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两种金属和两种农药对草鱼不同发育阶段的毒性效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进行了金属和农药对草鱼不同发育阶段影响的试验。结果表明,对草鱼胚胎孵化率的影响,96h的EC_(50)值分别为:Cd~(2+)0.078mg/L;Cu~(2+)0.17mg/L;丙体六六六1.0mg/L;对硫磷1.0mg/L。畸形症状呈现出草鱼胚胎卵黄囊水肿,心脏发育受阻而形成管状心脏、胚体弯曲(弯体)等。草鱼的不同发育阶段对金属的敏感性存在着差异:Cd~(2+)96h的LC_(50)值,胚胎为0.1—0.5mg/L;10日龄草鱼苗为0.34mg/L;120日龄草鱼种为8mg/L.Cu~(2+)96h的LC_(50)值,胚胎为0.3—0.5mg/L;10日龄草鱼苗为0.11mg/L;120日龄草鱼种为0.59mg/L.  相似文献   
Cd^2+污染对草鱼不同组织中过氧化物酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用细静水生物测试法研究Cd2+对草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)的肝胰脏、肾脏和鳃组织过氧化物酶(POD)活性的影响。结果表明,在7 d的试验时间内,低浓度Cd2+胁迫时,肝胰脏和肾脏组织POD活性随时间变化均呈先降低后升高再降低的变化趋势,而高浓度Cd2+胁迫时,肝胰脏组织POD活性始终受到显著抑制(P〈0.05),肾脏组织POD活性短时间内被诱导,但随着暴露时间的延长,其受到显著抑制(P〈0.05);鳃组织在受到Cd2+污染时POD活性随时间变化呈先升高后降低变化趋势。草鱼鳃组织POD活性明显低于肝胰脏和肾脏组织。  相似文献   
The influence of bioturbation caused by common carp fry was treated in 24 transparent polythene jars (5?L each) in the laboratory and in outdoor vats (150?L), increasing the fertilizer value of phosphate rock in eight treatment combinations in triplicate. Input of water soluble reactive phosphate (SRP) was determined to quantify the effects of bioturbation, fish excrements and soil. The level of SRP in water was always lowest in the control series. Introduction of common carp fry resulted in a net increase of 0.009–0.010?mg phosphate g?1day?1 of SRP attributable to the effect of fish excrement. Bioturbation caused by common carp resulted in as high as a 64.8 to 90% influx of phosphate from bottom soil in the presence of phosphate rock but only about 6.3 to 7.2% in the absence of phosphate rock. The bioturbation that occurred in this treatment resulted in a significant release of phosphorous into the overlying water from an apatite source. The results confirm the environment friendly application of phosphate rock in fish-farming ponds at low cost.  相似文献   
Carp fingerlings exposed to a sublethal concentration (0.5?mg?L?1) of sodium cyanide showed a steady decrement over a 7-day period in respiratory rate, rise in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and fall in succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activities followed by variations in lactic and pyruvate levels. Changes in these enzyme activities might be due to impaired oxidative metabolism and severe cellular damage leading to the release of these enzymes. Decline in the activities of SDH and LDH clearly represents a shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism as evidenced by elevated lactate and decline in pyruvate levels. The shift to anaerobic metabolism is also reflected by severe drop in the respiratory rate of the fish. This may be a consequence of the blockage of electron transfer from cytochrome c oxidase to molecular oxygen, thus ceasing cellular respiration and it can lead to cellular hypoxia even in the presence of normal hemoglobin oxygenation. Hence, we indirectly reconfirm the inhibition of oxidative metabolism by sodium cyanide. Alterations in behavioral pattern induced by sublethal sodium cyanide exposure may be due to the combination of cytotoxic hypoxia with lactate acidosis, which depresses the central nervous system (CNS); as the brain is the most sensitive site to anoxia, it results in impaired CNS function.  相似文献   
