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为考察不同物理化学环境对采空区煤层封存电厂烟气中CO2的影响,利用自行研制的煤大样量吸附装置,对常温常压条件下吸附体系中N2、SO2、H2O及pH影响CO2吸附的规律进行了实验研究。结果表明,改变物理化学环境可使CO2的吸附量发生变化,由于吸附亲和性差异和竞争吸附作用,N2使CO2的吸附量降低1.4%~2.1%,SO2气体使CO2吸附量降低2.3%~3.3%,煤中水分使CO2吸附量降低2.8%~3.7%;通过对煤样进行酸洗和碱洗处理发现,pH增大或减小后煤样对CO2的吸附量可增加1.5%~3.8%,并且pH减小时煤样对CO2的吸附量明显大于pH增大时煤样对CO2的吸附量。这一结果为增大CO2气体的封存量提供理论依据。  相似文献   
渤海辽东湾附近海域在严寒季节海冰分布广泛,核电厂向受纳海域排放的温排水带有大量乏热,将导致海域内水温升高而引起海冰融化。某核电厂址西侧海域有一斑海豹国家自然保护区,电厂温排水及其融冰效应可能影响斑海豹的生存、繁殖环境。文章根据核电厂温排水融冰模型对其融冰量的预测和环境影响分析,表明了电厂温排水对斑海豹保护区的影响是在较小范围内的。  相似文献   
在含有残留油品的受限空间内作业时,易发生油气燃爆事故。利用两性离子型氟碳表面活性剂组分制备了具有低表面张力的抑爆剂溶液,能够在易挥发烃类液体表面自由铺展成液膜,从而对烃类液体形成液封,抑制油气挥发。利用超细雾化装置,能够将抑爆剂溶液雾化形成液体气溶胶,气力输送至受限空间内。实验验证了受限空间内液体气溶胶中的微小液滴能够沉积在残留油品的表面形成液封,同时液滴和液膜的气液界面能够吸收空间内的油气分子,从而降低空间内的油气浓度。研究证明,利用抑爆剂液体气溶胶混合物来置换含残留油品受限空间内的油气,能够将受限空间内的油气浓度长久维持在10%LEL(Lower Explosion Limit)以下,降低空间内油气燃爆风险。  相似文献   
为评估不同气源压缩气体泡沫扑救浮顶罐密封圈火灾的有效性,通过足尺灭火试验,研究不同工况下压缩气体泡沫对浮顶罐密封圈火灾的灭火性能以及气源类型、挡雨板遮挡对灭火的影响。结果表明:在泡沫溶液供给强度为5 L/(min·m2)条件下,压缩氮气泡沫和压缩空气泡沫均可快速有效扑灭典型浮顶罐密封圈火灾,且灭火后不发生复燃;密封圈挡雨板对泡沫施加和灭火均有较大影响,不利于快速灭火;无论是否设置挡雨板,压缩氮气泡沫的灭火性能均比压缩空气泡沫略有提升,实际工程中有氮气源的场所建议直接采用已有供氮设备作为气源。研究结果对压缩气体泡沫系统工程设计以及在大型浮顶罐工程中的应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   
As the topmost predator in Antarctica, the seal is a unique indicator of Antarctic environment and climate changes. In this study, we collected a sediment core from the Fildes Peninsula of West Antarctica, and used cholesterol, cholestanol, epicoprostanol, coprostanol, and seal hair numbers as the proxy indicators of seal population size and phytol as of general vegetation, and we reconstructed the 20th century history of variation of the seal population and vegetation abundance on this island. The sealing industry in the early 20th century caused the dramatic decline of seal population, and the ban of seal hunting since the 1960s led to its recovery of seal population. The seal population during the past century was primarily controlled by human activities and krill density. The reconstructed relation between seal population and vegetation abundance may oifer new insights into Antarctic environment and ecology.  相似文献   
呼吸防护用品符合人的形态与生理特征,才能保证其防护效果和舒适性。笔者从人体的面部形态与生理机能角度,分析了呼吸防护用品与人体的适配性,系统提出密合性、呼吸阻力、死腔、视野等呼吸防护用品的人机工效学问题。该论文取得的成果,对进一步丰富呼吸防护用品人机工效学研究内容,指导呼吸防护用品的设计与生产,提升我国呼吸防护用品的防护效果与核心竞争力,以期发挥积极的推动作用。  相似文献   
综述了先进增强结构在航空装备应用过程中的腐蚀防护。结合先进增强结构金属-复合两种异种材料胶接结构形式,在先进增强结构腐蚀防护国内外研究基础上,从胶接技术、腐蚀防护体系设计、防腐蚀密封设计及试验验证等技术方面综述了先进增强结构腐蚀防护研究方向,目的在于加强腐蚀环境下先进增强结构的腐蚀防护探索研究,提高结构防腐蚀性能,加快工程化应用程度。  相似文献   
后勤车辆装备封存管理与实施研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
装备封存具有显著的军事经济效益,是装备管理的重要内容。根据我军后勤装备建设的特点和新时期军事斗争准备要求,对装备封存管理理论与技术方法进行了探讨。针对封存标准化、规范化管理中的不足,提出了4条封存原则。研究了封存准备、封存实施和封存检查等内容。  相似文献   
膨胀压力和静密封泄漏是液化气罐区两大不安全因素,介绍了消除膨胀压力和控制静密封泄漏、稀释泄漏浓度、抢险堵漏的方法和注意事项。  相似文献   
We conducted a 6-year longitudinal behavioral and genetic investigation of a highly polygynous pinniped, the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus), to determine the contribution of terrestrial polygyny to male fertilization success and to assess the occurrence of alternative mating strategies. Genetic samples from 37 adult males, 50 adult females, and 85 pups were collected and genotyped using five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Pup paternity was assigned using Cervus 2.0 at 99% confidence level. Paternity of 83 pups (98%) was assigned to terrestrial males who held territories or stayed temporarily in the study area during the breeding season when fertilization occurred. For 56 pups of which attendance records of their mothers were available, paternity of 45 pups (80%) was assigned to the associate males in whose territory their mothers stayed during the perioestrus period. In addition to defending breeding territories, territorial males have often been observed attempting to forcibly abduct adult females from adjacent territories (female stealing): We observed a total of 95 such cases, in which the stealers had significantly fewer females than the territorial males from whose territories they stole females. Our results indicate that terrestrial resource-defense polygyny is the major mating system in this species and that nonassociated paternity occurs mostly as a result of alternative mating strategies of less successful males. Male northern fur seals thus appear to adopt conditional alternative strategies that depend on their current social status to maximize their life-time reproductive success.  相似文献   
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