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液相络合-铁屑还原-酸吸收回收法脱除烟气中的NOx   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用"Fe2 螯合剂吸收-铁屑还原-酸吸收"回收法脱除烟气中的NOx,研究了铁屑脱硝过程的影响因素,确定了脱硝过程的合适工艺条件,并对络合脱硝溶液的再生和循环利用进行了研究.结果表明:最佳工艺参数为:络合脱硝溶液中Fe2 EDTA浓度20mmol·l-1,pH值6.0,温度65℃;在此条件下,用两个反应器串联,对O2含量为10.5%的模拟烟气可取得90%以上的脱硝效率.  相似文献   
Summary The ripe fruit of the Indian mulberry,Morinda citrifolia, is the host plant forDrosophila sechellia but is highly toxic for three closely related species (D. melanogaster, D. simulans, D. mauritiana). A simple bioassay is described with which a clear dose response to the fruit was found for these species. Significant differences in reactivity to the ripe fruit were found among species. Tested strains ofD. simulans andD. mauritiana adults were more sensitive to the toxic properties of the fruit thanD. melanogaster. A marked intraspecific variability was shown inD. melanogaster. Reciprocal interspecific hybridizations betweenD. sechellia andD. mauritiana suggested an autosomal dominant control of resistance. MoreoverD. melanogaster intraspecific crossings suggested the influence of an additional X-linked factor. Responses of flies toMorinda fruit in different states were tested in a T olfactometer. The less resistant strains ofDrosophila generally showed less preference for the ripe fruit.  相似文献   
为了减少复杂电磁环境的仿真时间,在一定的精度允许的范围内,可对地形做适当的处理,以减少射线条数,换取仿真时间的缩短。本文通过小波分解,再进行中值滤波处理,以完成地形的平滑去噪处理。且为了选取最优小波基,本文采用不同小波基,对地形高程值进行小波变换和滤波处理,比较处理后的地形仿真效果,进而找出对地形做小波变换的最优小波基。  相似文献   
从如下几方面研究了三氟羧草醚在土壤-水环境中的化学行为:一是土壤对该药的吸附,结果表明,吸附强度与土壤理化特性密切相关,Freundlich常数kf=0.94Wom+0.65Wclay-9.59pH(r^2=0.94);二是吸附机理研究,发现三氟羧草醚能与碱金属以外的许多金属离子形成配合物,并证实了与CU^2+形成的双核桥联合物的可能性;三是实验指出它在水中避光有一定的稳定性,不易水解;四是它在〈  相似文献   
腐殖酸对砂质土壤吸附Cr(VI)的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用系列摇瓶振荡实验,研究了在砂质土壤介质中腐殖酸(HA)对Cr(VI)还原作用及增强土壤表面对其吸附的影响.通过改变反应接触时间、pH值、HA投加量等条件,确定了最佳吸附反应条件.结果表明:砂质土壤中存在HA时,可使Cr(VI)还原为毒性较小的Cr(Ⅲ),明显增强土壤对可溶态Cr离子的吸附能力,比同等条件下无HA的土壤吸附量增大1倍以上.一般整个反应过程约8 h即可达到稳定.pH值对Cr的还原和吸附有很大的影响,酸性条件下的吸附量比碱性条件可增大1倍,最佳pH值为2~4;当pH>5时吸附能力急剧下降,pH=10时吸附去除量降为20%.有HA存在时砂质土壤土对Cr(VI)的吸附反应为一级动力学反应,K298=0.033 5 min-1,砂土对CrO2-4的等温吸附曲线较好地满足Langmuir公式.  相似文献   
我国东部沿海地区差距状况以及经济低谷地区的崛起   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
我国是区域发展差异巨大的大国之一,存在着多种尺度的区域发展差异。从中小尺工区域差异的角度,分析了我国东部沿海地区内部发展差距扩大趋势有其影响,可以看出,东部沿海地区在经济快速发展的同时,也存在着经济相对落后的低谷地区。沿海经济低谷地区分布相对集中于香港--珠江三角洲、上海-长江三角洲、京津唐-环渤海三个经济隆起带之间,处于省际交界处。按照类型可以分为黄泛平原区、丘陵山区和沿海库区。东部经济低谷地区区位条件相对比较落后,交通可达性较差,产业结构单一,城市化水平发展严重滞后,社会经济发展比较缓慢,这些不利因素制约着该地区经济和社会的发展。根据崛起机制和途径,低谷地区发展呵以分为资源转换型、非国有经济推动型和外资推动型。建议国家修筑贯穿沿海经济低谷地区的东部沿海铁路大通道,降低沿海经济低谷地区设定标准,加快农业产业化发展,对特殊贫困地区实行特殊优惠政策,从而促进东部沿海地区经济协调发展。  相似文献   
