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通过对完达山地区进行长期调查发展,该地区共有药用植物资源80科224种,并以植物分类学进行了统计,提出了合理开发利用药用植物的建议,为研究和合理利用完达山地区药用植物资源提供了基础材料。  相似文献   
燃煤电厂烟气氮氧化物排放控制技术发展现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在广泛查阅文献的基础上,对近年来国内外已成功应用和正在研究开发的一些主要的燃煤烟气氮氧化物控制技术进行了介绍。结合我国目前脱硝行业整体水平和国家环保政策要求,对我国脱硝行业技术研发方向提出了建议。  相似文献   
燃煤电厂烟尘超低排放技术措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对越来越严格的环保要求,介绍了原有的除尘技术,并对除尘器新技术改造方案进行了说明,其中重点对电袋复合代替静电除尘技术、在静电除尘器中增置旋转电极、更改工频电源为高频电源、在电除尘器前加装低温换热器、脱硫后增加湿式电除尘器技术等方案进行比较分析。为了达到超低排放要求,对不同的烟尘超低排放实践工艺进行了说明,并结合东部沿海地区可再生能源发展空间有限的实际情况,提出加快推广超低排放技术在现有燃煤电厂的应用,实现传统煤电产业和环保产业的转型升级。  相似文献   
The purpose of the present research is to collect information about accidents and incidents that have occurred at fuel ethanol facilities from 1998 to October 2014, and to keep complete unified records of them in a database. The developed database contains general information about the accident or incident, its sequence, mitigation measures, its causes and consequences for humans, environment and for the plant. Until now, this information is not available. The work consisted in gathering information from different documental sources and subsequent organization in a database. It complements the previous work made for biodiesel industry and fills the existing gap in the field of ethanol. Knowledge about this information enables us to manage plant risks, since the accidents that are more likely to occur and the main sources of risk can be easily identified. Also, it makes it possible to exchange information with interested third parties. Statistical analysis shows that accident frequency has an oscillatory behavior, rising in the last year. Fire is the most common type of accident, while equipment mechanical failure is the main cause of accident. Partial material loss has been identified as the most common consequence. Finally, some conclusions are obtained concerning to the importance of having an updated and complete accident and incident database.  相似文献   
Our study sought to assess how much phosphorus (P) runoff from paddy fields could be cut down by fertilizer management and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. A field experiment was conducted in Lalin River basin, in the northeast China: six nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium fertilizer levels were provided (0, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% of the recommended fertilizer supply), with or without inoculation with Glomus mosseae. The volume and concentrations of particle P (PP) and dissolved P (DP) were measured for each runoff during the rice growing season. It was found that the seasonal P runoff, including DP and PP, under the local fertilization was 3.7 kg/ha, with PP, rather than DP, being the main form of P in runoff water. Additionally, the seasonal P runoff dropped only by 8.9% when fertilization decreased by 20%; rice yields decreased with declining fertilization. We also found that inoculation increased rice yields and decreased P runoff at each fertilizer level and these effects were lower under higher fertilization. Conclusively, while rice yields were guaranteed arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and fertilizer management would play a key role in reducing P runoff from paddy fields.  相似文献   
天津塘沽作为滨海新区核心区,是目前天津发展最快的地区之一。由于本区盐碱土壤等自然条件,污水中盐分含量较高,制约了废水的回用。本文通过模拟人工湿地实验,比较了芦苇(Phragmites australis)、盐地碱篷(Suaeda salsa)、碱蒿(Artemisia anethifo原lia)、黄花鸢尾(Iris wilsonii)、盐角草(Salicornia europaea)和大米草(Spartina anglica)等耐盐植物对轻污染水体中高浓度氯离子的去除能力,筛选出去除能力较强的植物,并确定植物对盐分去除率达到最大时的生态系统条件。结果表明,适合人工湿地的耐盐碱植物对氯离子的去除效果依次为:芦苇>盐地碱篷>碱蒿>黄花鸢尾>盐角草>大米草,停留时间一般在第4d时可达到平衡。该研究为利用人工湿地处理高盐废水提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
