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丁醚脲农药对3种水生生物的风险评价 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究了丁醚脲乳油和悬浮剂2种剂型对水生生物的急性毒性。结果表明,质量分数25%丁醚脲乳油对斑马鱼、河虾为高毒,对河蟹为低毒;质量分数50%丁醚脲悬浮剂对斑马鱼为高毒,对河虾为中毒,对河蟹为低毒。在室内毒性试验的基础上,应用多层次生态风险评价方法,评价丁醚脲对稻田-鱼塘模拟生态系统中水生生物的风险性。结果表明,质量分数25%丁醚脲乳油对斑马鱼、河虾具有极高的风险性,对河蟹影响较小;质量分数50%丁醚脲悬浮剂对斑马鱼也具有较高风险,对河虾、河蟹的风险性较低。鉴于丁醚脲对水生生物有较高的风险性,为保护环境有益生物,应当禁止或限制其在稻田中使用。 相似文献
生活垃圾填埋场地下水污染风险分级方法研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在综合分析国内外不同行业、不同领域风险分级方法的基础上,初步建立了一种生活垃圾填埋场地下水污染风险分级方法。该方法利用由美国环保局(USEPA)开发的多介质、多路径、多受体风险评价模型(3MRA)中用于描述污染物在地下水迁移的EPACMTP模型和风险评估模型计算生活垃圾填埋场地下水污染风险指数I,利用地下水含水层脆弱性模型(DRASTIC模型)计算地下水含水层脆弱性指数DRASTIC。并以I和DRASTIC为风险分级指标,以MATLAB聚类分析为方法,对生活垃圾填埋场地下水污染风险进行分级。以北京市22个生活垃圾填埋场为例,利用建立的风险分级方法,可将这22个填埋场地下水污染风险从高到低分为4级,并且大部分填埋场属于风险级别较低的3、4级。表明该风险分级方法可行、有效,在一定程度上可以为生活垃圾填埋场地下水污染的风险管理提供依据。 相似文献
毒理基因组学研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
毒理基因组学是利用最新的基因组学技术来进行毒理学研究的新兴学科。它能够快速全面地检测出化合物和生物体相互作用后的全基因组表达的变化,再通过生物信息学的方法对化合物的毒性进行定性分析。它可以为传统毒理学检测筛选更多的生物学标志物,解释有毒物质的致毒机理,降低风险评价的不确定性。但是,毒理基因组学还存在许多问题:如实验设计不统一,分析理论不完善,检测费用太昂贵等。其中最主要的理论问题在于,虽然人们早已认识到毒理基因组学最大的优势是可对毒性进行较全面的分类和预测,但是已有的研究仍然集中在生物标志物的筛选和致毒机理的解释上,而没有充分利用全基因组变化的信息,因为理论上除了实验误差引入的基因表达变化以外的变化都是化合物和生物体相互作用的结果。要解决这些问题,新发现的microRNA毒理基因组和动态基因表达图谱的研究可能是一个潜在方向。总体来说,目前毒理基因组学只能作为风险评价的参考,但是它最终将为风险评价提供有力的理论依据和准确预测,提高风险评价的可靠性。 相似文献
李青青 《生态与农村环境学报》2010,26(6)
提出了基于人体健康风险的土壤修复目标的制定方法和程序,并以上海市某重大工程多环芳烃污染土壤处理后再利用工程为例,模拟了多环芳烃在处置场地上的多介质迁移途径及人体暴露场景。模拟结果显示,填埋场污染土壤苯并(a)芘(该污染物毒性因子高,毒性强,致癌风险相对较大)经口摄入和皮肤接触途径最大致癌暴露量分别为1.89×10-6和0.93×10-6mg.kg-1.d-1,人体最大致癌风险水平分别为1.38×10-5和6.79×10-6,超出了中国规定的单致癌污染物的可接受风险水平(≤10-6)。苯并(a)芘呼吸吸入途径最大致癌暴露量为7.79×10-10mg.m-3,人体最大致癌风险水平为6.86×10-10。基于场地的特征条件和参数,以保护人体健康为目的,确定了再利用作为填埋场中层覆土的土壤中5种多环芳烃污染物的修复目标限值(w,mg.kg-1)分别为:苯并(a)芘,0.994;二苯并(a,h)蒽,0.995;苯并(a)蒽,9.95;苯并(b)荧蒽,9.95;苯并(k)荧蒽,99.5。 相似文献
外来红树植物无瓣海桑的入侵生态特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
无瓣海桑因其具有速生性的特点而被广泛的用于滩涂海岸造林和控制外来杂草互花米草。但是同样作为外来种,无瓣海桑其自身的入侵性及生态风险已经成为近年来研究的一大热点。依据外来种风险评估的侧重点,分别从定居特性、传播特性及其影响等方面总结了国内外无瓣海桑的入侵生态特征的相关研究,表明无瓣海桑具有速生、高生产力、对低温和土壤具有一定的适应性、已在澳门等地出现扩散入侵现象等利于入侵的特点;但是同时它生态位宽度中等,繁殖率较低,并且它的种植会改善红树林生态系统土壤养分,有利于乡土红树植物的生长。现有对无瓣海桑入侵生态特征的定性研究并不能完全确定其入侵性和生态风险。因此今后需采用风险评估模型等手段对无瓣海桑入侵性进行更为深入地评估。 相似文献
Understanding risks from the human-mediated spread of non-indigenous species (NIS) is a critical component of marine biosecurity management programmes. Recreational boating is well-recognised as a NIS pathway, especially at a regional scale. Assessment of risks from this pathway is therefore desirable for coastal environments where recreational boating occurs. However, formal or quantitative risk assessment for the recreational vessel pathway is