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It is well known that arboreal ants, both territorially dominant species and plant ants (e.g., species associated with myrmecophytes or plants housing them in hollow structures), protect their host trees from defoliators. Nevertheless, the presence of an induced defense, suggested by the fact that the workers discovering a leaf wound recruit nestmates, is only known for plant ants. Based on the results from a field study, we show here (1) that colonies of Azteca chartifex, a territorially dominant, neotropical arboreal ant species, mostly selected Goupia glabra (Goupiaceae) trees in which to build their principal carton nests and (2) that plant signals induced workers to recruit nestmates, which patrol the leaves, likely providing the plant with a biotic defense. Furthermore, the number of recruited workers was clearly higher on G. glabra, their most frequently selected host tree species, than on other tree species. These results show that contrary to what was previously believed, induced responses are also found in territorially dominant arboreal ants and so are not limited to the specific associations between myrmecophytes and plant ants.  相似文献   
植物诱导抗病性的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物诱导抗病性是植物抵御病害侵袭的重要机制之一,作为一种经济有效的抗病策略,在农业可持续病害防治中具有广阔的应用前景,日益受到人们的关注.其中系统获得性抗性(SAR)作为植物诱导抗病性的一种重要形式,随着分子生物学实验手段的迅速发展及其在植物抗病机制研究中的应用,其分子机制研究方面已取得了不少进展.图1参58  相似文献   
Oenothera picensis plants (Fragrant Evening Primrose) grow in the acid soils contaminated by copper smelting in the coastal region of central Chile. We evaluated the effects of the biodegradable chelate MGDA (methylglycinediacetic acid) on copper extraction by O. picensis and on leaching of copper through the soil profile, using an ex situ experiment with soil columns of varying heights. MGDA was applied in four rates: 0 (control), 2, 6 and 10 mmol plant−1. MGDA application significantly increased biomass production and foliar concentration, permitting an effective increase in copper extraction, from 0.09 mg plant−1 in the control, to 1.3 mg plant−1 in the 6 and 10 mmol plant−1 treatments. With 10 mmol plant−1 rate of MGDA, the copper concentration in the leachate from the 30 cm columns was 20 times higher than in the control. For the 60 cm columns, copper concentration was 2 times higher than the control. It can be concluded that at increased soil depths, copper leaching would be minimal and that MGDA applications at the studied rates would not pose a high risk for leaching into groundwater. It can thus be stated that applications of MGDA are an effective and environmentally safe way to improve copper extraction by O. picensis in these soils.  相似文献   
Typical top-down regional assessments of CO2 storage feasibility are sufficient for determining the maximum volumetric capacity of deep saline aquifers. However, they do not reflect the regional economic feasibility of storage. This is controlled, in part, by the number and type of injection wells that are necessary to achieve regional CO2 storage goals. In contrast, the geomechanics-based assessment workflow that we present in this paper follows a bottom-up approach for evaluating regional deep saline aquifer CO2 storage feasibility. The CO2 storage capacity of an aquifer is a function of its porous volume as well as its CO2 injectivity. For a saline aquifer to be considered feasible in this assessment it must be able to store a specified amount of CO2 at a reasonable cost per ton of CO2. The proposed assessment workflow has seven steps that include (1) defining the storage project and goals, (2) characterizing the geology and developing a geomechanical model of the aquifer, (3) constructing 3D aquifer models, (4) simulating CO2 injection, (5,6) evaluating CO2 injection and storage feasibility (with and without injection well stimulation), and (7) determining whether it is economically feasible to proceed with the storage project. The workflow was applied to a case study of the Rose Run sandstone aquifer in the Eastern Ohio River Valley, USA. We found that it is feasible in this region to inject 113 Mt CO2/year for 30 years at an associated well cost of less than US $1.31/t CO2, but only if injectivity enhancement techniques such as hydraulic fracturing and injection induced micro-seismicity are implemented.  相似文献   
Summary. An important question in insect-plant interactions is which of the numerous plant compounds contribute to the perception of odour qualities in herbivorous insects and are likely to be used as cues in host-searching behaviour. In order to identify which plant-produced volatiles the strawberry blossom weevil Anthonomus rubi detects, we have used electrophysiological recordings from single olfactory neurones linked to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. We here present 15 receptor neurone types specialised for naturally produced compounds present in the host and nonhost plants and two types for two aggregation pheromone components. The active compounds were terpenoids, aromatic and aliphatic esters, alcohols and aldehydes, some of which are induced by feeding activity of the weevils. The neurones were characterised by a strong response to one or two primary odorants and weaker responses to a few others having similar chemical structure. With one exception, the molecular receptive range of each neurone type was within one chemical group. Enantiomers of linalool separated on a chiral column activated two neurone types with different enantioselectivity. Inhibition by linalool of another neurone type, excited by α-pinene, indicated an additional mechanism for coding the information about this compound. Altogether, detection of 54 compounds by olfactory receptor neurones is shown, of which 40 have been chemically identified in this study. Thus A. rubi has the ability to detect a large number of odorants that may be used in host selection behaviour.