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丁香蓼对Cu富集效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽实验研究不同浓度的Cu胁迫对丁香蓼响应和富集效应的影响,结果表明,随着Cu的浓度增加,丁香蓼的株高和生物量降低,长势减弱,但在低浓度(ω(Cu)为125 mg/kg)时降低不明显,与对照组差异性不显著,高浓度与对照组差异性显著。根茎叶中Cu含量随着添加的Cu浓度增加而增加,Cu的含量和富集系数都表现为根叶茎,对Cu的积累量表现为根、茎叶,丁香蓼不是Cu的超富集植物,但对Cu具有较好富集作用和忍耐能力。  相似文献   
利用2018年12月27日-2019年1月8日山东省平原县大气环境实验站观测资料,基于近地面层各物理量湍流输送特征的相似性,以温度(T)作为代理变量,采用松弛涡旋累积法(The Relaxed Eddy Accumulation,REA)计算了重霾天气过程细颗粒物湍流通量,并给出了可信度验证.结果表明:实验观测期间,温度(T)、水汽(H2O)、二氧化碳(CO2)等不同物理量的REA法获取的湍流通量的经验系数b分别为bT=0.56、bH2O=0.56、bCO2=0.56.经验系数b的中位数随归一化采样阈值HREA的增大而逐渐减小;b值的离散性随HREA的变化存在一个极小值;考虑到温度b值的离散性最小,建议选取温度作为代理变量.REA法计算的细颗粒物湍流通量结果与细颗粒物湍流通量测量装置的结果具有较好的一致性,说明采用代理变量的REA法适用于细颗粒物湍流通量的获取.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the possibility of using contaminated soil by treated tannery wastewater and the use of tannery sludge in agriculture. The plants of Vigna radiata var. PDM 54 grown on contaminated soil and irrigated with ground water have not shown the translocation of toxic metal (Cr) in the upper part. The biomass of the plant increased when irrigated with treated tannery wastewater compared to ground water, whereas no significant change was observed in chlorophyll and protein contents. In both the varieties (var. PDM 54 and var. NM 1) of V. radiata grown on tannery sludge amendments, the growth parameters exhibited a pronounced positive growth response up to 35% tannery sludge amendments compared with the plants grown on garden soil. Despite the Cr accumulation at lower amendments, no toxicity symptoms were observed in both the varieties of the plants. Higher amendments affected various growth parameters, NR activity, and carbohydrate content of the plants. The results suggest that the plants of V. radiata (var. PDM 54) may be grown on contaminated soil or lower sludge amendments and irrigated with ground water. No translocation of toxic metal Cr was found in the seeds of the plants grown in up to 25% tannery sludge. However, periodical monitoring is required before the consumption of seeds. Overall, the results showed that plant growth patterns were influenced to some extent by the level of soil contamination and the water used for irrigation.  相似文献   
Arsenic accumulation by ferns: a field survey in southern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study reported here was to characterize arsenic (As) accumulation by Pteris ferns by comparing 3 of the ferns of this genus with each other as well as with four non-Pteris ferns growing on seven sites in southern China with different As levels. A total of 112 samples, including 78 Pteris vittata, 13 P. cretica, 3 P. multifida and 18 ferns from other non-Pteris genera, with the soils in which they grew were collected for As and other elemental analyses. P. vittata was found to be the most dominant species and the most efficient As-accumulator, whereas P. multifida was the lowest As-accumulator among the Pteris ferns, with 4.54–3599, 28.7–757 and 11.2–341 mg kg–1 As recorded in the fronds of P. vittata, P. cretica and P. multifida, respectively. Arsenic concentrations in non-Pteris ferns were generally much lower than those in Pteris ferns, with 0.81–1.32, 3.59, 10.7, 6.17–24.3 mg kg–1 in the fronds of Blechumum orientale, Dicranopteris dichotoma, Pteridium aquilinum and Cyclosorus acuminatus, respectively. For P. vittata, the As bioaccumulation factor (ratio of As in fronds to that in soils) changed, whereas the As translocation factor (ratio of As in fronds to that in roots) remained unchanged among the different sites. The concentrations of Fe were very high in all of the collected fern sample, with the exception of B.␣orientale, with 207–6865, 637–3369, 375–1856, 1876, 493-6865 and 492 mg kg–1 in the fronds of P. vittata, P. cretica, P. multifida, C. acuminatus, P. aquilinum and D. dichotoma, respectively. The association between Fe accumulation and As accumulation and tolerance in these ferns indicates the unique role of Fe in As-hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   
