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Results of leaching experiments using active and inactively simulated HLW glass in concentrated NaCl solution are described. Measured solution concentrations of glass components, fission products and actinides are compared with computed data. The computed pH value corresponds with the findings from experiments with inactively simulated glass samples. Moreover, the concentrations of silica and strontium can be described adequately by reaction path modelling. The computed U concentration is explained by the precipitation of schoepite or Na2U2O7. The computed Am concentration significantly exceeds the measured data. This may be attributed to sorption processes on corrosion products of the glass, which are relevant also for lanthanide elements under the conditions of the experiments. This hypothesis is tested by solid solution approaches and by computing sorption of Am onto SiO2 precipitates.  相似文献   
武汉城市圈节能建筑的处理方法及利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从武汉城市图建筑节能的重要性及武汉市建筑节能的现状入手,指出为达到建筑节能50%的标准,武汉节能建筑处理方法应从建筑设计、建筑施工、节能技术开发应用及建筑节能管理等多方面下功夫.图8,参7.  相似文献   
随着交通运输业的发展及公路等级的不断提高,公路交通噪声越来越引起人们的关注,因此,解决公路交通噪声污染成为一个急待解决的问题,本文论述公路交通噪声造成的危害,并有针对性地提出降低公路交通噪声防治措施。  相似文献   
概述了我国农村地区水污染现状、排放特征、主要处理工艺及其优缺点,在对人工快渗系统工艺原理和污染物去除机理深入分析的基础上,总结归纳了人工快渗工艺的技术经济优势,并结合技术的工艺改进和完善,探讨了人工快渗技术的适用性。然后结合深圳市白花洞村、四川省绵阳市北川县及北京昌平区农村工程实践,分析了人工快渗技术在村级分散型污水处理工程中的实际运行效果。理论研究和工程实践均表明:人工快渗技术及其改进工艺组合系统具有工艺简单、建设运行成本低、污染物去除效率高、出水效果好等特点,可有效地解决目前农村地区因受到资金、技术、人才等因素限制造成的污水处理能力低的问题,是一项十分适合我国农村地区的污水处理技术。  相似文献   
以石煤渣为主要原料研制应用于工业窑炉的保温材料,具有较高的耐压强度和使用温度,导热率低。本文通过分析各原料的主要作用,研究了不同原料掺量对材料性能的影响,从而得到了石煤渣保温材料合理的配方范围为:石煤渣40%~60%、可燃造孔物30%~40%、粘结剂12%~20%、外加剂0.10%~0.20%。  相似文献   
This paper reviews databases on material recycling (primary as well as secondary production) used in life cycle assessments (LCA) of waste management systems. A total of 366 datasets, from 1980 to 2010 and covering 14 materials, were collected from databases and reports. Totals for CO2-equivalent emissions were compared to illustrate variations in the data. It was hypothesised that emissions from material production and the recycling industry had decreased over time due to increasing regulation, energy costs and process optimisation, but the reported datasets did not reveal such a general trend. Data representing the same processes varied considerably between databases, and proper background information was hard to obtain, which in turn made it difficult to explain the large differences observed. Those differences between the highest and lowest estimated CO2 emissions (equivalents) from the primary production of newsprint, HDPE and glass were 238%, 443% and 452%, respectively. For steel and aluminium the differences were 1761% and 235%, respectively. There is a severe lack of data for some recycled materials; for example, only one dataset existed for secondary cardboard. The study shows that the choice of dataset used to represent the environmental load of a material recycling process and credited emissions from the avoided production of virgin materials is crucial for the outcome of an LCA on waste management. Great care and a high degree of transparency are mandatory, but advice on which datasets to use could not be determined from the study. However, from the gathered data, recycling in general showed lower emission of CO2 per kg material than primary production, so the recycling of materials (considered in this study) is thus beneficial in most cases.  相似文献   
高层建筑典型外墙保温材料火蔓延特性数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有机保温材料被广泛应用于高层建筑外墙保温体系的同时,也可能增加高层建筑的火灾风险。本文通过计算机模拟,着重研究了保温材料之一的聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(EPS)的火蔓延速率、失重速率及温度场分布等特性。研究结果发现:发生火灾后,外墙保温材料可以在很短的时间内自下而上蔓延至整个材料表面,并有表皮着火的现象。在火焰到达材料顶部之前,向上火蔓延占主导地位,材料中部区域明显燃烧脱落,火焰在材料两端上部继续燃烧,有向下加速蔓延的趋势;之后,火焰沿着材料中部内侧向下剧烈燃烧,材料呈V字型燃烧直至熄灭。在高层建筑外墙外保温材料火蔓延中,不同着火点情况下的燃烧速率随时间变化的趋势相似,且会形成两个波峰。  相似文献   


Goal Scope and Background. The European Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings which came into force 16 December 2002 will be implemented in the legislation of Member States by 4 January 2006. In addition to the aim of improving the overall energy efficiency of new buildings, large existing buildings will become a target for improvement, as soon as they undergo significant renovation. The building sector is responsible for about 40% of Europe's total end energy consumption and hence this Directive is an important step for the European Union in order that it should reach the level of saving required by the Kyoto Agreement. In this the EU is committed to reduce CO2 emissions relative to the base year of 1990 by 8 per cent, by 2010. But what will be the impact of the new Directive, how large could be the impacts of extending the obligation for energy efficiency retrofitting towards smaller buildings? Can improvement of the insulation offset or reduce the growing energy consumption from the increasing installation of cooling installations? EURIMA, the European Insulation Manufacturers Association and EuroACE, the European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings, asked Ecofys to address these questions.