阿散酸及其降解产物对鱼和蚯蚓的遗传毒性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了全面评价有机胂制剂阿散酸对水生生物和土壤生物的遗传毒性效应,文章分别以红鲤鱼和赤子爱胜蚓为生物材料,采用单细胞凝胶电泳技术从细胞水平上研究了阿散酸降解前后对鲤鱼肾细胞和蚯蚓体腔细胞DNA的损伤。鲤鱼肾细胞单细胞凝胶电泳试验结果表明,阿散酸降解之前和降解的第4周阿散酸对鲤鱼肾细胞DNA有显著损伤,表现出明显的遗传毒性作用,但第二周却不引起鲤鱼肾细胞DNA的任何损伤。蚯蚓体腔细胞单细胞凝胶电泳试验结果表明,阿散酸降解之前不能诱导蚯蚓体腔细胞DNA的明显损伤,不表现遗传毒性效应,与对照组相比没有显著性差异(P>0.05);但阿散酸降解开始后,各浓度的降解混合物体系都能引起蚯蚓体腔细胞DNA的明显损伤,表现出较强的遗传毒性作用。  相似文献   
IntroductionHealthhazardsfrommercuryintheenvironmenthavecausedrestrictionsintheuseofmercuryandastrictercontrolofthereleaseofmercuryfromindustrialandotheruses.Butatthesametimethesesourcesofmercuryhavebeensubjectedtoregulation ,twonewsourceshaveappeared …  相似文献   
Chlorpyrifos is one of the organophosphate pesticides widely used in agricultural practices throughout world. It has resulted in a series of toxicological and environmental problems, such as impacts on many non-target aquatic species, including fish. In the present study, toxic effects of chlorpyrifos on lysozyme activities, contents of IgM and complement C3, and the expressions of IgM and complement C3 at mRNA level in common carp were evaluated by acute exposure of 15 (1/10 LC50) or 75 μg L−1 (1/2 LC50) of chlorpyrifos for 7 d. The results of acute toxicity tests showed that the 96 h-LC50 of chlorpyrifos for common carp was determined to be 149 μg L−1. We also found that chlorpyrifos promoted lysozyme activities at the earlier stages of exposure but inhibited it at the late stages in the serum, hepatopancreas, and spleen of common carp. Furthermore, it was observed that chlorpyrifos-exposure decreased IgM contents in fish serum and spleen while increased it in kidney. No obvious change was found in the contents of complement C3 in fish spleen, while a slight increase of complement C3 was observed in fish serum and kidney after 1 d of chlorpyrifos-exposure. In addition, the results of quantitative real-time PCR showed that IgM and complement C3 expressions were up-regulated at the earlier stage of exposure but down-regulated at later stage. Our results indicate that chlorpyrifos causes immunotoxicity to common carp.  相似文献   
非离子氨对NO-2-N作用于草鱼种毒性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在(25±1)℃水温条件下,通过急性毒性实验,探讨非离子氨对NO-2-N作用于草鱼种毒性的影响.结果表明,在不加非离子氨时,N0-2N对草鱼种48 hrLC50和96 hrLC50值分别为6.76、5.99mg/L,而当非离子氨达0.8 mg/L,其值分别为3.54、2.41 mg/L.这说明非离子氨增强了NO-2-N对草鱼种的致死效应.  相似文献   
2001年7~8月和2002年7~8月两次对衡阳市鳙鱼、鲤鱼蠕虫寄生的情况进行了调查,结果表明;在衡阳市鳙鱼、鲤鱼寄生的蠕虫共有8种,其中吸虫5种,绦虫1种,线虫2种,分属于3纲7科;衡阳市鳙鱼、鲤鱼蠕虫感染率较高,感染率分别为89%和86%,加强对该类疾病的防治非常重要.  相似文献   
模拟生物采样和原位鱼体生物富集水中PAHs的比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
半渗透膜采样技术(SPMD)模拟了生物富集水中疏水性有机污染物的过程,并且可以用来监测生物有效态污染物的长期平均浓度.但是在野外条件下SPMD和鱼体生物富集作用的比较研究相对较少.本工作在太湖梅梁湾选取了5个站点,同时放置SPMD和笼养的鲫鱼暴露32 d,以研究水体中多环芳烃(PAHs)在SPMD和鱼体内的富积规律.结果表明,SPMD和鲫鱼所富集的多环芳烃在组分构成和相对富集量上类似,不同采样点的各种多环芳烃的生物浓缩因子(lg BCF)和器件富集因子(lg DCF)之间存在显著相关性(p<0.000 1).定量的分析数据表明,鱼体和SPMD对PAHs的富集量在脂类归一化后差异不大,两者的比值在0.47和4.12之间变动,有较好的可比性.因此认为,SPMD能够模拟淡水湖泊中鱼类富集多环芳烃的过程,可以用来估算多环芳烃在鱼体中的浓度水平.  相似文献   
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