporal and spatial variabilities. METHODS: This was achieved by short-term (weeks) and long-term (years) measurements of particulate Pb and Br at various sites in Germany. Samples of atmospheric particulate matter were collected on filter membranes and analyzed by x-ray fluorescence. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Average Pb levels at rural and urban inland sites did not exceed concentrations in background aerosols, sampled at a Baltic Sea coastal site, by more than a factor of 3. Due to sea salt, bromide inland particulate Br levels are below those at a coastal site. There, non-sea salt Br, however, is significant as well. Urban Pb and Br levels are not necessarily higher than rural levels. The concentration levels have decreased in such a way that the previously common source, local vehicular traffic emissions, is no longer predominant. Regional rather than local sources have been increasingly determining the concentrations since the 1990s. This is more pronounced for Br than for Pb. We found indications for coal burning and long-range transport as significant Pb sources. For particulate Pb species, a range of ages (elapsed time since Pb emission) has been found. This range shows two maxima corresponding to characteristic times of 72 and 24 h. CONCLUSIONS: The (mean) atmospheric residence time of particulate Pb is longer than the residence time of Br, in particular in the wintertime. The chemical species contributing to atmospheric Pb should be addressed in future studies. RECOMMENDATION AND OUTLOOK: Clearly, despite effective abatement measures, atmospheric Pb will continue to be dominated by anthropogenic mobilization. The influence from long-range transport can be expected to decrease with the effectiveness of abatement programmes in neighbouring countries of the region.  相似文献   
笔者从平均基准费率水平、工伤保险基金期望的支出构成比较和工伤保险刺激事故预防的费率机制的形成 3个方面 ,对欧洲国家工伤保险费率进行了分析 ,对若干欧洲国家用工伤保险经济手段促进企业改善劳动条件的成功经验给以总结 ,并对我国新近出台的《工伤保险条例》提出一些修改建议。  相似文献   
Siting regulations and industrial standards for liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals are evolving along different paths within Europe and the United States (U.S.). The 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 190 continues to delineate the United States process to adopt and revise safety regulations pertaining to LNG terminals and peak shaving plant sitting.1 Embodied in these regulations are rich legal and regulatory traditions that are unique to the U.S. perspective. For example, the public is encouraged to petition existing regulations and to comment on regulatory proposals. Litigation within the U.S. court system is another means by which industry and the public may seek regulatory change. This approach promotes public involvement in governmental oversight and creates a distinctive obligation and accountability for U.S. regulatory agencies, which uniquely shape technical, safety, risk mitigation, and societal risk perspectives for siting LNG terminals.European traditions shape siting regulations for LNG terminals as well. Though American siting guidance includes references to the National Fire Protection Association’s NFPA 59A and 49 CFR, Part 193, European developers also apply the guidance within EN 1473 – a risk-based case-by-case analysis directive.2, 3 and 4 The NFPA 59A standard is applied for a basis to examine property line spacing as they pertain or may relate to off-site hazard impacts. The European approach applies the assessment and suitability of code compliance and the application of accepted engineering practices. In addition the approach incorporates the application of empirical risk assessments and computational modeling to reach an understanding of risk exposures. European policies set limits on the population’s cumulative exposure to facility risks and require LNG facility developers not to exceed established risk criteria.This paper describes how the U.S. and Europe site LNG terminals, identifies key differences in their risk-based approaches, and explains why these differences exist. This discussion also examines historical precedents that have influenced regulations and approval processes for siting LNG terminals within each continent.  相似文献   
Ocean acidification (OA) is increasingly recognized as a major global problem. Despite the scientific evidence, economic assessments of its effects are few. This analysis is an attempt to perform a national and sub-national assessment of the economic impact of OA on mollusc production in Europe. We focus on mollusc production because the scientific evidence on the biological impact on calcifying organisms is ample relative to other types of marine organisms. In addition, Europe and its regions are significant producers of marine molluscs. By performing a partial-equilibrium analysis, we show that the highest levels of overall impact are found in the countries with the largest current production, such as France, Italy and Spain. For Europe as a whole, the annual impact will be over 1 billion USD in 2100. Due to the different production foci of the individual countries and their regions, the distribution of the impact is extremely uneven across countries and their respective regions, with the most affected sub-national regions being those on the Atlantic coast of France, which is an important region for oyster production.  相似文献   
