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街谷地区CO污染现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了典型街谷地区CO污染的现状及其浓度的垂直分布和水平分布的变化情景。由监测结果可知,街谷地区CO浓度是较高的,而且峰值出现在采暖期。  相似文献   
Ozone measurements along vertical transects in the Alps   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
To investigate the vertical profiles of air pollutants in the boundary layer, aircraft and balloon-born measurements and measurements using a cable car as an instrument platform have been performed in different parts of the Alps. This on-line monitoring of atmospheric pollutants requires expensive and sophisticated techniques. In order to control ambient air quality in remote regions, where no infrastructure like power supply is available, simple instruments are required. The objective of this study, which was coordinated and evaluated by the GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit was first, to investigate the vertical distribution of ozone in different parts of the Alps and secondly, in addition to continuous analyser measurements, to test monitoring by means of two types of passive samplers. The selection of these samplers — one for one week use and another one for two week application — was based on a passive sampler intercomparison done in a preliminary study one year earlier.  相似文献   
利用跨断层水准测量资料,结合长水准测量成果,重点分析了沂沭断裂带及其附近地区垂直形变特征及本区中强地震前异常形态。结果表明:沂沭带附近的地壳形变明显受新构造活动的控制,断层的最大垂直运动速率为050mm/a,沂沭带断层垂直运动平均速率合成值约为034mm/a,现今总体活动水平较低;沂沭带北段及北西向断裂近期呈反向运动,南段呈继承性构造运动,部分测点在本区中等及中强地震前异常较典型,主要异常形态为“U”或“N”型。  相似文献   
千岛湖溶解氧的动态分布特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
基于2011~2012年1~12月千岛湖6个站点的溶解氧浓度实时监测数据,分析了千岛湖溶解氧的垂直分布以及时空分布特征,并探讨了影响水体溶解氧动态分布特征的影响因子.结果表明,溶解氧分布特征有明显的垂向差异以及季节差异.冬季,平均溶解氧值较高,除大坝前站点,其余各站点溶解氧无显著垂向差异;夏季,溶解氧垂向差异显著大于春秋两季.水深较深的小金山、三潭岛和大坝前站点其夏季溶解氧最大值出现在真光层,分别达到11.59、12.52和10.96 mg·L-1.千岛湖表层溶解氧最大值出现在春季,而最小值出现在秋季.相关性分析结果表明,溶解氧与水温、pH、叶绿素a浓度的相关性存在季节性差异.夏季,水温与溶解氧存在极其显著的线性相关,温度热力分层是影响溶解氧在夏季垂直分布的关键因素.春夏季,pH、叶绿素a浓度与溶解氧的相关系数较高,主要与浮游植物光合作用有关.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The thermal stratification characteristics of a flow-augmentation reservoir, Round Valley Reservoir, New Jersey, and attendant driving conditions were documented and analyzed for portions of three years. Substantial differences in the thermal stratification regime of the reservoir occurred in response to the documented changes in meteorological, operating, and light penetration conditions. The features of stratification that were affected included: the depth of the upper mixed layer, the average temperature of the epilimnion, the temperature gradient in the metalimnion, and the average temperature in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   
研究了福建三明27a生杉机光木混交林和杉木群落细根(d<2mm)的生产力、分布、和养分归还。结果表明,混交林细根生物量、N、P养分现存量分别为5.381thm^2、48.085kghm^-2和4.174kghm^-2,分别比杉木纯林增加17.4%、27.2%和20.0%,混交林林细根的年净生产力达4.124thm^-2a^-1,比纯林高出16.9%,混交林杉木和观光木细根均在表层土壤富集,而在较深层土壤再会得分布具镶嵌性;与混交林杉林相比,纯林杉木土吉表层细根量较少,最大分布层次下移,混交林中观光木细根的周转速率咪1.16,杉木为0.96和0.95;而林下植被层细根周转速率(1.46-1.52)均同于相应的乔木层,混交林细根的年死亡量、N和P养分年归还量分别达2.119thm^-2、18.559kghm^-21.565kgkhm^-2,分别是纯林的1.21倍、1.23倍和1.14 倍,其中林下植被细根占有较为重要位置,对细根分布与土壤性质的相关分析表明,细根的垂直分布与土壤全N的相关性最强(0.87-0.89)。  相似文献   
强化垂直流可渗透反应墙处理渗滤液污染物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对垃圾渗滤液污染物组分多、处理难度大、可生化性差的特点,基于可渗透反应墙(PRB)被动修复技术,通过多种填料的组合构建三重垂直流PRB强化的砂箱模型,对垃圾渗滤液进行连续动态处理研究。实验结果表明,填料的组合顺序对强化PRB系统净化能力有较大的影响,由无烟煤、沸石、钢渣依次组成的强化垂直流PRB系统(2#砂箱)对NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N、COD、PO43--P的平均去除率分别为96.12%、30.36%、75.24%、39.03%和30.47%,处理效果明显好于相同条件下依次由无烟煤、钢渣、沸石组成的强化垂直流PRB系统(1#砂箱)。与常规PRB处理系统相比,强化垂直流可渗透反应墙系统可实现垃圾渗滤液中多种污染物同步有效去除,是极具发展潜力的新型技术。  相似文献   
城市地铁建设中,隧道开挖可能损坏上部土体中埋设的既有管线。如何控制管线沉降,从而保证其安全是地铁施工中必须考虑的问题。利用ANSYS有限元分析软件,模拟隧道开挖对刚性接口地下管线的影响,充分考虑了土质、管线参数及盾构施工参数等因素,分析了地下管线在不同因素影响下的沉降变化规律。计算结果表明,管线本身参数(除管材、直径外)对其沉降的影响相对较小,而土质及盾构施工参数对管线沉降的影响较为显著,应当予以重视。通过对北京某地铁区间隧道正交下穿钢筋混凝土雨水管的沉降实测资料与3种假设工况沉降计算值的对比分析,验证了前述结论的正确性。  相似文献   
煤矿风井防爆门是保护主通风机的重要安全设施。在本世纪以来的重大煤矿爆炸事故中,因风井防爆门设计缺陷造成事故扩大化的问题屡有发生,使得煤矿风井防爆门受到多方关注和重视,并获得快速革新和发展。梳理了国内外煤矿风井防爆门相关法规和标准的制订情况,分析了十多种典型煤矿立风井防爆门的结构、特点和防爆工作原理,介绍了相关理论和试验研究成果。在此基础上,着重分析指出了风井防爆门发展中存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的方向和思路。  相似文献   
Kaibin Zhong  Xiaoli Lu 《Disasters》2018,42(3):590-612
The Paired Assistance to Disaster Affected Areas (PADAA) programme is a mutual aid initiative with Chinese characteristics, which speeded up the process of restoring and reconstructing regions affected by the Wenchuan earthquake on 12 May 2008. 1 The PADAA is an efficient instrument for catastrophe recovery, yet it remains a mysterious mechanism to many members of disaster management communities. This paper aims to lift the veil on it by assessing its origins and evolution. It draws on the multi‐level moderated competition model to explain how the PADAA functions within the Chinese administrative system. The country's top‐down political system allows the central authority to mandate provincial and local governments from more economically developed regions to assist devastated areas with post‐disaster reconstruction. The practices of local accountability complement vertical control by giving leaders from donor regions strong incentives to accomplish assigned reconstruction tasks, resulting in intense competition between them.  相似文献   
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