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提出利用能够模拟生物吸收过程的半渗透膜采样技术(SPMD)富集疏水性有机污染物,然后进行生物毒性测试.这一方法在原理上不同于传统主动富集.生物毒性测试技术体系,能够模拟生物富集和产生毒性的过程.用三油酸脂半渗透膜采样技术对洋河和北京市高碑店污水处理厂水样进行富集,并采用海洋发光菌P.phosphoreum T3和青海弧菌V.qinghainesis Q67发光菌对原水样和经过富集的水中有机污染物进行毒性测试.研究结果表明,洋河水中存在导致急性毒性的有机物,主要来自宣化工业区,以取代苯类化合物(如:硝基芳烃)为主,相比于此类物质,持久性有机污染物对急性毒性的贡献不大.对高碑店污水厂进行的实验表明,用发光菌方法直接测定污水,很难解释急性毒性变化规律.而采用SPMD技术富集水中有机污染物后进行毒性测试,结果和化学分析数据相当吻合.结合SPMD的优点,推荐用该方法作为环境有机有毒污染物毒性监测和生态风险评价的样品前处理手段.  相似文献   
辽东湾沿岸水域甲肝病毒和粪大肠菌群分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
报道了2002年辽东湾3个沿岸海域表层海水中甲肝病毒和粪大肠菌群分布的检测结果。结果显示,5月份表层海水 中没有检出甲肝病毒,粪大肠菌群也符合卫生标准;8月份和10月份表层海水中的甲肝病毒loo%呈阳性,粪大肠菌群均超标。 结果表明,粪大肠菌群指示海水中肠道病毒污染程度仍具有很大程度的可靠性。  相似文献   
The inactivation of microorganisms by pulsed magnetic field was studied. It was improved that the application of electromagnetic pulses evidently causes a lethal effect on E. coil cells suspended in phosphate buffer solution Na2HPO4/NaH2 PO4 (0.334/0.867mmol/L). Experimental results indicated that the survivability( N/N0 ; where N0 and N are the number of cells survived per milliliter before and after electromagnetic pulses application, respectively) of E. coil decreased with magnetic field intensity B and treatment time t. It was also found that the medium temperatures, the frequencies of pulse f, and the initial bacterial cell concentrations have determinate influences in destruction of E. coil cells by the application of magnetic pulses. The application of an magnetic intensity B = 160 mT at pulses frequency f= 62 kHz and treatment time t = 16 h result in a considerable destruction levels of E. coil cells ( N/N0=10^-4). Possible mechanisms involved in sterilization of the magnetic field treatment were discussed. In order to shorten the treatment time, many groups of parallel inductive coil were used. The practicability test showed that the treatment time was shortened to 4 h with the application of three groups of parallel coil when the survivability of E. coli cells was less than 0.01%; and the power consumption was about 0.2 kWh/m^3 .  相似文献   
IntroductionThecombustionoffossilfuelsgeneratesSO2 andNOxpollutantswhichcauseairpollutionandacidrain .Existingfluegasdesulfurization(FGD)scrubbersinvolvelimestoneprocesses,whichareefficientforcontrollingSO2 emission ,butareincapableofremovingalmostwater i…  相似文献   
几种细菌质粒抽提方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用 5种不同的方法对 5种不同属细菌共 7个菌株进行质粒的抽提 ,结果显示碱裂解法适于 4种有机物降解菌质粒的抽提 ,而假单胞菌质粒抽提法则适合于 7种菌株。为了获得分离细菌质粒的初步信息 ,可用假单胞菌质粒抽提法进行初步分析 ,进一步的研究需对质粒抽提方法进行比较才可确定最适的方法。  相似文献   
含重金属离子酸性废水的厌氧生物处理   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
利用厌氧生物法处理含重金属离子酸性废水是一门前沿技术。阐述了利用硫酸盐还原菌 (SRB)处理此类酸性废水的有关内容 ,介绍了SRB的分类、特性及还原机理 ,重点从硫酸盐还原的必备条件 :即电子供体、电子受体、还原条件三个方面讨论了SRB还原硫酸盐的影响因素。最后提出这方面研究存在的问题  相似文献   
采油污水的电催化杀菌工艺及其作用机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用形稳阳极借助于电催化方法对油田污水中的硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)、铁细菌(FB)、腐生菌(TGB)进行杀菌实验研究,确定了最佳操作条件,并对杀菌机理作了初步探讨。结果表明,在电流密度30mA/cm2、极板间距2cm、pH值5.0下处理30min时三种细菌的杀菌率均达100%。通过对杀菌机理的初步探讨表明,在电催化过程中产生的活性氯对杀菌效果起主要作用。  相似文献   
为了研究好氧型微生物对低氧气浓度环境条件下煤吸附甲烷的降解效能,培养、分离、初步鉴定了高效降解甲烷的好氧型甲烷氧化菌。并在高压容量法瓦斯吸附-解吸装置的基础上,自主开发了低氧环境下甲烷降解实验分析系统,研究了氧气浓度为0%、5%和15%三种条件下甲烷氧化菌的降解效能,通过对实验前后甲烷减少量,二氧化碳增加量,氧气减少量进行分析。结果表明:在氧气浓度(0%~15%)范围内,随着氧气浓度升高及降解时间的持续,甲烷的减少量可达130.5 cm3,二氧化碳的增加量最高可达25.7 cm3,同时最多消耗69.0 cm3氧气;在无氧条件下,好氧型甲烷氧化菌的生理活性受到了一定的限制,但最高仍然可以降解11.9 cm3的甲烷,生成二氧化碳3.5 cm3。  相似文献   
