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探索催化双氧水氧化去除间甲酚对开发炼油厂碱渣废水处理新技术意义重大。采用钛硅分子筛催化双氧水氧化水中间甲酚,考察了反应时间、反应温度、双氧水加入量、催化剂加入量和初始溶液pH对间甲酚去除率的影响。实验结果表明:钛硅分子筛对双氧水氧化间甲酚具有显著的催化作用;在反应时间为90 min、反应温度为80 ℃、n(H2O2)∶n(间甲酚)为4、催化剂加入量为1.5 g/L、初始溶液pH为1.0~11.0的条件下,间甲酚去除率约为94%,间甲酚溶液的BOD5/COD从氧化前的0.26提高到氧化后的0.38,可生化性显著提高。  相似文献   
连续流动分析在水质监测中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
连续流动分析技术具有分析速度快、准确度和精密度高、操作简单、通用性强、样品和试剂消耗量少等一系列优点。灵活运用连续流动分析技术可对大多数水性样品如水和废水、土壤(或固体废弃物)提取液、饮料等进行分析。本文中着重介绍了氨氮、硝酸盐氮/亚硝酸盐氮、挥发酚以及总氰化物等几个连续流动分析在水质监测中的应用实例。  相似文献   
Autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) have been widely studied in constructed wetlands systems, while mixotrophic AOB have been less thoroughly examined. Heterotrophic bacteria were isolated from wastewater and rhizospheres of macrophytes of constructed wetlands, and then cultivated in a mixotrophic medium containing ammonium and acetic acid. A molecular characterization was accomplished using ITS-PCR amplification, and phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. Results showed the presence of 35 bacteria, among 400 initially heterotrophic isolates, that were able to remove ammonia. These 35 isolates were classified into 10 genetically different groups based on ITS pattern. Then, a collection of 10 isolates were selected because of their relatively high ammonia removal efficiencies (ARE ≥ 80%) and their phylogenetic diversity. In conditions of mixotrophy, these strains were shown to be able to grow (increase of optical density OD660 during incubation with assimilation of nitrogen into cellular biomass) and to oxidize ammonia (important ammonia oxidation efficiencies, AOE between 79% and 87%). Among these facultative mixotrophic AOB, four isolates were genetically related to Firmicutes (Bacillus and Exiguobacterium), three isolates were affiliated to Actinobacteria (Arthrobacter) and three other isolates were associated with Proteobacteria (Pseudomonas, Ochrobactrum and Bordetella).  相似文献   
连续流亚硝化中试反应器的启动及其能力提升   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
朱强  刘凯  董石语  顾澄伟  王凡  李祥  黄勇 《环境科学》2017,38(10):4316-4323
通过接种污水处理厂压滤后污泥,添加悬浮填料进行挂膜,采用连续流反应器处理模拟氨氮污水,对反应器的游离氨(FA)、游离亚硝酸(FNA)以及溶解氧(DO)进行调控,实现了中试亚硝化反应器的成功启动.结果表明,通过前期高DO,后期低DO的运行模式,并对反应器运行过程中的FA、FNA进行调控实现了AOB的富集和NOB的淘汰,启动成功后反应器内部亚硝酸盐产生速率(NPR)达到1.27 kg·(m~3·d)~(-1),亚硝酸盐积累率(NAR)也稳定在98%.采用实时荧光定量PCR方法(quantitative real time PCR,q PCR)对启动初期和成功启动后反应器中的功能微生物(AOB、NOB)进行分析,q PCR结果表明反应功能微生物AOB的拷贝数从启动初期的5.3×10~9copies·m L~(-1)增长到1.6×10~(11)copies·m L~(-1),NOB的拷贝数反而从1.1×10~(10)copies·m L~(-1)下降到1.2×10~9copies·m L~(-1),AOB拷贝数的数量级比NOB的要高2个数量级,这也是在启动过程中通过DO、FA、FNA等措施对NOB联合抑制的作用.  相似文献   
李昂  刘锋  陈天羽  冯震 《化工环保》2012,40(5):494-500
采用基于固态碳源的厌氧氨氧化与反硝化耦合脱氮工艺处理高氮低碳的金属热处理废水。通过接种城市生活污水处理厂剩余污泥和厌氧氨氧化絮状污泥,研究了以固态碳源(3-羟基丁酸脂和3-羟基戊酸脂共聚物,PHBV)和沸石为组合填料的分区式耦合反应器的启动和运行特性。经过76 d的运行,耦合反应器的总氮去除速率达1.05 kg/(m3·d),且具有良好的出水COD稳定性。废水经过反应器沸石区后,氨氮去除率达97%,亚硝态氮去除率达81%,而硝态氮去除率几乎为零;经过PHBV区后,硝态氮去除率达76%,亚硝态氮去除率达99%,氨氮去除率达97%。沸石区主要进行厌氧氨氧化反应,PHBV区主要进行反硝化反应,功能分区明确,耦合效果较好。  相似文献   
