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The goal of this study was to compare removal efficiencies of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) using typical wastewater treatment technologies, and to identify the most significant mechanisms of removal. Two types of municipal wastewater reactors were studied: a full-scale conventional activated sludge (CAS) reactor with tertiary treatment; and three pilot-scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) having different sludge retention times (SRTs). All four reactors were fed the same influent. A third reactor type, a membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) was fed tap water, ammonia, and TBBPA. TBBPA in municipal influent ranged from 1 to 41 ng L−1 (n = 10). The CAS effluent had an average TBBPA concentration of 0.7 ± 1.3 ng L−1 (n = 3). Effluent concentrations from the MBRs were an average of 6 ± 6 ng L−1 TBBPA (n = 26). Significant TBBPA removal was observed in the MABR throughout the 5 week of study (p ? 0.05). Removal of TBBPA from wastewater treatment was found to be due to a combination of adsorption and biological degradation. Based on experimental results, nitrification is likely a key process therein. No significant relationship between removal of TBBPA and SRT was identified (p ? 0.05).  相似文献   
光催化过程中羟基自由基的产生与效能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用异丙醇淬灭的方法考察了羟基自由基在光催化氧化酸性橙II过程中的产生和效能,研究了TiO2(P-25)的浓度、异丙醇的用量、酸性橙II的初始浓度、初始pH条件和天然共存离子对羟基自由基贡献率的影响。结果表明,在TiO2(P-25)浓度提高时羟基自由基的贡献率逐步提高并稳定在77.6%,异丙醇的投加量对羟基自由基的贡献率影响不大,酸性橙II初始浓度的提高则使羟基自由基的贡献率降低。在中性pH条件下羟基自由基的贡献率最高,酸性或碱性条件下较低。天然共存离子中HCO3-对羟基自由基的淬灭效应最强,F-的淬灭效应最弱。  相似文献   
在好氧反应器中,将海泥通过海水和营养物质培养成新型的活性污泥,在处理含盐废水时有较好的活性和沉降性能,对这种新型的活性污泥我们称其为海洋活性污泥。通过10周的培养,海泥的污泥体积指数(SVI)从最初的19 mL/g升高到70 mL/g,对有机废水处理12 h后高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)降解率达到90%,氨氮降解率达到45%。在污泥培养时,营养物质投加频率为一日一次最有利于污泥的培养,又葡萄糖比淀粉更有利于污泥的培养。对于含盐有机废水的处理,海洋活性污泥也比传统活性污泥有优势,甚至对于含盐量6%的高盐有机废水,处理12 h后能达到CODMn降解率达为70%,氨氮降解率达到30%。当NaCl浓度高于6%,海洋活性污泥仍具有一定的活性,但仍能观察到明显的抑制作用。此外,海洋活性污泥具有比传统活性污泥更强的盐度变化抗性,甚至在低盐度下盐浓度变化时,海洋活性污泥的氨氮降解稳定性也优于传统活性污泥。  相似文献   
We created a database in order to quantitatively assess the occurrence and removal efficiency of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). From 117 scientific publications, we compiled 6641 data covering 184 PPCPs. Data included the concentrations of PPCPs in WWTP influents and effluents, their removal efficiency and their loads to the aquatic environment. The first outputs of our database allowed to identify the most investigated PPCPs in WWTPs and the most persistent ones, and to obtain reliable and quantitative values on their concentrations, frequency of detection and removal efficiency in WWTPs. We were also able to compare various processes and pointed out activated sludge with nitrogen treatment and membrane bioreactor as the most efficient ones.  相似文献   
Aluminium-based water treatment residual (Al-WTR) is the most widely generated residual from water treatment facilities worldwide. It is regarded as a by-product of no reuse potential and landfilled. This study assessed Al-WTR as potential phosphate-removing substrate in engineered wetlands. Results indicate specific surface area ranged from 28.0 m2 g−1 to 41.4 m2 g−1. X-ray Diffraction, Fourier transform infrared and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopes all indicate Al-WTR is mainly composed of amorphous aluminium which influences its phosphorus (P) adsorption capacity. The pH and electrical conductivity ranged from 5.9 to 6.0 and 0.104 dS m−1 to 0.140 dS m−1 respectively, showing that it should support plant growth. Batch tests showed adsorption maxima of 31.9 mg P g−1 and significant P removal was achieved in column tests. Overall, results showed that Al-WTR can be used for P removal in engineered wetlands and it carries the benefits of reuse of a by-product that promotes sustainability.  相似文献   
This study examines the feasibility of coupling a Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation (CWAO), with activated carbon (AC) as catalyst, and an aerobic biological treatment to treat a high-strength o-cresol wastewater. Two goals are pursued: (a) To determine the effect of the main AC/CWAO intermediates on the activated sludge of a municipal WasteWater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and (b) To demonstrate the feasibility of coupling the AC/CWAO effluent as a part of the influent of a municipal WWTP. In a previous study, a high-strength o-cresol wastewater was treated by AC/CWAO aiming to establish the distribution of intermediates and the biodegradability enhancement. In this work, the biodegradability, toxicity and inhibition of the most relevant intermediates detected in the AC/CWAO effluent were determined by respirometry. Also, the results of a pilot scale municipal WWTP study for an integrated AC/CWAO-aerobic biological treatment of this effluent are presented. The biodegradation parameters (i.e. maximum oxygen uptake rate and oxygen consumption) of main AC/CWAO intermediates allowed the classification of the intermediates into readily biodegradable, inert or toxic/inhibitory compounds. This detailed study, allowed to understand the biodegradability enhancement exhibited by an AC/CWAO effluent and to achieve a successful strategy for coupling the AC/CWAO step with an aerobic biological treatment for a high-strength o-cresol wastewater. Using 30%, as COD, of AC/CWAO effluent in the inlet to the pilot scale WWTP, the integrated AC/CWAO-biological treatment achieved a 98% of total COD removal and, particularly, a 91% of AC/CWAO effluent COD removal without any undesirable effect on the biomass.  相似文献   
