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多年来以煤炭为主的能源消费结构和经济社会持续发展,导致我国PAHs(多环芳烃)排放量居高不下,直接造成土壤和大气PAHs严重污染.为了探明PAHs在冬小麦体内的积累过程和调控机制,在系统分析PAHs在冬小麦体内的吸收、转运和富集的基础上,重点阐述了冬小麦PAHs根系吸收和叶面吸收影响因素方面的最新研究进展.研究发现:① 小麦根系对PAHs的吸收包括主动吸收和被动吸收两种方式,其中主动吸收是一个载体协助、消耗能量、PAHs与H+共运的过程;被动吸收除了在高等植物中普遍存在的简单扩散外,水-甘油通道也参与了该过程. ② PAHs通过气态、颗粒态沉降到小麦叶面角质层或直接通过气孔进入叶片. ③ 影响PAHs根系和叶面吸收的主要因素包括PAHs理化性质、植物生理状况、环境因素等. ④ 小麦根系吸收的PAHs可以向地上部转运,并且与辛醇-水分配系数(KOW)、蒸腾速率、土壤中氮的形态和浓度有关.主要问题:① 对于小麦叶片吸收的PAHs向基运输机理有待进一步研究. ② 农田生态系统中冬小麦往往遭受土壤及大气双重污染,根系吸收及叶面吸收分别对其体内积累PAHs的贡献尚不清楚.因此,需关注韧皮部、木质部在PAHs转运中所起的作用;利用同位素示踪、双光子激发显微镜等先进技术观察和跟踪PAHs如何进入小麦以及在小麦叶中的转移和分布,阐明PAHs叶面吸收的微观机理;注重大田试验研究,为揭示冬小麦对PAHs的吸收、积累及调控机理,同时也为有机污染地区生产安全农产品提供重要依据.   相似文献   
为研究嘉兴市城市河网区水体中多环芳烃的污染水平和来源并进行生态风险评价,采用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)对环境优控多环芳烃(PAHs)进行分析检测.结果表明,枯水期和丰水期分别检测出10种和16种优控PAHs,质量浓度范围分别为77.32~283.76ng ·L-1和13.05~133.02ng ·L-1,平均质量浓度分别为143.83ng ·L-1和73.47ng ·L-1;枯水期低环(2环和3环)占比79.18%,丰水期低环占比73.60%;嘉兴市河网区水体多环芳烃污染情况与国内外其他地区相比处于较低水平;采用同分异构比值法和主成分分析法进行污染来源分析,结果表明嘉兴市枯水期和丰水期河网水体中多环芳烃污染主要来源为城市面源污染、燃烧源以及交通污染源;Kalf风险熵值法评价结果表明,枯水期:萘(Nap)、苊烯(Acy)、二氢苊(Ace)、芴(Flu)、菲(Phe)、蒽(Ant)、荧蒽(Fla)、芘(Pyr)和苯并[a]蒽(BaA)以及∑PAHs为中等生态风险水平,丰水期:萘(Nap)、苊烯(Acy)、芴(Flu)、菲(Phe)、荧蒽(Fla)、芘(Pyr)、苯并[a]蒽(BaA)、苯并[b]荧蒽(BbF)、苯并[k]荧蒽(BkF)、苯并[a]芘(BaP)、茚苯[1,2,3-cd]芘(InP)和苯并[ghi]苝(BghiP)属于中等生态风险水平,∑PAHs为低生态风险水平;总体而言,嘉兴市河网水体中PAHs生态风险呈中等水平,有关部门需采取措施降低河网水体中PAHs的生态风险.  相似文献   
使用管式炉模拟村镇生活垃圾焚烧过程,研究不同焚烧温度和不同垃圾含水率条件下,村镇垃圾焚烧烟气中多环芳烃(PAHs)、氯苯及苯系物的生成和分布特性.结果表明,焚烧温度为550℃时,烟气中多环芳烃和氯苯的释放量最大,当温度小于550℃时,多环芳烃和氯苯的释放量随温度升高而增加,温度大于550℃时,多环芳烃和氯苯的释放量随温度升高而降低.高温焚烧不仅可以抑制烟气中多环芳烃的浓度及减少大分子量PAHs的排放,还能降低氯苯的释放量和氯代数,从而减小村镇垃圾焚烧烟气中的毒性;苯系物随着温度升高,由热解转变为高温合成,释放量也随着增加.水分对多环芳烃和氯苯有较大影响,对苯系物的影响较小.在400℃条件焚烧时,水分含量对多环芳烃总体上是促进的,而在850℃焚烧条件下则表现出抑制作用;而水分对氯苯则均表现出抑制作用,并且可以降低氯苯化合物的氯代数.  相似文献   
焦化厂土壤和地下水中PAHs分布特征及其污染过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以煤炭为原料的焦化厂是环境中PAHs的主要人为污染源. 针对US EPA(美国国家环境保护局)优先控制的16种PAHs,对苏南某生产历史长达16 a、面积为44.58×104 m2的焦化厂土壤样品中的w(PAHs)以及地下水样品中的ρ(PAHs)进行了分析,并采用统计学方法对PAHs的分布规律进行了研究. 结果表明:表层土壤中除二苯并[a,h]蒽外,其他15种PAHs均被检出;w(2~3环PAHs)平均值占w(∑PAHs)平均值的92.6%,明显高于w(4~6环PAHs). 地下水中只检出强亲水性的萘、二氢苊、苊、芴、菲、蒽等6种低环PAHs,但未迁移至厂外. 厂区内土壤和地下水中PAHs污染均具有典型的区域分布特征,并且均为化厂车间最严重. 土壤防污性能的差异使PAHs在3.0 m黏土层〔Ky(垂向渗透系数)=1.28×10-8 cm/s〕中富集. 高环PAHs主要与有机质结合以固相迁移,因w(TOC)随深度增加而下降,部分高w(高环PAHs)点位土壤有机质吸附过饱和,未被吸附的高环PAHs向深层迁移至5.0 m含水层顶板,但因强疏水性未进入7.0 m含水层. 强亲水性低环PAHs以溶解态迁移进入含水层,但因地下水流动缓慢(流速为3.71×10-6 cm/s),PAHs污染区仅集中在化厂车间及其附近区域.   相似文献   
PAHs降解菌的分离、鉴定及降解能力测定   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
