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研究了葫芦岛氯碱-有色冶金化工区蝉汞、膜翅汞及蝉蜕汞的含量,比较了蝉与其它昆虫汞含量的差异,探讨了汞在蝉体内的分布特征.结果表明,蝉汞含量很高,平均值为2.64 mg.kg-1,远高于对照点地区蝉汞含量(平均为1.00 mg.kg-1);蝉中汞的分布特征为蝉汞膜翅汞(平均为0.98 mg.kg-1)蝉蜕(平均为0.50 mg.kg-1);不同性别蝉体质量、汞含量存在显著差异,雌性蝉体质量(平均为1.11 g)显著高于雄性(平均为0.54 g);雌性蝉汞含量(平均为1.34 mg.kg-1)要显著低于雄性汞含量(平均为3.38 mg.kg-1);不同采样点中蝉汞含量差异明显,但是膜翅汞含量差异较小;蝉汞含量与土壤汞含量之间不存在显著的相关关系.蝉汞含量低于生命周期较长的蜻蜓汞含量,但是却远高于生命周期较短的其它昆虫,反映了环境汞污染在长生命周期昆虫的累积效应. 相似文献
贵州汞矿矿区不同位置土壤中总汞和甲基汞污染特征的研究 总被引:27,自引:7,他引:27
为了深入理解汞矿矿区土壤中总汞和甲基汞的污染特征,应用AAS、GC-CVAFS方法,分别对贵州万山、务川和滥木厂汞矿矿区不同位置土壤以及对照区土壤中的总汞(THg)和甲基汞(MeHg)进行了测定.结果表明,万山汞矿区土壤THg和MeHg含量范围分别为1.1~790 mg·kg-1和0.19~15μg·kg-1,务川汞矿区土壤THg和MeHg含量范围分别为0.33~317mg·kg-1和0.41~20μg·kg-1,滥木厂汞矿区土壤THg和MeHg含量范围分别为0.41~610 mg·kg-1和0.70~8.8μg·kg-1.对照区土壤汞含量明显低于矿区土壤,其THg和MeHg含量范围分别为0.14~1.2 mg·kg-1和0.09~0.23μg·kg-1;对照区土壤THg含量接近或稍高于全球背景土壤THg含量0.01~0.5 mg·kg-1.研究表明,汞矿区稻田土壤具有较强的汞甲基化能力,其MeHg含量明显高于菜地和旱田土壤;万山汞矿区土壤汞污染程度明显高于滥木厂和务川汞矿区土壤汞污染. 相似文献
Efficiency of white lupin in the removal of mercury from contaminated soils: Soil and hydroponic experiments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Pilar Zornoz Roc′?o Mill′an M. Jos′e Sierr Almudena Seco Elvira Esteban 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2010,22(3):421-427
This study examined the ability of the white lupin to remove mercury (Hg) from a hydroponic system (Hg concentrations 0, 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10 μmol/L) and from soil in pots and lysimeters (total Hg concentration (19.2 ± 1.9) mg/kg availability 0.07%, and (28.9 ± 0.4) mg/kg availability 0.09%, respectively), and investigated the accumulation and distribution of Hg in different parts of the plant. White lupin roots efficiently took up Hg, but its translocation to the harvestable parts of the plant was low. The Hg concentration in the seeds posed no risk to human health according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, but the shoots should not be used as fodder for livestock, at least when unmixed with other fodder crops. The accumulation of Hg in the hydroponically-grown plants was linear over the concentration range tested. The amount of Hg retained in the roots, relative to the shoots, was almost constant irrespective of Hg dose (90%). In the soil experiments, Hg accumulation increased with exposure time and was the greater in the lysimeter than in the pot experiments. Although Hg removal was the greater in the hydroponic system, revealing the potential of the white lupin to extract Hg, bioaccumulation was the greatest in the lysimeter-grown plants; the latter system more likely reflects the true behaviour of white lupin in the field when Hg availability is a factor that limits Hg removal. The present results suggest that the white lupin could be used in long-term soil reclamation strategies that include the goal of profitable land use in Hg-polluted areas. 相似文献
粉煤灰综合利用过程中汞的二次释放规律研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
我国粉煤灰年产生量4亿t左右,近年来利用率稳定在65%~68%,主要利用方式包括建材生产、道路施工、建筑工程和农业利用.建材生产包括高温工序,可能存在粉煤灰中汞的二次释放.本研究设计实验模拟了水泥生产、蒸养砖生产的主要环境因素,利用程序升温脱附的方法研究粉煤灰利用过程中的汞迁移转化规律,并对全国范围内粉煤灰利用过程汞的二次释放量做出估算.研究发现,粉煤灰中的汞以HgCl2(Hg2Cl2)、HgS和HgO的形式存在;水泥生产过程中,粉煤灰中98%以上的汞会释放;蒸养砖生产过程中,粉煤灰中汞的平均释放率为28%,释放率主要受到粉煤灰中的HgCl2(Hg2Cl2)比例的影响.我国粉煤灰利用过程中的汞二次排放量由2002年的4.07 t.a-1增至2008年的9.18 t.a-1,其中水泥行业的贡献率占到96.6%. 相似文献
