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藏北高原自然资源的利用与保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
藏北高原面积约60万km2,海拔在4500m以上,为青藏高原的主体。其气候寒冷干燥,人迹稀少,以高寒草原为主的生态系统基本保存完好,其天然草地辽阔,各类可利用草地面积占土地总面积53%,为西藏最大牧区,适宜发展地毯毛羊--藏绵羊。这里栖居着许多青藏高原特有的国家一、二类保护动物及有一定经济价值动物资源。高原上湖泊众多,湖泊面积占全国湖泊总面积的1/4以上。其中许多盐湖盛产有工业开采价值的食盐、天然碱及硼、锂、钾等重要稀有元素,为我国主要矿盐产地和远景开发区。目前因草地生态脆弱和利用不当,已有4%草地退化,沙地面积扩大,野生动物栖居范围也趋缩小;少数盐矿产地环境有所污染,盐湖资源浪费较大。所以适度利用天然草地、保护野生动物和综合开发盐湖资源,防止自然生态环境的恶化乃是开发藏北高原生物矿产资源的重要战略措施。  相似文献   
自"十五"以来,为改善水质,我国许多城市湖泊均先后采取了水环境治理措施.为了解这些措施对富营养化城市湖泊水质改善成效,根据中国科学院太湖湖泊生态系统研究站对蠡湖的长期监测数据和本课题组2017年对蠡湖的两次调查结果进行汇总分析,探讨了无锡蠡湖综合整治前后近30年来水环境质量变化情况.结果表明:①TN、TP、高锰酸盐指数和Chl-a等水质指标的浓度从20世纪90年代初开始呈现快速上升的趋势,1997~2003年间处于最差状态,2003年经过综合整治后呈现逐年递减趋势,但近两年略有反弹;水体透明度整治前后无明显改善.②从季节上看,综合整治之前,水质波动较大;综合整治之后,蠡湖各项指标出现显著差异,冬季水质明显好于夏季.③从区域上来看,蠡湖西部水质明显优于东部湖区.综合其他城市湖泊治理情况,研究表明水环境治理可以改善湖泊水质,但在水质改善后需要恢复草型生态系统,推进以生物调控为主的生态修复,逐步提升物种多样性,真正恢复湖泊生态系统服务功能.  相似文献   
通过对大庆草甸草原和湖泊湿地发生发展自然生态过程的分析,以大庆生态环境的整体性特征为基础,提出草甸草原是大庆生态环境的基础,湖泊湿地是大庆生态环境的特色.以保护和恢复为主巩固草原生态基础地位,以生态重建为主突出湖泊湿地特色.对生态功能正常发挥的草原,以生态保护为主,对生态功能退化草原,以生态恢复为主.对油田生产区的草原,重视生态功能和景观效应.以生态重建为主突出湖泊湿地特色,通过地表水结构的调整增加生态系统的活力和生态服务功能.草甸草原和湖泊湿地的保护与利用要扬长补短、协同并进.  相似文献   
设立8个调查区对滇池外海湖滨水生植物现状和分布特点进行了调查,结合历史资料对比,分析了环境改变对自然湖滨带水生植物演替变化的影响。  相似文献   
孟庆峰 《环境与发展》2020,(2):26-26,28
本文首先介绍了我国当前的河湖水环境现状,分析了我国水资源存在的一系列问题,主要问题包括水体污染和富营养化;河湖面积严重萎缩,河湖水的功能逐渐退化;难以降解的有机污染物污染量加大。有针对性地提出了改善我国河湖水环境的管理以及治理模式,进一步落实了保护河湖水环境工作,加强水资源周围生态环境的文明建设,实现河湖水环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   
Soil physicochemical characteristics, total aboveground biomass, number of species and relative abundance of groups and individual species were measured along a moisture gradient in a pasture, flooded in part during winter through early summer, adjacent to Pamvotis lake in Ioannina, Greece. Soil and vegetation measurements were conducted in 39 quadrats arranged in four zones perpendicular to the moisture gradient. The zone closest to the lake, recently separated from the lake, became part of the pasture and its soil texture was quite different from that of the other zones with a substrate containing 91% sand. Except for pH, this zone had the lowest values in the other five soil physicochemical characteristics measured (organic matter, total and extracted inorganic nitrogen, Olsen extracted phosphorus and extractable potassium); in the other zones organic matter, total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium tended to increase from the driest to the wettest zone. Total aboveground biomass, ranging from 280 to 840 gm-2, is high for herbaceous pastures in the conditions of Mediterranean climate and it was not related to distance from the lake's shoreline, although the highest values were measured at intermediate distances, or to any of the various soil characteristics measured. Also, the number of species/0.25 m2 was not related to any of the various soil characteristics, but it was highest at the intermediate distances from the lake's shoreline. Species composition varied along the moisture gradient. Forbs as well as annual grasses and legumes declined in abundance from the driest to the wettest places; the reverse was the case for sedges and perennial grasses and legumes. These results indicate that the soil moisture gradient was the principal factor affecting soil characteristics and plant species composition. Since most species were recorded in all the four zones of the pasture, indicating that these can tolerate all variations in abiotic conditions of pasture, the vegetation zonation seems to be influenced by competition. Each functional group of species tends to dominate in a particular range of the soil moisture gradient where it is better suited and tends to exclude competitively other species. Management practices (mowing and grazing) affect the kinds of processes which maintain the observed community structure either by preventing the establishment of later successional species, like reeds and woody species, or by moderating the shoot competition, especially in the wetter zones, and thus permitting the creeping species to grow successfully.  相似文献   