采用原位移地技术,研究了不同区域气候条件影响下,纳帕海4种常见湿地植物的株高、茎粗、生物量等生长特性,以及叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量、叶绿素a/b值、光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)、电子传递速率(ETR)、实际光化学量子效率(Phips2)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)、非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)等生理生化指标,分析探讨了湿地植物对不同区域气候条件的响应差异和适应策略。研究发现气候条件的改变对湿地植物的生长、叶绿素含量及荧光参数产生重要影响。随着温度的上升,水葱Scirpus tabernaemontani和茭草两种广布种Zizania caduciflora均表现出良好的适应性,生物量、叶绿素含量、Fv/Fm、ETR、Phips2、qP值不同程度升高,生长状况良好。刘氏荸荠Heleocharis liouana也表现出较好的适应性,当气温上升到一定程度后,虽然Fv/Fm、ETR、Phips2、qP值降低,但其通过调节叶绿素含量、热耗散来减轻伤害,气候变化对其生长的影响较小。而北温带分布型的黑三棱Rhizoma scirpi yagarae对气候变化的适应性较差,当温度上升到一定程度后, Fv/Fm、ETR、Phips2、qP、NPQ都出现大幅下降,生长停滞,生物量下降,对温度上升极为敏感。可以推测,随着全球变暖,像黑三棱这样的物种,其生存将面临极大的威胁,而高原湿地生态功也将能受到损害。  相似文献   
During a survey of tropospheric ozone pollution carried out using tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cv. Bel-W3, ozone- supersensitive, and cv. Bel-B, ozone-resistant, as bioindicators, the effectiveness of the traditional biomonitoring method, based on the use of adult plants, was compared with an innovative miniaturized kit of seedlings. The ratio of foliar and cotyledonar necrosis, respectively, was estimated as ozone injury rate. The miniaturized kit proved to be advantageous, since seedlings need only easy growth procedures and a large number of individuals can be placed in a small space, supplying good data amounts for statistical elaboration. Moreover, correlation studies among cotyledonar and foliar injury index and ozone levels monitored through physico-chemical measurements and results of analysis of variance tests highlighted the high sensitivity of the innovative methodology.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Important questions in conservation biology and ecology include whether species diversities of different groups of organisms are correlated and, in particular, whether plant diversity influences animal diversity. I used correlation and partial regression analyses to examine the relationships between species richness of vascular plants and four major groups of terrestrial vertebrates (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and birds) in 28 provinces in China. Species richness data were obtained from the literature. Environmental variables included normalized difference vegetation index, mean January temperature, mean annual temperature, annual precipitation, May through August precipitation, actual evapotranspiration, potential evapotranspiration, and elevation range. Species richness was strongly and positively correlated among the five groups of organisms. Plant richness was correlated with animal richness more strongly than the richness of different animal groups correlated with each other except for reptile richness, which had a slightly higher correlation with amphibian richness than with plant richness. Plant richness uniquely explained 41 times more variance in the species richness of the four vertebrate groups combined than environmental variables uniquely did, suggesting that plant richness influences terrestrial vertebrate richness at the regional scale examined. Because of strong correlations between the diversity of vascular plants and vertebrates, the diversity of vascular plants may be used as a surrogate for the diversity of terrestrial animals in China. My results have implications for selection of areas to be protected at both regional and local scales.  相似文献   
采用人工模拟熏气法,研究了36种广州市园林绿化植物对SO2和NO2气体吸收净化能力,以系统聚类分析方法为依据,将参试植物的吸收净化能力划分为强性、较强、中等、较弱及弱5个等级。结果显示,在不同SO2质量浓度(0.259和0.448 mg.m-3)环境下,黄槐、鸡冠刺桐、红花银桦、木棉、红千层、大花紫薇、复羽叶栾树吸收SO2能力具有强或较强的能力,而罗汉松、竹柏、深山含笑、乐昌含笑、观光木、樟树、阴香、双翼豆、印度紫檀、大花五桠果、长芒杜英、五月茶、海南蒲桃、芒果、海南红豆、糖胶树和幌伞枫吸收SO2能力表现为较弱或弱;在NO2质量浓度(0.149和0.428 mg.m-3)环境下,黄槐、黄葛榕、红花银桦、红千层、麻楝、复羽叶栾树、大花紫薇和小叶榄仁吸收净化NO2能力为较强或强,而深山含笑、五月茶、芒果、海南红豆、糖胶树和桂花叶片对NO2吸收能力表现为较弱或弱。在不同SO2和NO2浓度环境下,黄槐、红花银桦、红千层、复羽叶栾树和大花紫薇叶片对SO2和NO2吸收净化能力表现为强或较强,而深山含笑、五月茶、芒果、海南红豆、糖胶树叶片对SO2和NO2吸收净化能力为较弱或弱。研究结果为珠三角城市功能型园林植物选择和广东生态景观林带建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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