This study investigates As accumulation and tolerance of the aquatic fern Azolla. Fifty strains of Azolla showed a large variation in As accumulation. The highest- and lowest-accumulating ferns among the 50 strains were chosen for further investigations. Azolla caroliniana accumulated two times more As than Azolla filiculoides owing to a higher influx velocity for arsenate. A. filiculoides was more resistant to external arsenate due to a lower uptake. Both strains showed a similar degree of tolerance to internal As. Arsenate and arsenite were the dominant As species in both Azolla strains, with methlyated As species accounting for <5% of the total As. A. filiculoides had a higher proportion of arsenite than A. caroliniana. Both strains effluxed more arsenate than arsenite, and the amount of As efflux was proportional to the amount of As accumulation. The potential of growing Azolla in paddy fields to reduce As transfer from soil and water to rice should be further evaluated.  相似文献   
The Syabru-Bensi hydrothermal zone, Langtang region (Nepal), is characterized by high radon-222 and CO2 discharge. Seasonal variations of gas fluxes were studied on a reference transect in a newly discovered gas discharge zone. Radon-222 and CO2 fluxes were measured with the accumulation chamber technique, coupled with the scintillation flask method for radon. In the reference transect, fluxes reach exceptional mean values, as high as 8700 ± 1500 g m−2 d−1 for CO2 and 3400 ± 100 × 10−3 Bq m−2 s−1 for radon. Gases fluxes were measured in September 2007 during the monsoon and during the dry winter season, in December 2007 to January 2008 and in December 2008 to January 2009. Contrary to expectations, radon and its carrier gas fluxes were similar during both seasons. The integrated flux along this transect was approximately the same for radon, with a small increase of 11 ± 4% during the wet season, whereas it was reduced by 38 ± 5% during the monsoon for CO2. In order to account for the persistence of the high gas emissions during monsoon, watering experiments have been performed at selected radon measurement points. After watering, radon flux decreased within 5 min by a factor of 2–7 depending on the point. Subsequently, it returned to its original value, firstly, by an initial partial recovery within 3–4 h, followed by a slow relaxation, lasting around 10 h and possibly superimposed by diurnal variations. Monsoon, in this part of the Himalayas, proceeds generally by brutal rainfall events separated by two- or three-day lapses. Thus, the recovery ability shown in the watering experiments accounts for the observed long-term persistence of gas discharge. This persistence is an important asset for long-term monitoring, for example to study possible temporal variations associated with stress accumulation and release.  相似文献   
水环境中抗生素的分布、累积及生态毒理效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抗生素持续大量使用带来的环境污染和潜在的生态风险已经引起广泛关注。总结了国内外相关研究成果,对水环境中抗生素的污染源及残留水平进行了分析,对抗生素在水生生物体内的累积规律给予了评述,同时对抗生素的生态毒理效应进行了探讨。鉴于我国水环境中抗生素的污染现状,建议未来加强环境相关浓度下抗生素在生物体内的分布与转化、食物链迁移与放大,以及多种抗生素联合效应等方面的研究。  相似文献   
通过增加饲料中亚硒酸钠的含量,研究了硒对氯化汞在稀有鲫体内积累动力学的影响,探讨了硒对汞富集的影响机制,并给出了两种硒浓度下汞的积累方程。结果表明,饲料中0.2mg/kg的硒对鱼体汞富集无明显影响,2.0mg/kg的硒使鱼体汞富集增加。并且高硒饲料降低了鱼对汞的排除常数,使鱼体总汞的稳态含量增大。  相似文献   
北京市凉凤灌区土壤重金属的积累及其变化趋势   总被引:40,自引:5,他引:40  
其含量的几何平均值(0.147mg·kg-1)为北京市土壤Hg背景值(0.0576mg·kg-1)的2.5倍.除Cd、Ni外,其它5种重金属都存在不同程度的积累现象(超过基线值),Hg的超标率(超过基线值)高达34.5%;Pb、Cu次之,超标率分别为8.86%、8.33%;Zn、Cr、As污染相对较轻一些,超标率为2.41%、1.20%、1.19%;没有发现Cd、Ni污染问题.与20世纪70年代中期的调查结果比较发现,经过近30年后,该地区的土壤Hg、Pb、Cu、As含量分别增加了11.4%、40%、26%、9.0%.结果表明,污水灌溉是导致土壤重金属积累的重要原因之一,Hg、Pb是该灌区土壤中需要优先控制的重金属.  相似文献   
Some environmental contaminants have the potential to affect humans or animals by mimicking the effects of hormones. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a weak estrogen agonist when tested using in vitro or in vivo bioassays. In addition to the well documented effects of estrogens on reproductive functions, ovarian hormones also have salient effects on mammalian energy balance and feeding behavior. In this study, we investigated the effects of BPA on body weight and food intake of ovariectomized adult female rats. Treatment with doses of 4 or 5 mg/day for 15 days resulted in a significant reduction of body weight gain with no reduction in food intake. A dose of 1 mg/day did not affect feeding or weight gain. BPA was detected in the blood, brain and adipose tissues of the BPA-treated animals but not in the vehicle control group. There was a preferential concentration of BPA in brown adipose tissue. These results indicate that BPA can affect energy balance and that brown adipose tissue may be a primary tissue into which BPA accumulates in mammals.  相似文献   
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