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关于建设项目对自然保护区生态影响专题评价的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立自然保护区对保护生物圈及生物多样性具有十分重要的作用。我国已建立各种类型、不同级别的自然保护区2000多处。随着我国社会经济的发展,全国各地各类开发建设项目涌现,一些开发建设项目与自然保护区的保护要求发生矛盾。使开发建设项目避免或最大程度地减少对自然保护区的不利影响,做到保护与建设的双赢,是编写开发建设项目环境影响评价文件的一个重要内容。涉及自然保护区的开发建设项目一般要求编制对自然保护区影响的专题报告,本文根据工作实践,提出编制该类专题报告的主要内容及应注意的问题。  相似文献   
The nutrient dynamics of the Strymonikos and Ierissos Gulfs, two semienclosed coastal water bodies, are studied using a simple steady-state budget model, according to the Land–Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone modeling guidelines. Strymon river plume dynamics prevailed in the area of the Inner and Outer Srymonikos Gulfs, comprising two layers, while the Ierissos Gulf was defined as a one-box system. Seasonal and mean annual model input data for river discharge, precipitation, evaporation, and concentrations of salt, phosphorus, and nitrogen were obtained during four field campaigns. Results from the nitrogen and phosphorus cycling revealed the importance of river discharge in the horizontal and vertical transport of these substances within the system. Furthermore, it occurred that the major biogeochemical transformation of nitrogen and phosphorus takes place in the immediate nearshore zone (Inner Strymonikos Gulf), while the outer system sustains its nutrient dependence on oceanic exchanges. Therefore, under the summer low flow conditions, the river-influenced inner system acts as a net source of nitrogen and phosphorus, while under increased Strymon River discharge, phosphorus is transferred to the biological material (and the sediments), and the system moves to an autotrophic state. The outer system showed an opposite behavior being autotrophic throughout the year and heterotrophic in February. The Ierissos Gulf, a system not directly influenced by significant river discharge, experienced a seasonally independent behavior with net heterotrophic and denitrification processes prevailing. Model scenarios demonstrated that phosphate concentration increases, even under low river flow conditions and stimulates primary production in excess of respiration, resulting in nitrogen fixation prevalence in the Inner Strymonikos Gulf.  相似文献   
Eutrophication of waterways through delivery of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) from farmland is a problem in many countries. Loss of nutrients from grazed grassland via overland flow is well demonstrated, but the sources of these nutrients and the processes controlling their mobilization into water are not well understood. Much of the nutrient loss in overland flow from grazed pastures may be due to generally increased fertility of the soil–plant system (i.e. background or ‘systematic’ nutrient loss) rather than to immediate loss after fertilizer application [Nash, D., Clemow, L., Hannah, M., Barlow, K., Gangaiya, P., 2005. Modelling phosphorus exports from rain-fed and irrigated pastures in southern Australia. Aust. J. Soil Res. 43, 745–755]. The main aim of this study was to measure the effects of long-term (25 years) superphosphate (Ca(H2PO4)2 + 2CaSO4) fertilizer application (0–23 kg/(ha year)) on P and N in soil, plants, and potential background P and N movement in overland flow (generated using a rainfall simulator) from sheep-grazed pastures in southern Australia. Measurements were taken in autumn, under dry soil conditions, and in winter, under wet soil conditions, 12 and 15 months after the last fertilizer applications, respectively. Superphosphate application caused a strong increase in plant P, soil total P, Olsen P, and Colwell P; and a weaker increase in plant N, soil total N, and inorganic N (ammonium and nitrate). Soil P and N were concentrated in the surface 25 mm of soil. Soil water-extractable P, calcium chloride-extractable P, and calcium chloride organic P were in general only poorly associated with fertilizer application. The concentration of P and, to a lesser extent, the concentration