Inter-seasonal studies on the trace metal load of surface water, sediment and Tympanotonus fuscatus var. radula of Iko River were conducted between 2003 and 2004. The impact of anthropogenic activities especially industrial effluent, petroleum related wastes, gas flare and episodic oil spills on the ecosystem are remarkable. Trace metals analyzed included cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn). Sediment particle size analysis revealed that they were characteristically psammitic and were predominantly of medium to fine grained sand (>73%), less of silt (<15%) and clay (<10%). These results correlated with low levels of trace elements such as Pb (0.03 ± 0.02 mg kg−1), Cr (0.22 ± 0.12 mg kg−1), Cd (0.05 ± 0.03 mg kg−1), Cu (0.04 ± 0.02 mg kg−1) and Mn (0.23 ± 0.22 mg kg−1) in the sediment samples. This observation is consistent with the scarcity of clayey materials known to be good scavengers for metallic and organic contaminants. Sediments indicated enhanced concentration of Fe, Ni and V, while other metal levels were relatively low. The concentrations of all the metals except Pb in surface water were within the permissible levels, suggesting that the petroleum contaminants had minimal effect on the state of pollution by trace metals in Iko River. Notably, the pollutant concentrations in the sediments were markedly higher than the corresponding concentrations in surface water and T. fuscatus tissues, and decreased with distance from point sources of pollution.  相似文献   
In this study, heavy metal contents of groundwater from the Mersin aquifer were determined with photometric methods and used to determine the main factors controlling the pollution of groundwater in the area. Using MapInfo GIS software, spatial analysis and integration were carried out for mapping drinking water quality in the basin. From the photometric heavy metal analysis, it is inferred that the excess concentration of Fe, Ni, Mn, Mo and Cu at some locations is the cause of undesirable quality for drinking purposes. Similarly, the EC thematic map shows that considerable areas in the basin are having high salinity hazards. The reason for excess concentration of various heavy metals is the industrial activities and petroleum pipelines and salinity levels show the sea water intrusion.  相似文献   
高效复合微生物菌群在垃圾堆肥中的应用   总被引:86,自引:6,他引:86  
利用高效复合微生物菌群对生活垃圾和污泥混合堆肥,通过测定堆肥过程中总菌数、温度、有机物、C/N比等,较系统地研究了高效复合微生物菌群在生活垃圾、污泥混合堆肥系统中的作用.试验证明:在生活垃圾和污泥共堆肥系统中,调节堆料比为厨房垃圾:污泥:粉煤灰土:成熟堆肥污泥:干草=41.6:27.8:13.8:11.1:5.5,有机物约为60%,总氮14%,全磷0.69%,全钾1.25%;初始含水率为58.5%,初始C/N比=30i供气量控制在0.8L/min·kg挥发性有机物,处理1、处理2、处理3堆料中分别接种2%、3%、5%(质量分数)的高效复合微生物菌群,与加入3%灭活菌的对照组进行对比实验.对照组、处理1、处理2和处理3堆肥系统垃圾腐熟时间分别为30d、24d、18d和12d;说明高效复合微生物菌群可以加速生活垃圾和污泥的降解,保证堆肥过程的顺利进行.处理3与对照组相比,堆腐时间缩短了18d,同时成品堆肥中含有大量具有生物活性的微生物,是一种良好的生物活性有机肥料.  相似文献   
通过Mie散射理论公式构建目标函数,利用免疫进化算法对气溶胶等效复折射率的实部和虚部进行协同优化,据此创新性地提出了气溶胶等效复折射率反演的新途径.基于成都市2017年9~12月逐时的气溶胶散射系数和吸收系数观测数据以及该时段同时次GRIMM180大气颗粒物监测仪的连续监测资料,研究结果表明,气溶胶等效复折射率反演的免疫进化算法不仅是普适的,而且还具有收敛速度快、计算稳定和求解精度高等特点.通过与其它气溶胶等效复折射率反演方法的对比分析,进一步论证了新方法的优势,这为气溶胶等效复折射率演变机理以及气溶胶吸湿性增长模型的后续研究提供了算法保障.  相似文献   
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