以芴、菲、蒽、芘为碳源和能源筛选、分离PAHs降解菌。14株能降解利用PAHs的菌株被分离。通过HPLC分析,在含芴、菲、蒽、芘的混合培养基质中10号菌的降解能力最强。研究它的降解性能和生长情况,表明该菌在混合反应体系中培养30d后对芴、菲、蒽、芘的降解率分别为95.27、90.46、28和80%;在只含一种PAH的单反应体系中该菌对芴、菲、蒽的降解能力提高,降解率分别可达98.91、94.32和52.17%,而对芘的降解能力则降低,降解率仅为62.47%。与混合PAHs培养体系相比,在单一PAH培养体系中,细菌的对数生长期缩短1/3。经生理生化鉴定和16SrDNA序列对比分析,确定10号菌株属于假单胞菌,命名为PseudomonasspFAP10。  相似文献   
介绍了回收磺酸盐生产工艺 ,对其装置的产品成本进行了测算 ,并对盈亏平衡及其敏感性进行了分析 ,进而确定了主要经济指标。  相似文献   
表面活性剂增效电动技术修复多环芳烃污染土壤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计敏惠  邹华  杜玮  高珂  刘畅 《环境工程学报》2016,10(7):3871-3876
研究了电动修复过程中修复时间和表面活性剂Triton X-100、鼠李糖脂对多环芳烃芘污染土壤的修复效果的影响。结果表明,在电动修复过程中,随着修复时间的增加,芘的去除率相应提高。通过向电解液中添加表面活性剂Triton X-100,芘的去除率从11.64%提高到了23.42%,当在电解液中添加浓度为40倍CMC的鼠李糖脂后去除率升高至36.29%,阳极附近土壤甚至达到了92.49%,这表明Triton X-100和鼠李糖脂均能促进土壤中芘的溶解和迁移,鼠李糖脂的促进作用高于Triton X-100。  相似文献   
If organic matter is burnt, the combustion of wood produces the highest amounts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) compared with other fossil energy sources such as oil, coal, or gas. Emissions from wood combustion are increasingly of special interest due to the rising use of wood as a renewable energy source in residential heating in Europe. To the authors' knowledge, reproducible wood-specific PAH patterns in soot were identified for the first time by use of a sampling interval of only 5 min in this study. The short sampling interval was enabled by the very sensitive analytical method of gas chromatography–atmospheric pressure laser ionization–mass spectrometry (GC-APLI-MS) applied. The analysis of 40 PAH of soot from wood logs of spruce, pine, larch (softwood) and beech, birch, oak (hardwood), and wood pellets, as well as wood briquettes, showed 13.46–250.62 mg/kg for ∑40 PAH and 10.75–177.94 mg/kg for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency PAH standard (without acenaphthylene and anthracene). Highest concentrations occurred in the samples from birch with bark, beech, and wood briquettes. Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, naphthalene, and alkylated naphthalenes were also detected. Significant concentrations of the very toxic dibenzopyrenes (up to 11.30 mg/kg) are reported. Softwood soot contained highest amounts of 2–4-ring PAH, followed by hardwood which is in accordance with the presence of highest amounts of abietic acid in softwood, a known precursor of retene and phenanthrene. PAH in soot from five spruce samples from different locations show a mean ∑40 PAH concentration of 13.46 mg/kg (n = 5, minimum 8.03, maximum 23.32 mg/kg, SD = 5.65) and exhibited a typical pattern that differed from all other wood soot samples. The distributions of alkylated naphthalenes of the spruce samples show a bell-shape distribution in contrast to the alkylated phenanthrenes/anthracenes of all samples (except the wood pellets), showing a slope distribution. The data indicate that wood-specific PAH patterns exist and under the applied conditions, spruce logs produced the least toxic soot.