of N in overland flow increased with increasing fertilizer application and showed strong seasonal differences (0.06–0.77 mg P/L and 0.6–5.5 mg N/L in autumn; 0.04–0.20 mg P/L and 0.4–1.7 mg N/L in winter). The P in overland flow was predominantly dissolved reactive P in autumn and particulate P in winter. The N in overland flow contained significant proportions of dissolved organic N, dissolved inorganic N (ammonium and nitrate), and particulate N. The concentrations of P and N in overland flow usually exceeded State water quality targets (<0.04 mg P/L and <0.90 mg N/L), suggesting that background losses of nutrients from these pasture systems could contribute to the eutrophication of waterways.  相似文献   
基于2018年1—11月骆马湖水质和底栖动物逐月监测数据,利用Goodnight指数(GBI)、生物学污染指数(BPI)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)等生物学指数对水质现状进行了评价。结果表明,骆马湖ρ(总氮)年均值为2.31 mg/L,ρ(总氮)和ρ(溶解氧)呈先下降后上升趋势;ρ(总磷)年均值为0.05 mg/L,先上升于8月达到峰值(0.15 mg/L)后下降;高锰酸盐指数呈先上升后下降趋势;ρ(氟离子)呈逐渐下降趋势,水温和电导率存在明显季节变化,pH值呈逐渐升高趋势。共鉴定出底栖动物27种,其中软体动物5种,环节动物7种,节肢动物15种。铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)、红裸须摇蚊(Propsilocerus akamusi)、纹沼螺(Parafossarulus striatulus)、苏氏尾鳃蚓(Branchiura sowerbyi)、霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)、多巴小摇蚊(Microchironomus tabarui)和中国长足摇蚊(Tanypus chinensis)是现阶段优势种。全湖底栖动物年均密度为174.5个/m 2,年均生物量为24.93 g/m 2,表现出明显的时空差异。水质评价结果表明,骆马湖水环境处于中污染状态。结合近年来研究结果,骆马湖底质荒漠化现象趋于好转,但富营养化趋势正在加深。  相似文献   
This paper investigates leaching of water and nutrients (NO 3, Cl, PO3‐ 4) from the unsaturated layer in an Australian soil using a multisegment percolation system (MPS). Large undisturbed soil cores were collected from a clay‐based, basaltic plain, agricultural soil at Grassmere, 300 km west of Melbourne, Australia. Significant heterogeneity (or preferential flow) of effluent moisture and solutes was detected (one‐way ANO VA, p < 0.001). Fifty percent of the applied nitrate and chloride leached from the soil core within three days after initial application. Hundred percent of the applied nitrate and chloride leached from the soil core within 8 days after application. These results indicate little incorporation into the soil matrix, and possible denitrification or mineralisation. In contrast, after 18 days, less than 1 % of the total applied phosphates leached from the soil, indicating strong adsorption. Our experiments indicate considerable heterogeneity in water flow patterns and solute leaching on a small spatial scale. Very rapid transport of nitrate and chloride through the soil was evident, in comparison phosphate leaching was negligible. These results have important implications for the management of nutrient schedules in agricultural soils, particularly those located in the Western District of Victoria, Australia.  相似文献   
Yunnan Province has many and unique natural resources and rich biodiversity. Natural reserves (NRs) play a significant role in maintaining and protecting the biodiversity and stability of ecosystems in this area. Yunnan is a typically eco-environmentally fragile area; thus positive effects of NRs are important in the construction of an ecological safety barrier for southwest China. Evaluation of the effectiveness of management of NRs has been implemented to improve management outcomes. This study provides indices to evaluate problems and management effectiveness for 60 NRs, covering national and provincial NRs of Yunnan Province. These indicate that management of NRs suffers from inadequate funding, poor infrastructure and equipment, low community participation, and a lack of government support. The indices had relatively low scores for infrastructure and equipment, ecotourism, monitoring, and evaluation, but high scores for planning and design and ownership. There were significant positive correlations between protection rank, size, age of NRs, and management effectiveness. International exchanges and collaboration would help to improve management of the NRs. NRs that straddle administrative boundaries had relatively higher scores than those within an administrative unit. Management success was not correlated with staff input, which might imply low efficiency of staff in this area. Some recommendations are offered to improve management of NRs based on analysis of management problems and identification of influencing factors.  相似文献   
