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A field study was carried out at six locations in the Lazio region (Central Italy) aimed at characterising atmospheric particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) from the point of view of the chemical composition and grain size distribution of the particles, the mixing properties of the atmosphere, the frequency and relevance of natural events. The combination of four different analytical techniques (ion chromatography, X-ray fluorescence and ICP for inorganic components, thermo-optical analysis for carbon compounds) yielded sound results in terms of characterisation of the air masses. During the first three months of the study (October–December 2004), many pollution events of natural (sea-salt or desert dust episodes) or anthropogenic nature were identified and characterised. More than 90% of the collected mass was identified by chemical analysis. The central role played by the mixing properties of the lower atmosphere when pollution events occurred was highlighted. The results show a major impact of primary anthropogenic pollutants on traffic stations and a homogeneous distribution of secondary pollutants over the regional area. An evaluation of the sources of PM and an identification of possible reliable tracers were obtained using a chemical fractionation procedure.  相似文献   
Trace elements are essential for human health. However, excess concentrations of these elements cause health disorders. A study has been carried out in Visakhapatnam environs, Andhra Pradesh, India to ascertain the causes for the origin and distribution of iron content in the groundwaters. Fifty groundwater samples are collected and analyzed for iron. The content of iron ranges from 400 to 780 μg/l. A comparison of groundwater data with rock and soil chemistry suggests that the concentration of iron (400–530 μg/l) in the groundwaters is derived from the rocks and soils due to geogenic processes. This concentration is taken as a natural occurrence of iron in the groundwaters of the study area for assessing the causes for its next higher content (>530 μg/l). Relatively higher concentration of iron (540–550 μg/l) is observed at some well waters, where the wells are located nearby municipal wastewaters, while the very high concentration of iron (610–780 μg/l) is observed in the industrially polluted groundwater zones, indicating the impact of anthropogenic activities on the groundwater system. These activities mask the concentration of iron caused by geogenic origin. Hence, both the geogenic and anthropogenic activities degrade the groundwater quality. Drinking water standards indicate that the iron content in all the groundwater samples exceeds the permissible limit (300 μg/l) recommended for drinking purpose, causing the health disorders. Necessity of close monitoring of groundwater quality for assessing the impact of geogenic and anthropogenic sources with reference to land use/land cover activities is emphasized in the present study area to protect the groundwater resources from the pollution.  相似文献   
北京典型郊野公园植物组成结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对北京典型郊野公园绿地植物的系统调查,分析了其种类构成,计算并论述了公园绿地的植物结构特征,以期能够为北京生态城市建设提供科学依据。调查发现典型郊野公园植物有78科181属299种,占北京市总维管植物种数的12.1%,总体上偏少。乔木和灌木的丰富度指数都在5.0以下,草本的丰富度要大于乔、灌木;植物均匀度指数总体上在0.7以内,乔木要高于灌木和草本;总体说来,郊野公园绿地植物种类偏少、分布不均匀;北京郊野公园建设刚刚起步不久,要在现有基础上不断完善。  相似文献   
