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运用相关分析、因子分析和聚类分析等统计学方法,对2004—2005年间浙江省金华市的大气降水化学组成和分布特征进行了分析.结果表明,SO42-,NH4+,Ca2+,NO3-和H+是降水的主要离子,降水的pH值、电导率及离子组分均呈明显的正偏态分布,降水样品以低离子含量的样本为主.降水中水溶性离子主要分为4类,SO42-,NH4+,NO3-,Ca2+和F-主要来自人为活动的贡献,K+和Mg2+主要来自土壤、沙尘等地壳来源,Na+和Cl-属于典型的海盐性成分,H+则反映了各种离子中和作用对降水酸度的综合影响. 相似文献
建立了一个计算地下水中挥发性有机物(VOC)挥发因子的模型.选用半挥发性的1,2,4-三氯苯和挥发性的四氯乙烯为VOC的代表,分别计算了非饱和区土壤为砂土和粘土时的挥发因子.结果表明:蒸发使VOC的挥发因子增大,而下渗则使VOC的挥发因子减小;不论VOC的挥发性强弱,蒸发(下渗)对挥发因子的影响均比较明显;蒸发情况下,非饱和区土壤性质对挥发因子的影响不明显,而下渗情况下,非饱和区土壤性质对挥发因子的影响则趋于明显;此外,当非饱和区土壤为粘土时,VOC的挥发因子受蒸发(下渗)的影响更明显. 相似文献
考察了膜悬浮光催化降解反应器小试系统在处理自配废水的连续运行中催化剂活性的变化.试验发现,经两周的连续运行,催化剂活性有明显降低,降为原催化剂活性的14%.分析引起催化剂活性降低的可能原因有:催化剂颗粒的聚集、有机污染物和无机垢体在催化剂表面的附着.采用超声波粉碎、次氯酸钠碱洗和盐酸酸洗的方法来恢复催化剂活性.结果表明,采用10%的盐酸清洗可使催化剂活性恢复到初始值的64%左右,效果最明显.推测由于水中硬度在催化剂表面形成的CaCO3沉淀是导致催化剂活性降低的最主要因素. 相似文献
《International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics》2012,18(1):55-70
Purpose. Handicraft manufacturing appears to be an occupation where work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are a major threat to workers. For the multifactorial nature and varying prevalence of WMSDs between different body areas, the current study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of WMSDs and associated risk factors among handicraft workers. Methods. This review was based on literature collected from three electronic databases, and the retrieved articles were screened following the inclusion/exclusion criteria. After applying the literature selection criteria to 182 articles, 30 citations were selected and examined in detail. Results. The findings suggest that the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among handicraft workers is 38.5–100%, and the most affected body areas were the neck, back, knees and upper limbs. Risk factors including working posture, daily working hours, repetitive and forceful movements, work experience, age, gender and working under stressful conditions were found to be highly associated with the occurrence of WMSDs. However, higher educational qualification of the workers led to a reduction in the odds of developing WMSDs. Conclusion. Handicraft workers are at high risk of developing WMSDs. Further research, preferably longitudinal studies, with more emphasis on work-related factors should now be undertaken to thoroughly investigate WMSDs in this occupational group. 相似文献
选取宜兴主城区18个典型内河采样点,对NO3--N、NO2--N、pH、CODMn、NH4+-N、TN、TP、SS、BOD5、DO、挥发酚、汞、铅及石油类14个主要水质指标进行为期1年的监测,频率为每月1次。采用综合污染指数法、聚类分析及因子分析法,系统解析了宜兴主城区内河水体污染物的时空分布特性。研究结果表明,综合污染指数随季节变化特征较为明显,总体污染程度表现为第三季度 > 第二季度 > 第四季度 > 第一季度;聚类分析结果显示,河道的污染程度从空间上可分为2类(组);对城区内河监测点全年的因子分析提取3个特征因子,分析结果表明,内河河道以氮、磷污染为主导因素。 相似文献
The extinction of many species can only be inferred from the record of sightings of individuals. Solow et al. (2012, Uncertain sightings and the extinction of the Ivory‐billed Woodpecker. Conservation Biology 26: 180–184) describe a Bayesian approach to such inference and apply it to a sighting record of the Ivory‐billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis). A feature of this sighting record is that all uncertain sightings occurred after the most recent certain sighting. However, this appears to be an artifact. We extended this earlier work in 2 ways. First, we allowed for overlap in time between certain and uncertain sightings. Second, we considered 2 plausible statistical models of a sighting record. In one of these models, certain and uncertain sightings that are valid arise from the same process whereas in the other they arise from independent processes. We applied both models to the case of the Ivory‐billed Woodpecker. The result from the first model did not favor extinction, whereas the result for the second model did. This underscores the importance, in applying tests for extinction, of understanding what could be called the natural history of the sighting record. Sobre Avistamientos Inciertos e Inferencia de la Extinción 相似文献
分别以牛肉膏蛋白胨-布氏哈斯培养基、蓝色凝胶培养基作为初筛和复筛培养基,从石油污染土壤中筛选出2株可产生微生物表面活性剂的石油烃降解菌。并将菌株投加到油污土壤中进行修复研究,考查了不同影响因素对修复效果的影响。研究结果表明,(1)2株菌对中度石油污染土壤有较好的修复效果,向油污土壤中直接投加菌株修复70 d时对石油烃的去除率为52%;(2)向油污土壤中投加降解菌并同时补充氮营养液,修复70 d时对土壤中总石油烃的去除率可达到75%;对土壤中正构烷烃的去除率为66%;(3)与土壤的含水率及土著菌的降解效果相比,向油污土壤中投加降解菌以及补充氮磷营养液是影响石油污染土壤修复效果的关键因素。 相似文献