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阐述了液化石油气球罐的特点。对液化石油气球罐的泄漏危险性进行了分析,主要存在的泄漏危险有泄漏物质易燃易爆、易发生泄漏、受热易膨胀导致泄漏、泄漏气体易积聚、泄漏事故具有隐蔽性、泄漏物质具有毒害性。根据液化气泄漏危险性分析,提出了预防和控制液化石油气球罐泄漏危害的安全措施:加强设备质量管理,杜绝泄漏现象;合理设置球罐,降低泄漏风险;规范安全操作,减少泄漏量;防止泄漏气体积聚;设置防泄漏安全装置;及时发现泄漏;设置消防给水及灭火设施;妥善处理泄漏事故。  相似文献   
双怠速法测定LPG汽车尾气中污染物的排放水平   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
依据双怠速法跟踪监测了广州市LPG改装车辆的排气状况,分析了LPG改装车辆排气状况未达到预期效果的原因,提出需加强汽车专用液化气供给系统的建设与管理,确保车用液化气的质量达到规定要求;进一步筛选应用技术可靠、质量稳定的LPG装置,并制定有关规定;加强对油改气车辆的日常检查与维护保养。  相似文献   
On-board measurements of unit emissions of CO,HC,NOx and CO2 were conducted on 17 private cars powered by different types of fuels including gasoline,dual gasoline–liquefied petroleum gas(LPG),gasoline,and diesel. The tests performed revealed the effect of LPG injection technology on unit emissions and made it possible to compare the measured emissions to the European Artemis emission model. A sequential multipoint injection LPG kit with no catalyst installed was found to be the most efficient pollutant reduction device for all of the pollutants,with the exception of the NOx. Specific test results for a sub-group of LPG vehicles revealed that LPG-fueled engines with no catalyst cannot compete with catalyzed gasoline and diesel engines. Vehicle age does not appear to be a determining parameter with regard to vehicle pollutant emissions. A fuel switch to LPG offers many advantages as far as pollutant emissions are concerned,due to LPG's intrinsic characteristics.However,these advantages are being rapidly offset by the strong development of both gasoline and diesel engine technologies and catalyst converters. The LPG's performance on a chassis dynamometer under real driving conditions was better than expected. The enforcement of pollutant emission standards in developing countries is an important step towards introducing clean technology and reducing vehicle emissions.  相似文献   
液化石油气钢瓶承载能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
充分考虑液化石油气钢瓶的结构特点,基于31组试验数据,推导得到确定短液化石油气钢瓶承载能力的新公式,以及区分长、短液化石油气钢瓶的临界长度计算公式;采用11组试验数据验证了用中径公式确定长液化石油气钢瓶承载能力的合理有效性.  相似文献   
基于FMEA与RBF神经网络的LPG汽车罐车储罐系统故障诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了对液化石油气(LPG)公路运输罐车储罐系统故障进行准确、全面的诊断,通过利用故障模式影响分析方法(FMEA)构建储罐系统故障模式及故障特征指标,根据日常检测数据构造训练样本,运用径向基函数(RBF)神经网络对网络进行训练建立诊断模型并利用诊断模型对罐车故障进行诊断。经验证:诊断结果与实际情况相符合。因此,基于FMEA与RBF神经网络所构建的模型可以用于危险化学品汽车罐车储罐系统的故障诊断。  相似文献   
液化石油气点火能试验及爆炸火焰传播分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究液化石油气体积分数与点火能的关系以及爆炸火焰的传播过程,在实验室应用特制的爆炸试验装置,采用调节点火能和液化石油气体积分数的方法,进行一系列爆炸试验,并使用高速摄像机记录爆炸的动态过程。试验结果表明,当液化石油气的试验爆炸体积分数在5%~9%时,其体积分数与点火能之间呈现比较平缓的变化关系,而当其体积分数小于5%或大于9%时,体积分数的稍微变化,其点火能将发生显著的变化。爆炸过程图像分析显示,在爆炸初期,火焰阵面的微分加速起主导作用。随着火焰从点火源位置向四周扩散,光滑的层流火焰开始逐步"湍流化",火焰阵面出现皱折,燃烧面积增加,火焰传播速度逐渐上升直至最大值。在整个过程中,火焰阵面出现非稳定的加速。  相似文献   
为研究火灾中球罐应力场分布情况,找到球罐失效破裂条件,以液化石油气为研究对象,基于球罐稳态热响应,通过ANSYS热-结构耦合有限元分析法进行研究.结果表明:充装率85%的液化石油气球罐最高温度部位出现在气相区,约619.66℃;最大应力值出现在气液交界处,约615.18 MPa;得到球罐破裂失效时温度值和应力值,并设置...  相似文献   
大型LPG罐区火灾爆炸事故后果评估   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
针对大型LPG(液化石油气)储罐区潜在的火灾爆炸危险性,建立了喷射火、火球、UVCE爆炸和BLEVE爆炸的数学伤害模型,对其发生火灾、爆炸后人员和建筑(设备)所受到的伤害和损伤进行了定量后果评估。  相似文献   
选择具体的液化石油气储配站,分析了该站的危险特性、危险产生的途径及可能造成的后果。在没有任何防护措施的情况下,采用蒸气云爆炸和沸腾液体扩展蒸气云爆炸模型,对该站一个50m3储罐发生泄漏造成的火灾爆炸事故后果进行预测,得出火灾爆炸后的安全距离为大于211.0m。在储配站不能满足此安全距离的基础之上,从防止产生爆炸性气体环境、消除点火源和抑制事故扩大三方面来提出有效的安全措施,降低事故发生的概率及事故造成的损失。其中,站址选在全年最小频率风向的上风侧且周围空旷的地区,罐上设置液位计、压力表、温度计及可燃气体报警器可防止产生爆炸性气体环境;罐及管道设静电接地,法兰用铜线跨接,站内设警示标志可消除点火源;生产区与辅助区间设置隔离墙,罐区周围设置砖混围堤,罐上设安全阀可抑制火灾爆炸事故扩大。  相似文献   
The effectiveness of the application of CFD to vapour cloud explosion (VCE) modelling depends on the accuracy with which geometrical details of the obstacles likely to be encountered by the vapour cloud are represented and the correctness with which turbulence is predicted. This is because the severity of a VCE strongly depends on the types of obstacles encountered by the cloud undergoing combustion; the turbulence generated by the obstacles influences flame speed and feeds the process of explosion through enhanced mixing of fuel and oxidant. In this paper a CFD-based method is proposed on the basis of the author’s finding that among the various models available for assessing turbulence, the realizable k-? model yields results closer to experimental findings than the other, more frequently used, turbulence models if used in conjunction with the eddy-dissipation model. The applicability of the method has been demonstrated in simulating the dispersion and ignition of a typical vapour cloud formed as a result of a spill from a liquid petroleum gas (LPG) tank situated in a refinery. The simulation made it possible to assess the overpressures resulting from the combustion of the flammable vapour cloud. The phenomenon of flame acceleration, which is a characteristic of combustion enhanced in the presence of obstacles, was clearly observed. Comparison of the results with an oft-used commercial software reveals that the present CFD-based method achieves a more realistic simulation of the VCE phenomena.  相似文献   
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