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In this work the variation in the elimination capacity of a biofilter as a function of the gas flow and toluene concentration was studied. A bioreactor 0.75 m high x 14.5 cm diameter was used, divided into three equal stages, using compost to support the microorganisms, and sea shells to control the pH. The biofiltration of toluene was evaluated for flows between 0.12 and 0.73 m(3)h(-1) in a concentration range of 1-3.2 gm(-3). It was observed that on increasing the toluene inlet load by 90% (from 37 to 70 gm(3)h(-1)), the conversion by the biofilter varied by only 5% (from 98% to 93%). The biofiltration system used achieved elimination capacities of up to 82 gm(-3)h(-1) for a toluene load of 100 gm(-3)h(-1).  相似文献   
江苏油田生活污水生物处理技术述评   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
简介了生物处理生活污水的技术,对几种主要生物处理法进行了综合评价,并结合江苏油田生活污水生物处理的实践,综合分析了活性污泥法、生物转盘法、接触氧化法等三种主要生物处理技术,初步提出了中小规模生活污水处理场的设计标准,可供油田生活基地中小规模生活污水处理场设计时参考。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: In 1983, the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, completed construction of advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) systems to enlarge and upgrade its existing Belmont Road and South port Road secondary treatment plants. A nonparametric statistical procedure, a modified form of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney rank-sum test, was used to test for trends in water quality at two upstream and two downstream sites on White River and at the two treatment plants. Results comparing the pre- (1978–1980) and post- (1983–1986) AWT periods show statistically significant improvements in the quality of the treated effluent and of the White River downstream from the plants. Water quality at sites upstream from the city was relatively constant during the period of study. Total ammonia (as N) decreased 14.6 mg/L and BOD5 (five-day biochemical oxygen demand) decreased 10 to 19 mg/L in the two effluents. Total ammonia in the river downstream from the plants decreased 0.8 to 1.9 mg/L and BOD5 decreased 2.3 to 2.5 mg/L. Nitrate (as N) increased 14.5 mg/L in the plant effluents and 2.0 to 2.4 mg/L in the river because of in-plant nitrification. Dissolved oxygen concentration in the river increased about 3 mg/L because of reduced oxygen demand for nitrification and biochemical oxidation processes.  相似文献   
为了研究二氧化氯(chlorine dioxide,ClO2)消毒工艺对污水处理厂出水中超级耐药基因(super antibiotic resistance genes,SARGs)的去除效果,对污水处理厂出水消毒前后的水样进行了全年采集,并采用微孔滤膜正压过滤法及核酸吸附柱-洗脱法分别富集水中细菌和胞外核酸后,利用荧光定量PCR技术对其中的9种SARGs进行定量检测.结果表明,无论是胞内还是胞外核酸,均有NDM-1MCR-1MEC-A被检测出;同时,ClO2消毒后上述3种SARGs的胞内相对总浓度明显上升(P<0.05),且ClO2消毒对胞内SARGs相对浓度的影响与季节有关,其中春季、夏季和秋季均发生上升,且春季升高最为明显,达2倍,而冬季出水在消毒前后均未测出胞内SARGs;胞外SARGs则在ClO2消毒前后没有明显浓度变化.因此,ClO2消毒不能有效去除污水处理厂出水中胞内和胞外SARGs污染.  相似文献   
印染污泥焚烧烟气污染控制案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广东省某两家印染厂的印染污泥焚烧项目为主要研究对象,从污泥处理技术路线、焚烧设备及烟气处理流程等各方面入手,对各厂印染污泥与煤混烧烟气中颗粒物、NOx、SO2、酸性气体(HF、HCl)和重金属等污染物的进行采样分析,并对各厂现有烟气污染物控制设施的运行效果进行调研,结果表明,布袋除尘的效果较为理想,除尘效率可达99%以上;使用印染废水作为吸收液的湿法脱硫技术对SO2及酸性气体的去除效果不理想;SNCR对NOx具有一定的去除效果,是一种较为经济、高效的脱硝技术;焚烧后,大部分重金属最终以飞灰的形式被除尘器去除,但仍有部分重金属如Hg在出口烟气中的浓度仍然很高,需要采取必要的措施控制烟气中的重金属. 此外,基于印染污泥焚烧实例分析,提出适于印染污泥与煤混烧烟气处理工艺流程.  相似文献   