The effect of the EPB Directive on the emissions associated with the heating energy consumption of the total EU 15 building stock has been examined in a model calculation, using the Built Environment Analysis Model (BEAM), which was developed by Ecofys to investigate energy saving measures in the building stock. The great complexity of the EU-15 building stock had to be simplified by examining five standard buildings with eight insulation standards, which are assigned to building age and renovation status. Furthermore, three climatic regions (cold, moderate, warm) were distinguished for the calculation of the heating energy demand. This gave a basic 210 building types for which the heating energy demand and CO2 emissions from heating were calculated according to the principles of the European Norm EN 832.

Results and Discussion

The model calculations demonstrates that the main contributor to the total heating related CO2 emissions of 725 Mt/a from the EU building stock in 2002 is the residential sector (77%) while the remaining 23% originates from non-residential buildings. In the residential sector, single-family houses represent the largest group responsible for 60% of the total CO2 emissions equivalent to 435 Mt/a.


- The technical potential: If all retrofit measures in the scope of the Directive were realised immediately for the complete residential and non-residential building stock the overall CO2 emission savings would add up to 82 Mt/a. An additional saving potential compared to the Directive of 69 Mt/a would be created if the scope of the Directive was extended to cover retrofit measures in multi-family dwellings (200-1000m2) and non-residential buildings smaller than 1000m2 used floor space. In addition including the large group of single-family dwellings would lead to a potential for additional CO2 emission reductions compared to the Directive of 316 Mt/a.


- Temporal mobilization of the potential: Calculations based on the building stock as it develops over time with average retrofit rates demonstrated that regulations introduced following the EPB Directive result in a CO2 emissions decrease of 34 Mt/a by the year 2010 compared to the business as usual scenario. Extending the scope of the EPB Directive to all residential buildings (including single and multi-family dwellings), the CO2 emission savings potential over the 'business as usual' scenario could be doubled to 69 Mt/a in the year 2010. This creates an additional saving potential compared to the Directive of 36 Mt/a.


- Cooling demand: The analysis demonstrated that in warm climatic zones the cooling demand can be reduced drastically by a combination of lowering the internal heat loads and by improved insulation. With the reduction of the heat loads to a moderate level the cooling demand, e.g. of a terraced house located in Madrid, can be reduced by an additional 85% if the insulation level is improved appropriately.


This study demonstrates that the European Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings will have a significant impact on the CO2 emissions of the European building stock. The main saving potential lies in insulation of the existing building stock. Beyond this, CO2 emissions could, however, be greatly reduced if the scope of the Directive were to be extended to include retrofit of smaller buildings.

Recommendation and Perspective

The reductions should be seen in relation to the remaining gap of 190 Mt CO2 eq. per annum between the current emission levels of EU-15 and the target under the Kyoto-Protocol for the year 2010. The energy and industrial sector will probably contribute only a fraction of this reduction via the newly established EU emissions trading scheme and connected projects under the flexible mechanism. In addition, the traffic sector is likely to continue its growth path leading to a widening of the gap. Thus, there is likely to be considerable pressure on the EU building sector to contribute to the EU climate targets beyond what will be achieved by means of the current EPB Directive. Legislators on the EU and national level are therefore advised to take accelerated actions to tap the very significant emission reduction potentials available in the EU building stock.  相似文献   
研究对玻璃模具用D型石墨铸铁的化学成分进行了合理设计和优选。结果表明,显微组织、抗氧化、抗生长和热疲劳抗力等性能,均有显著的改善和提高。经工业性试验,模具的寿命成倍提高。  相似文献   
MTO/FCC反应器高温高压设备的隔热衬里发生局部开裂或破碎时,该部分衬里将保持全部或部分隔热功能。以衬里的破坏厚度和破坏高度作为控制变量,研究衬里破坏程度对衬里-金属结构温度分布的影响。结果表明:设计温度为750℃时,随着衬里破坏厚度和破坏高度的增加,衬里-金属结构温度逐渐升高,且存在温度上限;当衬里设备存在"施工缝"缺陷时,随着衬里破坏厚度的增加,衬里-金属结构的温度增高,最大温度为546℃;当衬里破坏厚度超过80%时,金属壳体最高温度为346℃,验证了国外手册中衬里破坏决策书选取350℃为极限温度条件的科学性和适用性。  相似文献   
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