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the level of 26 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at parking garages and to provide the necessary annual information based on occupational inhalation exposure and non-occupational inhalation exposure, which carry risks for the environment. For this purpose, 22 samples were collected continuously from both gas and particulates phase PAHs from two parking garages at Konya City Center, Turkey. The exposure-based risk of these samples was evaluated using concentrations of the carcinogenic PAH compounds. None of the 26 PAHs measured had values exceeding the recommended exposure limits (RELs) standard values for inhalation rate recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Exposure levels of gas and particulate PAHs for the occupational group and the public (children and adults who spend time in shopping centers) were found to be 0.07–28.24 μgm?3 and 0.05–5.753 μgm?3, respectively, representing levels two to four times higher than those at the control site. Maximum daily inhalation of B[a]Py was estimated at 1.33 ngd?1 for exposure of the public and as 274 ngd?1 for the occupational group. It is believed that traffic makes a substantial contribution to the PAH profile, which had relatively high concentrations of naphthalene (Napth) and coronene (Coro). Highly carcinogenic dibenzo(a,l)pyrene (B[al]Pyre) was found in the ambient air at two parking garages. Napth and phenanthrene (Phen) were the main compounds found in nearly all the tested samples. In this study, benzo[e]pyrene (B[e]Py) was used as a reference for PAHs because its concentration is stable and does not change seasonally. Considering the importance of these compounds in relation to human health, the aim of this work was to characterize and quantify the more toxic PAHs in parking garages. Conducting PAH sampling and their chemical analysis is very costly and labor intensive. This study produced data that can be a powerful tool for environmental forensics.  相似文献   
白腐真菌修复多环芳烃污染土壤及其降解机理的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了白腐真菌对多环芳烃(PAHs)的代谢途径、降解机理,阐述了白腐真菌修复PAHs污染土壤的影响因素和生态效应,并提出了提高白腐真菌修复效率的措施.白腐真菌主要通过分泌木质素降解酶系(木质家过氧化物酶、锰过氧化物酶和漆酶)来降解PAHs,这些胞外酶可通过开环作用把PAHs代谢成为水溶性较强的醌类中间产物,再由其他微生物降解这些中间产物直至矿化.在白腐真菌的培养过程中.通过对环境因素及营养条件(如温度、pH值、C/N比、微量元素和转速)的优化可提高胞外酶产量.在修复PAHs污染土壤过程中,生物竞争、营养条件和环境因素等均会影响白腐真菌的修复效果.同时,归纳总结了改善白腐真菌修复效果的一些措施,如真菌-细菌联合修复、添加适当的培养基质、添加表面活性剂、直接施用酶制剂和改善营养条件等.  相似文献   
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