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The 2205 duplex stainless steel (DSS) is of both good properties austenitic steel and ferritic steel, which applies to the shipbuilding industry usually. In this paper, the OM, XRD and microhardness test methods are used to analyze the variation of submerged arc welded (SAW) joints with and without post weld heat treatment (PWHT). The research results show that the σ phase disappear in the fusion edge zone near heat affect zone (HAZ) and an increase in the welded center zone during the follow-up PWHT, while the amount of γ phase is decreased in the welded center zone with PWHT. A segregation distribution of some second phases is also found in the welded center zone after PWHT. There have two pick values of microhardness arise in the fusion edge zone and the welded center zone separately without PWHT. However, a maximum value of microhardness at the fusion edge zone near HAZ is disappeared and the other is still held at the welded center zone during PWHT. It can be attributed to the changes of second phases, element diffusions and particle segregation during PWHT. A developing mechanism is issued to demonstrate the second phases transferring of the 2205 DSS SAW joints by PWHT.  相似文献   
Present investigation is to study the “Effect of Activating Fluxes on Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Dissimilar Activated Flux-Tungsten Inert Gas Welds”. Effect of current, welding speed, joint gap and electrode diameter on weld bead dimensions on 6 mm thick dissimilar weld between carbon steel to stainless steel, was studied under Activated Flux-Tungsten Inert Gas Welding process. During this investigation three different types of oxide powders were used-TiO2, ZnO and MnO2. After welding samples were subject to mechanical testing, in addition to characterization via micro hardness and microstructures of Normal Tungsten Inert Gas Welds and Activated Flux-Tungsten Inert Gas Welds. Activating fluxes TiO2 and ZnO are effective fluxes for Activated Flux-Tungsten Inert Gas Welding of dissimilar weld between CS to SS. Highest depth/width (D/W) ratio reported under TiO2 and ZnO fluxes compare to Normal-Tungsten Inert Gas Welds. Lowest angular distortion was observed under TiO2 flux compare to Normal-Tungsten Inert Gas Welds. Mechanical properties, Joint Efficiency of Activated Flux-Tungsten Inert Gas Welds are higher than normal-Normal Tungsten Inert Gas Welds. Tensile Test specimens of both the processes failed from the parent metal (carbon steel side). Carbon migration from CS to SS, had occurred which led to failure of weld joints from CS side.  相似文献   
独立提出并研究开发了一种密度控制和区域分解相结合的四边形网格自动生成方法 ,简称区域分解法。以区域分解法为基础 ,自主开发了商品化网格自动生成 /再生成软件AU TOMESH ,并已经在中国版权保护中心进行了软件著作权登记。介绍区域分解法和软件AU TOMESH ,并给出多个划分实例  相似文献   
冶金精轧线烟气烟尘含油含水,采用传统的布袋除尘等方式难以治理。塑烧管具有刚性结构、高过滤效率、压降稳定、疏水疏油性、防静电等特性,适合于治理含油含水的烟气。塑烧管除尘器在冶金精轧线的应用取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
运用有限元软件ABAQUS计算L形带肋钢管混凝土柱阴角相邻两面受火全过程下的耐火极限,分析了阴角邻面受火方式下构件内部温度场和应力场的变化规律,在此基础上分析荷载比、宽厚比、计算长度、加劲肋纵向间距、荷载偏心率、荷载角等参数对耐火极限的影响规律。数据表明:荷载比、计算长度对构件耐火极限影响较大,随着荷载比和计算长度的增大,耐火极限基本呈线性下降;加劲肋间距对构件耐火性能影响较小;由于L形柱的特殊形式,偏心荷载对耐火极限的影响规律较复杂,荷载作用点偏向低温区可以提高耐火极限。  相似文献   
某钢企大型低位料仓为汽车卸料,料仓厂房内空高,跨度大,料仓上部贯通,物料落差大,卸料中产生大量粉尘,环境污染问题典型突出。通过对低位料仓汽车卸料产尘特性分析,采取加强生产管理、组织汽车有序卸料、料仓厂房有效密闭、合理设计捕尘方式和布袋除尘系统等措施,能够有效地控制粉尘污染。除尘系统具有投资及运行费用少,除尘效果明显的优点。  相似文献   
为了避免耗时长、费用高的焊后热处理或整体更换筒节,针对铬钼钢焦炭塔内壁环焊缝的裂纹和锥段内壁腐蚀缺陷,提出采用回火焊道焊接技术对内壁缺陷部位进行修复。结果表明,严格按照经评定合格的焊接工艺进行施焊,回火焊道焊接技术可以利用层道间的焊接热循环作用达到焊后热处理的效果,使焊接修复后铬钼钢焦炭塔的母材和复合层的冶金和力学性能满足要求。  相似文献   
Ambient air samples at ten sites in an iron and steel industrial complex were collected from June to December for analyzing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Sixteen species of PAH components in air samples were identified. The results indicate that both gaseous phase and particle‐bound PAHs at the top of the cokemaking plants are unusually high. The profiles of particle‐bound PAHs indicate that the predominant species at the top of, the coke oven batteries are those of high molecular weight components. The major components of particle‐bound PAHs at sampling sites near the fenceline, however, include the medium molecular weight components. The PAH profiles of air samples within the industrial complex show a strong similarity to those of cokemaking plant samples. The concentrations and the specific content of benzo(a)pyrene in the iron and steel industrial complex are higher than those values measured in urban area, petrochemical industry park, and open‐air burning area.  相似文献   
管理者素质高低直接关系到企业综合管理水平的高低,对企业整体效益提升产生很大的影响。从国有大中型钢铁企业后勤改革与发展的状况看,需要不断提高管理者的经验水平和知识水平,才能保证管理者制定科学合理的管理决策,提高后勤管理工作水平。  相似文献   
介绍了火灾下有匀质防火层保护的钢构件温度计算的一维传热模型。给出了求解该模型的相关边界条件和假定,并给出求解该一维传热模型在不同边界条件下的解。通过分析三种典型防火材料保护下、截面系数不同的三种截面的升温,比较了由我国规范CECS200、欧洲规范、欧钢协标准、美国规范及其他学者推荐的方法得到的结果,并对照有限元结果,考察了不同计算方法的有效性。结果表明,CECS200与国外规范给出的结果符合良好且略微偏高。通过计算典型截面在不同耐火极限要求下的最小保护层厚度,比较了各国规范的设计结果。结果显示,由不同规范推荐的公式计算得到的最小保护层厚度相差不大。CECS200计算的最小保护层厚度与国外规范一致,与欧洲规范得到的结果基本相同。研究表明,在标准火灾环境中我国规范给出的方法合理有效且形式简单便于工程运用。  相似文献   
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