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采用化学浸渍法将Fe@Fe2O3纳米线负载在活性炭纤维/泡沫镍上组成Fe@Fe2O3/ACF/Ni复合阴极,以钛基铂(Pt/Ti)为阳极,考察载铁量、初始pH值和不同电化学体系对除藻效果的影响,探究无供氧条件下Pt/Ti-Fe@Fe2O3/ACF/Ni电化学体系除藻的效能;基于·OH间接检测、铁离子浓度、H2O2浓度及pH值的分析和·O2-的检测研究Pt/Ti-Fe@Fe2O3/ACF/Ni中性电化学体系反应机制.结果表明,当制备阴极阶段投加0.03g FeCl3×6H2O,初始藻浓度为0.7×109~0.8×109个/L,电流密度为75mA/cm2,初始pH6.2时,电解60min,该体系除藻率可达到92.3%.在Pt/Ti-Fe@Fe2O3/ACF/Ni电化学体系中,Fe@Fe2O3/ACF/Ni阴极可通过电化学反应产生大量·OH和·O2-,使藻细胞破裂死亡;该体系除藻的主要机理是非均相电Fenton反应. 相似文献
构建了钛基二氧化钌(Ti/RuO2)阳极耦合空气扩散阴极(ADC)的电化学氧化体系,利用过流式反应器对亚甲基蓝(MB)进行氧化去除。结果表明:ADC阴极在200 mA电流下产生H2O2的稳定浓度达到45.33 mg/L,电流效率为65.10%。ADC-RuO2体系对有机污染物的氧化具有选择性,几乎不能氧化苯甲酸钠,但对亚甲基蓝等染料具有较强的氧化作用。且该体系在叠氮化钠和2,5二甲基呋喃等存在时氧化能力受到显著抑制,证明其主要的活性氧化物为单线态氧(~1O2)。在停留时间为2 min和电流为200 mA条件下,该体系对0.1 mmol/L MB的去除率达到99%,并且MB浓度降低90%时对应的能耗为0.25 kW·h/m3。 相似文献
《Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology》2018,8(4):701-712
This paper reports an experimental study on the effects of reactor geometry for dissociating carbon dioxide using a microhollow cathode discharge (MHCD) reactor, and the associated electrode degradation. A MHCD reactor consists of two hollow metal electrodes that are separated by dielectric material. The geometric reactor parameters studied were the dielectric material thickness and the diameter of the reactor hole. Dielectric thicknesses of 150, 300 and 450 μm and discharge hole diameters of 200, 400 and 515 μm were studied parametrically. The results of each parameter combination were discussed in terms of specific energy input (SEI), CO2 conversion, electrical‐to‐chemical energy conversion efficiency, and degradation rate of the electrodes. Overall, the results showed that, at constant SEI, increasing the dielectric thickness increased CO2 conversion and energy efficiency but decreased the degradation rate. Moreover, at a constant SEI, varying the hole diameter did not affect CO2 conversion or efficiency but the electrode degradation rate decreased with increasing hole diameter. The maximum efficiency observed was about 18.5% for the dielectric thickness of 450 μm, hole diameter of 400 μm, and a SEI of 0.1 eV/mol. With this reactor geometry, the maximum CO2 conversion was 17.3% at a SEI of 3.7 eV/mol. Moreover, the results showed that the rate of electrode degradation increased linearly with time at a rate ranging from 130 to 207 μm2/s, with a reactor lifetime of 13 hours at a SEI of 3.7 eV/mol. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
《Advanced Sustainable Systems》2017,1(7)
