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This work describes how a general, process-based mass-balance model (CoastMab) for phosphorus for coastal areas may be used as a tool to estimate realistic values of “natural” or preindustrial reference levels of key bioindicators in coastal science, including the Secchi depth, a standard measure of water clarity, the chlorophyll-a concentration, an operational measure of phytoplankton biomass and the concentration of cyanobacteria, a measure of the concentration of harmful algae. The CoastMab-model is an ecosystem model giving monthly predictions to achieve seasonal variations of basin-wide properties. The selected case-study area, the Gulf of Riga, is sensitive to nutrient loading because of its shallowness and low openness towards the Baltic Proper. The morphometry of any coastal area, as given by the size and form parameters, influences all internal processes, such as sedimentation, resuspension, diffusion in water and from sediments to water, biouptake and retention in biota, stratification, mixing and outflow. There has been no mass-balance modeling for nitrogen (N) in this work because empirical data (from the HELCOM database) clearly indicate that the monthly primary production in the Gulf of Riga is regulated by phosphorus (P) – the mean monthly total-N to total-P ratios are well over 7.2 (the Redfield-ratio) and generally higher than 15 for the data used in this study (from 1992 to 2005). At present anthropogenic loads, the average modeled monthly values for Secchi depth, chlorophyll (Chl), cyanobacteria (CB) and total-P (TP) are 3.2 m, 3.8 μg/l, 78 μg/l and 31.3 μg/l, respectively. If 50% of all anthropogenic sources to the Gulf of Riga via rivers, point sources and diffuse sources were to be removed, these values would be 3.6 m, 3.4 μg Chl/l, 63 μg CB/l and 29.1 μg TP/l. If 60% of the anthropogenic phosphorus fluxes to the Baltic Proper were to be omitted and as well as 75% of all direct anthropogenic sources to the Gulf of Riga, the values would be 4.6 m, 2.7 μg Chl/l, 45 μg CB/l and 25.4 μg TP/l. These values represent the “natural” reference levels and it is not realistic to expect that remedial measures would improve the conditions more than that. Using the CoastWeb-model, similar calculations can be made for any given coastal area and the data necessary for such calculations are discussed in this work.  相似文献   
本文对CNKI中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库以及重庆维普数据库收录的有关我国污染土壤修复的研究论文进行了检索,以文献计量学方法进行统计分析,明确了我国污染土壤修复研究的发展现状。2000—2011年,我国污染土壤修复领域的文献量呈快速上升趋势,污染土壤修复的研究在全国范围内得到了关注。该领域涉及作者6 012名,核心作者129名。著录发文机构共1 067家,发表论文100篇及以上的机构3家,是本领域的主要研究机构,中国科学院发文数量居首位。被引次数排在前10位的论文总被引次数为3 188,被引次数最高的前3篇论文分别刊登在《土壤通报》、《科学通报》上。《农业环境科学学报》(其前身《农业环境保护》)刊发论文数量、影响因子居于榜首,《安徽农业科学》刊发89篇,位居第2。关键词分析表明,重金属污染、有机物污染、农药污染是我国土壤污染的主要类型;土壤修复方式以植物修复、微生物修复、电动修复较多,化学修复、物理修复、淋溶修复较少;原位修复较异位修复研究为多。  相似文献   
基于GIS的华北某市潜层地下水总硬度变化趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着城市化进程的不断加快,城市潜层地下水水质逐渐变差。研究以华北地区某重点城市为研究对象,基于Arc GIS平台研究分析了该市1980年、1990年、2000年和2010年4个时间点的地下水总硬度时空变异特征。研究结果显示:研究区在1980—2010年间潜水总硬度高浓度区域大幅增加,地下水水质变差趋势非常明显。老城区地下水总硬度经历了1980—1990年迅速上升和1990年后稳中有降两个阶段;拓展区潜水总硬度总体上呈现先缓后急的上升趋势。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the response to short-term changes in river freshwater discharges and in nutrients loadings (mainly from the treatment of urban wastewater), of the shallow macrotidal Urdaibai estuary (north of Spain), by using numerical tools. A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model and a water quality model were applied to the estuary, in order to better use it as a prediction tool in the study of the effects of variations in hydrodynamic conditions and in waste water inputs. The model was calibrated and verified using data measured under different hydrological conditions (spring and summer). A model calibration was carried out with field data measured during the summer, while the model validation was conducted for spring conditions. The calibration process allowed the model parameter definition, while the model validation permitted the verification of the calibrated parameters under different environmental conditions. The model results were in reasonable agreement with field measurements, in both the calibration and the validation phases. The model showed a significant decrease in phytoplankton concentration with river input increase. A study on the effects of nutrient input reduction from the Gernika Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) was conducted. It showed a decrease in phytoplankton concentration with decreasing levels of nutrient discharge. This reduction was more pronounced in conjunction with the highest river discharge. In that case, a 50% decrease for the elimination of the WWTP discharge was observed.  相似文献   
