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运用GC-MS、紫外光谱及三维荧光光谱扫描技术考察了石化污水处理厂“水解酸化—厌氧处理—好氧处理”工艺的各单元出水中有机污染物的变化情况。总进水中检出84种主要有机污染物,主要含有烃类27种,酚类5种,醛、酯、醇和酮类化合物共24种,胺类4种,腈、有机酸及其他杂环化合物14种,另有10种物质未定性;该工艺的COD累积去除率达87.66%, 64种有机污染物被完全去除,17种有机污染物去除率可达90%以上,接触氧化池出水中主要含杂环化合物和少量醛、醇、酯类化合物。  相似文献   
The lakes in KillarneyProvincial Park, located 40–60 km southwest ofSudbury, Ontario, were some of the first lakesin North America to be acidified by atmosphericpollutants. Acidification affected thousandsof fish and invertebrate populations in dozensof lakes. Since the 1970's, water quality hasimproved in response to atmospheric pollutionreductions and some lakes have alreadyrecovered to approximately their pre-industrialpH levels, as inferred from diatom microfossilsin lake sediments. Since the 1970's, fishspecies richness has not changed substantially,but zooplankton species richness has increasedin acidified lakes. The critical sulphur load,the amount of SO2-derived acid depositionthat can occur while still maintaining suitable water quality, was estimated to beexceeded in 38% of the park area in 1997. Depending on which of four possible NorthAmerican emission control scenarios (CLR =currently legislated reduction; CLR + 25%; CLR+ 50%; CLR + 75%) is achieved by 2010, theprojected critical loads will be exceeded inabout 0-30% of the park area in the future. There are many factors that can affectbiological recovery rates of damaged lakes, butit is expected that biological recovery willlag considerably behind observed chemicalrecovery rates.  相似文献   
采用循环式复合水解酸化—CASS—絮凝沉淀组合工艺处理江苏省某化工园区污水厂的实际废水(COD260~815 mg/L、ρ(氨氮)19.15~40.41 mg/L、TN 22.51~50.66 mg/L、TP 0.79~3.21 mg/L),考察了污染物浓度的沿程变化,评价了各工段对主要污染物的去除效果。实验结果表明,组合工艺对废水有着较好的处理效果,平均COD、氨氮、TN、TP的去除率分别高达83.29%、95.34%、61.29%、82.70%,平均出水COD、ρ(氨氮)、TN、TP分别为56.2,1.27,14.34,0.33 mg/L,出水水质接近GB 18918—2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》的一级A标准。  相似文献   
An experiment has been conducted to contrast the effects of enhanced oxidised and reduced nitrogen deposition upon key chemical parameters in a Calluna moorland podzol. A 40 cm deep podzol profile, derived from granite, was reconstructed in one hundred 4.2 cm diameter cores. for 20 weeks, the cores were subjected twice weekly to simulated rainfall containing either twice ambient nitrogen deposition in Aberdeen, or further enhanced nitrogen (further 2- and 6-fold increases) as nitric acid or ammonium sulphate. to quantify the dynamics of soil change in each horizon, randomly selected cores were destructively analysed every two weeks and the soils analysed. Increased nitrogen inputs, regardless of form, substantially and immediately reduced surface soil pHwater via the mobile anion or salt effect. for the higher nitrogen treatments, the pH reduction was seen throughout the profile. Longer term soil acidification was also seen in the pHcalcium chloride results over the 20 weeks. at a given nitrogen deposition rate, the effects of ammonium sulphate and nitric acid on soil pHcalcium chloride were similar. the ammonium sulphate treatments were especially effective at reducing base saturation throughout much of the profile, the direct base cation leaching being associated with substantial ammonium accumulation. the results suggest that the direct base cation leaching caused by ammonium deposition needs to be considered when assessing atmospheric pollution “damage” to heathland soils.  相似文献   