The ever‐growing demand for high capacity cathode materials is on the rise since the futuristic applications are knocking on the door. Conventional approach to developing such cathode relies on the lithium‐excess materials to operate the cathode at high voltage and extract more lithium‐ion. Yet, they fail to satiate the needs because of their unresolved issues upon cycling such as, for lithium manganese‐rich layered oxides—their voltage fading, and for as nickel‐based layered oxides—the structural transition. Here, in contrast, lithium‐deficient ratio is demonstrated as a new approach to attain high capacity at high voltage for layered oxide cathodes. Rapid and cost effective lithiation of a porous hydroxide precursor with lithium deficient ratio is acted as a driving force to partially convert the layered material to spinel phase yielding in a multiphase structure (MPS) cathode material. Upon cycling, MPS reveals structural stability at high voltage and high temperature and results in fast lithium‐ion diffusion by providing a distinctive solid electrolyte interface (SEI) chemistry—MPS displays minimum lithium loss in SEI and forms a thinner SEI. MPS thus offers high energy and high power applications and provides a new perspective compared to the conventional layered cathode materials denying the focus for lithium excess material. 相似文献
考察了阴极负载Co3O4和MnOOH对天然水体中沉积物微生物燃料电池(SMFC)产电性能和SMFC对沉积物中有机质去除率的影响。实验结果表明,SMFC阴极负载Co3O4和MnOOH后,体系的输出电压由483 mV增大到549 mV和534 mV;相应体系的内阻由206 Ω显著降低到99 Ω和128 Ω,最大功率密度(Pmax)由3.3 mW/m2增大到9.1 mW/m2和6.6 mW/m2。此外,SMFC体系的电流密度与沉积物中烧失量(LOI)、易氧化有机质(ROOM)去除率呈线性关系,并且阴极负载Co3O4和MnOOH可以促进阳极沉积物中有机质的去除。 相似文献
目的 研究不锈钢与船体钢在天然海水中的电偶腐蚀行为,为不锈钢的应用提供数据支撑。方法 利用电化学设备研究不锈钢与船体钢在天然海水中的自腐蚀和电偶腐蚀行为,并结合质量损失和腐蚀形貌研究阴阳极面积比对电偶腐蚀敏感性的影响。结果 2种金属的自腐蚀电位相差600 mV,电偶腐蚀倾向严重。当二者发生电偶腐蚀时,不锈钢作阴极,船体钢作阳极。随着不锈钢与船体钢阴阳极面积比的减小,船体钢的腐蚀速率和平均腐蚀深度减小,不锈钢的腐蚀形貌则不受面积比的影响。结论 在实际工程中,可通过增加阳极材料面积的方法来降低电偶腐蚀效应的影响。 相似文献
A study on the electrochemical disinfection with H2O2 generated at the gas diffusion electrode(GDE) from active carbon/polytetrafluoroethylene was performed in a non-membrane cell.The effects of Pt load and the pore-forming agent content in GDE,and operating conditions were investigated.The experimental results showed that nearly all bacterial cultures inoculated in the secondary effluent from wastewater treatment plant could be inactivated within 30 min at a current density of 10 mA/cm 2 .The disinfection ... 相似文献
阴极电生H_2O_2及电-Fenton法降解甲基橙 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
对石墨-PTFE阴极的主要制作参数和在无隔膜系统中电生H2O2的主要工艺参数进行了研究。结果发现,石墨与PTFE的质量比为4∶1~3∶1之间的石墨-PTFE阴极经350℃1 h煅烧后性能最好。采用磁力搅拌代替通常的氧气扩散和空气鼓泡等供氧方法,可简化系统的供氧设备,降低废水的处理成本,更易于放大和实施,且可充分利用阳极电生的氧气。石墨-PTFE阴极有较好的稳定性,重复使用10次之后,电生H2O2的活性没有下降。在由石墨-PTFE阴极和铁阳极组成的电-Fenton系统中对甲基橙溶液进行了降解,脱色效果显著。 相似文献
随着储能市场的快速发展,锂离子电池供求量不断攀升,废旧电池数量也随之大幅增长。废弃电池的不当处置将危及人类健康、阻碍环境和资源的可持续发展,而对其进行资源化回收再利用,尤其是回收其中具有高附加值的正极材料,有利于实现社会、经济、环境等层面的多重效益。对比总结了废旧锂电正极材料传统回收利用工艺的现状和问题,梳理了新兴微波辅助技术在材料回收及资源化利用过程中的应用和研究进展。微波技术由于其独特的加热机制在优化杂质降解、强化碳热还原、提升浸出效率、再生材料等诸多方面体现出显著优势和发展潜力。基于实际问题和数值模拟总结了微波处理技术的局限性,并提出了改进策略,以期对锂电回收体系的改良和发展提供参考。 相似文献