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谷昌坝疏浚工程与松华坝水库水质保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王志飞 《云南环境科学》2001,20(4):10-12,35
谷昌坝水库对松华坝水库起前置库作用,可拦截入库泥沙的92.4%,入库总氮的39.2%和入库总磷的83.5%。以每年疏浚清淤10万方计,除清走当年新入库泥沙和部分沉积泥沙外,还可清除颗粒态氮126吨和颗粒态磷144吨,对保护松华坝水库水质起到重要作用 。  相似文献   
Ficussur (Moraceae) is an indigenous medicinal plant with a wide distribution in Africa. In this study, the nutritional potential fruit of this indigenous plant to meet domestic food demands and reduce food insecurity in KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa, was investigated. The proximate composition and concentrations of metals in the edible fruits collected from eight different sites in KwaZulu-Natal were determined to assess for nutritional value and the concentrations of metals in the growth soil was determined to evaluate the impact of soil quality on elemental uptake. The fruits contained high levels of moisture (88.8%) and carbohydrates (65.6%). The concentrations of elements in the fruits were found to be in decreasing order of Ca>Mg >Fe >Zn>Cu >Mn> Se with low levels of toxic metals (As, Cd, Co and Pb). This study shows that the consumption of the fruits of F. sur can contribute positively to the nutritional needs of rural communities in South Africa for most essential nutrients without posing the risk of adverse health effects.  相似文献   
长江上游沿江产业带是一个资源富集,开发潜力巨大的区域,既是长江产业带的重要组成部分,也是西南地区经济发展的重心地带。区域经济的快速发展有赖于区域产业结构的有序演进。本文在分析长江上游沿江产业带产业结构演进背景-产业基础,经济基础,资源基础和宏观环境的基础上,根据国外产业结构演进手一般经验,对本区产业结构演进的历史进程和目前所处阶段进行了分析和判定。  相似文献   
岷江上游崩塌滑坡分布规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岷江为长江—级支流,上游长330km,自1986年以来,发生崩塌滑坡200余处,体积约2.1亿m ̄3。作者研究了岷江上游崩塌滑坡的分布规律。采用统计指标法,将岷江上游分为三种不同的崩塌滑坡分布密度区:①UXS.高密度区;②MXS,中密度区;③LXS_3低密度区。  相似文献   
The field of oil spill cost modelling is not as well explored as desirable. Generally speaking, the existing models have either low accuracy, in that their predictions are far from the real cost, or low applicability, in that they are only valid under very specific conditions; such as in one particular country. This work strives to construct a model that is functional in a global scope and still possess a high level of accuracy. The resulting attempt is in many ways superior to the publicly available competitors, not only because of its predictive capacity but also because the model is quick to use, and its input variables should be readily available to any informed user. The model is more accurate comparing with similar available models. However, further study is needed to modify it to obtain more realistic results.  相似文献   
利用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定水、土壤和植物中除草剂异丙隆的残留量.采用LC-18固相萃取小柱分离、净化和富集水中异丙隆残留;利用丙酮/水(体积比为3:1)振荡提取土壤中的异丙隆残留,并通过硅胶柱层析净化、分离;以乙酸乙酯为提取剂,采用超声波提取植物样品中的异丙隆残留,并用Florisil固相萃取小柱净化、分离.利用HPLC-UVD(Ultraviolet Detector,紫外检测器)定性、定量测定水、土壤和植物样品中异丙隆残留量.结果表明,异丙隆HPLC的线性检测范围为0.1~16 mg/L,决定系数\%R2\%=0.999 9,最低检测浓度为0.012 mg/L.水的加标回收率为90.7%~91.1%,相对标准偏差为3.0%~12.0%;土壤的加标回收率为88.4%~97.4%,相对标准偏差为6.9%~9.8%;植物的加标回收率为94.4%~99.9%,相对标准偏差为4.6%~9.0%.研究为异丙隆残留的检测提供了一种有效方法.  相似文献   
会计信息质量问题是我国资本市场健康发展的重要因素之一,但信息的不真实在上市公司中一直存在,其原因是多方面的.投资者需要真实相关的会计信息,而会计信息系统又处于公司治理结构的控制之中,因此,要保证会计信息的真实,必须优化和完善公司治理结构,从而达到提高会计信息质量,提高投资者信心,保持资本市场稳定繁荣的目的.  相似文献   
为研究饮马河流域长春段水质污染现状和污染负荷演变特征,以饮马河流域长春段的五个国考断面为水质监测点,通过对国考断面水体水质中含有的COD、NH3-N、TP浓度的检测分析,研究区域的水质污染现状和不同水期对污染负荷的影响规律,同时对2020年各考核断面的污染负荷进行估算.经估算,在2020年,计算单元总的COD负荷年排放...  相似文献   
卫雪晴 《四川环境》2021,40(1):223-227
河长制是中国水环境治理的重大创新实践,其明确的责任、针对性的治理模式有效实现了水环境质量的大步提升.然而,以行政区划为基础的河长制与流域整体性治理之间依然存在着操作上的缝隙亟待解决.以流域水污染为典型对象,从共容利益的角度,讨论了上、下游河长协同治理的利益博弈结构,明确影响上、下游合作的因素,进而提出河长制背景下促进流...  相似文献   
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