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研究以ClO^-/Cl^-作媒介,间接电化学降解亚甲基蓝模拟废水的可行性。结果表明,亚甲基蓝的电化学降解与电极材料、电流密度以及添加剂种类等因素有关。以石墨为阳极,不锈钢为阴极,在无隔膜的烧杯中放置50ml浓度为1000mg/L的亚甲基蓝模拟废水,在室温25℃,pH6.0-8.0,槽电压10V,电流密度30.0mA/cm^2,Cl^-加入量2g/L的条件下,电解60min后,亚甲基蓝溶液的平均消色率达到98.0%,CODcr降解率为97.0%,BOD5降解率为99.0%;用浸涂过MnO2薄膜的石墨棒作阳极可显著加快其消解速率,而用浸涂过CeO2薄膜的石墨棒作阳极对其消解速率无明显的影响。并初步讨论了其降解机理。 相似文献
以油页岩渣及其二氧化钛改性材料为吸附剂,探究它们去除水溶液中亚甲基蓝和六价铬的能力.通过实验,控制溶液的pH值、温度、初始浓度和接触时间,观察吸附效果变化特征,研究其动力学和热力学性能.实验表明,改性油页岩渣吸附亚甲基蓝和六价铬的吸附率是未改性的2—3倍,且改性油页岩渣对亚甲基蓝的吸附率可达97%,对六价铬的吸附率不到25%.吸附亚甲基蓝时,pH值越大,吸附效果越好;而吸附六价铬时,最适pH值为4.改性油页岩渣吸附亚甲基蓝实验符合准二阶动力学方程,计算得反应活化能为13.29 kJ.mol-1,表明此过程主要是物理吸附.在热力学方面,由范特霍夫方程计算得ΔG〈0、ΔH〉0,表明此过程自发吸热,可见此过程还伴有化学吸附.Langmuir和Freundlich等温模型拟合结果表明,Langmuir模型数据拟合甚佳,R2=0.9999,说明改性油页岩渣吸附亚甲基蓝是单分子层吸附.二氧化钛改性油页岩渣经7次回收利用后,对亚甲基蓝的吸附效果仅减少约1.5%. 相似文献
紫色土小流域土壤及氮磷流失特征研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
紫色土区土壤及其养分流失对长江水环境产生严重威胁。然而,有关该地区自然降雨侵蚀下土壤及氮磷流失规律的研究却较为少见。以紫色土农田利用为主小流域为研究对象,监测自然降雨侵蚀下土壤及其氮磷的流失过程,以期服务于流域尺度土壤及养分流失的模拟与控制。结果表明,次降雨径流含沙量与流量的变化基本同步,峰值含沙量往往出现在峰值流量处或略有提前,此后,含沙量迅速降低。硝态氮流失浓度与流量的变化成反比,峰值流量处流失浓度一般达到最低,此后,随着流量的降低,其流失浓度存在较为明显的升高过程。铵态氮与水溶性磷的流失表现为剧烈波动的变化特征。氮素流失的主要形态是硝态氮,其占到次降雨无机氮流失总量的88%~97%。 相似文献
Mahmoud Hashemzaei Jalal Pourahmad Fahimeh Safaeinejad Kaveh Tabrizian Fahimeh Akbari Gholamreza Bagheri 《毒物与环境化学》2015,97(2):256-265
Antimony (Sb) accumulates in the liver which is one of the target organs for metal-mediated toxicity. Although toxicity of Sb was previously investigated, the precise mechanism of Sb-induced hepatotoxicity remains to be determined. The aim of this study was to examine the role of oxidative stress, and mitochondria in the induction of cell death by Sb. Our results showed that liver cell lysis induced by Sb is mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, lipid peroxidation and decline of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). Antimony-induced ROS formation, lipid peroxidation and reduction of MMP were significantly diminished by antioxidants and ROS scavengers such as dimethyl sulfoxide and mannitol; mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) pore sealing agents such as carnitine and trifluoperazine; and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generator, L-glutamine. Antimony-induced ROS formation, lipid peroxidation and fall in MMP were potentiated by glutathione (GSH) depletion via n-bromoheptane. MPT pore sealing agents and ATP generator inhibited hepatotoxicity, indicating Sb-activated cell death via mitochondrial pathway. Pretreatment of hepatocytes with antioxidants and ROS scavengers also blocked cell death induced by Sb, whereas GSH depletion enhances Sb-induced cell death, suggesting that oxidative stress may be directly involved in the reduction of MMP. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms that mediate Sb-induced cell death in isolated rat hepatocytes. 相似文献
东胜砂岩型铀矿微量元素地球化学特征初探 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