The development and application of ecosystem models in estuarine and coastal systems has grown exponentially over the past four decades. Models have become ensconced as major tools for both heuristic study of ecosystem structure and function as well as for informing management decisions, particularly with respect to cultural eutrophication. In recent years an ever-expanding toolbox of modeling approaches is being offered to complement traditional methods. This expansion of modeling in estuarine and coastal science was exemplified by four sessions devoted to modeling at the 2007 biennial conference of the Estuarine Research Federation in Providence, RI. We felt the time was right to propose a special session of Ecological Modelling to synthesize talks from these sessions to present the state of the art in coastal and estuarine modeling. The collection of papers contained in this special issue presents a diversity of traditional and novel modeling approaches, methods for assessing model validity and predictability, and the utility of models in management applications. We believe that together these papers provide an excellent overview of current approaches to modeling estuarine hydrodynamics, water quality, and ecosystem/food web dynamics, applications of complex and relatively simple modeling approaches, applications in both deep and shallow coastal systems, goals relevant for both heuristic and management applications, and perspectives based on traditional mechanistic model development as well as more recent alternative approaches.  相似文献   
Populations of bivalve filter feeders are distributed throughout the oligohaline waters of the Chesapeake Bay system and, to a lesser extent, in tidal fresh waters as well. Previous studies indicate these bivalves significantly diminish phytoplankton concentrations in one major tributary, the Potomac River, and observed chlorophyll concentrations suggest bivalve influence on phytoplankton in other oligohaline reaches. We incorporated a model of these bivalves into an existing eutrophication model of the system. The model indicated that bivalves may reduce phytoplankton concentrations in oligohaline and tidal fresh waters throughout the system but the most significant effects were noted in the Potomac and Patuxent tributaries. Bivalve impacts were related to hydraulic residence time. The greatest phytoplankton reductions occurred in the regions with the longest residence time. Model carbon and nutrient budgets indicated bivalves removed 14% to 40% of the carbon load, 11% to 23% of the nitrogen load, and 37% to 84% of the phosphorus load to the regions where their impact on computed chlorophyll was greatest.  相似文献   
山西省近50年无霜期变化特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
范晓辉  王麒翔  王孟本 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2393-2397
根据山西省108个地面站近50 a(1959—2008年)的初霜日、终霜日和无霜期系列数据,采用非参数Mann-Kendall检验法,对山西省近50 a无霜期的变化特点进行了研究。计算结果表明,全省108个地面站的平均无霜期在124.6~232.9 d之间。Mann-Kendall检验结果显示,在所有地面站中,77个站初霜日推后,78个站终霜日提前,87个站无霜期延长,其中35个站显著延长。全省初霜日显著推后(+1.41 d/10 a),终霜日显著提前(-2.57 d/10 a),无霜期显著延长(+3.72 d/10 a)。初霜日推后和终霜日提前对无霜期延长的贡献约分别为1/3和2/3。Pearson相关分析证明,在全省范围内,初霜日、终霜日和无霜期与年平均气温、纬度和海拔具有密切关系。直线回归分析显示,气温每升高1℃,初霜日迟4.7 d,终霜日早4.1 d,无霜期延长8.8 d。纬度每北移1o,初霜日早6.1 d;终霜日迟4.5 d;无霜期短10.6 d。海拔每升高100 m,初霜日早3.4 d;终霜日迟2.8 d;无霜期短6.2 d。对初霜日、终霜日和无霜期这些特点的认识,对本区自然和人工生态系统管理、生态恢复和生态工程实施等具有重要意义。  相似文献   
近年来,鸡屎藤不仅在引种地发生危害,而且在原产地也发生生物灾害,引起了专家学者的重视。在对鸡屎藤区系分类及地理空间分布、形态及生理特征、化学成分和营养成分、生态危害调查与评估、管理与危害控制等现状综合分析基础上,提出了该植物未来的研究趋势:(1)鸡屎藤形态和生理生态特征研究;(2)开展生态危害调查评估与预警研究;(3)鸡屎藤灾变机制研究;(4)开展危害控制研究。  相似文献   
大连市酸雨的变化趋势及来源简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“十一五”期间大连市的酸雨污染呈波动趋势,2009年的酸雨污染最为严重,酸雨频率达到40.3%,pH均值4.84,属于中酸雨污染。大连市酸雨的来源受外来地区输送的影响较大,大连市本地源排放对硫和氮的湿沉降的贡献仅在10—20%之间;外来源中,山东排放的贡献占30~40%,辽宁其他区域的贡献10%左右,同时日本、朝鲜和韩...  相似文献   
流域管理的形成、特征及发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
流域管理是一门新兴学科,是以流域为尺度,统筹流域资源管理、保护和利用的管理体系,也是为实现科学、可持续发展和生态文明建设而发展出的管理科学的研究方向. 深入剖析了流域管理概念的形成与发展,总结了水资源统一管理、水质目标控制管理和综合统一管理3种管理模式的管理目标、特点和不足,并指出现代流域管理应形成流域-区域-控制单元-污染源多层次一体化的污染控制目标体系;论述了我国流域管理的实践与发展过程,结合辽河流域管理实践,阐述了未来流域管理呈现管理手段的智能化、管理方式的生态化、管理机制的一体化的发展趋势.   相似文献   
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