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以实际中药废水作为阳极基质、实际含镉废水作为阴极电解液,构建了连续流双室微生物燃料电池(MFC),考察了其产电性能及对两种废水的处理效果。78 d的运行数据表明:系统可实现最大输出电压417mV、最大体积功率密度11.8 W/m3,最大体积功率密度运行条件下的库伦效率为18.5%;在阳极进水有机物浓度变化较大的情况下,实现了阳极对中药废水中有机物的有效去除,平均COD去除率为81.5%;阴极对含镉废水中Cd2+的去除率为79.4%~84.8%。这表明MFC同步处理中药废水及重金属废水具有一定的可行性。 相似文献
Comparative Toxicity of PCBs and PBDEs Using Human Cancer Cell Lines and Zebrafish Embryos 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
SHEN Hua-ping HUANG Chang-jiang LU Fang YANG Jun-hu TANGUAY Robert SUN Lu-zhe DONG Qiao-xiang 《生态毒理学报》2009,4(5):625-633
研究了6种多氯联苯(PCBs)3,3′,4,4′-四氯联苯(PCB77)、2,3,3′,4,4′-五氯联苯(PCB105)、2,3′,4,4′,5-五氯联苯(PCB118)、3,3′,4,4′,5-五氯联苯(PCB126)、2,3,3',4,4',5-六氯联苯(PCB156)和商业型混合多氯联苯Aroclor1254,两种多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)2,2′,4,4′-四溴二苯醚(PBDE47)、十溴二苯醚(PBDE209)对人类癌细胞生长和斑马鱼脱膜与不脱膜胚胎发育的影响.8种化合物均使用0.01、0.1、1.0、10μmol·L-14个浓度进行1~6d的暴露实验.结果表明,PBDE209在最高浓度10μmol·L-1下对结肠癌细胞HCT116(暴露3d后)和RKO(暴露5d后)具有显著的生长抑制作用,所有化合物均对乳腺癌细胞没有显著影响.相比之下,化合物对受精后5~6h(5~6hpf)的斑马鱼胚胎的毒性效应显得比较明显,而各化合物对胚胎的致畸和致死效应又不相同,其毒性强弱依次为PCB126≈PCB156>PCB1254(Aroclor1254)>PBDE47>PCB77>PCB105≈PCB118≈PBDE209.其中PBDE209在未脱膜暴毒后均无致畸与致死现象,脱膜暴毒后最高浓度才表现出显著意义的致畸作用,而PBDE47在最高浓度下可产生高达80%的致畸率,这说明胚胎绒毛膜具有有效阻挡大分子物质如PBDE209进入的作用.PCBs的毒性效应与其空间结构密切相关.如PCB126和PCB105具有相同的分子式,前者在1μmol·L-1下就引起了显著的致死和致畸效应,而后者即使在10μmol·L-1下也没有显著的效应.实验结果也说明不同类型的实验对象所展示的毒性效应并不相同,化合物对体外培养的细胞和发育中的胚胎具有不同的影响. 相似文献
高效木薯渣分解复合菌群RXS的构建及其发酵特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从富含腐烂纤维质的环境中取样,通过以木薯渣及滤纸为碳源的蛋白胨纤维素培养基不断地富集培养,构建了一组高效稳定的纤维质分解复合菌群.考察了该复合菌群对不同纤维质底物的分解性能及其在木薯渣水解过程中主要参数的变化.研究发现该复合菌群对滤纸、脱脂棉、微晶纤维素、麦秸秆和木薯渣等原料均能够进行有效的降解.在该复合菌群应用于木薯渣的水解过程中,监测发现纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、果胶酶等关键酶的酶活力分别在第2~3 d达到最大值34.4、90.5和15.8U;经过10 d的发酵后,木薯渣中的纤维素、半纤维素及木质素分别降解了79.8%、85.9%和19.4%,且木薯渣的失重高达61.5%;此外,代谢产物主要是乙酸、丁酸、己酸和甘油;而溶解性COD、总糖和总挥发酸的变化表明第2 d时木薯渣的水解率最高.上述结果表明,该复合菌群能够有效地水解木薯燃料酒精生产过程中的废弃物木薯渣,并有望用于木薯渣高效沼气发酵的前处理中. 相似文献
Dissimilatory reduction of FeIII (EDTA) with microorganisms in the system of nitric oxide removal from the flue gas by metal chelate absorption 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In the system of nitric oxide removal from the flue gas by metal chelate absorption, it is an obstacle that ferrous absorbents are easily oxidized by oxygen in the flue gas to ferric counterparts, which are not capable of binding NO. By adding iron metal or electrochemical method, Fe^Ⅲ (EDTA) can be reduced to Fe^Ⅱ(EDTA).However, there are various drawbacks associated with these techniques. The dissimilatory reduction of Fe^Ⅲ(EDTA) with microorganisms in the system of nitric oxide removal by metal chelate absorption was investigated. Ammonium salt instead of nitrate was used as the nitrogen source, as nitrates inhibited the reduction of Fe^Ⅲ due to the competition between the two electron acceptors. Supplemental glucose and lactate stimulated the formation of Fe^Ⅱ more than ethanol as the carbon sources. The microorganisms cultured at 50~C were not very sensitive to the other experimental temperature, the reduction percentage of Fe^Ⅲ varied little with the temperature range of 30-50℃.Concentrated Na2 CO3 solution was added to adjust the solution pH to an optimal pH range of 6-7. The overall results revealed that the dissimilatory ferric reducing microorganisms present in the mix-culture are probably neutrophilic, moderately thermophiUc Fe^Ⅲ reducers. 相似文献
