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The extraction of K+ and SiO2 from silicate minerals by Bacillus mucilaginosus in liquid culture was studied in incubation experiments. B. mucilaginosus was found to dissolve soil minerals and mica and simultaneously release K+ and SiO2 from the crystal lattices. In contrast, the bacterium did not dissolve feldspar. B. mucilaginosus also produced organic acids and polysaccharides during growth. The polysaccharides strongly adsorbed the organic acids and attached to the surface of the mineral, resulting in an area of high concentration of organic acids near the mineral. The polysaccharides also adsorbed SiO2 and this affected the equilibrium between the mineral and fluid phases and led to the reaction toward SiO2 and K+ solubilization. These two processes led to the decomposition of silicate minerals by the bacterium.  相似文献   
In situ measurements comparing vertical SO42− profiles in vegetated and non-vegetated sediments showed that SO42− concentrations in vegetated sediments increased significantly at the beginning of the growing season and then gradually decreased during the rest of the growing season. Throughout the growing season, SO42− concentrations remained higher in the vegetated sediments than in the sediments without plants. The higher SO42− concentrations in the vegetated sediments indicate that oxygen release from roots and evapotranspiration-induced advection by plants play an important role in the dynamics of sulfur species in sediments. Since the total pool of solid-phase sulfide is relatively large compared to the mass of SO42− in the sediments, the gradual decrease of SO42− concentrations may result from limitation of the solid-phase sulfide that is in direct contact with or very close to the roots and rhizomes. This would mean that the main pool of solid-phase sulfide and associated trace metals are not affected by the oxygen release from roots, and the associated trace metals will not become bioavailable during the growing season.  相似文献   
为研发酸化土壤的生物修复技术,采用水培试验和自动电位滴定装置研究酸性条件下氮素形态对小麦幼苗根系释放氢氧根及培养液pH变化的影响。结果表明,小麦幼苗在初始pH值为4.0,n(NO3-)∶n(NH4+)比值(以下简称硝/铵比)分别为15∶1、3∶1和1∶1的营养液中培养6 d后营养液pH升高,且增幅随硝/铵比的增加而增大,小麦对硝态氮的吸收量和氢氧根释放量呈相同的变化趋势,说明小麦对硝态氮的吸收偏好导致根系释放氢氧根,进而使得培养液pH升高。小麦幼苗在硝/铵比为3∶1,初始pH值分别为4.0、4.5和5.0的营养液中培养6d后,培养液pH和氢氧根释放量的增幅随初始pH的升高而降低,说明低pH条件有利于小麦幼苗对硝态氮的吸收,可促进小麦根系释放更多的氢氧根。10 h的恒定pH试验结果表明,恒定pH条件下小麦根系释放的氢氧根数量大于非恒定pH条件,且硝态氮比例越大,差值越大。因此,可以根据小麦在酸性条件下对硝态氮的吸收偏好建立酸化土壤的生物修复方法,即调节硝态氮含量以加大小麦根系的氢氧根释放量,进而提高土壤pH。  相似文献   
为了探明酸雨对红壤中硼释放的影响,了解土壤缺硼机制,采用室内模拟酸雨淋溶土柱的方法,研究了酸雨作用下红壤中硼的释放特征.结果表明,酸雨加速了红壤中硼的淋溶损失.酸雨作用下红壤中硼的释放随淋溶量的变化具有初期阶段减小,中期阶段显著增大和后期阶段又减小的阶段性特点.模拟酸雨的pH值越低,硼的释放量越高.酸雨对硼释放的这种促进作用,一般表现为中期阶段的影响要大于初期和后期阶段的影响.淋出液中硼含量的动态变化与pH值的变化成负相关关系.供试土壤不同,硼的释放强度和释放特征存在一定的差异性,硼的释放强度和特点明显受土壤硼的背景值和土壤对酸缓冲能力的影响.  相似文献   
水位波动可有效调节湖泊生态系统的结构与功能,干湿交替过程引起的沉积物生物地球化学循环途径的改变是其重要机制之一。大量研究结果表明,干湿交替将加速沉积物有机碳的分解,强化沉积物硝化与硝化作用的偶联,促进沉积物磷的酶促水解和厌氧解离,从而增加再度淹没之后水中溶解有机碳和生物可利用性磷的浓度,并减少溶解无机态氮的浓度。有机质的分解是上述过程的关键步骤。因此,必须系统描述湖泊水陆界面土壤和沉积物基本理化性状与水生生物特征,分析干旱过程中沉积物生物地球化学循环途径的变化,了解淹没过程中水柱营养状态与浮游生物群落对沉积物营养释放的响应,从而揭示水位波动调控富营养化过程的机制,即诱发营养脉冲或维系其持续补给,改变营养阈值,进而导致稳态转换。  相似文献   
用双层PRB技术处理垃圾填埋场地下水污染的可行性研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
