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采用两级膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)反应器在微氧条件下处理焦化废水,分别考察了一级和二级EGSB反应器(EGSBⅠ和EGSBⅡ)对污染物的去除效果。结果表明,系统能够高效去除COD和NH3-N,EGSBⅠ主要用于去除COD,EGSBⅡ主要用于去除NH3-N。总水力停留时间(HRT)为24 h(EGSBⅠ12 h+EGSBⅡ12 h),系统对952 mg/L的COD、41.3 mg/L的NH3-N、34.55 mg/L的挥发酚、295.8 mg/L的硫氰化物和0.89 mg/L的氰化物的平均去除率分别为78.1%、81.3%、100%、98.1%和89.9%。出水COD、NH3-N、挥发酚、硫氰化物和氰化物的平均浓度分别为208、7.7、0、5.7和0.09 mg/L。出水NH3-N、挥发酚和氰化物浓度均低于《炼焦化学工业污染物排放标准》(GB 16171-2012)的直接排放限值。 相似文献
Steady performance of a zero valent iron packed anaerobic reactor for azo dye wastewater treatment under variable influent quality 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Zero valent iron (ZVI) is expected to help create an enhanced anaerobic environment that might improve the performance of anaerobic treatment. Based on this idea, a novel ZVI packed upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (ZVI-UASB) reactor was developed to treat azo dye wastewater with variable influent quality. The results showed that the reactor was less influenced by increases of Reactive Brilliant Red X-3B concentration from 50 to 1000 mg/L and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from 1000 to 7000 mg/L in the feed than a reference UASB reactor without the ZVI. The ZVI decreased oxidation-reduction potential in the reactor by about 80 mV. Iron ion dissolution from the ZVI could buffer acidity in the reactor, the amount of which was related to the COD concentration. Fluorescence in situ hybridization test showed the abundance of methanogens in the sludge of the ZVI-UASB reactor was significantly greater than that of the reference one. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis showed that the ZVI increased the diversity of microbial strains responsible for high efficiency. 相似文献
Anaerobic tapered fluidized bed reactor for starch wastewater treatment and
modeling using multilayer perceptron neural network 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Anaerobic treatability of synthetic sago wastewater was investigated in a laboratory anaerobic tapered fluidized bed reactor(ATFBR) with a mesoporous granular activated carbon(GAC)as a support material.The experimental protocol was defined to examine the effect of the maximum organic loading rate(OLR),hydraulic retention time(HRT),the efficiency of the reactor and to report on its steady- state performance.The reactor was subjected to a steady-state operation over a range of OLR up to 85.44 kg COD/(m~3.d).The COD removal efficiency was found to be 92% in the reactor while the biogas produced in the digester reached 25.38 m~3/(m~3·d) of the reactor. With the increase of OLR from 83.7 kg COD/(m~3.d),the COD removal efficiency decreased.Also an artificial neural network(ANN) model using multilayer perceptron(MLP)has been developed for a system of two input variable and five output dependent variables. For the training of the input-output data,the experimental values obtained have been used.The output parameters predicted have been found to be much closer to the corresponding experimental ones and the model was validated for 30% of the untrained data.The mean square error(MSE)was found to be only 0.0146. 相似文献
O池溶解氧水平对石化废水A/O工艺污染物去除效果和污泥微生物群落的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以实际石化废水为处理对象,研究溶解氧浓度对A/O反应器生物降解特性的影响.A、B两组反应器平行运行以进行对比,O段的溶解氧浓度分别控制在2~3 mg·L-1和5~6 mg·L-1.反应器稳定运行近半年的结果表明:在HRT为20 h时,A组反应器出水的COD(72.5 mg·L-1±14.8 mg·L-1)略高于B组(68.7 mg·L-1±14.6 mg·L-1),COD平均去除率分别为67.0%和68.8%;出水氨氮的平均浓度和去除率为0.8 mg·L-1和95%左右.出水的BOD5均低于5 mg·L-1.表明A/O反应器对有机物的生物降解比较彻底,溶解氧浓度对其没有显著影响.对O段污泥进行454高通量测序结果表明:变形菌门、浮霉菌门和拟杆菌门细菌所占比例较高,在A、B组反应器中的比例分别为58.7%和59.2%、14.7%和12.7%以及10.8%和12.4%.高溶解氧运行的反应器B具有较高的菌群丰度和多样性,氨氧化菌Nitrosomonas、亚硝酸氧化菌Nitrospira和专性好氧菌如Planctomyces的比例较高.厌氧反硝化菌如Azospira和Acidovora在反应器A中的含量较高.在属的水平,鉴定出的Novosphingobium、Comamonas、Sphingobium和Altererythrobacter属细菌具有降解多环芳烃、氯代硝基苯、农药和石油化合物的功能,有利于石化废水的降解. 相似文献
采用产酸脱硫反应器进行连续流试验并配合静态试验 ,从群体生态学角度考察限制性生态因子———COD SO2 -4 比、硫酸盐负荷率 (Ns)、pH值、氧化还原电位 (ORP)和碱度 (ALK)的定量化对产酸脱硫生态系统的影响 .提出COD SO2 -4 比大于2 0 ,Ns 小于 7 5kg(SO2 -4 ) (m3·d) ,pH =6 0— 6 2 ,ORP =- 32 0— - 42 0mV ,ALK =15 0 0— 2 0 0 0mg L是维持硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)较高活性和生态系统稳定性的标志 ,硫酸盐去除率可达 80 %— 90 % 相似文献
内循环式厌氧反应器启动过程中颗粒污泥的特性 总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29
研究了IC反应器的快速启动方法和启动过程中颗粒污泥性质.结果表明,由于反应器成功滞留了大量活性高、沉降性能好的颗粒污泥,反应器初次启动可在20d内完成,二次启动15d内完成,反应器负荷可达12~15kg·(m3·d)-1,COD去除率85%以上;IC反应器启动结束后,其颗粒污泥的性质发生显著变化,平均粒径由0.88mm增大到1.25mm,平均沉降速度由接种污泥的35.4m·h-1增加到105.17m·h-1,最大比产甲烷活性382.98 ml·(g·d)-1]几乎为初期的4倍,产甲烷优势菌由Methanothrix转变为产甲烷球菌和短杆菌. 相似文献
从硝基苯甲酸废水处理系统的生物膜中分离到2株分泌酰基高丝氨酸内酯(AHL)群体感应信号分子的菌株M10和M22,测试表明M10产生4种AHL信号分子,M22产生3种AHL信号分子.以E.coliDH5α为对照,测定了这2株菌的成膜能力及群游力,M10和M22均表现出一定的成膜力和群游力,对比而言,M22的成膜能力较强,而M10的群游能力较强,M10和M22经个体形态、生理生化反应及16SrDNA测序初步鉴定均属Aeromonassp.. 相似文献
采用SBR单级好氧生物除磷工艺处理生活污水,检验该工艺处理实际污水的可行性和稳定性,并与传统厌氧/好氧工艺进行比较.结果表明,当进水磷浓度为2~10mg/L时,SBR单级好氧生物除磷工艺能高效去除污水中的磷,经过长期运行去除效果稳定,去除率保持在90%以上,最高可达98.6%.该工艺对污水中的氨氮、TN、COD等污染物也具有良好的去除效果,平均去除率分别在92%、87%、90%以上,并可实现同步脱氮除磷.SBR单级好氧生物除磷工艺无厌氧段实现强化生物除磷,与传统厌氧/好氧工艺相比,除磷能力相当,但运行成本较低,经济性优势明显. 相似文献