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采煤塌陷对地表植物群落特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究采煤塌陷对地表植被组成及其多样性的影响,对陕西省神府-东胜补连塔煤矿采煤塌陷区不同塌陷年限(2、7、12、17 a)区域和未塌陷区域(对照)植被进行抽样调查与分析. 结果表明:该区域共有14科39属46种植物,主要为草本植物;采煤塌陷对植被种类组成、物种分布有很大影响,导致植物种类显著减少31.03%~44.83%. 塌陷区优势种较对照区有较大变化,优势种由多年生草本植物演变为一二年生草本植物;但是不同塌陷年限区域植物优势种基本稳定,主要为看麦娘(Alopecurus aequalis)、烛台虫实(Corispermum candelabrum)、刺叶藜(Chenopodium aristatum)等. 采煤塌陷导致植株密度显著下降58.62%~68.00%、物种丰富度显著下降17.43%~27.00%、Margalef丰富度指数显著降低4.07%~22.76%,但植被盖度差异不显著. 采煤塌陷显著影响植物群落多样性,其中,塌陷12和17 a样地植被Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数较塌陷2 a样地显著提高. 群落排序结果表明,物种分布与塌陷有明显相关性. 塌陷区植株密度及其植被组成中多年生草本种数很难恢复到对照区水平,植被恢复进程十分缓慢.   相似文献   
全面分析2013年西安市13个国控环境空气质量自动监测子站PM2.5监测数据。结果表明:2013年西安市环境空气中PM2.5年均值为105μg/m3,超过《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—2012)二级要求(35μg/m3)200.0%,污染较严重;西安市各子站PM2.5月均值总体呈两边高、中间低的"V"型趋势,全市及各子站PM2.5月均值分别为44~206、32~275μg/m3;采暖期(上半年采暖期为1—3月,下半年采暖期为11—12月)、非采暖期(4—10月)PM2.5平均值分别为156、70μg/m3;上、下半年采暖期PM2.5平均值分别为178、124μg/m3;西安市气象风力以微风为主,雨天集中在5—9月,期间PM2.5月均值小于80μg/m3。  相似文献   
油气田建设项目施工期环境监理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对油气田建设项目的具体情况,对油气田建设项目施工期主要环境影响,包括钻井作业、输气站及输气管道建设工程中的主要环境影响进行了分析,从施工期的污染防治措施监理、生态保护措施监理、环境保护设施监理几个方面对施工期环境监理的主要内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   
If the objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is to be achieved, Parties must commit themselves to meeting meaningful long‐term targets that, based on current knowledge, would minimize the possibility of irreversible climate change. Current indications are that a global mean temperature rise in excess of 2–3 °C would enhance the risk of destabilizing the climate system as we know it, and possibly lead to catastrophic change such as a shutdown of the deep ocean circulation, and the disintegration of the West Arctic Ice Sheet. Observations have shown that for many small island developing States (SIDS), life‐sustaining ecosystems such as coral reefs, already living near the limit of thermal tolerance, are highly climate‐sensitive, and can suffer severe damage from exposure to sea temperatures as low as 1 °C above the seasonal maximum. Other natural systems (e.g., mangroves) are similarly susceptible to relatively low temperature increases, coupled with small increments of sea level rise. Economic and social sectors, including agriculture and human health, face similar challenges from the likely impacts of projected climate change. In light of known thresholds, this paper presents the view that SIDS should seek support for a temperature cap not exceeding 1.5–2.0 °C above the pre‐industrial mean. It is argued that a less stringent post‐Kyoto target would frustrate achievement of the UNFCCC objective. The view is expressed that all countries which emit significant amounts of greenhouse gases should commit to binding reduction targets in the second commitment period, but that targets for developing countries should be less stringent than those agreed for developed countries. Such an arrangement would be faithful to the principles of equity and would ensure that the right of Parties to attain developed country status would not be abrogated.  相似文献   