Higher concentrations of Hg can be emitted from coal pyrolysis or gasification than from coal combustion, especially elemental Hg. Highly efficient Hg removal technology from coal-derived fuel gas is thus of great importance. Based on the very excellent Hg removal ability of Pd and the high adsorption abilities of activated carbon(AC) for H2 S and Hg, a series of Pd/AC sorbents was prepared by using pore volume impregnation, and their performance in capturing Hg and H2 S from coal-derived fuel gas was investigated using a laboratory-scale fixed-bed reactor. The effects of loading amount, reaction temperature and reaction atmosphere on Hg removal from coal-derived fuel gas were studied. The sorbents were characterized by N2 adsorption, X-ray diffraction(XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). The results indicated that the efficiency of Hg removal increased with the increasing of Pd loading amount, but the effective utilization rate of the active component Pd decreased significantly at the same time. High temperature had a negative influence on the Hg removal. The efficiency of Hg removal in the N2-H2S-H2-CO-Hg atmosphere(simulated coal gas) was higher than that in N2-H2S-Hg and N2-Hg atmospheres, which showed that H2 and CO, with their reducing capacity, could benefit promote the removal of Hg. The XPS results suggested that there were two different ways of capturing Hg over sorbents in N2-H2S-Hg and N2-Hg atmospheres. 相似文献
电极构型对空气阴极生物燃料电池发电性能的影响 总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5
在空气阴极生物燃料电池(ACMFC)中,从阴极扩散进入阳极的氧气能够被兼性微生物作为电子受体还原,进而导致电子损失严重.本研究利用葡萄糖作底物,对2种不同电极构型的空气阴极生物燃料电池ACMFC1和ACMFC2的功率输出和电子回收进行了比较研究.结果表明,ACMFC1的内阻为302.14Ω,阳极电位为-323mV,最大功率密度为3 070 mW/m3;ACMFC2的内阻为107.79Ω,阳极电位为-442mV,最大功率密度达到9 800 mW/m3.在间歇条件下,ACMFC2可以连续运行220h,电子回收率为30.1%;而ACMFC1只能运行不到50h,电子回收率为9.78%.因此,合理的设计空气阴极生物燃料电池电极构型可以减小内阻,增大电池电动势进而增大功率输出,提高电子回收率. 相似文献
采用单室无膜悬浮阴极微生物燃料电池(MFC),对比分析了蛋白酶和淀粉酶强化剩余污泥为燃料的MFC(ESMFC)产电特性、酶特性和污泥减量化效果。研究表明,投加蛋白酶的ESMFC最大功率密度比对照组增加106.2%,投加淀粉酶时ESMFC最大功率密度比对照组增加48%。蛋白酶作用主要体现在投加后的前12小时,而淀粉酶作用时间则较长,为投加后的前144小时,但在运行前期,由于高温作用,导致系统内的酶活性较强,投加的淀粉酶作用则不明显。投加蛋白酶的系统内TCOD、TSS和VSS去除率分别为82%、65%和85%,而投加淀粉酶的系统内TCOD、TSS和VSS去除率分别达到86%、67%和88%。此研究对于ESMFC中外加酶的选择具有一定意义。 相似文献
目的 某型双座机使用中发现4号油箱存在不同程度结构损伤,分析其损伤原因和制定修理方案。方法 对4号油箱结构状态进行深入检查评估后,从结构损伤过程、载荷情况、设计制造和外场使用等方面综合分析损伤原因。对实际损伤结构进行强度计算和评估,制定结构损伤补强修理方案,并提出修理改进建议。结果 通过分析得出,损伤原因主要是4号油箱局部存在设计制造缺陷,且飞机在作大过载飞行时,4号油箱可能处于满油或大量余油的高负载状态。根据损伤原因制定的修理方案合理可行,通过了静强度校核和评估。结论 基于该损伤结构提出的修理方案通过实际修理验证,能够满足油箱结构强度设计要求,提出的改进建议能够改善飞机疲劳品质。 相似文献