大气氮沉降的增加对森林土壤的影响是近来生态学研究的重要课题。以鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林(以下简称为“阔叶林”)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林、针阔叶混交林(以下简称为“混交林”)和增城木荷(Schima superba)人工幼林等4种林型土壤为研究对象,采用野外原位模拟大气氮沉降的方法,设置3种模拟氮沉降量,即N0(对照,N:0 g·m-2·a-1)、N5(N:5 g·m-2·a-1)、N10(N:10 g·m-2·a-1),在模拟氮沉降时间分别为42个月(阔叶林)、31个月(马尾松林)、50个月(混交林)、20个月(人工幼林)后,采集0~20 cm土层的林地土壤,分析土壤的化学性质,探讨不同氮沉降量对不同林型土壤化学性质的影响。结果表明,(1)模拟氮沉降对鼎湖山阔叶林、马尾松林、混交林土壤pH值的影响基本一致,均使pH值下降。其中,当氮沉降量达到N10时,阔叶林土壤pH值降为3.97,与对照相比下降了0.11 pH单位,差异达显著性水平(p〈0.05)。而人工幼林土壤pH值未随着氮沉降量的不同而有明显的变化。(2)模拟氮沉降在近2年至4年的时间内,对阔叶林、混交林、人工幼林的土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、水解性氮、速效磷、速效钾含量的影响均不明显,马尾松林土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、速效磷、速效钾含量也没有明显变化,但模拟氮沉降导致了马尾松林土壤水解性氮含量明显下降,从95.12 mg·kg-1降至84.39 mg·kg-1,差异达显著性水平(p〈0.05)。(3)模拟氮沉降对鼎湖山阔叶林、马尾松林、混交林等3种林型土壤盐基饱和度、盐基离子Ca2+、Mg2+、K+含量的影响未达显著水平,而对这3种林型土壤交换性Na+含量的影响则较明显且影响趋势基本一致,即氮沉降的增加导致了土壤交换性Na+含量明显下降。在N10处理下,与对照相比,这3种林型的土壤交换性Na+含量分别下降了40.0%、68.4%、50.0%,差异达显著性水平(p〈0.05)。氮沉降对人工幼林土壤盐基离子含量无明显的影响。由此可得出结论:在近2年至4年的时间内,氮沉降的增加能引起鼎湖山3种林型土壤尤其是阔叶林土壤加速酸化,引起交换性Na+明显淋失,以及马尾松林土壤水解性氮含量明显下降;但氮沉降的增加对木荷人工幼林土壤化学性质暂无明显的影响。后者可能与该林型模拟氮沉降时间较短、林龄较轻而处于快速生长期等因素有关。  相似文献   
Marine hydrokinetic power projects will operate as marine environments change in response to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. We considered how tidal power development and stressors resulting from climate change may affect Puget Sound species listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) and their food web. We used risk tables to assess the singular and combined effects of tidal power development and climate change. Tidal power development and climate change posed risks to ESA‐listed species, and risk increased with incorporation of the effects of these stressors on predators and prey of ESA‐listed species. In contrast, results of a model of strikes on ESA‐listed species from turbine blades suggested that few ESA‐listed species are likely to be killed by a commercial‐scale tidal turbine array. We applied scenarios to a food web model of Puget Sound to explore the effects of tidal power and climate change on ESA‐listed species using more quantitative analytical techniques. To simulate development of tidal power, we applied results of the blade strike model. To simulate environmental changes over the next 50 years, we applied scenarios of change in primary production, plankton community structure, dissolved oxygen, ocean acidification, and freshwater flooding events. No effects of tidal power development on ESA‐listed species were detected from the food web model output, but the effects of climate change on them and other members of the food web were large. Our analyses exemplify how natural resource managers might assess environmental effects of marine technologies in ways that explicitly incorporate climate change and consider multiple ESA‐listed species in the context of their ecological community. Estimación de los Efectos de Proyectos de Energía de las Mareas y el Cambio Climático sobre Especies Marinas Amenazadas y en Peligro y su Red Alimentaria  相似文献   
本文介绍了水解酸化 -接触氧化 -混凝气浮工艺在处理高浓度漂染废水中的工程应用。结果表明 ,漂染废水经该工艺处理后CODCr去除率为 95 % ,色度去除率为 90 %。该工艺具有占地面积小 ,脱色效果好 ,处理效率高等特点 ,能广泛应用于纺织漂染废水的实际工程中  相似文献   
纺织印染废水治理工程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用混凝沉淀 -酸化水解 -生物接触氧化工艺处理纺织印染废水。工程实践运行表明 ,该工艺处理效果好、运行稳定、投资省  相似文献   
The Steady State Water Chemistry Model (SSWCM) is a common method for determinations of critical loadof acid and subsequently of critical loadexceedance for lakes. One way to verify the modeloutput, is to compare with chemical indicatorssuch as pH-value, alkalinity or ANC. When themedian chemical status (as ANC) is used 65% ofthe lakes responded according to the exceedancevalue. For these the calculated exceedanceresulted in violation of the critical chemicalvalue while non-exceedance gave no violation.Since biota react on extreme conditions a morecorrect evaluation should be based on minimumvalues for the chemical indicator. This raises thefraction of lakes responding to 78%. Non-exceedance is seldom found inlakes with acid conditions. The evaluationindicates that the calculation of critical load ofacidity by means of SSWCM is very reliable.  相似文献   
水解酸化-UASB-SBR工艺处理改性淀粉废水研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈日祥 《环境工程》2005,23(2):18-20
以 3种高浓度改性淀粉废水 (氧化淀粉、酯化淀粉和醚化淀粉 )为研究对象 ,采用水解酸化 上向流厌氧生物法(UASB) 活性污泥法 (SBR)组合工艺 ,从设计、调试、运行和技术分析来研究该工艺的可行性。研究结果表明 :该工艺处理改性淀粉废水是可行的 ,对不同种类的改性淀粉废水具有较强的适应性。  相似文献   
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