丰水期鄱阳湖氮磷含量变化及来源分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过系统测定丰水期鄱阳湖湖水、主要支流水、长江水及部分农田水、地下水及城市污水的氮磷含量,对其氮磷含量变化及来源进行了分析,结果表明,鄱阳湖水体中主要的氮素形式是硝酸盐氮(090 mg/L),赣江是其主要贡献者。鄱阳湖五大支流氮磷含量存在着较大的差异,赣江NO-3 N含量明显高于鄱阳湖其它主干流,而NH+4 N和TN含量以饶河的最高,TP以信江的最高。农田水、城市废水以及地下水含有较高的氮磷含量,是鄱阳湖及其五大支流氮磷的主要来源。农田水TN和TP含量最高,分别为1347、2863 mg/L。高含量的NO-3 N(735 mg/L)和NH+4 N(548 mg/L)分别出现在地下水和城市污水中。鄱阳湖水体氮负荷较大,N/P比值远大于7〖DK〗∶1。受滞留区及赣江和修水补给的影响,鄱阳湖主河道氮含量变化从上游至下游呈总体上升趋势。鄱阳湖湖体氮含量以下游最高,滞留区次之,上游主河道最低,TP含量呈相反的趋势变化。底层沉积有机物的降解和扰动导致鄱阳湖水体底层NO-3 N、NH+4 N、TN、TP的含量高于表层。  相似文献   
当前,我国大气污染形势严峻,复合型污染特征突出。新修订的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》、《环境空气质量标准》以及《大气污染防治行动计划》的发布和实施,对我国大气污染防治工作提出了更高要求。"十三五"时期是我国环境保护负重前行困难期和大有作为关键期,也是我国改善大气环境质量的攻坚期,需要系统谋划大气污染防治战略。欧盟和美国在制定大气污染防治战略时,以改善空气质量为核心,构建了涵盖一次污染物和二次污染物的多污染物目标体系,规定了环境浓度、排放量、直观感受(能见度)、健康以及管理等约束性指标,并且针对大气污染防治政策分析实施的成本与收益,开发相应的模型工具,基于收益成本比进行科学决策。本文对欧美环境规划和战略中的多污染物协同控制目标体系以及大气污染防治政策成本效益评估经验进行梳理,分析我国大气污染防治战略的现状和问题,并提出相关政策建议,以期为解决"心肺之患"、实现环保"十三五"总体目标提供参考。  相似文献   
“万里长江,险在荆江”,民国前期(1912-1927)荆江两岸地区水灾频仍.在荆江两岸地区1912-1927年洪水灾害相关资料的基础上,运用一般统计方法和理论分析了这一时期洪水灾害的若干特征,即普遍性、连续性、积累性和区域性四个特征.对洪水灾害基本特征及其规律的探讨至今对于有效的进行水患治理与防治仍有着深远的影响.  相似文献   
One of the important cultural practices that affect methane and nitrous oxide emissions from tropical rice plantations is the water drainage system. While drainage can reduce methane emissions, it can also increase nitrous oxide emissions, as well as reduce yields. In this experiment, four different water drainage systems were compared in a rice field in central Thailand including: (1) continuous flooding, (2) mid-season drainage, (3) multiple drainage and (4) a local method (drainage was done according to local cultural practice) in order to find a system of drainage that would optimize yields while simultaneously limiting methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Methane and nitrous oxide emission were observed and compared with rice yield and physical changes of rice plants. It was found that drainage during the flowering period could reduce methane emission. Interestingly, nitrous oxide emission was related to number of drain days rather than the frequency of draining. Fewer drain days can help reduce nitrous oxide emission. The mid-season drainage and the multiple drainage, with 6.9% and 11.4% reduction in rice yield, respectively, had an average methane emission per crop 27% and 35% lower when compared to the local method. Draining with fewer drain days during the flowering period was recommended as a compromise between emissions and yield. The field drainage can be used as an option to reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice fields with acceptable yield reduction. Mid-season drainage during the rice flowering period, with a shortened drainage period (3 days), is suggested as a compromise between the need to reduce global warming and current socio-economic realities.  相似文献   
暴雨泥石流暴发的准周期性探讨   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
泥石流是山区的主要灾害类型,其发生条件和暴发规律尚在探索之中,泥石流过程本质上并不是纯随机事件,地形坡度,暴雨强度和风化岩土物质积累的组合决定了泥石流的规模,人们推测其暴发具有周期性,但并没有得到直接的证据。作者从山坡松散物质积累条件和泥石流暴发的概率分布出发,在考虑其发生规模的前提下,论证了泥石流暴发风险具有周期性,并且给出了其风险度及暴大风险重现期的估算公式,理论研究和调查结果表明,泥石流间隔期越长,其发长的规模将越大,这在制定山区防灾对策中应该特别注意。  相似文献   
为了精确有效地提取声波法检测气井环空液位的回波周期,在分析环空中测试波的传播特征及基音周期检测的基础上,提出1种基于检测信号短时自相关函数(ACF)及平均幅度差函数(AMDF)的液面回波周期提取方法;利用自主搭建的室内模拟实验系统开展了不同初始环空压力下环空液位检测实验;对检测信号进行中心削波处理并计算ACF/AMDF,提取出液面回波周期并与理论计算值对比分析;同时分析了现场环空液位检测信号,提取其回波周期。研究结果表明:提出的新方法能有效地用于提取环空液面回波周期;室内实验中,该方法最大误差绝对值为1.54%;该方法能够有效抑制液面回波信号中的随机噪声及接箍反射波等,处理后的信号曲线在回波周期处峰值更加突出、集中,而在其他位置更加平滑,提高了对液面回波周期特征的辨识能力。  相似文献   
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