梯级水库设计洪水地区组成研究中的JC法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程上分析设计洪水地区组成时,希望能够求得最不利情况与最可能情况的权衡点,然而按照现行规范中提出的方法却难以达到这一目的,尤其对于梯级水库。引入JC法进行了梯级洪水地区组成研究,直接寻求最不利的洪水组成情况,该法还可定量计算设计洪水风险,为现行洪水地区组成方案研究提供了新思路和新方法。  相似文献   
Fungistasis is one of the important approaches to control soil-borne plant pathogens.Some hypotheses about the mechanisms for soil fungistasis had been established,which mainly focused on the soil bacterial community composition,structure,diversity as well as function.In this study,the bacterial community composition and diversity of a series of soils treated by autoclaving,which coming from the same original soil sample and showing gradient fungistasis to the target soil-borne pathogen fungi Fusarium gr...  相似文献   
CO2对冬小麦和大豆籽粒成分的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
高素华  王春乙 《环境科学》1994,15(5):65-66,70
采用开顶式气室对冬小春,大豆进行不同CO2浓度处理,同紫外可见光光度计,蛋白质分析仪,气相色谱仪、YG-2脂肪提取器和半自动定氮仪等对成熟后冬小麦,大豆籽粒进行成分分析。结果表明,CO2浓度升高对大豆籽粒粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量均有正效应,随CO2浓度升高大豆籽粒不饱和酸含量增加,饱和酸减少。CO2浓度变化对冬小麦籽粒粗蛋白,赖氨酸的影响比较复杂,就蛋白质,赖氨酸2项指标,当大气中CO2浓度增加1倍,对  相似文献   
王彦国  林景宏  王春光  林茂 《环境科学》2012,33(6):1839-1845
根据2009年4月在福建北部海域(24°47'17.0″~26°48'02.9″N;119°29'36.0″~120°57'13.8″E)所采集的浮游桡足类样品,对该海域浮游桡足类的种类组成、个体密度、优势种及其分布特点进行了分析探讨,并与2007年"908专项"春季航次相应调查范围的资料相比较,探讨其年际变化及内在原因.本航次共记录浮游桡足类48种,哲水蚤目种类数最多,优势种为中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)和平滑真刺水蚤(Euchaeta plana).调查区浮游桡足类的平均丰度为231.96 ind.m-3,其平面分布呈现近海大于外海,北部海区高于南部海区的趋势,种类数平面分布呈现调查区的南部多于北部,东部大于西部近岸海区.浮游桡足类的群落结构与以往的调查结果基本一致,优势种突出、多样性指数较低;但其平面分布存在着年际变化,"908专项"春季航次浮游桡足类的高密度中心分布在三沙湾至闽江口之间的附近海域,而本航次的高密度中心位于三沙湾外部的近岸海域,这可能与考察期间受东北季风强度所左右的浙闽沿岸流强弱有关.根据浮游桡足类的生态习性本航次记录的浮游桡足类分为沿岸暖水,沿岸暖温和热带大洋性3个生态类群,沿岸暖水性和热带大洋性类群的种数多,沿岸暖温性类群个体密度占优势,本研究还对浮游桡足类种类数、多样性指数及其丰度分布与环境的关系进行了讨论,调查海区浮游桡足类群落的种类数以及多样性主要受温度和盐度的影响,并随着温度、盐度的增高而增加.  相似文献   
重庆市黔江区降水地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解生态旅游城市重庆市黔江区大气污染状况,2015年采集了91个降水样品,分析了降水中离子组分分布特征,运用富集因子法、海盐示踪法、相关性分析、主成分分析、聚类分析和HYSPLIT模型分析了降水化学组分来源。研究结果表明:黔江区域降水p H为5.66~6.96,加权平均值为6.34,降水离子组分浓度大小次序为SO_4~(2-)Ca~(2+)NH_4~+Mg~(2+)NO_3~-Cl~-Na~+K~+F~-,SO_4~(2-)、Ca~(2+)之和占总离子的63.95%;除Mg~(2+)和K+外,其余组分离子浓度与总离子浓度随季节变化(冬季春季秋季夏季)呈同样的变化特征。Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)和K+大部分均来源于陆源贡献,Na~+可能受到了海洋源的影响,SO_4~(2-)和NO_3~-主要来源于人为输入源的贡献,Cl~-是受土壤物质和海洋的双重影响。轨迹水汽运输结果表明:黔江区域的降水主要受到西北气团、西南季风、西风环流和极地气候共同作用输入。降水中各个离子组分均表现出显著性或极显著性关系,主成分分析结果表明,第一主成分上研究的降水离子组分中都具有相对较大正载荷,第二组分pH、降水量和气温为一类。  相似文献   
浮游藻类是水生态系统的重要初级生产者,对其进行分类鉴定和定量分析是开展生态研究的基础.选取北京城区主要河流为研究对象,于2020年6—7月(夏季)、10月(秋季)对北运河水系22个站位的表层水进行采样调查,探究利用流式影像术(FlowCAM)分析浮游藻类群落结构的可行性.结果表明,浮游藻类的细胞丰度和粒径组成均存在着明...  相似文献   
 利用元素分析仪及红外光谱仪研究施用不同有机物料对黑土腐殖质元素组成及结构影响的差异性.结果表明:与对照(CK)相比,有机物料施用5a后,黑土胡敏酸(HA)中C、H含量均显著降低,并以木本处理作用最显著.除动物粪便处理HA中N含量与CK相等外,其余有机处理N含量均显著高于CK,施用动物残体则使HA中O含量显著降低.施用草本残体可以提高富里酸(FA)中N含量.动物残体使FA中H含量显著降低.施用草本残体、木本残体使FA中C含量升高,O含量影响降低.有机物的施用使铁结合胡敏素(HMi)中C、H含量下降而使O含量上升,并以草本处理作用最显著,同时草本处理也使HMi中N含量降低.与CK相比,施用动物粪便、木本残体提高了粘粒结合胡敏素(HMc)中C、N含量而降低了O含量,有机物料施用5a后均使黑土HMc中H含量降低,且各处理之间差异显著.与CK相比,有机物料施用五年后均使HA及FA脂族性减弱,并以草本残体处理影响最明显.对于HMc,施用有机物料有利于提高其脂族性,同时使芳香C=C振动减弱,并且以木本处理影响最明显.有机物料施用5a后使HMi的羟基含量及碳水化合物减少,而使其脂族性提高.试验结果证实,不同有机物料处理对黑土腐殖质各组分特征的影响有明显差异.  相似文献   
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