The designation of marine protected areas (MPAs) may have intense social and economic effects on human communities. Driven by overarching global and European policies and national legislations, current systematic conservation planning in the UK and France requires an ecosystem approach that takes into account not only nature but also the human activities that take place in an area. Here, we identified a set of 64 socioeconomic variables potentially relevant for marine and coastal stakeholders in a European context and a comprehensive set of 20 marine and coastal stakeholder categories. Ninety national organisations in the UK and France belonging to those categories and potentially affected by/interested in the designation of multiple-use MPAs were identified and surveyed. Results show that environmental NGOs, research centres, local councils, managing agencies and statutory nature conservation bodies perceived that they are positively affected by these MPAs, whereas fishers’ organisations, shipping and aggregate industrial organisations and recreational organisations perceived to be chiefly negatively affected by MPAs. On average, the ecological effects of multiple-use MPAs are perceived as ‘largely positive’, though 30% of respondents did not perceive any positive ecological effects from these MPAs. The social, economic and cultural effects of such MPAs are perceived as ‘moderately positive’. Most respondents perceived broad range (>10 km) and permanent ecological, social, economic and cultural effects from multiple-use MPA designation suggesting high societal expectations towards these areas. However, only five variables were perceived to vary in intensity after the designation of multiple-use MPAs: ‘research’, ‘environmental performance by citizens, businesses and towns’, ‘number of green businesses’, ‘tourism’ and ‘economic activities’. The most important ‘social’ variables for stakeholder organisations referred to local populations’ engagement with the MPA, tourism and research. The most important ‘economic’ variables were linked to fishing, shipping and aquaculture activities. These variables highlight relevant topics to be considered in MPA planning, designation and management processes, especially in the UK and France. There were statistically significant differences in the ratings of socioeconomic variables between many organisations belonging to the same intuitive stakeholder categories, suggesting the importance of including as wide a range of stakeholder organisations as feasible in MPA socioeconomic-related processes. Our methods and findings can help to inform and streamline ongoing and future participatory MPA planning, management and monitoring processes in Europe and in other regions with similar socioeconomic characteristics.  相似文献   
战略环境影响评价是指对法律、政策、计划或规划及其替代方案的环境影响进行正式的、系统的和综合的评价。欧洲战略环境影响评价的理论和实践在国际上具有领先的地位。本文介绍了战略环境影响评价的发展历程,特别对欧洲发达国家的战略环境影响评价的工作程序做了深入的分析,从战略的筛选、确定范围、环境影响评价、决策和批准、执行和监督、咨询与公众参与等方面,总结了欧洲战略环境影响评价的工作特点,对于中国战略环评工作的推动具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Following the recognition of the detrimental effects of nitrogen (N) losses from agriculture in the European Union (EU) on human health and environment, series of environmental policy measures have been implemented from the early 1990s onwards. However, these measures have only been partially successful. Clearly, there is lack of integration of available measures and there is lack of enforcement and hierarchy; which measures should be implemented first? We identified and assessed three ‘most promising measures’ to decrease N losses from agriculture, i.e., (i) balanced fertilization, (ii) low-protein animal feeding, and (iii) ammonia (NH3) emissions abatement measures. Environmental-economic assessments were made using scenario analyses and the modeling tools MITERRA-EUROPE and CAPRI.In the baseline scenario (business as usual), N use efficiency (NUE) in crop production increases from 44% in 2000 to 48% in 2020, while total N losses decrease by 10%. Implementation of promising measures increases NUE further to 51–55%, and decreases NH3 emissions (by up to 23%), nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions (by up to 10%) and N leaching losses (by up to 35%). Differences in responsiveness to promising measures varied between and within Member States. Strict implementation of balanced fertilization in nitrate vulnerable zones, as defined in the Nitrates Directive, decreases total farmers’ income in EU-27 by 1.7 billion euros per year. Implementation of all three measures decreases farmers income by 10.8 and total welfare by 17 billion euros per year, without valuing the environmental benefits.The study presented here is one of the first EU-wide integrated assessments of the effects of policy measures on all major N losses from agriculture and their economic costs. Our results show that the most promising measures are effective in enhancing NUE and decreasing NH3 and N2O emissions to the atmosphere and N leaching to groundwater and surface waters, but that income effects are significant. The order of implementation of the measures is important; NH3 emissions abatement measures must be implemented together with balanced N fertilization.  相似文献   
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