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Norfloxacin (NOR), an ionizable antibiotic frequently used in the aquaculture industry, has aroused public concern due to its persistence, bacterial resistance, and environmental ubiquity. Therefore, we investigated the photolysis of different species of NOR and the impact of a ubiquitous component of natural water — dissolved organic matter (DOM), which has a special photochemical activity and normally acts as a sensitizer or inhibiter in the photolysis of diverse organics; furthermore, scavenging experiments combined with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) were performed to evaluate the transformation of NOR in water. The results demonstated that NOR underwent direct photolysis and self-sensitized photolysis via hydroxyl radical (·OH) and singlet oxygen (1O2) based on the scavenging experiments. In addition, DOM was found to influence the photolysis of different NOR species, and its impact was related to the concentration of DOM and type of NOR species. Photolysis of cationic NOR was photosensitized by DOM at low concentration, while zwitterionic and anionic NOR were photoinhibited by DOM, where quenching of UOH predominated according to EPR experiments, accompanied by possible participation of excited triplet-state NOR and 1O2. Photo-intermediate identification of different NOR species in solutions with/without DOM indicated that NOR underwent different photodegradation pathways including dechlorination, cleavage of the piperazine side chain and photooxidation, and DOM had little impact on the distribution but influenced the concentration evolution of photolysis intermediates. The results implied that for accurate ecological risk assessment of emerging ionizable pollutants, the impact of DOM on the environmental photochemical behavior of all dissociated species should not be ignored.  相似文献   
吴健  高松  陈曦  杨勇  伏晴艳  车祥  焦正 《环境科学》2020,41(4):1582-1588
采用不锈钢采样罐对华东地区8家涂料制造企业生产车间排口进行采集,运用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)测定了106种VOCs组分,识别了VOCs排放特征,建立了溶剂型涂料和水性涂料VOCs排放成分谱,分析了VOCs对臭氧生成的贡献.结果表明,涂料制造行业VOCs特征组分主要为芳香烃和含氧烃,两者浓度范围在65.5%~99.9%,溶剂型涂料VOCs排放主要以芳香烃为主,占总VOCs的63.0%~94.0%;水性涂料VOCs排放主要以含氧烃为主,占总VOCs的54.5%~99.9%.间/对-二甲苯(32.4%)、乙苯(19.0%)和乙酸乙酯(12.1%)为溶剂型涂料源排放特征,乙酸乙酯(83.7%)与2-丁酮(8.0%)为水性涂料源排放特征.芳香烃和含氧烃是涂料制造行业的主要活性组分,对臭氧生成潜势(OFP)的总贡献率在92.9%~99.9%之间.源反应活性分析(SR)表明,水性涂料单位质量VOCs对臭氧的生成贡献低于溶剂型涂料,因此可显著降低臭氧的生成潜势.研究显示,针对涂料制造行业VOCs污染治理,应重点关注芳香烃和含氧烃中对臭氧生成潜势贡献较大的VOCs组分,进行源头和精细化控制.  相似文献   
利用2017年四川盆地18个城市PM2.5小时浓度数据、欧洲气象中心ERA-Interim再分析资料对四川盆地污染特征及不同季节近地面风场特征进行统计分析.通过分异指数和相关性分析各城市PM2.5逐小时浓度,结合近地面风场特征分析出四川盆地污染物变化趋势最相似的城市组合,探索污染物传输特征.研究发现,分异指数和相关性分析得到的传输通道城市组合与地面风场基本相符.四川盆地污染物输送途径可能包括以下3条路径,第1条\"川西通道\":污染物随气流沿广元→绵阳东南部→德阳→成都、眉山北部→雅安流动;第2条\"川中通道\":污染物随气流沿巴中→南充北部→遂宁北部、绵阳东南部→资阳北部→眉山东部→乐山北部流动;第3条\"川东通道\":污染物随气流沿重庆北部→达州、广安→南充南部→遂宁中部→资阳东部→内江、自贡→宜宾、泸州流动.川西通道城市污染排放量大,容易引起连片污染,对应城市群应实施联防联控;川东通道末端在川南城市群和重庆形成风场辐合,造成污染物的滞留和累积,因此,建议在中长期产业布局中减少川南城市群的重污染企业.  相似文献   