River channel migration and cutoff events within large river riparian corridors create heterogeneous and biologically diverse landscapes. However, channel stabilization (riprap and levees) impede the formation and maintenance of riparian areas. These impacts can be mitigated by setting channel constraints away from the channel. Using a meander migration model to measure land affected, we examined the relationship between setback distance and riparian and off-channel aquatic habitat formation on a 28-km reach of the Sacramento River, California, USA. We simulated 100 years of channel migration and cutoff events using 11 setback scenarios: 1 with existing riprap and 10 assuming setback constraints from about 0.5 to 4 bankfull channel widths (bankfull width: 235 m) from the channel. The percentage of land reworked by the river in 100 years relative to current (riprap) conditions ranged from 172% for the 100-m constraint setback scenario to 790% for the 800-m scenario. Three basic patterns occur as the setback distance increases due to different migration and cutoff dynamics: complete restriction of cutoffs, partial restriction of cutoffs, and no restriction of cutoffs. Complete cutoff restriction occurred at distances less than about one bankfull channel width (235 m), and no cutoff restriction occurred at distances greater than about three bankfull widths (∼700 m). Managing for point bars alone allows the setbacks to be narrower than managing for cutoffs and aquatic habitat. Results suggest that site-specific “restriction of cutoff” thresholds can be identified to optimize habitat benefits versus cost of acquired land along rivers affected by migration processes.  相似文献   
浮游甲壳动物昼夜垂直迁移(DVM)是深水湖泊中的一种常见的现象,在浅水湖泊中,没有明显的下层滞水层为浮游甲壳动物提供避护所,浮游甲壳动物的垂直迁移活动不明显。但浅水湖泊挺水植物的存在为浮游甲壳动物提供了区别于敞水带的生境,结合理化、浮游植物和鱼的因素,对浅水湖泊玄武湖挺水植物区与敞水区浮游甲壳动物的昼夜水平迁移进行了研究。结果得出:浅水湖泊玄武湖中理化环境(如温度、溶解氧和pH)在荷花区、敞水区、荷花区与敞水区的交界区差异不大,对浮游甲壳动物的昼夜水平迁移不起主导作用。荷花区的浮游植物在质量和数量上低于敞水区,浮游甲壳动物在夜间捕食压力小的情况下会向敞水区移动。敞水区、交界区浮游甲壳动物在白天被捕食的风险要大于荷花区,因而白天时间浮游甲壳动物会迁移到荷花区聚集.  相似文献   
The Sambhar Salt Lake hydrological system, including river waters, groundwaters, evaporating pans and sub-surface brines, has been analyzed for the salt content (TDS) and naturally occurring radionuclides (210Po, 210Pb and 226,228Ra). The abundance of these radionuclides and their activity ratios show a wide variation in different hydrological regimes, which helps to geochemically characterize the lake system. A significantly lower Ra to total dissolved solids (TDS) ratio in the brines (by two to three orders of magnitude), when compared to the groundwaters and river waters, suggests removal of dissolved Ra by co-precipitation with Ca–Mg minerals at an early stage of the brine evolution. The concentration of Ra in evaporating lake/pan waters saturates at a value of about 35 Bq L−1 over the salinity range of 100–370 g L−1; attributable to its equilibration with the clay minerals. The two distinct regimes, saline lake system (lake water, evaporating pans and sub-surface brines) and groundwaters have been identified based on their differences in the distribution of 226,228Ra isotopes. This observation points to the conclusion that the groundwaters and the lake brines are not intimately coupled in terms of their origin and evolution. The abundances of 210Po and 210Pb along with their activity ratios (210Po/210Pb) are markedly different among the surface lake waters/evaporating pans, sub-surface lake brines and groundwaters. These differences are explained in terms of different geochemical behaviour of these nuclides in presence of algae and organic matter present in these water regimes.  相似文献   
对白洋淀几种不同食性鱼体内六六六和DDT残留量分析表明,草食性鱼体内农药残留量最少,六六六含量为59.3μg/kg,DDT含量为29.6μg/kg;其次是杂食性鱼类,六六六含量为90.4μg/kg,DDT含量为108.5μg/kg;肉食性鱼体内农药残留量最高,六六六含量为110.7μg/kg,DDT含量为124.4μg/kg。鱼体对DDT的浓缩因子为311~1244,明显高于六六六的177~368。鱼体内BHC4种异构体的残留顺序为δ>α>γ>β,与其在水体中的比例α>γ>δ>β略有不同。鱼体内DDT主要以代谢物p,p'-DDE的形式存在,但个别样品中少量的p,p'-DDD及o,p'-DDT的检出,表明白洋淀水生生态系统最近受到DDT的轻度污染。本项研果与1975~1977年检测结果进行比较;白洋淀鱼体内六六六残留量显著下降,下降率为15.8%~79.2%;DDT残留量却明显增加(草食性鱼类除外),增加率约为47.8%~97.8%。  相似文献   
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