预处理垃圾焚烧飞灰作为碱胶凝材料混合材的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验分析了垃圾焚烧飞灰的主要化学成分及矿物组成,探讨了预处理垃圾焚烧飞灰作为碱胶凝材料混合材的可能性.研究表明,垃圾焚烧飞灰主要由黏土类矿物组成,飞灰直接作为混合材参与水化过程会产生明显膨胀现象,加入30%(质量分数)飞灰制成的矿渣/飞灰试块在成型1 d脱膜时膨胀率达到15.7%,标准养护28 d后无侧压抗压强度只有12.4 MPa.对飞灰进行热活化预处理,900℃条件下活化效果最佳,同样的飞灰掺量下,试块在标准养护28 d后无侧压抗压强度达到46.0 MPa,膨胀现象消失,且碱胶凝材料中重金属稳定性良好.  相似文献   
Goals, Scope and Background It has been observed that hydrocarbon treated wastewaters still contain high COD and a number of intermediates. This suggests that the required catabolic gene pool for further degradation might be absent in the system or, that its titer value is not significant enough. By providing the desired catabolic potential, the overall efficiency of the treatment system can be improved. This study aims to demonstrate this concept by bioaugmentation of a lab-scale reactor treating refinery wastewater with a consortium having the capacity to complement the alkB genotype to the available microbial population. Methods Two reactors were set up using activated biomass collected from a refinery treatment plant and operated at a continuous mode for a period of 8 weeks. The feed to both reactors was kept constant. Crude oil was spiked regularly. One reactor was bioaugmented with a consortium previously described for crude oil spill remediation. The efficiency of the bioaugmented reactor was demonstrated by reduced COD. The changes in the microbial population over a period of time were analyzed by RAPD. Catabolic activity of the biomass in both reactors was monitored by PCR. The presence of the catabolic loci was confirmed by Southern Hybridization. Results and Discussion 52.2% removal of COD was observed in the bioaugmented reactor while only 15.1% reduction of COD was observed in the reactor without bioaugmentation. The change in microbial population can be seen from the 4th week, which also corresponds to improved catabolic activity. The presence of the bedA locus was seen in all samples, which indicates the presence of aromatic degraders, but the appearance of the alkB locus, from the 6th week onwards, which was observed only in the samples from the bioaugmented reactor. The results suggest that the gene pool of the bioaugmented reactor has catabolic loci that can degrade accumulated intermediates, thus improving the efficiency of the system. Conclusions In this study, improvement of efficiency of bioremediation was demonstrated by addition of catabolic loci that are responsible for degradation. Bioaugmentation was carried out in biomass that was collected from an ETP (effluent treatment plant) treating hydrocarbon containing wastewater to study the strategies for improvement of the treatment system. Biostimulation, only marginally improved the efficiency, when compared to bioaugmentation. The improved efficiency was demonstrated by COD removal. The presence of the alkB locus suggests the importance of a catabolic gene pool that acts on accumulated intermediates. It is well documented that straight chain aliphatics and intermediates of aromatic compounds after ring cleavage, accumulate in refinery wastewater systems, thereby hindering further degradation of the wastewater. Supplementation of a catabolic gene pool that treats the lower pathway compounds and alkanes will improve the overall efficiency. In this study, results suggest that the alkB locus can also be used to monitor the degradative mode of the activated biomass. Recommendations and Perspective . Pollution from petroleum and petroleum products around the globe are known to have grave consequences on the environment. Bioremediation, using activated sludge, is one option for the treatment of such wastes. Effluent treatment plants are usually unable to completely degrade the wastewater being treated in the biological unit (the aerator chambers). The efficiency of degradation can be improved by biostimulation and bioaugmentation. This study demonstrates the improved efficiency of a treatment system for wastewater containing hydrocarbons by bioaugmentation of a consortium that supports degradation. Further experiments on a pilot scale are recommended to assess the use of bioaugmentation on a large scale. The use of molecular tools, like DNA probes for alkB, to monitor the system also needs to be explored.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope

The presence of heavy metals in wastewater is one of the main causes of water and soil pollution. The aim of the present study was to investigate the removal of Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mn, Cr and Zn in urban effluent by a biological wastewater treatment, as well as to quantify the levels of As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Tl, V and Zn in dewatering sludge from the Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant to Ribeirão Preto (RP-BWTP), Brazil.

Materials and Methods

Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn and Pb in wastewater and those of Ni in sludge were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with graphite furnace atomization. Mercury concentrations in wastewater were measured by hydride generation atomic spectrophotometry, and Zn levels were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry using acetylene flame. In sludge, the levels of As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb, Sn, Tl, V and Zn were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry.


The percentages of removal efficiency (RE) were the following: Hg 61.5%, Cd 60.0%, Zn 44.9%, Cu 44.2%, PB 39.7%, Cr 16,5% and Mn 10.4%. In turn, the mean concentrations (mg/kg) of metals in dewatering sludge followed this increasing order: Tl (<0.03), Hg (0.31), Be (0.43), As (1.14), Cd (1.34), V (59.2), Pb (132.1), Sn (166.1), Cr (195.0), Mn (208.1), Ni (239.4), Cu (391.7), Zn (864.4) and Fe (20537).


The relationship between metal levels in untreated wastewater, as well as the removal efficiency are in agreement with previous data from various investigators, It is important to note that metal removal efficiency is not only affected by metal ion species and concentration, but also by other conditions such as operating parameters, physical, chemical, and biological factors.


Metal values recorded for treated wastewater and sludge were within the maximum permitted levels established by the Environmental Sanitation Company (CETESB), São Paulo, Brazil.


There is an urgent need for the authorities who are responsible for legislation on sludge uses in agriculture of establishing safety levels for As, Be, Hg, Sn, Tl and V.


According to the current metal levels, RP-BWTP sludge might be used for agriculture purposes. However, for an environmentally safe use of sewage sludge, further studies including systematic monitoring are recommended. Annual metal concentrations and predicted variations of those elements in the sludge should be monitored.
采用催化湿式氧化技术处理生产山梨酸过程中产生的高浓度有机废水,对催化剂组分进行优选.对反应温度、O2分压(Po2)和废水pH等工艺条件进行考察.实验结果表明:采用自制CuO-Cr2O3-La2O3/TiO2为复合催化剂处理该有机废水时表现出较好的催化活性;在190℃、Po2=2.1 MPa、pH=6.1、COD=10 030.0 mg/L时,反应90 min的COD去除率达到98.3%,而在相同条件下未加催化剂的湿式氧化的COD去除率只有60.1%.  相似文献   
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