近年来 ,鄂尔多斯盆地在石油和天然气勘查取得重大进展的同时 ,在盆地北部东胜地区也发现了可地浸砂岩型铀矿床 ,标志着我国地浸砂岩型铀矿勘查取得了重要突破。从微量元素地球化学入手 ,初步总结了东胜地区砂岩型铀矿的微量元素地球化学特征 ,与新疆伊犁和中亚典型的层间氧化带型砂岩铀矿进行了对比 ,分析探讨了铀成矿作用 ,认为东胜砂岩型铀矿成矿作用虽与氧化还原过渡带有关 ,也具外生和深源双重性质的微量元素组合 ,不同于单一的外生水成层间氧化带型砂岩铀矿 ,铀成矿过程中有深部物质和含煤层气或油气流体参与。 相似文献
Abstract: Hydrothermal vents are deep‐sea ecosystems that are almost exclusively known and explored by scientists rather than the general public. Continuing scientific discoveries arising from study of hydrothermal vents are concommitant with the increased number of scientific cruises visiting and sampling vent ecosystems. Through a bibliometric analysis, we assessed the scientific value of hydrothermal vents relative to two of the most well‐studied marine ecosystems, coral reefs and seagrass beds. Scientific literature on hydrothermal vents is abundant, of high impact, international, and interdisciplinary and is comparable in these regards with literature on coral reefs and seagrass beds. Scientists may affect hydrothermal vents because their activities are intense and spatially and temporally concentrated in these small systems. The potential for undesirable effects from scientific enterprise motivated the creation of a code of conduct for environmentally and scientifically benign use of hydrothermal vents for research. We surveyed scientists worldwide engaged in deep‐sea research and found that scientists were aware of the code of conduct and thought it was relevant to conservation, but they did not feel informed or confident about the respect other researchers have for the code. Although this code may serve as a reminder of scientists’ environmental responsibilities, conservation of particular vents (e.g., closures to human activity, specific human management) may effectively ensure sustainable use of vent ecosystems for all stakeholders. 相似文献
以大气散射理论为基础,结合颜色学、大气环境监测及城市空气质量日报等相关原理,从理论分析与实证研究2个方面证实了天空蓝色饱和程度与城市空气质量等级之间存在着显著的负相关性,即:天空蓝色饱和程度越低,空气污染等级越高,空气质量状况越差;天空蓝色饱和程度越高,空气污染等级较低,空气质量状况越好;通过相关及回归分析与检验,制得“城市空气质量等级目测色卡”,适用于晴朗天气肉眼观察天空颜色,进而目测估计空气质量等级状况,以采取必要防护措施。 相似文献
外源亚精胺对盐胁迫下黄瓜根系多胺含量和抗氧化系统的影响 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
采用营养液栽培,研究了外源亚精胺(Spd)对盐胁迫下抗盐能力不同的2个黄瓜品种"长春密刺"和"津春2号"幼苗根系生长以及根系中多胺(PAs)含量和抗氧化系统的影响.结果表明,外源Spd提高了盐胁迫下黄瓜根系游离态Spd和精胺(Spm)、酸可溶性结合态和酸不溶性结合态腐胺(Put)、Spd和Spm含量,降低了游离态Put含量;同时提高了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,降低了超氧阴离子(O2(-/.))产生速率、过氧化氢(H2O2)和丙二醛(MDA)含量及电解质渗透率,明显促进了幼苗根系生长;根系中酸不溶性结合态Spd含量与抗氧化酶活性间呈正相关性.表明黄瓜幼苗根系中较高的游离态Spd和Spm、酸可溶性结合态和酸不溶性结合态PAs尤其是酸不溶性结合态Spd含量有利于提高植株抗氧化酶活性,降低O2(-/.)产生速率和膜脂伤害,增强植株抗盐性. 相似文献
采用酸催化的溶胶-凝胶法制备了一系列Fe^3+掺杂TiO2/凹凸棒(Fe^3+-TiO2/ATP)复合光催化剂材料。在可见光条件下,以亚甲基蓝(MB)溶液的光催化降解反应,评价了样品的光催化性能,研究了TiO2负载量、Fe^3+掺杂量和焙烧温度对复合材料光催化性能的影响。在单因素实验的基础上,采用正交实验设计(L25(53))优化了催化剂的制备条件。光催化实验结果表明,MB在复合材料上的光催化降解反应遵循Langmuir-Hinshelwood(L-H)动力学模型。正交实验结果表明,当TiO2负载量为15%、Fe^3+掺杂量为0.5%和焙烧温度为550℃时,得到的复合材料对MB的光催化降解效率最佳,测得表观反应速率常数kapp为6.09×10^-3min^-1,反应4 h后MB的降解率(Dt)可达75.88%,相同实验条件下与P25(1.51×10^-3min^-1)相比较,反应速率提高了4.03倍,降解率提高了45.05%。另外,复合材料的沉降性能优于P25,易于分离,是一类有应用前景的复合光催化剂。敏世雄王芳魏立强王永生冯雷佟永纯韩玉琦 相似文献