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Load estimates obtained using an approach based on statistical distributions with parameters expressed as a function of covariates (e.g., streamflow) (distribution with covariates hereafter called DC method) were compared to four load estimation methods: (1) flow‐weighted mean concentration; (2) integral regression; (3) segmented regression (the last two with Ferguson's correction factor); and (4) hydrograph separation methods. A total of 25 datasets (from 19 stations) of daily concentrations of total dissolved solids, nutrients, or suspended particulate matter were used. The selected stations represented a wide range of hydrological conditions. Annual flux errors were determined by randomly generating 50 monthly sample series from daily series. Annual and interannual biases and dispersions were evaluated and compared. The impact of sampling frequency was investigated through the generation of bimonthly and weekly surveys. Interannual uncertainty analysis showed that the performance of the DC method was comparable with those of the other methods, except for stations showing high hydrological variability. In this case, the DC method performed better, with annual biases lower than those characterizing the other methods. Results show that the DC method generated the smallest pollutant load errors when considering a monthly sampling frequency for rivers showing high variability in hydrological conditions and contaminant concentrations.  相似文献   
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography, GC 2 GC, is a new analytical tool with a tremendous capability to separate and identify organic compounds in complex environmental samples. GC 2 GC uses two different chromatography columns coupled serially by a modulator to produce a volatility by polarity separation and distribute compound peaks across a two-dimensional retention time plane. The two-dimensional separation produces an order of magnitude more resolved peaks than traditional GC methods. The grouping or ordering of the peaks in the GC 2 GC chromatogram facilitates the identification of unknown compounds and the comparison of complex environmental samples. When a mass spectrometer detector is used, each resolved GC 2 GC peak yields a single-component, interference-free mass spectrum that leads to accurate matching with mass spectral libraries. GC 2 GC examination of marine sediment extracts identified a wide variety of chemical contaminants including polychlorinated biphenyls, p -nonylphenol isomers, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzotriazoles, and the alkane, cycloalkane, alkylbenzene, alkylnaphthalene, and biomarker fractions of petroleum. The two-dimensional GC 2 GC chromatogram image permits rapid screening of the sediment extracts for these and other unknown contaminants.  相似文献   
Offspring should be selected to influence maternal effort to maximize their own fitness, whereas mothers are selected to limit investment in present progeny. In mammals, this leads to a conflict over the amount of milk provided and the timing of weaning. The intensity and time course of such conflict has so far mostly been investigated experimentally in altricial rodents. However, it is expected that offspring options for conflict will depend on developmental state. We therefore investigated in the highly precocial domestic guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) who decides over nursing performance and weaning and how pup state influences these decisions. Specifically, we tested whether a threshold mass of pups predicts weaning time. By exchanging older litters against neonates and vice versa, we produced a situation in which females differed in lactational stage from the cross-fostered pups. Our results indicate that females decide about the timing of weaning, as cross-fostered younger pups were weaned at a much younger age than controls and older pups benefited from continuing lactation of foster mothers. Growth rates did not differ in the treatment groups, and different weaning ages resulted in differing weaning mass refuting the hypothesis that weaning is based on a threshold mass of offspring. This constitutes clear evidence that in a precocial rodent, the guinea pig, decisions about maternal care are primarily determined by maternal state and little influenced by pup state despite the extreme precociality of offspring. We suggest that precocial pups show little resistance to early weaning when food is abundant, as they reach sufficient nutritional independence by the middle of lactation to enable independent survival.  相似文献   
Koelmans AA  Jonker MT 《Chemosphere》2011,84(8):1150-1157
It is unknown whether carbonaceous geosorbents, such as black carbon (BC) affect bioturbation by benthic invertebrates, thereby possibly affecting sediment-water exchange of sediment-bound contaminants. Here, we assess the effects of oil soot on polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mass transfer from sediment to overlying water, for sediments with and without tubificid oligochaeta as bioturbators. PCB levels were so low that toxicity to the oligochaeta played no role, whereas soot levels and binding affinity of PCBs to soot were so low that pore water PCB concentrations were not significantly affected by binding of PCBs to soot. This setup left direct effects of BC on bioturbation activity as the only explanation for any observed effects on mass transfer. Mass transfer coefficients (KL) for benthic boundary layer transport were measured by a novel flux method using Empore™ disks as a sink for PCBs in the overlying water. For the PCBs studied (logKow 5.2-8.2), KL values ranged from 0.2 to 2 cm × d−1 in systems without tubificids. Systems with tubificids showed KL values that were a factor of 10-25 higher. However, in the presence of oil soot, tubificids did not cause an increase in mass transfer coefficients. This suggests that at BC levels as encountered under field conditions, the mechanism for reduction of sediment-water transfer of contaminants may be twofold: (a) reduced mass transfer due to strong binding of the contaminants to BC, and (b) reduced mass transfer of contaminants due to a decrease in bioturbation activity.  相似文献   