The hazards of dust explosions prevailing in plants are dependent on a large variety of factors that include process parameters, such as pressure, temperature and flow characteristics, as well as equipment properties, such as geometry layout, the presence of moving elements, dust explosion characteristics and mitigating measures. A good dust explosion risk assessment is a thorough method involving the identification of all hazards, their probability of occurrence and the severity of potential consequences. The consequences of dust explosions are described as consequences for personnel and equipment, taking into account consequences of both primary and secondary events.While certain standards cover all the basic elements of explosion prevention and protection, systematic risk assessments and area classifications are obligatory in Europe, as required by EU ATEX and Seveso II directives. In the United States, NFPA 654 requires that the design of the fire and explosion safety provisions shall be based on a process hazard analysis of the facility, process, and the associated fire or explosion hazards. In this paper, we will demonstrate how applying such techniques as SCRAM (short-cut risk analysis method) can help identify potentially hazardous conditions and provide valuable assistance in reducing high-risk areas. The likelihood of a dust explosion is based on the ignition probability and the probability of flammable dust clouds arising. While all possible ignition sources are reviewed, the most important ones include open flames, mechanical sparks, hot surfaces, electric equipment, smoldering combustion (self-ignition) and electrostatic sparks and discharges. The probability of dust clouds arising is closely related to both process and dust dispersion properties.Factors determining the consequences of dust explosions include how frequently personnel are present, the equipment strength, implemented consequence-reducing measures and housekeeping, as risk assessment techniques demonstrate the importance of good housekeeping especially due to the enormous consequences of secondary dust explosions (despite their relatively low probability). The ignitibility and explosibility of the potential dust clouds also play a crucial role in determining the overall risk.Classes describe both the likelihood of dust explosions and their consequences, ranging from low probabilities and limited local damage, to high probability of occurrence and catastrophic damage. Acceptance criteria are determined based on the likelihood and consequence of the events. The risk assessment techniques also allow for choosing adequate risk reducing measures: both preventive and protective. Techniques for mitigating identified explosions risks include the following: bursting disks and quenching tubes, explosion suppression systems, explosion isolating systems, inerting techniques and temperature control. Advanced CFD tools (DESC) can be used to not only assess dust explosion hazards, but also provide valuable insight into protective measures, including suppression and venting.  相似文献   
针对原有高能耗、低产量的立窑水泥熟料生产线进行节能降耗改造,关闭立窑熟料生产工序,改生料粉磨工序为矿渣、炉渣粉磨工序,生产出不同强度规格的水泥,每年可消耗炉渣、矿渣、煤矸石等废渣29万t以上。另引进干法旋窑水泥熟料,采用2套并列的联合水泥粉磨系统,2套八嘴回转式包装机及装车系统建设成一条年产120万t水泥粉磨生产线,使水泥粉磨综合电耗≤32(kW.h)/t,年节水量达7.2万m3,达到节能降耗、优质多产的目的。  相似文献   
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