根据收集到的城市尺度排放源活动水平数据,采用排放因子法,基于"自上而下"和"自下而上"相结合的方式建立了河南省2013年大气氨排放清单,利用GIS技术进行3 km×3 km空间网格分配.结果表明,河南省2013年大气氨排放总量为1035.3 kt,排放强度为6.4 t ·km-2;畜禽养殖和氮肥施用为主要氨排放源,分别占总排放量的52.71%和31.53%;畜禽养殖中肉牛、蛋禽和山羊为主要贡献源,分别占畜禽养殖排放总量的34.98%、16.63%和14.02%;不同城市排放源构成和排放强度不同;南阳市、周口市、商丘市和驻马店市是排放量较大的地级市,分别占全省总量的11.53%、9.84%、9.62%和9.57%;濮阳市和漯河市排放强度最大,分别达到10.7 t ·km-2和10.2 t ·km-2;空间分布特征显示,中东部地区排放量较高,西部地区相对较低,排放量较大的地区集中在平原地区和人口密集区域.  相似文献   
氨挥发排放是稻田系统氮损失的主要途径.现有技术多以调控氮肥施用为削减氨挥发排放的技术手段;但由于氮肥投入基数较大且减投不能改变氨挥发途径氮损失比例,氮肥减投后的氨挥发排放仍是限制氮肥利用效率提升的瓶颈.对此,本研究选用满足环境友好和使用便捷的农业废弃物粉末和两性分子物质作为膜材料,配合氮肥施用在田面水表进行多次铺洒,研...  相似文献   
采用中试ASBR反应器(530 L),以逐步提高Cl~-浓度的方式考察了厌氧氨氧化菌(An AOB)处理高盐废水的脱氮特性.结果表明,采用逐步盐度驯化的方式,An AOB可适应高盐度(Cl~-浓度10 000 mg·L~(-1))环境进行高效脱氮(TN去除率高达92. 3%).其中,在Cl~-浓度6 000 mg·L~(-1)和10 000 mg·L~(-1)两个梯度内,反应器脱氮性能受到了较大影响,但随着驯化过程的持续进行可逐步恢复.修正的Boltzmann模型能较为准确地拟合An AOB受到不同盐度抑制后的活性恢复过程,相关系数R~2均在0. 96以上.得到的Cl~-浓度6 000 mg·L~(-1)和10 000 mg·L~(-1)时的恢复中间值tc分别为28. 765 d和44. 495 d,NRRmax分别为0. 145 kg·(m~3·d)~(-1)和0. 212 kg·(m~3·d)~(-1),NRRmin分别为0. 021 kg·(m~3·d)~(-1)和0. 085 kg·(m~3·d)~(-1).高盐度驯化后,厌氧氨氧化菌仍主要为Candidatus Brocadia和Candidatus Jettenia(其丰度分别是14. 76%和2. 7%),且污泥颗粒化程度和污泥密度均有不同程度的提高,污泥呈红褐色.  相似文献   
BAF+常规工艺中砂滤池净水效果研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以广州某水厂源水为处理对象,研究在曝气生物滤池(BAF)+常规工艺中砂滤池的净水效果。研究表明,砂滤池出水CODMn、NH4+-N的平均值分别为1.19 mg/L和0.08 mg/L;相对于沉淀池出水,砂滤池对上述指标的平均去除率分别为27.41%和63.86%;砂滤池出水NO2--N几乎检测不出。砂滤池对分子量(10 K的溶解性有机物有较好的去除作用;砂滤池中DO下降了1.80 mg/L,分析表明在砂滤池中发生了完全硝化反应。  相似文献   
Most ammonia (NH3) emission inventories have been calculated on an annual basis and do not take into account the seasonal variability of emissions that occur as a consequence of climate and agricultural practices that change throughout the year. When used as input to atmospheric transport models to simulate concentration fields, these models therefore fail to capture seasonal variations in ammonia concentration and dry and wet deposition. In this study, seasonal NH3 emissions from agriculture were modelled on a monthly basis for the year 2000, by incorporating temporal aspects of farming practice. These monthly emissions were then spatially distributed using the AENEID model (Atmospheric Emissions for National Environmental Impacts Determination). The monthly model took the temporal variation in the magnitude of the ammonia emissions, as well as the fine scale (1-km) spatial variation of those temporal changes into account to provide improved outputs at 5-km resolution. The resulting NH3 emission maps showed a strong seasonal emission pattern, with the highest emissions during springtime (March and April) and the lowest emissions during summer (May to July). This emission pattern was mainly influenced by whether cattle were outside grazing or housed and by the application of manures and fertilizers to the land. When the modelled emissions were compared with measured NH3 concentrations, the comparison suggested that the modelled emission trend corresponds fairly well with the seasonal trend in the measurements. The remaining discrepancies point to the need to develop functional parametrisations of the interactions with climatic seasonal variation.  相似文献   
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