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Because of their intense vegetation and the fact that they include areas of coastline, deltas situated in the vicinity of big cities are areas of greet attraction for people who wish to get away from in a crowded city. However, deltas, with their fertile soil and unique flora and fauna, need to be protected. In order for the use of such areas to be planned in a sustainable way by local authorities, there is a need for detailed data about these regions. In this study, the changes in land use of the Balçova Delta, which is to the immediate west of Turkey’s third largest city Izmir, from 1957 up to the present day, were investigated. In the study, using aerial photographs taken in 1957, 1976 and 1995 and an IKONOS satellite image from the year 2005, the natural and cultural characteristics of the region and changes in the coastline were determined spatially. Through this study, which aimed to reveal the characteristics of the areas of land already lost as well as the types of land use in the Balçova delta and to determine geographically the remaining areas in need of protection, local authorities were provided with the required data support. Balçova consists of flat and fertile wetland with mainly citrus-fruit orchards and flower-producing green houses. The marsh and lagoon system situated in the coastal areas of the delta provides a habitat for wild life, in particular birds. In the Balçova Delta, which provides feeding and resting for migratory birds, freshwater sources are of vital importance for fauna and flora. The settlement area, which in 1957 was 182 ha, increased 11-fold up to the year 2005 when it reached 2,141 ha. On the other hand, great losses were determined in farming land, olive groves, forest and in the marsh and lagoon system. This unsystematic and rapid urbanization occurring in the study region is not only causing the loss of important agricultural land and wetland, but also lasting water and soil pollution.  相似文献   
The need for accurate carbon budgeting, climate change modelling, and sustainable resource management has lead to an increase in the number of large area forest monitoring programs. Large area forest monitoring programs often utilize field and remotely sensed data sources. Sampling, via field or photo plots, enables the collection of data with the desired level of categorical detail in a timely and efficient manner. When sampling, the aim is to collect representative detailed data enabling the statistical reporting upon the characteristics of larger areas. As a consequence, approaches for investigating how well sample data represent larger areas (i.e., the sample neighbourhood and the population) are desired. Presented in this communication is a quantitative approach for assessing the nature of sampled areas in relation to surrounding areas and the overall population of interest. Classified Landsat data is converted to forest/non-forest categories to provide a consistent and uniform data set over a 130,000 km2 study region in central British Columbia, Canada. From this larger study area 322 2 × 2 km photo plots on a 20 × 20 km systematic grid are populated with composition and configuration information for comparison to non-sampled areas. Results indicate that typically, within the study area, the spatial pattern of forest within a photo plot is representative of the forest patterns found within primary and secondary neighbourhoods and over the entire population of the study. These methods have implications for understanding the nature of data used in monitoring programs worldwide. The ability to audit photo and field plot information promotes an increased understanding of the results developed from sampling and provides tools identifying locations of possible bias.  相似文献   