中国集成电路制造行业VOCs排放特征及控制对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
中国电子信息产业发展迅速,集成电路等电子器件产量不断增加.在集成电路制造的过程中,大量有机溶剂的使用导致VOCs的产生和排放,从而对大气环境造成影响.为掌握集成电路制造行业VOCs的排放特征,系统分析了其工艺流程和产排污环节,分析了行业废气收集和治理现状,通过对典型企业VOCs的排放监测,获得VOCs排放水平;采用排放...  相似文献   
为研究成都市城区大气VOCs季节变化特征,本研究在2018年12月至2019年11月对VOCs组分进行监测,并对VOCs的浓度水平、各化学组成、化学反应活性和来源进行分析.结果表明,成都市城区春、夏、秋和冬季VOCs的平均体积分数分别为32.29×10-9、 36.25×10-9、 40.92×10-9和49.48×10-9,冬季的浓度明显高于其他季节,春季和夏季的浓度水平相差不大,各季节VOCs的组分浓度水平有所差异,冬季烷烃占总VOCs的比例最大,可能受机动车排放的影响较明显;夏季和秋季含氧(氮)挥发性有机物占比远高于春、冬季,一次源的挥发排放和二次转化的生成贡献较大;成都市城区不同季节大气中VOCs平均浓度排名靠前的关键组分基本无变化,主要是C2~C4的烷烃、乙烯、乙炔及二氯甲烷等,可能受机动车尾气、油气挥发、溶剂使用和LPG燃料等影响明显,夏季丙酮以及乙酸乙酯等含氧有机物浓度贡献突出;根据·OH消耗速率和OFP计算可知关键活性物种主要为间/对-二甲...  相似文献   
This research aimed to evaluate the alga Scenedesmus obliquus toxicity induced by textiledyeing effluents(TDE).The toxicity indicator of TDE in alga at the physiological(algal growyth),biochemical(chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) synthesis and superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity) and structural(cell membrane integrity) level were investigated.Then we further study the relationship among toxicity indicators at physiological and biochemical level,and supplemented by research on algal biomacromolecules.Accordin...  相似文献   
高浓度有机废水厌氧膜生物工艺处理的中试研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
高浓度有机废水ADUF工艺处理的中试研究结果表明,(1)厌氧池污泥SRT为50d时,不仅COD去除率高,膜水通量也更稳定;(2)pH值宜采用在线控制为7.0,温度则应在材质允许范围内尽可能高些(本实验中为39℃);(3)污泥负荷在1.0-3.5kg/(kg·d)之间时,污泥负荷对ADUF工艺的运行效果没有影响.  相似文献   
己二胺有机废液在流化床中焚烧的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在实验室规模的热态流化床试验台上,进行了含5%己二胺有机废液的焚烧实验研究.在700-900℃范围内,研究温度及空气过剩系数对NOx沿床高的变化规律,以及它们对NOx排放浓度的影响.实验结果表明,沿高度方向上NOx浓度逐渐降低,并且存在NO2浓度大于NO浓度这一有趣现象.在900℃下氧量增加有利于密相区NO、NO2浓度的降低,说明在有氧条件下NH2促进NOx的还原,在不同空气  相似文献   
Utilization of industrial waste and surplus construction soft clay as construction material was recommended, and many attempts at geotechnical waste utilization were undertaken. This study aimed at the application of cement and a kind of industrial wastes, i.e. granulated blast furnace slag, on stabilization of surplus soft clay. The results showed that the cement and slag can successfully stabilize Ariake clays even though this high organic clay fails to be stabilized by lime and cement. Addition of slag in cement for stabilization induces higher strength than cement alone for longer curing time. The application of the cement with slag is more suitable than cement alone for stabilization because of economical consideration.  相似文献   
有机微污染源水生物预处理微生物菌种的分离筛选   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
以黄浦江为被处理源水 ,分别从染料化工厂二级生化处理厂和生活污水处理厂取得活性污泥 ,经驯化、分离 ,以对源水中TOC降解率为主要指标筛选得到 9个菌种 ,分别编号为 TD1~ 9.经测试这 9株菌对源水中 20 mg/L的 TOC具有 50 %左右的去除率 ;经初步分类鉴定 ,其中菌 TD1为芽孢杆菌属 ,TD2、3、7、8为放线菌目 ,TD4、5、6、9为假单胞菌属 .  相似文献   
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