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翁棣 《环境工程》2003,21(4):70-72
用催化吸附 KMnO4溶液吸收化合净化法处理稀土荧光灯生产过程中含汞废气 ,经该工艺处理 ,排放的净化气低于GB162 97 1996《大气污染物综合排放标准》中汞污染物排放标准  相似文献   
讨论了铜在淡水藻(Scenedesmus subspicatus86.81SAG)细胞壁和细胞内分布规律,以及乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)和水体腐殖酸(FA)存在下对铜分布的影响,研究结果表明,EDTA和FA的存在显著降低了细胞表面铜的吸附量,但是不影响细胞内铜的浓度,对测定数据进行分析。可以认为溶液相铜与EDTA或FA形成的铜络合物是生物无效形态,不参与铜在藻细胞壁上特定位点或生物配体的竞争结合反应。  相似文献   
垃圾填埋场及周边水系中汞污染调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对上海老港垃圾填埋场渗滤液、地下水和地表径流水监测分析表明:渗滤液中的汞主要为以颗粒态汞(S-Hg)形式存在,污水处理系统可以使颗粒态汞(S-Hg)随颗粒物沉积到底泥中,但是对可溶态汞(D-Hg)去除没有明显作用;芦苇湿地可以有效地吸附和吸收渗滤液中各种形态汞,使汞浓度降到一个较低的水平;对地下水和地表水的分析结果显示,地下水基本没有受到汞污染,而地表水受到一定程度的污染。  相似文献   
研究了一种使用悬浮液进样原子荧光光谱法测定海洋沉积初中痕量汞的快速简便的方法。控制悬浮液的颗粒粒径在200目(d≤0.076mm),用磁力搅拌器搅拌以保证悬浮液分散均匀稳定,以水溶液标准作标准曲线,该法方法的检出限为0.001μg/L,加标回收率为90.5%-103.4%,RSD为4.39%。将此法用于标准物质GBw07314、GBw08301、GSBZ50013—88、GSB50014—88和实验室外控样的分析,得到了满意的结果,证明该方法准确可靠。  相似文献   
对珠江河口及近海水域样品中Cu的总含量以及颗粒态、游离态Cu含量进行分析,结果发现,Cu的总浓度有随河口向外海递增的趋势,并非完全体现陆源性规律。说明研究水域中Cu不仅可能具有其他来源,同时在很大程度上受到沿岸上升流的影响。但是游离态Cu的分布却表现相反的规律,无论是游离态Cu的浓度还是游离态Cu在总Cu中所占的份额都自河口向外海随盐度的增加而降低。说明Cu的形态分布在更大程度上取决于水体的理化性质。本研究还逶过对不同盐度水样的杜氏藻培养后Cu吸收量的测定,即逶过Cu对藻类的生物有效性验证了Cu形态的分布规律。  相似文献   
Ligands present in dissolved organic matter (DOM) form complexes with inorganic divalent mercury (Hg^2+) affecting its bioavailability in pelagic food webs. This investigation addresses the influence of a natural gradient of DOM present in Patagonian lakes on the bioaccumulation of Hg^2+ (the prevailing mercury species in the water column of these lakes) by the algae Cryptomonas erosa and the zooplankters Brachionus calyciflorus and Boeckella antiqua. Hg^2+ accumulation was studied through laboratory experiments using natural water of four oligotrophic Patagonian lakes amended with^197Hg^2+. The bioavailability of Hg^2+ was affected by the concentration and character of DOM. The entrance of Hg^2+ into pelagic food webs occurs mostly through passive and active accumulation. The incorporation of Hg^2+ by Cryptomonas, up to 27% of the Hg^2+ amended, was found to be rapid and dominated by passive adsorption, and was greatest when low molecular weight compounds with protein-like or small phenolic signatures prevailed in the DOM. Conversely, high molecular weight compounds with a humic or fulvic signature kept Hg^2+ in the dissolved phase, resulting in the lowest Hg^2+ accumulation in this algae. In Brachionus and Boeckella the direct incorporation of Hg from the aqueous phase was up to 3% of the Hg^2+ amended. The dietary incorporation of Hg^2+ by Boeckella exceeded the direct absorption of this metal in natural water, and was remarkably similar to the Hg^2+ adsorbed in their prey. Overall, DOM concentration and character affected the adsorption of Hg^2+ by algae through competitive binding, while the incorporation of Hg^2+ into the zooplankton was dominated by trophic or dietary transfer.  相似文献   
湖泊沉积物质量基准研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前湖泊沉积物污染问题日益引起广泛关注,建立切实可行的沉积物环境质量基准,是对受污染沉积物进行科学评价和有效治理的重要前提。本论文介绍了沉积物质量基准的概念和国内外在该领域的最新研究进展,阐述了建立沉积物质量基准的主要方法,并对当前沉积物质量基准存在的关键问题和未来研究前景进行了分析。作者认为,当前亟待开展复合污染条件下的沉积物环境质量基准研究,应注重数值型沉积物质量基准和生物响应型沉积物质量基准的有机结合,加快建立沉积物毒性试验的标准方法体系,加强沉积物污染物的赋存形态与迁移转化规律研究,探索建立符合我国区域特点的沉积物质量基准理论、技术和方法体系,提高沉积物质量基准的准确性、针对性和适用性。  相似文献   
混汞法是一种设备简单、操作简便且应用历史悠久的提金方法 ,在世界范围内得到了普遍使用 ,同时也导致了严重的汞污染。本文介绍了混汞法的流程以及汞的释放过程和释放因子 ;综述了应用混汞法提金的不同国家和地区 ,对由此引发的大气、水体、生物 (包括人体 )和土壤汞污染的研究现状 ,并讨论了采金地区的环境管理政策  相似文献   
An entrained-flow system has been designed and constructed to simulate in-flight mercury capture by sorbents in ducts of coal-fired utility plants. The test conditions of 1.5 s residence time, 140°C temperature, 4.5 ppbv inlet Hg0 concentration, and 0–20 lb/MMacf sorbent injection rates were chosen to simulate conditions in the ducts. Novel oxidants developed in previous fixed-bed tests and novel sorbents derived from the novel oxidants were tested for their Hg0 capture in the entrained-flow system to examine the possibility of using those sorbents in a full-scale system. Darco-FGD and Darco Hg-LH served as benchmark sorbents with which mercury control capability of the novel oxidants and novel sorbents could be compared. The test results showed that the novel oxidants have remarkable Hg0 oxidation capability, and the novel sorbents showed a better performance in Hg0 removal than Darco Hg-LH.  相似文献   
兰州城区大气粒子态汞的污染状况   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过调查发现在市工业区,粒子态汞浓度高,冬,夏平均值为0.91和1.00ng/m^3,最高达1.92ng/m^3,冬夏季无显著性差异,秋季浓度低,交通频繁区和交通商业混合区冬季平均值0.45ng/m^3,夏季0.49ng/m^3在清洁区大部分在0.10ng/m^3左右,最低0.070ng/m^3,显示夏季和城区粒子态汞浓度偏高的特征。工业区粒子态汞主要是由人为污染产生的气态汞吸附在同一污染源的粒尘  相似文献   
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