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瑞二  浦玮 《民防苑》2009,(5):F0003-F0003
为了向学生普及安全知识,增强学生的安全防范能力,从而“提高学生的自护自救能力,增强学生的自我救护意识,进一步提高学生综合素质,全方位迎接世博会”,由上海市民防科研所、上海市卢湾区瑞金街道办事处主办,向明中学、向明初级中学、启秀实验中学、清华中学、第四聋校、卢湾区第二小学、七色花小学、私立永昌学校、巨鹿路第一小学协办,  相似文献   
陈艳  王卉  司友斌 《环境科学》2013,34(11):4466-4472
在实验室模拟条件下,研究了铁还原菌奥奈达希瓦式菌Shewanella oneidensis MR-1对固态硫化汞的生物溶解、生物甲基化作用及其影响因素.结果表明,铁还原菌S.oneidensis MR-1在含硫培养基中生长良好,低浓度硫素能够促进其生长,高浓度时细菌生长则受到抑制,这种抑制主要表现在菌株生长曲线迟缓期的延长;铁还原菌S.oneidensis MR-1能够利用固态硫化汞,促进其溶解并迅速进行汞甲基化;在S.oneidensis MR-1的耐硫化物范围内,菌株对硫化汞的生物溶解作用随着硫化钠浓度的增大而增强,但生物甲基化作用只在低浓度硫化钠时受到促进,硫化钠浓度过高时则会受到抑制;此外,弱酸性环境比酸性及中碱性的环境更有利于S.oneidensis MR-1对硫化汞的生物溶解及甲基化.  相似文献   
A series of TiO2 with different crystal phases and morphologies was synthesized via a facile hydrothermal process using titanium nbutoxide and concentrated hydrochloric acid as raw materials. The photocatalytic activity of the samples was evaluated by degradation of Methyl Orange in aqueous solution under UV-Visible light irradiation. On the basis of detailed analysis of the characterizing results of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller measurement, it was concluded that the photo-activity of the catalyst is related directly to the 3D morphology and the crystal phase composition. An excellent catalyst should have both a futile 3D flower-like structure and anatase granulous particles. The 3D flower-like structure could enhance light harvesting, as well as the transfer of reactant molecules from bulk solution to the reactive sites on TiO2. In addition, the optimum anatase/rutile phase ratio was found to be 80:20, which is beneficial to the effective separation of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs.  相似文献   
两次金汞齐—冷原子吸收光谱法测定大气中的痕量气态总汞   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
本文作者在已有仪器的基础上进行简单改装,建立了两次金汞齐—冷原子吸收光谱法测定大气中的微量气态总汞的方法。研究表明,这种方法最低检出限为0.05ng;100μl饱和汞蒸气连续测定结果表明其相对标准偏差<1.41%。在0~2.0ng汞量范围内标准工作曲线线性关系良好。运用该法,对贵州省万山汞矿、丹寨汞矿、清镇汞污染农田、省农科院和中国科学院地球化学研究所等地大气气态总汞进行了测定。这种分析方法还可以运用到其它环境样品微量汞的测定。  相似文献   
Ligands present in dissolved organic matter (DOM) form complexes with inorganic divalent mercury (Hg^2+) affecting its bioavailability in pelagic food webs. This investigation addresses the influence of a natural gradient of DOM present in Patagonian lakes on the bioaccumulation of Hg^2+ (the prevailing mercury species in the water column of these lakes) by the algae Cryptomonas erosa and the zooplankters Brachionus calyciflorus and Boeckella antiqua. Hg^2+ accumulation was studied through laboratory experiments using natural water of four oligotrophic Patagonian lakes amended with^197Hg^2+. The bioavailability of Hg^2+ was affected by the concentration and character of DOM. The entrance of Hg^2+ into pelagic food webs occurs mostly through passive and active accumulation. The incorporation of Hg^2+ by Cryptomonas, up to 27% of the Hg^2+ amended, was found to be rapid and dominated by passive adsorption, and was greatest when low molecular weight compounds with protein-like or small phenolic signatures prevailed in the DOM. Conversely, high molecular weight compounds with a humic or fulvic signature kept Hg^2+ in the dissolved phase, resulting in the lowest Hg^2+ accumulation in this algae. In Brachionus and Boeckella the direct incorporation of Hg from the aqueous phase was up to 3% of the Hg^2+ amended. The dietary incorporation of Hg^2+ by Boeckella exceeded the direct absorption of this metal in natural water, and was remarkably similar to the Hg^2+ adsorbed in their prey. Overall, DOM concentration and character affected the adsorption of Hg^2+ by algae through competitive binding, while the incorporation of Hg^2+ into the zooplankton was dominated by trophic or dietary transfer.  相似文献   
多环芳烃对人体有致癌、致畸等严重危害.利用单巯基β-环糊精修饰的纳米金,结合四甲基联苯胺(TMB)和H2O2,确立了一种简单、高效、快速检测水体中芘的新方法.此方法的最佳检测体系为0.5μmol/L单巯基β-环糊精、0.3μmol/L TMB、0.8 mol/L H2O2,最佳反应时间10 min.使用分光光度计检测的...  相似文献   
韩磊  仲兆平  姜超 《环境工程》2021,39(4):57-63
煤炭燃烧向大气中排放了大量汞。为了探究经济有效的汞排放控制方法,在管式炉中进行了CaCl2晶体的水解实验,CaCl2在一定温度和气氛下会水解产生HCl,HCl有利于烟气中Hg0的氧化。且随着反应温度的增加,水解率呈上升趋势。在流化床炉中进行了CaCl2溶液蒸发协同脱汞实验。CaCl2溶液喷洒在燃煤中可显著提高SCR脱销装置对Hg0的氧化率;煤中喷洒CaCl2溶液可提高烟气中Hg2+的浓度和占比,从而提高湿法烟气脱硫装置(WFGD)对气态Hg的脱除效果。相比于喷洒在原煤中,将CaCl2溶液喷洒在布袋除尘器(FF)前的蒸发干燥塔中,可显著提高FF脱除Hg的效果。整体上看,当温度越高,氯添加比越高时,烟气净化装置协同脱汞的效率也越高。  相似文献   
在全球贸易体系中,美国是中国大气汞排放的主要外部消费驱动力之一。现有研究多核算国际贸易驱动的大气汞排放,识别主要的贸易驱动关系,缺乏中美贸易模式变化对中国大气汞排放的影响分析。本文基于环境扩展型投入产出模型和结构分解分析方法,计算了1997—2017年中美贸易驱动的中国大气汞排放量,并深入分析了贸易相关的社会经济因素对中国大气汞排放变化的相对贡献。研究结果表明:1997—2007年,中美贸易驱动的中国大气汞排放从13.5 t增至32.8 t,2007年后开始回落,2017年回落至13.6 t。贸易规模扩大是推动大气汞排放增加的最主要因素(62.6 t),排放强度降低是大气汞排放减少的最大驱动因素(-67.0 t)。生产技术水平变化和贸易结构变化的贡献相对较小,近年来逐渐起到促进大气汞排放减少的作用,但其贡献不稳定。根据研究结果,提出了加快产业创新升级,优化、稳定贸易结构,提升产品竞争力等建议。  相似文献   
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