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甲醇对土壤甲烷氧化的影响及其微生物学机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对设施栽培土壤甲烷氧化及其微生物学机理进行了研究,结果表明,不同土壤对甲烷的氧化能力各异,这可能与土壤的理化性质有关。土壤微生物是甲烷氧化的主要生物类群,不同碳源对甲烷氧化的影响各异,纤维素对甲烷氧化的抑制作用最小,高浓度的甲醇则对甲烷氧化具有强烈的抑制作用,而适当浓度的甲醇可极大地促进土壤甲烷的氧化。在甲烷释放极少的设施栽培土壤中,兼性营养甲烷氧化菌可能在甲烷氧化中占据主导地位。  相似文献   
王玲 《环境工程学报》2006,7(1):129-131
以磷钨酸为光催化剂,在紫外灯照射下,对模拟染料废水甲基橙溶液进行光催化降解,并研究了催化剂加入量、pH值、甲基橙初始浓度和外加氧化剂H2O2对光催化降解效果的影响.结果表明,磷钨酸光催化剂加入量为300 mg/100 mL,pH=2.5时,甲基橙溶液的降解率明显高于其他pH值的降解率;在较低浓度下,甲基橙溶液的光催化降解反应符合一级动力学方程;外加氧化剂H2O2可提高光催化反应速率.  相似文献   
As a harmful gas in underground coal mine, CO seriously threatened the safety of miners. Currently, the spontaneous combustion of residual coal in goaf is generally considered as the main source of underground CO. CO gas is also widely used as an indicator gas in fire prediction in mines. However, high concentrations of CO are also detected in some mines without spontaneous combustion of coal. Therefore, in the paper, with four ranks of coal, we studied other two potential CO sources: crushing and oxidation at ambient temperature. The more completely crushed coal produces more CO. The concentration of generated CO is inversely proportional to moisture content in coal. Therefore, the addition of water can inhibit the generation process of CO during the crushing process of coal. Lignite with low metamorphic grade can be oxidized to produce CO at ambient temperature (25 °C), and anthracite with high coal rank can be only oxidized to produce CO at 60 °C. Infrared spectra indicated that the coal with rich aliphatic hydrocarbons and oxygen-containing functional groups are more susceptible to oxidation at room temperature. Moreover, the smaller particle size of coal is more beneficial to the oxidation at ambient temperature to generate CO. CO generation during coal oxidation is also closely related to the ventilation rate.  相似文献   
突发性藻类污染常常伴随着藻类的肆意滋生,从而严重影响着水厂的正常运行,更加威胁着居民用水的水质安全。采用弹性填料生物接触氧化工艺处理含藻原水,分析考察了不同水力停留时间、气水比和藻类浓度条件下反应器对藻类去除效果的影响。结果表明,最佳HRT为1.0 h,最佳气水比为1.2:1;采用最佳工艺条件处理叶绿素a(Chl-a)为70 mg/m3的高藻原水时,Chl-a、CODMn和NH4+-N的去除率分别达到65.48%、47.81%和70.54%,且CODMn和NH4+-N的出水浓度能够达到东深供水工程处理目标。说明在该最佳工艺条件下,原水中藻类能够被有效地控制和去除,出水水质稳定,工艺适应性强。  相似文献   
Understanding ozone (O3) formation regime is a prerequisite in formulating an effective O3 pollution control strategy. Photochemical indicator is a simple and direct method in identifying O3 formation regimes. Most used indicators are derived from observations, whereas the role of atmospheric oxidation is not in consideration, which is the core driver of O3 formation. Thus, it may impact accuracy in signaling O3 formation regimes. In this study, an advanced three-dimensional numerical modeling system was used to investigate the relationship between atmospheric oxidation and O3 formation