often hampered by lack of data, hence often relies on expert opinion. The use of expert opinion itself is sometimes limited by its inherent vagueness, which can be an important source of uncertainty that reduces the validity and applicability of the assessment. Fuzzy logic, specifically interval type-2 fuzzy logic, is able to model and propagate this type of uncertainty, and is a useful technique in risk assessment where expert opinion is relied upon. The present paper describes the implementation of a NIS fuzzy expert system (FES) for assessing the risk of invasion in marine environments via recreational vessels. The FES was based on expert opinion gathered through systematic elicitation exercises, designed to acknowledge important uncertainty sources (e.g., underspecificity and ambiguity). The FES, using interval type-2 fuzzy logic, calculated an invasion risk value (integrating NIS infection and detection probabilities) for a range of invasion scenarios. These scenarios were defined by all possible combinations of two vessel types (moored and trailered), five vessel components (hull, deck, internal spaces, anchor, fishing gear), two infection modes (fouling, water/sediment retention) and six frequently visited marine habitats (marina, mooring, farm, ramp, wharf, anchorage). Although invasion risk values determined using the FES approach was scenario-specific, general patterns were identified. Moored vessels consistently showed higher invasion risk values than trailered vessels. Invasion risk values were higher for anchorages, moorings and wharves. Similarly, hull-fouling was revealed as the highest infection risk mode after pooling results across all habitats. The NIS fuzzy expert system presented here appears as a valuable prioritising and decision-making tool for NIS research, prevention and control activities. Its easy implementation and wide applicability should encourage the development and application of this type of system as an integral part of biosecurity, and other environmental management plans. 相似文献
There are presently few tools available for estimating epidemic risks from forest pathogens, and hence informing pro-active disease management. In this study we demonstrated that a bioclimatic niche model can be used to examine questions of epidemic risk in temperate eucalypt plantations. The bioclimatic niche model, CLIMEX, was used to identify regional variation in climate suitability for Mycosphaerella leaf disease (MLD), a major cause of foliage damage in temperate eucalypt plantations around the world. Using historical observations of MLD damage, we were able to convert the relative score of climatic