三江平原典型湿地植物枯落物中汞的变异特征 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
在野外进行现场实验 ,研究了 2种典型湿地植物枯落物经一个生长季的分解后汞的变化 ,并探讨了其影响因素 .在实验的 3 0d后 ,2种湿地大部分层次植物枯落物汞的浓度表现为先升高 ,随后降低 ,最后又明显升高 .枯落物分解程度影响着汞浓度的变化 .前 90d枯落物质量减少快 ,且汞的浓度降低 ,枯落物中的汞以损失为主 ,后期因植物残体吸附汞的能力增强 ,汞损失减少 .汞的损失率和水中溶解性汞的浓度呈显著负相关关系 .在 2 0cm和 3 0cm深度上 ,枯落物汞的损失率与积水深度和地温都具有显著相关关系 (P <0 0 5 ) .微环境的差异尤其是积水的变化对小叶章各层汞的损失的影响大于毛果苔草 相似文献
Anaerobic digestion of kitchen wastes in a single-phased anaerobic sequencing batch reactor(ASBR) with gas-phased absorb of CO2 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
ZHANG Bo HE Zheng-guang ZHANG Li-li XU Jian-bo SHI Hong-zhuan CAI Wei-min 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2005,17(2):249-255
IntroductionThereisanever increasingquantityofkitchenwasteswiththeincreasingpopulationandlivingconditionsinChina .Kitchenwasteshaveahighproportionof 5 0 %— 70 %amongmunicipalsolidwastes.TakingthecityofShanghaiforexample,thegenerationofkitchenwastesamount… 相似文献
灵芝中重金属的检测及其健康风险初步评价 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为了研究灵芝中重金属的污染状况,对北京市一些药店及部分中医门诊部所售的不同产地灵芝中的As、Hg、Pb等重金属元素含量进行了测定.结果表明,灵芝中As含量范围为0.016 ̄0.239mg·kg-1,平均值0.117mg·kg-1,Hg含量范围从未检出到0.43mg·kg-1,平均值0.115mg·kg-1,Pb含量范围从未检出到0.256mg·kg-1,平均值0.047mg·kg-1,As、Pb含量均符合我国《药用植物及制剂进出口绿色行业标准》,Hg有5例超标,占样品总数的25%,主要是野生灵芝.健康风险初步评价结果表明,服用灵芝的人群,成人每人每日通过灵芝摄入As、Hg、Pb分别为0.18 ̄2.3μg、0.17 ̄2.3μg、0.07 ̄0.94μg,分别占每日允许摄入量(ADI)的0.14% ̄1.9%、0.4% ̄5.4%、0.03% ̄0.4%,对人体健康风险不大.但是对于个别野生和人工种植灵芝而言,每日摄入总汞量可达0.47 ̄6.24μg,占ADI的1.1% ̄15%,对人体健康存在一定的风险. 相似文献
Seepage from Hg mine wastes and calcines contains high concentrations of mercury (Hg). Hg pollution is a major environmental
problem in areas with abandoned mercury mines and retorting units. This study evaluates factors, especially the hydrological and
sedimentary variables, governing temporal and spatial variation in levels and state of mercury in streams impacted by Hg contaminated
runo . Samples were taken during di erent flow regimes in theWanshan Hg mining area in Guizhou Province, China. In its headwaters
the sampled streams/rivers pass by several mine wastes and calcines with high concentration of Hg. Seepage causes serious Hg
contamination to the downstream area. Concentrations of Hg in water samples showed significant seasonal variations. Periods of
higher flow showed high concentrations of total Hg (THg) in water due to more particles being re-suspended and transported. The
concentrations of major anions (e.g., Cl??, F??, NO3?? and SO4
2??) were lower during higher flow due to dilution. Due to both sedimentation
of particles and dilution from tributaries the concentration of THg decreased from 2100 ng/L to background levels (< 50 ng/L) within
10 km distance downstream. Sedimentation is the main reason for the fast decrease of the concentration, it accounts for 69% and 60%
for higher flow and lower flow regimes respectively in the upper part of the stream. Speciation calculation of the dissolved Hg fraction
(DHg) (using Visual MINTEQ) showed that Hg(OH)2 associated with dissolved organic matter is the main form of Hg in dissolved
phase in surface waters in Wanshan (over 95%). 相似文献