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Mercury (Hg) exposure is ubiquitous in modern society via vaccines, fish/crustacea, dental amalgam, food, water, and the atmosphere. This article examines Hg exposure in the context of primary exposure to pregnant women and secondary exposure experienced by their unborn babies. Babies in utero are particularly at risk of higher Hg exposure than adults (on a dose/weight basis through maternal Hg transfer via the placenta), and are more susceptible to adverse effects from mercury and its biologically active compounds. It is, therefore, critical that regulatory advisories around maximum safe Hg exposures account for pregnant women and secondary exposure that children in utero experience. This study focused on standardized embryonic and fetal Hg exposures via primary exposure to the pregnant mother of two common Hg sources (dietary fish and parenteral vaccines). Data demonstrated that Hg exposures, particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy, at well-established dose/weight ratios produced severe damage to humans including death. In light of research suggestive of a mercuric risk factor for childhood conditions such as tic disorders, cerebral palsy, and autism, it is essential that Hg advisories account for secondary prenatal human exposures.  相似文献   
兰州地区苯并(a)芘的环境多介质迁移和归趋模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用Level Ⅲ逸度模型模拟计算了稳态假设下苯并(a)芘在兰州地区大气、水体、土壤和沉积物中的相间迁移通量、浓度分布.结果表明:大气的平流输入和化石燃料燃烧是该区域苯并(a)芘的主要来源,土壤是其最大的储库,占总残留量的99.6%;在大气、水体、土壤和沉积物中的浓度分别为1.61×10-10 mol·m-3、9.39×10-7 mol·m-3、7.13×10-4 mol·m-3和9.17×10-5mol·m-3,模型计算浓度与同期实测浓度吻合较好,验证了模型的可靠性,并通过灵敏度分析,确定了模型的关键参数.  相似文献   
The effect of the condensation process on the gas and liquid phase behavior during rapid decompression of rich natural gases is studied in the paper numerically. A one-dimensional mathematical model of transient thermal two-phase flow of compressible multi-component natural gas mixture and liquid phase in a shock tube is developed. The set of mass, momentum and enthalpy conservation equations are solved for the gas and liquid phases. The approach to model a liquid condensation process during rapid decompression of rich natural gas mixture is proposed. The mass transfer between the gas and the liquid is taken into account by introducing the appropriate terms into the governing equations. Thermo-physical properties of multi-component natural gas mixture are calculated by solving the Equation of State (EOS) in the form of the Soave–Redlich–Kwong (SRK-EOS) model. The proposed liquid condensation model is integrated into the GDP model. A simple case of GDP model, where the liquid was not considered, was extensively validated on base and dry natural gases. The proposed two-phase model is validated against the experiments where the decompression wave speed was measured in rich natural gases at low temperature. It shows a good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   
错流膜生物反应器水力清洗特性研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
采用外压管式聚砜-聚丙烯腈共混超滤膜进行错流膜生物反应器水力清洗特性研究,结果表明,清洗时采用高膜面流速、低操作压力和限制透过液对流传递作用有利于错流膜生物反应器通量的恢复,这符合膜藏去除过程中的传质机理;适宜的膜面流速应稍大于临界流速vk=1.92m/s,清洗时间应控制在10min,适宜的清洗操作压力为0.07MPa。  相似文献   