荆江分洪区1998年洪水转移调查分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对荆江分洪区1998年洪水期间安全转移的调查表明,叶然有分洪预案,但实际转移时仍出现了相当程度的拥挤与混乱。完善分洪转移的组织与管理,已成为分洪区居民1998年转移后关注的焦点,分洪区居民普遍表现出对分洪洪水情不甚了解,通过各种方式开展有关洪水的宣伟,提高区内居民的防洪意识,是荆江分洪区未来防洪减灾的重点工作之一,由于是国家为保护更重要的地区而主动分洪。对分洪区历分洪蒙受的损失给预某种形式的补偿已  相似文献   
采用DEM数据对汶川地震极重灾区地形起伏度特征分析,海拔高度和地形起伏度总体上是南西高,北东低。5km×5km单元地形起伏度〉1000m的区域面积占27.98%。0.5km×0.5km单元〉100m的区域面积占50.63%。在8.0级主震和6.4级余震震中之间典型区段剖面0.5km间隔分析中,南西段起伏度大于北东段,南西段起伏度〉200m区段占全段14.84%,北东段仅占6.64%。地震导致生态环境受损程度的差异与地形起伏度的差异在空间分布上有一定的重合,具有高起伏度的南西段生态系统破坏面积占总破坏面积的88.55%,新增水土流失面积占新增总面积的70.99%。地震灾区地形起伏度是生态环境遭受严重破坏致灾关联因素之一。  相似文献   
This article describes the integrated modeling approach for planning the size and the operation of constructed wetlands for maximizing retention of nonpoint source pollutant loads and reservoir water-quality improvement at a catchment scale. The experimental field-scale wetland systems (four sets, 0.88 ha each) have been in operation since 2002, where water depth was maintained at 30–50 cm and hydraulic loading rate was at 6.3–18.8 cm/day. The wetland system was found to be adequate for treating polluted stream water with stable removal e ciency even during the winter. The integrated modeling system (modified-BASINS) was applied to the Seokmoon estuarine reservoir watershed and calibrated with monitoring data from constructed wetland, stream, and reservoir. The calibrated integrated modeling system estimated that constructing wetlands on 0.5% (about 114 ha) of the watershed area at the mouth of reservoir could reduce 11.61% and 13.49% of total external nitrogen and phosphorus loads, respectively. It also might improve the nitrogen and phosphorus concentration of the reservoir by 9.69% and 16.48%, respectively. The study suggested that about 0.1%–1.0% of the watershed area should be allocated for constructed wetland to meet specified water-quality standards for the estuarine reservoir at the polder area where land use planning is relatively less complicated.  相似文献   
无公害蔬菜生产基地环境质量评价   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
对广州市白云区江高镇无公害蔬菜生产基地的水、土等环境要素,以及应市蔬菜中的有毒有害物质(如重金属、硝酸盐、有机氯农药等)进行了全面的监测分析。结果发现:部分监测点的土壤汞含量及蔬菜汞含量已达到国家规定的三级标准,属轻度污染;蔬菜硝酸盐的含量全部超过WHO/FAO的建议水平。但只要在生产过程中采取一定的防治措施,该基地仍可作为无公害蔬菜的生产基地   相似文献   
研究东江源区土壤侵蚀对于加强东江流域的生态环境保护和建设,提高粤港地区的用水安全,保证粤港地区的繁荣、稳定发展意义重大。基于1995—2020年的降雨数据、土壤数据、DEM数据和Landsat影像数据,采用RS、GIS技术以及RUSLE模型定量分析东江源区土壤侵蚀时空特征。结果表明:(1)东江源区土壤侵蚀以微度和轻度侵蚀为主,严重侵蚀区域主要分布在源区东南部,果园和矿区等的开发使得局部区域侵蚀加剧。(2)1995—2020年,土壤侵蚀程度总体有所下降,微度以上侵蚀面积共减少了10.19%,土壤侵蚀模数下降了57.75%。其中2008年土壤侵蚀模数最大,达到2397.13 t · (km2 · a)-1,2020年土壤侵蚀模数最小,为669.47 t · (km2 · a)-1。(3)近26 a以来,东江源区土壤侵蚀改善区域的面积达到16.52%,侵蚀加剧区为4.28%,以矿区侵蚀加剧情况最为明显。(4)源区内土壤侵蚀较严重区域主要发生在矿区、裸地、耕地和果园区,矿产资源的过度开采、不合理的农业耕作方...  相似文献   
科技飞速发展的今天,射频及微波技术已经广泛应用于国民经济的各个领域,这使得越来越多的从业人员在工作场所受到电磁辐射污染的影响。本文总结归纳了我国电磁辐射职业危害状况,分析了现代企业电磁辐射防护的新特点,并提出企业电磁辐射防护对策。  相似文献   
以鄱阳湖自然保护区湿地为例,对多时相、多极化的合成孔径雷达(ENVISAT ASAR)数据作主成分分析,得到主成分分量影像,其中次要分量波段包含大部分的局部变异信息,使用主成分分量波段和log算子提取了ASAR影像中湿地淹没变化信息.结果表明,鄱阳湖自然保护区湿地对外湖水位变化有滞后效应,但总体上,其淹没变化仍显著地受到鄱阳湖外湖洪水的影响.与分类后检测法、分类前变化探测法等方法相比,所采用的变化检测方法可得到更为理想的ASAR影像湿地淹没变化信息提取的精度.使用同极化/交叉极化组合模式的ASAR数据对水面变化检测的精度明显优于同极化波段(HH/VV)组合的数据.  相似文献   
黄土丘陵沟壑区狼牙刺灌木林地的土壤水分动态   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
在陕北黄土区安塞县纸坊沟小流域,选择不同林龄的狼牙刺地块,对其土壤水分作了动态观测,并以柠条地和撂荒地为对照。分析研究得出如下结论:①在土层足够深的地块上,天然灌木狼牙刺年蒸散量约为590mm,单株平均耗水量约85mm。强烈耗水期是5月中旬至7月底,8月底土壤水分达到最低值,9月份以后开始恢复;②狼牙刺地土壤水分活跃层在0-2.5m之间,土壤水分的消耗强度随深度的增加而下降;③狼牙刺地干层超过10m,比同龄的柠条土壤干层(8m)深,在两个生长季中,干层没有进一步发展。  相似文献   
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