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Previous soil lead studies in New Orleans focused on the geochemical footprint and its health impacts. This study examines the human geography of race, income, and age in pre-Katrina metropolitan New Orleans within the context of lead accumulation in soils. Sample points of soil lead data (n = 5,467) collected in 1998–2000 were mapped in a geographic information system (GIS), binned into 9 ranges, and queried by (1) 2000 Census racial demographic data, (2) 1999 median household income, and (3) 2000 age data. The absolute population generally declines as lead levels increase except at lead levels from 200–400 to 400–1,000 mg/kg when population increases; the African–American population comprises a disproportionate share of this cohort. The high-lead areas occur in the inner city, home to the largest populations of African-Americans in New Orleans. The mean household income curve indicates that lower economic groups are at risk to higher levels of lead. A total of 44,701 children under the age of 5 years, plus 123,579 children aged 5–17, lived in census block groups containing at least one sample point with over 100 mg/kg lead, and these include 23,124 and 64,064 young people, respectively, who live near at least one point over 400 mg/kg. Lead exposure affects a panoply of outcomes that influence the health and welfare of the community. Unless corrected, children are likely to return to the same or, because of lack of lead-safe practices during renovation, even higher exposure risks than before the flooding of New Orleans.  相似文献   
南宁市河流型水源地重金属污染调查与健康风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对南宁市河流型水源地水体中Pb、Cd、Hg、As浓度调查与健康风险评价研究,结果表明:这4种元素在水体中的质量浓度较低,均达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)Ⅱ类标准;经饮水途径引起的健康风险从大到小依次为AsCdPbHg,说明As是南宁市饮用水源中的主要风险因子;4种元素通过饮水途径引起的平均个人年健康致癌风险值为1.48×10-6a-1~13.75×10-6a-1,非致癌风险值为7.05×10-10a-1,均低于美国环保局和国际辐射防护委员会的推荐值。  相似文献   
在分析国内外危险废物分级管理经验的基础上,结合健康风险的评估步骤,提出了基于全过程危险废物污染物释放情景的精细化-动态健康风险评价方法。充分考虑处理利用工艺、企业管理水平等因素对于危险废物中污染物释放概率和能力的影响,并基于污染物向环境介质的迁移转化,定量评估危险废物的健康风险。基于危险废物污染特性数据库和事故情景数据库,结合全过程信息采集技术,构建危险废物分级分类管理平台,进行涉废企业的风险级别划分,实施差异化管理,形成更加科学有效的危险废物全过程精细化管理体系。  相似文献   
为评估阿特拉津(ATR)对人体的健康风险,通过文献检索及追溯方式,收集了93篇文献中关于我国环境介质中ATR的检测数据,基于美国环保署健康风险评价方法,并运用蒙特卡罗模拟方法,评价了我国成年男性和女性ATR的健康风险,分析了各参数的敏感性和相关性。结果显示,我国成年男性和女性的非致癌健康风险熵值分别为4.53×10~(-2)和4.30×10~(-2),分别有89.8%的成年男性和89.9%的成年女性风险熵值低于0.10;饮用水中ATR的浓度对其健康风险的贡献(即敏感性)分别为男性88.0%和女性83.3%,与健康风险的关联性(R)分别为男性0.907和女性0.895。我国ATR的非致癌健康风险处于可接受水平,饮用水中ATR对其健康风险的贡献最大。该方法可为有毒有害物质的健康风险预警和精准控制提供方法学参考。  相似文献   
《生态环境健康风险评估技术指南总纲》(HJ 1111—2020)(以下简称《总纲》)的发布实施对提高我国生态环境管理规范化和精细化水平具有重要意义。简述了国内外相关标准现状,分析了《总纲》的主要内容,从标准名称、标准定位、术语定义、标准应用等方面进行了解读。提出,应优先制定危害识别、危害表征、暴露评估和风险表征专项技术规范;按照《总纲》和基础方法类技术导则的相关要求,制定应用领域风险评估技术导则;结合化学品管理领域的试行技术导则推广使用中存在的问题逐步修改完善。建立健全生态环境健康风险评估技术指南体系,提升生态环境管理决策科学水平,保障公众健康。  相似文献   
对常州某废弃农药生产场地地下水中挥发性有机物污染状况和健康风险进行了调查评价。结果表明,该场地地下水中挥发性有机物污染以苯系物、氯代苯类和氯代烃类为主;部分点位地下水健康风险评价结果超出可接受范围,可能危害人体。  相似文献   
以某高原湖泊为例,以湖水中的砷含量类比推算了从该湖泊取水灌溉区域内水稻和蔬菜的砷含量,对稻米、蔬菜和饮水3种暴露途径进行健康风险评估。结果表明,人群通过摄入区域内稻米、蔬菜的致癌风险系数为可接受的致癌风险,饮用湖水的致癌风险系数为不可接受的致癌风险。  相似文献   
The concentrations of heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Hg, Cu, Zn, Pb and As) in the water, sediment, and fish were investigated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Potential ecological risk analysis of sediment heavy metal concentrations indicated that six sites in the middle reach, half of the sites in the lower reach, and two sites in lakes, posed moderate or considerable ecological risk. Health risk analysis of individual heavy metals in fish tissue indicated safe levels for the general population and for fisherman but, in combination, there was a possible risk in terms of total target hazard quotients. Correlation analysis and PCA found that heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, and Zn) may be mainly derived from metal processing, electroplating industries, industrial wastewater, and domestic sewage. Hg may also originate from coal combustion. Significant positive correlations between TN and As were observed.  相似文献   
Pathogenic microbes with antibiotic resistance can thrive on municipal solid waste as nutrients and be aerosolized and transported to vicinities during waste disposal processes. However, the characterization of pathogenic bioaerosols and assessment of their exposure risks are lacking. Herein, particle size, concentration, activity, antibiotic resistance, and pathogenicity of airborne microorganisms were assessed in different sectors of a typical landfill. Results showed that active sector in downwind direction has the highest bioaerosol level (1234 CFU/m3), while residential area has the highest activity (14.82 mg/L). Botanical deodorizer from mist cannon can effectively remove bioaerosol. Most bioaerosols can be inhaled into respiratory system till bronchi with sizes ranging from 2.1−3.3 and 3.3−4.7 µm. Pathogenic bacteria (Bacilli, Bacillus, and Burkholderia-Paraburkholderia) and allergenic fungi (Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Curvularia) prevailed in landfill. Although high abundance of microbial volatile organic compounds (mVOCs) producing bioaerosols were detected, these mVOCs contributed little to odor issues in landfill. Notably, surrounding areas have higher levels of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) than inner landfill with tetC, acrB, acrF, mdtF, and bacA as dominant ones. Most ARGs were significantly correlated with bacterial community, while environmental parameters mainly influenced fungal prevalence. These findings can assist in reducing and preventing respiratory allergy or infection risks in occupational environments relating to waste management.  相似文献   
机动车尾气的产生及对人群健康的影响和防治对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
较详细的介绍了机动车燃料和尾气的关系,全面论述了尾气中主要污染物对人体健康的危害,并对防治尾气的污染提出了建议。  相似文献   
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