利用CALIOP数据和SBDART(Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer)辐射传输模式研究了2013~2016年华北地区8d沙尘天气气溶胶及其直接辐射强迫垂直分布特征,分析了气溶胶垂直分布和光学特性对直接辐射强迫的影响.结果表明,气溶胶集中分布在地表及以上3km范围,其中纯净沙尘型和污染沙尘型气溶胶位于上层,污染大陆型气溶胶和烟雾位于下层.大气层顶、地表和大气层的日均气溶胶直接辐射强迫分别是-38.41~-88.44,-74.03~-225.86,9.06~137.42W/m2.0~8km高度范围气溶胶直接辐射强迫是负值,且随着高度的增加绝对值逐渐减小.气溶胶垂直分布对大气层顶、地表和大气层的直接辐射强迫影响较小,但对直接辐射强迫垂直分布影响较大,由气溶胶廓线差异造成的同一高度层气溶胶直接辐射强迫最大差值能达到31.18W/m2.气溶胶光学厚度和单次散射反照率对直接辐射强迫影响明显.消光能力相同时,吸收性气溶胶对短波太阳光的衰减作用大于散射性气溶胶,后向散射比例大的气溶胶大于后向散射比例小的气溶胶.  相似文献   
● N2H4 addition enhanced and recovered anammox performance under Cr(VI) stress. ● N2H4 accelerated electron transfer of Cr(VI) reduction for detoxification. ● N2H4 enhanced anammox metabolism for activity recovery from Cr(VI) inhibition. ● Extracellular Cr(VI) reduction to less toxic Cr(III) was the dominant mechanism. The hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) would frequently impose inhibition to anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process, hindering the efficiency of nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment. Hydrazine (N2H4), which is an intermediate product of anammox, participates in intracellular metabolism and extracellular Cr(VI) reduction. However, the roles of N2H4-induced intracellular metabolism and extracellular reduction in nitrogen removal under Cr(VI) stress remain unclear. The addition of 3.67 mg/L of N2H4 increased the anammox activity by 17%. As an intermediate, N2H4 enhanced anammox metabolism by increasing the heme c content and electron transfer system activity. As a reductant, N2H4 accelerated the reduction of c-Cyts-mediated extracellular Cr(VI) to the less toxic Cr(III). Extracellular Cr(III) accounts for 74% of the total Cr in a Cr(VI)-stressed anammox consortia. These findings highlight that N2H4-induced extracellular Cr(VI) reduction is the dominant mechanism for the survival of anammox consortia. We also found that N2H4 increased the production of extracellular polymeric substances to sequester excessive Cr(VI) and produced Cr(III). Taken together, the study findings suggest a potential strategy for enhancing nitrogen removal from ammonium-rich wastewater contaminated with Cr(VI).  相似文献   
塔里木河流域的生态环境问题引起了国内外的普遍关注。为了维护下游日益劣变的生态环境,塔里木河流域管理局积极实施了塔里木河干流生态治理抢救工程,以增加向塔里木河下游的输水量,改善塔里木河流域下游绿色走廊的生态环境状况。自干流中游沙子河-乌斯满河-阿其克河口段河道整治工程竣工后,塔里木河干流向下游输水效率有了明显的提高。  相似文献   
厌氧膜生物反应器(anaerobic membrane bioreactors, AnMBR)出水普遍存在过饱和的溶解性甲烷(dissolved methane, DCH4),易造成能量流失和温室效应,阐明AnMBR中甲烷气-液分配特征对提高甲烷回收率具有重要意义。为此,本文研究了负荷和混合方式对AnMBR中甲烷气-液分配特征的影响。结果表明,在35 oC,负荷为0.6~1.8 kg·(m3·d)–1的条件下,AnMBR实现了较好的有机物去除效果(COD去除率>90%),运行过程DCH4均处于过饱和状态(过饱和度为1.3~2.1),随着负荷的提升DCH4浓度升高,过饱和度有所下降;相比于循环混合,在浪式脉冲混合条件下的甲烷传质系数(KLa)更大,其中DCH4浓度、过饱和度及DCH4占进水COD的比例均较低。AnMBR大部分进水COD转化为甲烷,主要以气态形式存在 (50.2%~60.0%)。浪式脉冲混合时反应器总能耗比循环混合降低了85.9%~88.0%,提升负荷有利于实现AnMBR处理废水过程的能量平衡。  相似文献   
针对流动电极电容去离子技术(FCDI)中活性炭利用率低的问题,采用三维多孔石墨毡充当集流体,强化系统的电子转移,提升脱盐性能。结果表明,石墨毡的引入使FCDI系统的脱盐效果提升了175%,并且将脱盐能耗降低了40%。通过分别比较石墨毡和活性炭对于系统脱盐效果的贡献,发现石墨毡主要是通过强化活性炭与集流体之间的电子传递,实现FCDI系统脱盐效率的提升。同时,阴阳极侧电子传递实验也证实了石墨毡的引入的确提升了集流体与活性炭之间的电子传递。这项研究解决了FCDI系统中活性炭的低利用率问题,为FCDI技术的应用与推广提供了理论上的指导。  相似文献   
针对开发的新型静态螺旋切割强化湿法烟气脱硫技术,根据双膜理论从动力学角度建立了静态螺旋切割强化Ca(OH)2溶液吸收烟气SO2的动力学模型,并采用单因素实验探究了烟气SO2浓度、烟气流量、脱硫剂浓度以及脱硫剂循环流量对传质速率的影响。结果表明:模型能较好地描述静态螺旋切割强化湿法烟气脱硫的实际过程,理论计算与实验数据都发现,烟气SO2浓度、烟气流量、脱硫剂浓度以及脱硫剂循环流量的增加均有助于提高传质速率;但当脱硫剂浓度大于5%时,传质速率随脱硫剂浓度的增加改变不大。  相似文献   
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