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates the potential for induced preference experiments to test previously unverified explanations of observed behavior in contingent valuation surveys. The NOAA Panel on Contingent Valuation called for experimental evidence on potential biases in the double referendum format. We test Carson, Groves, and Machina's (Incentives and informational properties of preference questions, Plenary address to the European Association of Resource and Environmental Economists, Oslo, Norway, June 1999) simple cost uncertainty and weighted averaging explanations of inconsistent responses to follow-up offers in such double referenda against a baseline of certainty and truthful preference revelation. The results find evidence to support the Weighted Average hypothesis. Results regarding the cost uncertainty hypothesis are more ambiguous and merit further investigation.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Using data from the NASS General Estimates System (GES), the method of induced exposure was used to assess the effects of electronic stability control (ESC) on loss-of-control type crashes for sport utility vehicles. METHOD: Sport utility vehicles were classified into crash types generally associated with loss of control and crash types most likely not associated with loss of control. Vehicles were then compared as to whether ESC technology was present or absent in the vehicles. A generalized additive model was fit to assess the effects of ESC, driver age, and driver gender on the odds of loss of control. In addition, the effects of ESC on roads that were not dry were compared to effects on roads that were dry. RESULTS: Overall, the estimated percentage reduction in the odds of a loss-of-control crash for sport utility vehicles equipped with ESC was 70.3%. Both genders and all age groups showed reduced odds of loss-of-control crashes, but there was no significant difference between males and females. With respect to driver age, the maximum percentage reduction of 73.6% occurred at age 27. The positive effects of ESC on roads that were not dry were significantly greater than on roads that were dry.  相似文献   
改性氧化铝微波诱导氧化处理雅格素蓝BF-BR染料废水的研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
采用微波诱导氧化工艺(MIOP)技术,以改性氧化铝为催化剂,对雅格素蓝BF-BR染料模拟废水进行氧化处理.优化了处理工艺条件,实验在固液质量比为1:10(50mL雅格素蓝BF-BR水溶液中投加5.0g改性氧化铝)、微波功率为400W的条件下微波辐照处理5min.在此工艺条件下,对水中雅格素蓝BF-BR的脱色率可达到98%,COD去除率为87.4%.改性氧化铝在重复使用9次后仍能保持很高的脱色率.进一步研究表明在微波辐射场中废水中的有机污染物在改性氧化铝表面通过吸附.氧化协同作用而被迅速降解.反应动力学研究表明,该氧化过程符合一级反应动力学规律,反应速率常数k=0995min^-1,反应半衰期t1/2=0.697min.实验结果显示,在本实验中改性氧化铝比颗粒活性炭具有更高的催化活性.  相似文献   
The transport policy currently followed in many European cities seems to be a combination of investments in public transport in order to increase, or at least maintain, its market share, and road building in order to keep up with expected traffic growth. Apparently, there is a prevalent belief among policy makers that increased road capacity in urban areas does not in itself cause any growth in car traffic worth mentioning. Such a belief neglects the simple economic theory of supply and demand, as well as more specific theories about the dynamics of traffic under congested conditions. An empirical study of commuting patterns in two transport corridors in Oslo, Norway, shows that a considerable proportion of commuters are sensitive to changes in the speed of the respective modes of transportation. The mode chosen depends to a large extent on the ratio of door-to-door travel times by car and transit. Freer flowing traffic in the road network will induce a higher proportion of commuters to travel by car. Conversely, faster public transport will reduce the proportion of car commuters, but the effects of such improvements will be offset if road capacity is simultaneously increased. In addition to the relative speeds of car and transit, the parking conditions at the workplace are of great importance to the choice of transport mode.  相似文献   
In this paper, we show that the potential for endogenous technological change in alternative energy sources may alter the behaviour of resource-owning firms. When technological progress in an alternative energy source can occur through learning-by-doing, resource owners face competing incentives to extract rents from the resource and to prevent expansion of the new technology. We show that in such a context, it is not necessarily the case that scarcity-driven higher traditional energy prices over time will induce alternative energy supply as resources are exhausted. Rather, we show that as we increase the learning potential in the substitute technology, lower equilibrium energy prices prevail and there may be increased resource extraction and greenhouse gas emissions. We show that the effectiveness and the incidence of emissions reduction policies may be altered by increased potential for technological change. Our results suggest that treating finite resource rents as endogenous consequences of both technological progress and policy changes will be important for the accurate assessment of climate change policy.  相似文献   
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