随着海外河油田聚合物驱采油技术大面积应用,含聚合物(聚丙烯酰胺)污水大量产出。针对含聚污水黏度大、含油多、乳化稳定,采用传统的污水处理方法及设施难以达到油田注水水质标准的问题,在对海外河油田含聚污水水质分析和微生物处理可行性分析的基础上,进行了微生物处理实验,实验表明:经生化处理的污水满足SY/T 5329-2012《碎屑岩油藏注水水质指标及分析方法》。  相似文献   
Alkaline and ultrasonic sludge disintegration can both be used as pretreatments of waste activated sludge (WAS) for improving the subsequent anaerobic or aerobic digestion. The pretreatment has been carried out using different combination of these two methods in this study. The effect was evaluated based on the quantity of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) in the pretreated sludge as well as the degradation of organic matter in the following aerobic digestion. For WAS samples with combined pretreatment, the released COD was in high level than those with ultrasonic or alkaline treatment. When combined with the same ultrasonic treatment, NaOH treatment resulted in more solubilization of WAS than Ca(OH)2. For combined NaOH and ultrasonic treatments with different sequences, the released COD were in the order: simultaneous treatment > ultrasonic treatment following NaOH treatment > NaOH treatment following ultrasonic treatment. For simultaneous treatment, low NaOH dosage (100 g/kg dry solid), short duration (30 min) of NaOH treatment, and low ultrasonic specific energy (7 500 kJ/kg dry solid) were beneficial for sludge disintegration. Using combined NaOH and ultrasonic pretreatment with the optimium parameters, the degradation efficiency of organic matter was increased from 38.0% to 50.7%, which is much higher than with ultrasonic (42.5%) or with NaOH pretreatment (43.5%) in the subsequent aerobic digestion at the same retention time.  相似文献   
生物膜中群体感应因子细菌的分离及成膜能力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
从硝基苯甲酸废水处理系统的生物膜中分离到2株分泌酰基高丝氨酸内酯(AHL)群体感应信号分子的菌株M10和M22,测试表明M10产生4种AHL信号分子,M22产生3种AHL信号分子.以E.coliDH5α为对照,测定了这2株菌的成膜能力及群游力,M10和M22均表现出一定的成膜力和群游力,对比而言,M22的成膜能力较强,而M10的群游能力较强,M10和M22经个体形态、生理生化反应及16SrDNA测序初步鉴定均属Aeromonassp..  相似文献   
本研究通过对典型污水处理厂各构筑物进行采样分析,研究多溴联苯醚在污水处理厂中的分布、迁移和转化.结果表明,在污水处理厂所有污泥样品中都有PBDEs检出,PBDEs浓度范围在4226.76~9204.14 ng·g-1之间.其中,BDE-209是主导同系物,所占平均比例为83.16%(范围为75.75%~89.48%).该污水处理厂的进水样品中溶解态PBDEs总浓度为183.11 ng·L-1,而出水样品中溶解态PBDEs浓度则降至7.07 ng·L-1,PBDEs的去除率达到96%以上.所有污水样品中BDE-209都是最主要的同系物,所占比例在75.75%~85.68%之间,BDE-99和BDE-47是仅次于BDE-209的另外2种主要同系物.通过对污水处理流程中PBDEs的溶解态和颗粒态分配系数的研究得出,溶解性颗粒物对疏水性有机物在整个污水处理流程中的迁移、转化有重要的影响.该污水厂的日均PBDEs负荷量为21311.2 mg·d-1,污水经初沉池和二沉池处理之后分别有58.07%和39.91%的PBDEs被去除,即一共有97.98%的PBDEs被去除了,最后在出水中只剩2.02%的PBDEs.该污水厂通过出水的日均排放PBDEs的量为430.8 mg,通过脱水污泥日均排放PBDEs的量高达20880.4 mg.土壤在污泥农用之后PBDEs浓度年增加量为25.4μg·kg-1,污泥农用需要百年以上才能达到欧盟的规定限值.  相似文献   
以氨水作为还原剂,在日产5kt的新型干法水泥生产线分解炉上进行选择性非催化还原脱硝工艺的工业性试验研究。在氨水质量分数为13.0%、喷入点温度为894℃、n(NH3)∶n(NOx)为1.2、雾化压力为0.35MPa的条件下,NOx去除率最高,为72.8%,剩余NOx质量浓度为196mg/m3,剩余NH3质量浓度小于0.9mg/m3,远低于《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》征求意见稿中限定的NOx和NH3质量浓度。  相似文献   
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