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本文根据灰色关联分析的基本性质,提出一种环境质量综合评价的新方法。该方法用待评价样本各指标值组成参考数列,环境质量分级标准值组成被比较数列,通过计算参考数列与被比较数列的关联度,按最优关联识别原则综合评价环境质量等级。用4个实例与其它方法进行了对比,取得满意的效果。 相似文献
张似松 《长江流域资源与环境》1993,2(2):155-159
分析江汉平原粮食生产的优势与问题,运用商品经济的观念,提出改革开放新形势下加快江汉平原粮食开发的设想,即依托市场,按照价值规律,科学地调整种植业比例和粮食种类结构,发展优质品种,扩大优化模式及采用高新技术等,通过优质、高产、高效,促进江汉平原粮食生产的发展。 相似文献
Donald S. P. Puccini 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1971,7(6):1144-1152
The recent world-wide trend towards centralization of all environmental management functions into one regulatory agency has illustrated the necessity for resources management agencies to adopt a total systems viewpoint. Environmental systems are typically complex and multi-dimensional in nature. Mathematical models for the management of air, water and land resources have found wide acceptance among planners and decision-makers. Ecological models of life processes have not reached the same state of development or acceptance. A general review of ecological systems theory and examples of the types of ecological models that have been developed to date arc presented in this paper. With this material as a background and given the vast literature on engineering and economic models, a conceptual framework for an approach to environmental studies and the analysis of polluted environmental systems is presented. 相似文献
TaWei Soong William H. Ettinger 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2000,36(1):105-121
ABSTRACT: Effects of the 1993 flood on river water and sediment quality were investigated using historical data and data collected from the Illinois River and Upper Mississippi River in a post‐flood period. Overall the post‐flood results showed systematic reductions and individual changes in the water and sediment constituents. The reductions in sediment metals and nutrients were most obvious at the Keokuk and Lock and Dam 26 stations. By analyzing and comparing the physical changes to the changes in water and sediment constituents at each station, it was found that physical processes such as sediment entrainment and, more importantly, the removal of fine sediment to be the main causes for the reduced concentrations in sediment constituents. On the other hand, sediment redistribution and associated secondary contamination could have caused the emergence of several water and sediment constituents that were undetected before the flood. 相似文献
Alan M. Stueber Robert E. Criss 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2005,41(2):267-290
ABSTRACT: An extensive base of water quality information emphasizing the effects of land use and hydrology was obtained in the karstified Fountain Creek watershed of southwestern Illinois to help resolve local water quality issues. Agrichemicals dominate the loads of most water quality constituents in the streams and shallow karstic ground water. Only calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), Aluminum (A1), and sulfate (SO4) ions are predominantly derived from bedrock or soils, while agrichemicals contribute most of the sodium (Na), potassium (K), chlorine (Cl), nitrate (NO3), fluorine (F), phosphorus (P), and atrazine. Concentrations of individual ions correlate with discharge variations in karst springs and surface streams; highly soluble ions supplied by diffuse ground water are diluted by high flows, while less soluble ions increase with flow as they are mobilized from fields to karst conduits under storm conditions. Treated wastewater containing detergent residues dominates the boron load of streams and provides important subordinate loads of several other constituents, including atrazine derived from the Mississippi River via the public water supply. Average surface water concentrations at the watershed outlet closely approximate a 92:8 mixture of karst ground water and treated wastewater, demonstrating the dominance of ground water contributions to streams. Therefore the karst aquifer and watershed streams form a single water quality system that is also affected by wastewater effluent. 相似文献
Joseph Domagalski 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1996,32(5):953-964
ABSTRACT: Pesticides in stormwater runoff, within the Sacramento River Basin, California, were assessed during a storm that occurred in January 1994. Two organophosphate insecticides (diazinon and methidathion), two carbamate pesticides (molinate and carbofuran), and one triazine herbicide (simazine) were detected. Organophosphate pesticide concentrations increased with the rising stage of the hydrographs; peak concentrations were measured near peak discharge. Diazinon oxon, a toxic degradation product of diazinon, made up approximately 1 to 3 percent of the diazinon load. The Feather River was the principal source of organophosphate pesticides to the Sacramento River during this storm. The concentrations of molinate and carbofuran, pesticides applied to rice fields during May and June, were relatively constant during and after the storm. Their presence in surface water was attributed to the flooding and subsequent drainage, as a management practice to degrade rice stubble prior to the next planting. A photo-degradation product of molinate, 4-keto molinate, was in all samples where molinate was detected and made up approximately 50 percent of the total molinate load. Simazine, a herbicide used in orchards and to control weeds along the roadways, was detected in the storm runoff, but it was not possible to differentiate the two sources of that pesticide to the Sacramento River. 相似文献
W. A. White L. F. Tischler T. A. Austin 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1972,8(3):483-494
ABSTRACT A methodology for predicting the spatial and temporal levels of conservative water quality constituents within a multibasin water resource system is presented. Dissolved solids, sulfates, and chlorides are the constituents used during this investigation; however, any other conservative ion or mineral can be incorporated into the simulation model. The methodology is tested on the proposed Texas Water System. The water quality model, QNET-I, utilizes monthly canal and river flows and reservoir storage levels calculated by the Texas Water Development Board's systems simulation model. Discharge-concentration relationships are developed for each source of water in the system, including significant waste-water discharges. Reservoirs in the system are assumed to be completely mixed with respect to conservative constituents. A mass balance analysis is performed for each node and each month during the simulation period. The output from the water quality simulation is a table of the concentrations of the conservative water quality constituents at each demand point in the system and in each reservoir and canal for every month the system is in operation. The desired quality of the water at the demand locations is used to determine the economic utility of transporting and mixing water from various sources. 相似文献
亭子口库区水质汞的污染特征及建库后水体中汞的预测 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
亭子口水利枢纽位于喜陵江平流苍溪县城以上,15km处。本文根据嘉陵江广元段水质监测资料,分析库区地面水体中汞的现状污染特征,并运用沉积物的负指数方程预测库区建坝后水体中汞的浓度。 相似文献
G. William Page 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1988,24(4):847-854
ABSTRACT: Contamination of ground water supplies with volatile organic compounds is a new and significant problem. Municipalities and their community water systems are often the first to discover ground water contamination because of the monitoring programs they are required to carry out. When contamination exceeds standards, some action is required. The responses of Wisconsin municipalities to volatile organic compounds that exceed standards in their ground water sources is described. Actions to protect human health are prompt, but the survey results indicate plumes of contaminated ground water are usually not treated. They may continue to migrate and contaminate other private and public wells. 相似文献
长江下游重点江段水质污染及对鱼类的毒性影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
通过对长江下游安庆、南京、镇江、南通4江段水质污染及其对鱼类毒性影响的调查监测可发现,长江下游江段主航道水质较好,符合国家地面水Ⅱ类水质标准.但近岸带水质由于受污染带的影响,水质污染较严重,其主要污染物为石油类和挥发酚等.上述这些污染物质对鱼类具有一定的毒性影响,其不但可引起鱼类的急性中毒,而且可诱发鱼类产生微核,并对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌TA98菌株表现出一定的致突变性.同时在上述几个江段鱼体内可检出较高的蓄积性污染物的残留量.研究结果显示,长江下游江段正在遭受沿江诸多工业废水的污染,尤其是污染带的作用,并且这种污染对区域性渔业有一定的影响 相似文献