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为探究露天矿不同高度边坡卸荷破坏模式的异同,以辽宁鞍山大孤山铁矿某岩质边坡为背景,利用边坡岩体内优势裂隙组产状、迹长和密度等随机分布参数,构建与边坡结构面具有相似分布规律的二维网络模型,借助PFC数值计算软件,探讨不同开采水平下坡体位移场和裂隙发展的时空演化规律以及边坡的破坏模式。研究结果表明:在边坡开挖过程中,出现的裂隙以张拉裂隙为主;裂隙主要出现在靠近坡面一定范围内,从坡面向里,裂隙数量减小,裂隙初始出现在坡脚区域,而后向坡顶发展;边坡开挖后,水平位移由负变为正,且突然增大,而后呈现阶跃型增长;边坡水平和竖向位移最大值发生在坡脚区域和靠近坡面位置,远离坡面,位移逐渐减小。 相似文献
蚯蚓对城镇污泥堆肥过程中微型动物群落演替的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用实验对比和除趋势对应分析(DCA)等方法,以城镇污泥中的微型动物为对象,研究蚯蚓对堆肥过程微型动物群落演替的影响.结果表明,蚯蚓仅影响微型动物群落数量,对演替进程无明显影响.堆肥过程微型动物群落演替可分为3个阶段:第1阶段(0~10 d),固着类纤毛虫为优势类群阶段,该阶段微型动物变化多受限于环境的改变,蚯蚓影响较小;第2阶段(10~30 d),固着类纤毛虫和轮虫向肉足虫和线虫为优势类群的过渡阶段,该阶段蚯蚓对线虫数量有一定的限制;第3阶段(30 d后),肉足虫和线虫为优势类群阶段,该阶段蚯蚓对有壳肉足虫的增长产生了明显的抑制作用.群落多样性指数结果显示,蚯蚓在第1和第2阶段作用不明显,在第3阶段增加了微型动物的多样性和均匀度,减小了优势物种的优势程度.对固着类纤毛虫的同化作用是蚯蚓稳定堆肥环境、促进有机质降解的重要因素. 相似文献
厌氧消化是城市污泥常用的资源化处理方式,添加产甲烷抑制剂得到的发酵产物乙酸相比于甲烷被认为更具附加值.同型产乙酸途径是污泥厌氧发酵产乙酸途径之一,然而产甲烷抑制剂的存在对其影响尚不明确,这对污泥厌氧发酵产酸工艺的优化和应用至关重要.本文研究了不同氯仿浓度抑制产甲烷条件下挥发性脂肪酸、气体浓度及同型产乙酸菌和总细菌数量的变化,基于乙酸的稳定性碳同位素分馏效应分析了不同温度条件下氯仿对同型产乙酸作用的影响.结果显示,0.1%和0.5%(V/V)氯仿浓度条件下最高乙酸浓度分别为24.5和22.4 mmol·L~(-1),远低于对照组的52.6 mmol·L~(-1).氯仿抑制产甲烷条件下乙酸的稳定碳同位素丰度δ~(13)C值均高于污泥有机质的δ~(13)C值,50℃时乙酸的δ~(13)C值最高,且同型产乙酸菌相对丰度也低于15和30℃条件下.可见,产甲烷抑制剂氯仿同时能够抑制同型产乙酸作用,0.5%浓度下的抑制效果高于0.1%浓度下,且50℃条件下其抑制作用强于15和30℃条件下. 相似文献
研究了污水污泥的低温裂解特性,考察了裂解终温和干燥到一定程度后污泥含水率对裂解产物分布及产物性质的影响,并分析了裂解产物中最合适的目标产物形式.经过分析比较,最终确定以污泥裂解残焦为目标产物并通过与普通土壤混拌进行了栽种大蒜和测试大蒜重金属浓度水平的实验,并考察残焦中重金属向植物迁移的情况.结果表明,干燥到一定程度的污水污泥在550℃下裂解时残焦的产率在40%以上,其中灰分含量在60%~65%之间,富含氮、 磷、 钾.该残焦中重金属含量符合有关土地使用规定,能明显促进大蒜植株的生长,实验组平均株高比普通组高出3~4 cm;但是快速生长的大蒜植株中重金属浓度略有增加.研究表明残焦是合适的污水污泥裂解目标产物,具有土地使用的前景,能够用于促进非食用目的的植物的生长. 相似文献
Anaerobic tapered fluidized bed reactor for starch wastewater treatment and
modeling using multilayer perceptron neural network 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Anaerobic treatability of synthetic sago wastewater was investigated in a laboratory anaerobic tapered fluidized bed reactor(ATFBR) with a mesoporous granular activated carbon(GAC)as a support material.The experimental protocol was defined to examine the effect of the maximum organic loading rate(OLR),hydraulic retention time(HRT),the efficiency of the reactor and to report on its steady- state performance.The reactor was subjected to a steady-state operation over a range of OLR up to 85.44 kg COD/(m~3.d).The COD removal efficiency was found to be 92% in the reactor while the biogas produced in the digester reached 25.38 m~3/(m~3·d) of the reactor. With the increase of OLR from 