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The sorption and desorption characteristics of four herbicides (diuron, fluometuron, prometryn and pyrithiobac‐sodium) in three different cotton growing soils of Australia was investigated. Kinetics and equilibrium sorption and desorption isotherms were determined using the batch equilibrium technique. Sorption was rapid (> 80% in 2 h) and sorption equilibrium was achieved within a short period of time (ca 4 h) for all herbicides. Sorption isotherms of the four herbicides were described by Freundlich equation with an r2 value > 0.98. The herbicide sorption as measured by the distribution coefficient (Kd) values ranged from 3.24 to 5.71 L/kg for diuron, 0.44 to 1.13 L/kg for fluometuron, 1.78 to 6.04 L/kg for prometryn and 0.22 to 0.59 L/kg for pyrithiobac‐sodium. Sorption of herbicides was higher in the Moree soil than in Narrabri and Wee Waa soils. When the Kd values were normalised to organic carbon content of the soils (KoC), it suggested that the affinity of the herbicides to the organic carbon increased in the order: pyrithiobac‐sodium < fluometuron < prometryn < diuron. The desorption isotherms were also adequately described by the Freundlich equation. For desorption, all herbicides exhibited hysteresis and the hysteresis was stronger for highly sorbed herbicides (diuron and prometryn) than the weakly sorbed herbicides (fluometuron and pyrithiobac‐sodium). Hysteresis was also quantified as the percentage of sorbed herbicides which is not released during the desorption step ω = [nad / nde ‐1] x 100). Soil type and initial concentration had significant effect on ω. The effect of sorption and desorption properties of these four herbicides on the off‐site transport to contaminate surface and groundwater are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
During the winters of 1978–79 and 1979–80, a 500-kV electrical transmission right-of-way (r-o-w) was constructed across the Red Lake Peatland in northwestern Minnesota, the largest contiguous peatland in the lower 48 states of the USA. Immediately before, and for two years following construction, vascular vegetation was monitored within the r-o-w and in undisturbed control areas. Monitoring was carried out in five vegetation types: a thicket swamp, a low shrub bog, a graminoid fen, a treed bog, and a treed fen. Evaluation of construction impacts was based on vegetation structure, irrespective of species composition, and on community composition (species data for low shrubs and herbs). Construction eliminated trees from the r-o-w. Vegetation structure, excluding trees, was markedly altered in the two bog types and the treed fen type in the first postconstruction growing season. By the second season, measurable recovery to control levels had begun. The sample plots were placed into a previously developed vegetation classification system for the Red Lake Peatland, on the basis of herbs and low shrubs. There was a shift in composition in the low shrub bog and in the treed vegetation types following construction. Results of both methods of data analysis were consistent. Major vegetation changes following construction occurred in the low shrub bog and treed types. The open, low-stature fen types showed almost no changes related to construction. Even in the affected types, all vegetation strata except trees were returning to their preconstruction status by the second growing season following construction.  相似文献   