suitability generated by CLIMEX into a severity ranking ranging from low to high, providing for the first time a direct link between risk and impact, and allowing us to explore disease severity in a way meaningful to forest managers. We determined that the ‘Compare Years’ function in CLIMEX could be used for site-specific risk assessment to identify severity, frequency and seasonality of MLD epidemics. We explored appropriate scales of risk assessment for forest managers. Applying the CLIMEX model of MLD using a 0.25° or coarser grid size to areas of sharp topographic relief frequently misrepresented the risk posed by MLD, because considerable variation occurred between individual forest sites encompassed within a single grid cell. This highlighted the need for site-specific risk assessment to address many questions pertinent to managing risk in plantations. 相似文献
矿区周围稻米重金属积累及健康风险分析 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
选用杂交稻、常规稻和糯稻3个水稻品系共21个水稻品种在广东大宝山矿区周围重金属污染土壤中进行大田试验,研究Cu、Zn、Pb、As和Cd 5种重金属元素在不同水稻品种(品系)稻米中的积累状况,并进行健康风险评价分析。结果表明,供试水稻稻米中Cd和Pb超标率很高,分别为100%和71.43%;Cu和As超标现象不严重,超标率分别为4.76%和14.29%;Zn含量均不超标。供试水稻品系中常规稻和糯稻稻米对Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd的积累能力较高,杂交稻则较低;但杂交稻稻米对As的积累能力高于其他2个品系。稻米中Cu、Zn、Pb、As和Cd含量与稻谷生物量均呈负相关关系,其中Pb含量与稻谷生物量呈显著负相关。供试水稻稻米对5种重金属的富集能力由高到低排序为Cd>Zn>Cu>As>Pb。本研究表明供试土壤中Cd和Pb对人体健康存在比较严重的潜在威胁,Cu、Zn和As对人体健康的潜在危害较小,应重点关注大宝山矿区稻米Cd和Pb的重金属污染问题及其对人体健康的潜在危害。 相似文献
典型河谷城市儿童土壤与灰尘铅暴露风险 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为定量评价河谷型城市土壤与灰尘铅对城市儿童健康的影响与风险,结合野外调查的基础上,以陕西渭河谷地典型工业城市宝鸡、西安、渭南和铜川为研究区域,以定量分析河谷型城市儿童环境铅暴露为核心,收集4个城市土壤与灰尘分析样品总计243个。利用X射线荧光光谱法测定了4个城市土壤与灰尘铅的含量;采用BCR连续形态分级法探究了城市土壤与灰尘重金属铅地球化学形态分布与迁移特征;根据US EPA污染物暴露与健康风险评价模型对城市儿童铅暴露进行了评价。研究结果表明渭河谷地典型城市宝鸡、铜川、西安和渭南城市土壤与灰尘铅浓度(X±SD)分别为(409.2±52.54)和(624.70±66.15)mg·kg-1、(357.47±41.37)和(592.60±36.78)mg·kg-1、(61.4±13.31)和(78.42±14.89)mg·kg-1、(46.71±12.11)和(64.7±13.76)mg·kg-1,均高出陕西省土壤铅背景值;污染水平依次为宝鸡铜川西安渭南。4个河谷型城市土壤与灰尘重金属铅发生整体迁移的趋势为:宝鸡城市灰尘(90.71%)西安城市灰尘(84.74%)≥宝鸡城市土壤(83.12%)渭南城市灰尘(74.89%)≥西安城市土壤(74.50%)铜川城市灰尘(72.49%)铜川城市土壤(57.50%)渭南城市土壤(53.79%)。可见,铅在均在城市灰尘中的迁移趋势远大于相应的城市土壤。4个城市土壤与灰尘均表现出较大的儿童暴露致癌风险,宝鸡和铜川城市儿童土壤与灰尘铅暴露也分别存在非致癌风险,风险程度依次为宝鸡铜川西安渭南。儿童铅暴露致癌与非致癌风险程度与其城市土壤和灰尘中铅可氧化态分布呈相似的规律,表明碱性的城市土壤与城市灰尘(p H7)中可氧化态铅可能是导致河谷型城市儿童铅暴露风险和儿童血铅污染的主要形态和因素。由此,城市燃煤排放与含铅制品的加工等活动可能是渭河谷地河谷型城市儿童血铅与铅暴露最主要的贡献源,必须采取长期有效的监测与控制措施。 相似文献
采用GC-MS测定了典型综合印染废水处理厂废水和污泥中芳香烃化合物的含量.结果表明,原水中苯系物总量为203.96±15.18μg·L-1,其中二甲苯占62.7%,尾水中苯系物总量为0.2±0.029μg·L-1,整个处理工艺对苯系物的去除效率为99%.原水中多环芳烃(PAHs)总浓度达1349.51±35.77 ng·L-1,以3—6环为主,主要富集在颗粒物上.整个工艺对PAHs的去除效率为95%,尾水中PAHs总浓度为65.81±20.99ng·L-1,以2—3环为主.干污泥中PAHs含量高达2996.10±151.0 ng·g-1,污泥吸附为水相中PAHs去除的主要机理之一.印染污泥直接填埋或农用会引起潜在的生态危害. 相似文献