分别在南通平原河网地区选择典型非圩区开展野外原位试验,用野外观测和室内分析相结合的方法,研究平原非圩区典型试验小区不同土地利用下营养盐在自然降雨—径流驱动下迁移的时空分布特征.结果表明,导致营养盐迁移时空分布存在显著差异的主要原因为不同的土地利用类型、施肥条件及植被覆盖度等,不同土地利用下的径流量差异是导致营养盐迁移通...  相似文献   
Constructed wetlands (CWs) have been successfully used for treating various wastewaters for decades and have been identified as a sustainable wastewater management option for developing countries. With the goal of promoting sustainable engineered systems that support human well-being but are also compatible with sustaining natural (environmental) systems, the application of CWs has become more relevant. Such application is especially significant for developing countries with tropical climates, which are very conducive to higher biological activity and productivity, resulting in higher treatment efficiencies compared to those in temperate climates. This paper therefore highlights the practice, applications, and research of treatment wetlands under tropical and subtropical conditions since 2000. In the present review, removal of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solid (TSS) was shown to be very efficient and consistent across all types of treatment wetlands. Hybrid systems appeared more efficient in the removal of total suspended solid (TSS) (91.3%), chemical oxygen demand (COD) (84.3%), and nitrogen (i.e., 80.7% for ammonium (NH)4-N, 80.8% for nitrate (NO)3-N, and 75.4% for total nitrogen (TN)) as compared to other wetland systems. Vertical subsurface flow (VSSF) CWs removed TSS (84.9%), BOD (87.6%), and nitrogen (i.e., 66.2% for NH4-N, 73.3% for NO3-N, and 53.3% for TN) more efficiently than horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) CWs, while HSSF CWs (69.8%) showed better total phosphorus (TP) removal compared to VSSF CWs (60.1%). Floating treatment wetlands (FTWs) showed comparable removal efficiencies for BOD (70.7%), NH4-N (63.6%), and TP (44.8%) to free water surface (FWS) CW systems.  相似文献   
Constructed wetlands(CWs) have been successfully used for treating various wastewaters for decades and have been identified as a sustainable wastewater management option for developing countries. With the goal of promoting sustainable engineered systems that support human well-being but are also compatible with sustaining natural(environmental)systems, the application of CWs has become more relevant. Such application is especially significant for developing countries with tropical climates, which are very conducive to higher biological activity and productivity, resulting in higher treatment efficiencies compared to those in temperate climates. This paper therefore highlights the practice,applications, and research of treatment wetlands under tropical and subtropical conditions since 2000. In the present review, removal of biochemical oxygen demand(BOD) and total suspended solid(TSS) was shown to be very efficient and consistent across all types of treatment wetlands. Hybrid systems appeared more efficient in the removal of total suspended solid(TSS)(91.3%), chemical oxygen demand(COD)(84.3%), and nitrogen(i.e.,80.7% for ammonium(NH)4-N, 80.8% for nitrate(NO)3-N, and 75.4% for total nitrogen(TN))as compared to other wetland systems. Vertical subsurface flow(VSSF) CWs removed TSS(84.9%), BOD(87.6%), and nitrogen(i.e., 66.2% for NH4-N, 73.3% for NO3-N, and 53.3% for TN)more efficiently than horizontal subsurface flow(HSSF) CWs, while HSSF CWs(69.8%)showed better total phosphorus(TP) removal compared to VSSF CWs(60.1%). Floating treatment wetlands(FTWs) showed comparable removal efficiencies for BOD(70.7%),NH4-N(63.6%), and TP(44.8%) to free water surface(FWS) CW systems.  相似文献   
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