Settled dust has been collected inside the main foyers ofthree University buildings in Wolverhampton City Centre,U.K. Two of the three buildings are located in a streetcanyon used almost exclusively by heavy duty dieselvehicles. The dust was collected on adhesive carbonspectro-tabs to be in a form suitable for analysis byscanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-rayanalysis. Using these analytical techniques, individualparticle analysis was undertaken for morphology andchemistry. Seasonal variations and variations due tolocation were observed in both the morphologicalmeasurements and chemical analysis. Many of the differencesappear attributable to the influence of road traffic, inparticular, the heavy duty diesel vehicles, travellingalong the street canyon.  相似文献   
A study of the impact of two agroecological development programs in central America was conducted in 1994, five years and fifteen years after the programmes had ended. Yields of maize and beans being achieved by those farmers involved in each program were, on the average, more than seven times the yields being achieved at the time of program initiation. Increases in yields and incomes were achieved through the use of a large number of innovations, involving especially soil retention measures, purchased organic matter, intercropped green manure/cover crops, natural pest control, crop diversification and crop rotations. Use of chemical fertilizer was reduced, herbicides avoided almost entirely, and several substitutes for pesticides are now used. These technologies, plus more recent innovations such as microscale water harvesting and precision planting, should enable small farmers around the world to increase productivity enough that the world can avoid major hunger over the next 30 years, without increasing substantially, if at all, the world's use of chemical inputs.  相似文献   
质量保证与质量拉制是水质自动监测中十分重要的技术工作和管理工作,包括人员素质、运行与管理机制、试剂与标准溶液的配制及文件记录等。在实际工作中,监测人员可根据仪器的运行状况,定期对仪器进行校准、标准溶液的棱查、比对实验验证及试剂有效性检查,用以检查仪器的基线飘移情况。如果分析中出现一个异常值,它的前后均为正常值,这种数值大多是由仪器的进样、仪器内部试剂传输等原因所致,如果发生原因不明的数据异常,就要及时检查系统的各个环节并采集实际水样进行人工分析,直至查清原因,剔除异常值,并在周报中加以说明,以确保上报数据的准确性、精密性和可比性。  相似文献   
陈雪霜  江韬  卢松  白薇扬  张成  王定勇  魏世强 《环境科学》2016,37(11):4168-4178
为进一步了解水库型湖泊溶解性有机质(DOM)的地球化学特征,本文以三峡库区典型内陆水库型湖泊——长寿湖为研究对象,利用紫外-可见和三维荧光光谱,并结合湖区周边生态系统分析,讨论了长寿湖水体中CDOM的组成、来源和空间分布特征.结果表明,长寿湖不同采样点DOM浓度(DOC和CDOM)存在一定程度的空间分布差异,但各点FDOM分布较为稳定.回水区出现DOM累积,由于受陆源输入影响有限,水体内源活动主导,具有较明显"内源控制"特征,芳香性和分子量相对较低;而周边陆地以人工林兼旅游开发为主的采样点,陆源输入在带入较多腐殖化(高芳香性)组分的同时,人为活动排放也是导致其类蛋白组分丰富的重要原因;入湖区尽管周边果林和居民生活对水体DOM有一定影响,但上游河流输入的影响也不容忽视.另外,各采样点也出现了不受周边生态系统影响的独立的相关性特征,例如芳香性特征常数(SUVA280)和光谱斜率[S(275~295)]显著负相关、CDOM和FDOM极显著正相关、CDOM和S(275~295)负相关等.同时,长寿湖水体中CDOM的生色团主要由具有芳香性结构的大分子组分构成;至少51%的CDOM波动可以通过FDOM变化来进行解释,其中回水区荧光组分对CDOM变动的影响最为明显.在采用传统FI值无法区分DOM来源差异性时,结合采样点沿岸生态系统,综合紫外-可见和荧光光谱特征,有助于对DOM组成及来源进行解析.  相似文献   