We present two new software implementations of the BETR Global multimedia contaminant fate model. The model uses steady-state or non-steady-state mass-balance calculations to describe the fate and transport of persistent organic pollutants using a desktop computer. The global environment is described using a database of long-term average monthly conditions on a 15° × 15° grid. We demonstrate BETR Global by modeling the global sources, transport, and removal of decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5).  相似文献   
Pyrolysis is an alternative technology for oil sludge treatment. Thermogravimetric Analysis-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry were employed to investigate the pyrolysis process and products of oil sludge. The pyrolysis process was divided into five stages: drying and gas desorption, oil volatilization, main pyrolysis, semi-coke charring, and mineral decomposition. The main reaction temperatures ranged from 497.6 K to 753.2 K. The products were mainly composed of pairs of alkane and alkene (carbon number ranges from 1 to 27). The mechanisms consisted of random chain scission followed by end chain scission at high temperatures with volatilization occurring during the whole process. This study is useful not only for the proper design of a pyrolysis system, but also for improving the utilization of liquid oil products.  相似文献   
New particle formation (NPF) is the primary source of nanoparticles and contributes a large number of concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei. In recent years, field campaigns and laboratory experiments have been conducted to promote cognition of the mechanism for NPF and its following growth processes. The chemical composition measurement of nanoparticles could help deepen understanding of the initial step of particulate matter formation. In this work, we developed a nanoparticle chemical ionization mass spectrometer to measure nanoparticles' chemical compositions during their initial growth stage. Meanwhile, a non-radioactive ion source was designed for aerosol charging and chemical ionization. Time of flight mass spectrometer coupled with integrated aerosol size selection and collection module would guarantee the picogram level detection limit and high-resolution ability to measure the matrix of ambient samples. The performance of this equipment was overall evaluated, including the transmission efficiency and collection efficiency of custom-built nano differential mobility analyzer, chemical ionization efficiency, and mass resolution of the mass spectrometer. The high sensitivity measurement of ammonium sulfate and methylammonium sulfate aerosols with diameters ranging from 10 to 25 nm could guarantee the application of this instrument in the ambient measurement.  相似文献   
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from aquatic ecosystems are important components of the global carbon cycle, yet the CO2 emissions from coastal reservoirs, especially in developing countries where urbanization and rapid land use change occur, are still poorly understood. In this study, the spatiotemporal variations in CO2 concentrations and fluxes were investigated in Wenwusha Reservoir located in the southeast coast of China. Overall, the mean CO2 concentration and flux across the whole reservoir were 41.85 ± 2.03 µmol/L and 2.87 ± 0.29 mmol/m2/h, respectively, and the reservoir was a consistent net CO2 source over the entire year. The land use types and urbanization levels in the reservoir catchment significantly affected the input of exogenous carbon to water. The mean CO2 flux was much higher from waters adjacent to the urban land (5.05 ± 0.87 mmol/m2/hr) than other land use types. Sites with larger input of exogenous substance via sewage discharge and upstream runoff were often the hotspots of CO2 emission in the reservoir. Our results suggested that urbanization process, agricultural activities, and large input of exogenous carbon could result in large spatial heterogeneity of CO2 emissions and alter the CO2 biogeochemical cycling in coastal reservoirs. Further studies should characterize the diurnal variations, microbial mechanisms, and impact of meteorological conditions on reservoir CO2 emissions to expand our understanding of the carbon cycle in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
河北平原土壤中As通量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对河北平原农田区的As元素在土壤中的输入、输出通量进行了初步研究.综合各方面因素,确定了大气干湿沉降、灌溉水、化肥为输入途径和农作物籽实为输出途径,并进行通量计算.结果显示,在河北平原,大气干湿沉降为土壤中As主要输入方式,灌溉水和化肥输入通量较低,三者对土壤As贡献率分别为53.1%、28.9%和18.1%;而农作物...  相似文献   
The paper gives a special dynamic pursuing ecological model on the bio-geochemical cycle of nitrogen in the whole range 9.6 million square kilometers of Chinese mainland, basing on the reservoir-content and flux-rate of nitrogen and among the four spheres: atmosphere, pedosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere, and the law of bio-geochemical cycle of nitrogen, the model predicted the size of reservoir capacities and fluxes of nitrogen in each sphere. Through tested and verified, the model was proven reasonable and reliable.  相似文献   
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