regimes during a long-lasting O3 exceedance event in September 2017 over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) of China. We discovered a clear relationship between atmospheric oxidative capacity and O3 formation regime. Over eastern PRD, O3 formation was mainly in a NOx-limited regime when HO2/OH ratio was higher than 11, while in a VOC-limited regime when the ratio was lower than 9.5. Over central and western PRD, an HO2/OH ratio higher than 5 and lower than 2 was indicative of NOx-limited and VOC-limited regime, respectively. Physical contribution, including horizontal transport and vertical transport, may pose uncertainties on the indication of O3 formation regime by HO2/OH ratio. In comparison with other commonly used photochemical indicators, HO2/OH ratio had the best performance in differentiating O3 formation regimes. This study highlighted the necessities in using an atmospheric oxidative capacity-based indicator to infer O3 formation regime, and underscored the importance of characterizing behaviors of radicals to gain insight in atmospheric processes leading to O3 pollution over a photochemically active region.  相似文献   
采用臭氧氧化—湿式钙法吸收工艺对模拟烟气进行同时脱硫脱硝处理。O3于150 ℃下具有较高的热稳定性,可将NO氧化为高价态氮氧化物,且NO氧化率随n(O3)∶n(NO)的增大而逐渐提高。烟气中SO2和H2O的存在对NO氧化率的影响不大。O3对SO2的氧化率较低,约为5%。3%(w)石灰石浆液对SO2的吸收率接近100%,NOx吸收率随n(O3)∶n(NO)的增大而逐渐提高,当n(O3)∶n(NO)为1.6时NOx吸收率可达约65%。SO2能促进吸收液对NOx的脱除。石灰石浆液中加入0.2%(w)的(NH42SO3或Na2SO3后NOx吸收率可达约85%或82%,且吸收率随添加剂加入量的增加而提高,添加(NH42SO3的NOx吸收率略高于添加Na2SO3。  相似文献   
株洲市工业区大气中SO2转化速率的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在湖南省株洲市工业区的下风向布点,同时测定大气中SO2的浓度、TSP和<0.25μm细粒子中SO2-4的浓度.结果表明,大气中SO2浓度随着离污染源距离的增加迅速下降,和SO2相比,颗粒物中SO2-4浓度随距离的增加而降低的程度要慢得多.同步测定的SO2浓度和细粒子SO2-4浓度有显著的相关关系.根据风向、风速和新产生的细粒子中的SO2-4浓度及大气中SO2的浓度计算了株洲教育学院处SO2的转化速率,春季湿度大,SO2转化速率也大,为4.8%/h,秋季湿度小,SO2的转化速率变低,为1.5%/h.春季中路铺SO2转化速率为3.1%/h.  相似文献   
填充床快速启动厌氧氨氧化反应器及其脱氮性能研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
陈胜  孙德智  遇光禄 《环境科学》2010,31(3):691-696
以城市污水厂二沉池污泥为种泥,以悬浮填料填充床生物膜反应器为厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)反应器,采用高负荷培养法和好氧预挂膜低负荷培养法分别培养与富集厌氧氨氧化菌,并研究其脱氮性能.结果表明,好氧预挂膜低负荷培养法可以在较短时间内(90 d左右)快速启动厌氧氨氧化反应器,稳定期反应器出水氨氮和亚硝氮保持稳定,去除率均接近100%,总氮去除率在75%以上,高负荷培养法因高浓度氨氮和亚硝氮的抑制作用而启动失败(190d).启动过程中pH变化表明,厌氧氨氧化反应器出水pH略高于进水,pH值可用作厌氧氨氧化反应器启动进程的指示参数.上流式厌氧填充床ANAMMOX反应器具有高负荷和高效率的优点,当反应器进水氨氮和亚硝氮浓度低于800 mg/L时,其去除率几乎达100%,低于国家一级标准.  相似文献   
The effect of crystal structure on photocatalytic activities of manganese oxides and underlying reaction mechanism were investigated.  相似文献   
以规模小区生活污水为水源,对采用聚丙烯网状填料和强化炉渣组合填料的二段生物接触氧化工艺(以下简称二段法)进行了试验研究,试验针对本工艺的各项技术指标、影响因素以及各相关参数进行了较系统的试验测试。结果表明,反应器在第一接触氧池HRT为20 min、气水比为6∶1和第二接触氧池HRT为25 min、气水比为5∶1条件下,接触氧化池达到最佳降碳条件;反应器在第一接触沉池上升流速5.5 m/h和第二接触沉池上升流速4.5 m/h条件下,接触沉淀池达到最佳处理条件。  相似文献   
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