利用磷吸附指数(PSI)、磷吸附饱和度(DPS)和磷释放风险指数(ERI)研究了2016年10月和2017年5月海州湾表层沉积物的磷吸附容量及潜在释放风险.结果显示,2016年秋季PSI变化范围为99.58~199.39[mgP/(100g)]/[μmol/L],DPS变化范围为23.118%~34.289%;2017年夏季PSI变化范围是130.29~198.57[mgP/(100g)]/[μmol/L],DPS变化范围为25.545%~42.135%,两次调查中PSI和DPS均表现出相反的平面分布趋势.PSI和Alox、Feox呈显著正相关,说明Feox和Alox是影响海州湾表层沉积物吸附磷的主要因素,且Feox占主导作用;DPS与Alox和Feox分别表现出了显著负相关性和极显著负相关性,说明Alox和Feox含量的增大会降低表层沉积物的磷吸附饱和度.2016年10月磷释放风险指数(ERI)的变化范围为11.59%~34.18%,2017年5月磷释放风险指数(ERI)的变化范围为12.86%~32.34%,从2次调查结果整体来看,海州湾表层沉积物的磷释放风险为中度风险.  相似文献   
The causes of species rarity are of critical concern because of the high extinction risk associated with rarity. Studies examining individual rare species have limited generality, whereas trait‐based approaches offer a means to identify functional causes of rarity that can be applied to communities with disparate species pools. Differences in functional traits between rare and common species may be indicative of the functional causes of species rarity and may therefore be useful in crafting species conservation strategies. However, there is a conspicuous lack of studies comparing the functional traits of rare species and co‐occurring common species. We measured 18 important functional traits for 19 rare and 134 common understory plant species from North Carolina's Sandhills region and compared their trait distributions to determine whether there are significant functional differences that may explain species rarity. Flowering, fire, and tissue‐chemistry traits differed significantly between rare and common, co‐occurring species. Differences in specific traits suggest that fire suppression has driven rarity in this system and that changes to the timing and severity of prescribed fire may improve conservation success. Our method provides a useful tool to prioritize conservation efforts in other systems based on the likelihood that rare species are functionally capable of persisting.  相似文献   
生物炭对土壤水肥热效应的影响试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过野外大田小区试验以番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)为供试作物,通过在土壤中施加不同含量生物炭(Biochar)研究生物炭对土壤含水率、有机碳、速效养分含量和土壤温度的影响,从而寻求一个较为合适的施用量,为生物炭在内蒙古地区的大面积推广提供科学的理论依据。试验共设5个处理,3个重复:不施加生物炭(CK),生物炭使用量分别为10 t·hm^-2(A),20 t·hm^-2(B),40 t·hm^-2(C),60 t·hm^-2(D),在各生育期取土样测定土壤含水率、有机碳、速效养分含量,并在各生育期连续3天测定土壤地表温度。试验结果表明:不同处理下土壤含水率随生物炭施用量增加呈先增加后减小的趋势,且均高于对照组,其中施炭量为40 t·hm^-2处理的土壤含水率增幅最明显,0~10 cm土层各生育期土壤含水率较对照组最大增幅分别为20.8%、13.7%、21.8%,10~20 cm土层各生育期土壤含水率较对照组最大增幅分别为33.9%、17.1%、21.3%;不同处理下土壤温度随着生物炭施用量的增加而升高,两者具有显著的正相关关系,各生育期各处理土壤地表温度较对照组最大增幅分别为58.1%、31.3%、55.8%;不同处理土壤有机碳含量随着生物炭施用量的增加而增大,番茄各生育期各处理土壤有机碳含量较对照组最大增幅分别为80.9%、62.7%、63.9%;不同处理土壤中碱解氮、速效钾、速效磷含量均随生物炭施用量的增加而呈现先增大后减小的趋势,且均大于对照组,各生育期各处理土壤碱解氮较对照组最大增幅分别为92.7%、45.7%、106.5%,速效磷最大增幅分别为120.1%、39.3%、250.4%,速效钾最大增幅分别为86.2%、118.5%、203.4%。综上所述,生物炭对于砂壤土具有保水、保肥、保温的特性,对于提高土壤水肥利用效率,增加土壤有机碳具有重要的作用,而且通过试验验证40 t·hm^-2的施?  相似文献   
安显金  李维 《地球与环境》2019,47(5):707-716
土壤有机碳是控制土壤中多环芳烃的吸附解吸及其生物有效性的主要因素之一,土壤中硬碳类吸附剂是土壤有机碳中的重要部分,土壤中软碳类物质和硬碳类物质的相互作用对研究土壤中多环芳烃的解吸行为和生物有效性有重要影响。研究将溶解有机质胡敏酸,通过条件的变化使其转变为非溶解态,研究其对土壤碳质吸附剂(胡敏素和黑碳)吸附多环芳烃的解吸行为的影响。研究结果表明:非溶解态胡敏酸会显著降低土壤硬碳类物质中多环芳烃的解吸能力,解吸滞后性增加,作者认为非溶解态胡敏酸的添加会覆盖土壤硬碳类物质的表面吸附位点和填充吸附多环芳烃的孔隙,造成硬碳类有机质中的多环芳烃解吸能力下降,滞后性增强。研究还发现硬碳类有机质的比表面积和孔隙度和解吸能力的变化强度呈正相关关系。  相似文献   
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