设计了双层结构可渗透反应屏障(PRB),对渗滤液污染地下水原位处理的可行性进行实验研究.其中,第一反应器主要填充了零价铁,对复杂的不可生物降解和难生物降解的卤代烃等有机物进行分解;第二反应器主要填充了释氧剂(ORC),对有机物进行彻底的处理.实验结果表明:经过第一反应器后BOD5 COD值由0 32升高至0 75,铵离子和硝酸根离子的去除率分别达到85%和80%;ORC反应器最大释氧量为7 64mg·L-1.采用双层PRB结构治理渗滤液污染地下水是可行的.  相似文献   
三峡库区消落区周期性干湿交替环境对土壤磷释放的影响   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:11  
马利民  张明  滕衍行  赵建夫 《环境科学》2008,29(4):1035-1039
以三峡库区消落区典型江段万州断面为试验基地,以释磷能力较强的紫色土为对象,根据三峡水库消落带的"干湿交替"空间和时间特征,进行万州断面土壤磷释放的实验室模拟试验,分析了周期性"淹水-落干"干湿交替对土壤磷释放的影响.研究发现,在"淹水-落干"干湿交替条件下各形态磷在水土界面释放的活性为:Ca2-P,Fe-P>Cas-P,Al-P>O-P>Ca10-P;T-P在每次淹没时释放量递增,从第1次的15.4 mg·kg-1,到第3次26.5 mg·kg-1;磷在持续淹水状态下释放的主要动力为Ca2-P在水相的溶解和还原状态下Fe-P的释放,其中Ca2-P活性最高,由淹水初期的14 mg·kg-1降至5 mg·kg-1左右;而干湿交替条件下P的释放主要是氧化-还原条件变换下Fe-P的形态转换.淹水并不会使O-P释放,但可以使O-P活化,使其在落干氧化时转化为Fe-P,在下一次淹水时释放.研究发现每次淹水时土壤的有效磷水平都略有增加,每次落干时较上次落干时有效磷水平降低.  相似文献   
Alternative fuels have numerous advantages compared to fossil fuels as they are renewable, biodegradable; provide energy security and foreign exchange saving besides addressing environmental concerns and socio-economic issues as well. Renewable fuels can be used predominantly as fuel for both transportation and power generation applications. Improved engine performance with reduced engine exhaust emissions is a major research objective in engine development. Today, the use of biomass derived producer gas is more relevant for addressing rural power generation and is a promising technique for controlling both nitric oxide (NOx) and soot emission levels. In view of this, exhaustive experiments on the use of Honge oil methyl ester (HOME)–Producer gas in a dual fuel engine have been carried out with an intension of improving its fuel efficiency. This paper mainly presents results on a single cylinder four stroke direct injection diesel engine operated in dual fuel mode using HOME–Producer gas combination with and without bio-ethanol addition and thermal barrier coating (TBC). Further, the results were compared with diesel–producer gas mode of operation. Experimental investigation on dual fuel operation using HOME+5% bioethanol (BE5)–Producer gas operation with TBC showed 12.35% increased brake thermal efficiency with decreased hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions and increased NOx emission levels compared to HOME–Producer gas mode of operation.  相似文献   
溶解氧和光照对狐尾藻衰亡释放氮磷碳的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
将杀青后的狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)切成0.5~1cm段浸泡于添加氯仿(抑制微生物活性)的装水烧杯中,置于人工气候箱(温度为5℃),考察光照和溶解氧对因植物组织溶解而导致的氮磷碳释放的影响。研究结果表明曝气组总氮释放量平均3.33mg/L,比不曝气组高6.39%。总磷释放量平均15.07mg/L,比不曝气组低50%以上。COD平均释放量66.83mg/L,为不曝气组2倍以上。(1)曝气抑制了硝氮释放。在搅拌作用下,植物残体和水溶液充分碰撞与接触,加速植物残体中氮和碳向水中转化,导致曝气组总氮、氨氮、有机氮和COD升高。曝气组植物残体破碎导致表面积增加对磷吸收的促进程度强于对附着作用的降低以及植物残体磷释放作用的增加,综合作用下导致水中磷浓度降低。曝气抑制了硝氮、总磷、溶解性总磷和溶解性无机磷释放。(2)有光照组总氮、总磷和COD平均浓度分别为3.13,30.53和32.51mg/L,分别为无光照组的1.24,3.28和2.46倍。光照促进狐尾藻总氮、氨氮、硝氮、总磷、溶解性总磷、溶解性无机磷及碳的释放,但抑制有机氮释放。  相似文献   
硝酸甲胺反应过程的安全性研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
用反应量热仪(RC1e)对硝酸溶液与一甲胺溶液在反应过程中的热安定性进行初步研究,分别测试不同反应温度、加料速度和初始硝酸浓度下反应的放热情况。实验结果表明:该中和过程反应迅速,在室温就能进行;与反应温度、加料速度相比,起始硝酸浓度对反应安全性影响最大,且硝酸浓度越高,反应的速度和反应的完全程度也越高。实验还表明:RC1e是研究反应过程中热安定性情况的有效工具,能通过反应过程的热量变化体现反应速率,所得结果对硝酸甲胺的工业化生产具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
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