83.7 kg COD/(m~3.d),the COD removal efficiency decreased.Also an artificial neural network(ANN) model using multilayer perceptron(MLP)has been developed for a system of two input variable and five output dependent variables. For the training of the input-output data,the experimental values obtained have been used.The output parameters predicted have been found to be much closer to the corresponding experimental ones and the model was validated for 30% of the untrained data.The mean square error(MSE)was found to be only 0.0146. 相似文献
Liangliang Wei Kun Wang Qingliang Zhao Junqiu Jiang Chunmei Xie Wei Qiu 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2010,22(5):641-647
In order to characterize the organic properties of waste activated sludge in a wastewater treatment plant,organic matter within sludge was extracted with NH 3 ·H 2 O preferentially,and subsequently fractionated into five fractions using XAD-8/XAD-4 resins.Up to a 63.8%-71.1% of organic matter within the sludge could be efficiently extracted by NH 3 ·H 2 O.Fractionation results showed that hydrophobic acid and hydrophilic fraction were two main components among the sludge organic matter (accounting for 32.2% and 48.0% of the bulk organic matter,respectively),whereas transphilic acid,hydrophobic neutral and transphilic neutral were quite low (accounting for 9.2%,5.8% and 4.8%,respectively).Despite that the extractant of NH 3 ·H 2 O showed a relatively higher extraction efficiency of the aromatic components,the relatively low aromaticity of the organic fractions implied that those non-aromatic components could also be effectively extracted,especially for neutral and hydrophilic fractions.In addition,acidic fractions contained more aromatic humic-like components,whereas the neutral fractions had a greater content of aromatic proteins and soluble microbial byproduct-like components.Extraction of sludge organics with NH 3 ·H 2 O and subsequential fractionation using XAD resins could be a novel method for further characterization of sludge organics. 相似文献
萃取膜生物反应器处理苯酚废水的试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
从经过驯化的活性污泥中筛选出苯酚降解菌.制备成菌悬液,对比活性污泥体系和菌悬液体系的萃取膜生物反应器(EMB)对苯酚废水的处理效果,考察了料液苯酚浓度、反应器温度等因素对膜萃取速率及生物降解效果的影响.结果表明,通过以苯酚为唯一碳源,逐渐提高苯酚浓度的方法对活性污泥进行驯化.当进水苯酚浓度为700 mg·L-1时,苯酚去除率达99%以上;适当提高反应器温度和料液初始浓度有利于提高膜萃取速率;当初始料液苯酚浓度为2000 mg·L-1时,膜萃取速率高于生物降解速率,生物相中产生苯酚积累;菌悬液体系EMB的生物膜厚度明显小于活性污泥体系,且水力反冲洗可有效控制生物膜厚度.对苯酚生物降解产物的GC-MS分析结果表明,苯酚的生物降解较彻底,基本无苯酚中间产物的残留. 相似文献