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衡水市区大气污染经济损失估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衡水市区的大气污染对人体健康、农业、建筑材料造成的经济损失是巨大的。运用修正的人力资本法、生产率变动法、成果参照法等环境经济学方法,计算出衡水市区1996-2000年各年的大气污染经济损失。以2000年为例,衡水市区大气污染经济损失为1.23亿元,相当于研究区域每人损失510元,其中大气污染引起的人体健康经济损失为12079万元,农业经济损失85.4万元,建筑材料经济损失175万元。由于认识、数据搜集、技术上的原因,本研究给出的经济损失数据只是一个半定量的供宏观思考的结论,可看作是实际损失的下限值。  相似文献   
以工业密集的珠江三角洲地区为研究对象,通过建立2010~2017年主要工业源VOCs排放趋势清单和成分谱数据集,识别了VOCs总量排放趋势和组分结构变化特征,并探讨了典型工业行业VOCs排放结构与组分特征变化的原因.结果显示,2010~2013年珠三角主要工业源VOCs排放量从38万t上升至41万t,而后由于VOCs减排政策的落实持续下降,2017年降至32万t.VOCs组分以间对二甲苯、甲苯、乙苯等芳香烃、乙酸乙酯、丁酮等含氧VOCs和异丁烷等烷烃组分为主.水性涂料替代和末端治理设施等控制政策对工业源VOCs排放与组分结构均有一定程度的影响,排放结构上,金属表面涂装、家具制造、橡胶与塑料制品等行业排放贡献有所下降,组分结构上,芳香烃组分总体下降显著,而烷烃和OVOCs组分占比上升.  相似文献   
环境监测技术的现状及发展趋势   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
根据日本环境质量标准发展的需求,结合欧洲新近实施的相关环境标准,分析了环境监测技术需求和发展方向.  相似文献   
Toxic elements in the atmosphere can enter and accumulate in the human body, seriously impacting human health. In this study, we analyzed a 14-year (1995-2008) measurement of three toxic elements (As, Cd and Cr) in PMlo in Hong Kong, China. The pollution of these toxic elements in Hong Kong was not serious. The trend analysis showed that As and Cr in PM10 increased at a statistically significant level (p〈0.05) during the 14-year period, while the Cd in PM10 did not change significantly. Typical seasonal variations were observed for all three toxic elements, largely in relation to the Asian monsoon. Hourly 10-day backward trajectories were computed and cate- gorised into four groups. The continental air masses showed much higher concentrations of the three toxic elements than the marine air masses. The abundances of As and Cd in the PM10 were much higher in the continental air masses than those in the marine air masses, while the abundances of Cr showed an opposite pattern. The trends of the three toxic elements in East China's air mass were consistent with those in the overall data set ofHong Kong. Examination of the toxic element data recorded at urban sites and a roadside site also indicated a large contribution of external air masses to particulate As and Cd in Hong Kong. These results suggest that the long-range transport from the mainland of China is the dominant contributor to particulate As and Cd, while both local and long-distance sources determine the particulate Cr in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
王灵  郑江  杨永红  张江丽 《干旱环境监测》2012,26(3):145-148,192
通过对乌鲁木齐河近十年(2001—2010年)水质监测数据的分析,结果表明,"十一五"期间乌鲁木齐河上游水质较好,为Ⅰ类或Ⅱ类水质,中下游均受到较为严重的有机污染,为劣Ⅴ类水质,主要污染物为粪大肠菌群、化学需氧量、氨氮、石油类;各监测断面水质总体保持稳定,水质污染形势依然严峻。水污染治理措施取得一定成效。与"十五"相比,"十一五"期间乌鲁木齐河水质明显改善,综合污染指数进一步下降,跃进桥断面水质类别由Ⅱ类水质变为Ⅰ类,英雄桥断面水质类别由Ⅲ类水质变为Ⅱ类。根据分析评价结果,提出了改善水环境质量的对策和建议。  相似文献   
The New York Bight is perhaps one of the most used and abused coastal areas in the world as a consequence of urbanization and the disposal of the waste of some 20 million people who reside by its shores and surrounding bays and estuaries. A variety of sources, including those associated with sewage wastes, industrial wastes, contaminated dredged material, urban runoff, and atmospheric fallout contaminate these coastal waters. Many of the stresses of excess population and industrialization as measured by pollutant loadings and ecosystem impacts can be crudely quantified in terms of use impairments-use impairments that have measurable social and economic relevance. Five broad categories of impairment attributed to pollution in the Bight that are causing significant losses of ecological, economic, or social values are: beach closures, unsafe seafoods, hazards to commercial and recreational navigation, loss of commercial and recreational fisheries, and declines in birds, mammals and turtles. These impairments are generally caused by floatable wastes, nutrients, toxicants, pathogens and habitat loss. Measures of such impairments are not standard, nor in many cases totally quantifiable. We have examined specific subsets of these impairments in terms of their spatial and temporal changes and as a first approximation determined the economic and social significance of these changes. the cost of these impaired uses of the Bight are measured in terms of billions of dollars annually for New York and New Jersey.  相似文献   
我国耗散型铅使用的变化及趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人们对铅污染的认识的不断提高,耗散型铅的使用倍受关注,限制涂料、玩具等生活常用品及其材料中铅的使用也已成为国家及有关部门制定相关标准时要考虑的重要内容。文章以汽油、涂料、油墨和儿童玩具这四类物品为例,列举和对比近年来国内外对其含铅量进行限制的相关政策和标准,并由此提出改进办法,预测未来的政策变化趋势。  相似文献   
工业事故调查伴随着工业革命的发展而开展,而事故分析,特别是系统的分析开展于上世纪的五六十年代。事故调查和分析研究的发展历程可以分成四个阶段,单一原因-结果阶段、多原因-结果阶段、系统化分析阶段以及产业化发展阶段。事故调查和分析从最早的仅仅查找事故(直接)原因单一目的,发展到现在查找(根本)原因、分析原因、制定措施、监督执行等多个目的。事故调查和分析已经发展成为一个学科,一种职业。事故调查和分析的理论和方法也从最初的单方面、表面、短期发展到了全面、深入和系统化。本文在介绍事故调查和分析的发展阶段和过程的同时还将对各阶段代表性的调查方法和理论给予介绍,主要包括"鱼骨(F ishbone)图"、"领结图(BowTie)"、"直根(Taproot)图"和"三脚架(Tripod)"。  相似文献   
基于2012年重点环境整治行业数据及2001-2011年浙江省行业统计数据,明确污染密集产业的定义,考察最典型的四类污染密集企业在各市区的分布情况,进一步分析污染密集产业产值与污染排放变化趋势。研究发现,浙江皮革鞣制和铅蓄电池产业有明显的产业集聚特点,皮革鞣制企业近一半设在温州,铅蓄电池企业超过一半在湖州,涉重金属矿企业有原材料产地指向性,电镀产业主要分布在温州;2008年之后,污染密集产业在浙江的比重不降反升,重点行业污染物排放有大幅增长趋势。  相似文献   
"十二五"时期,辽宁省工业化和城市化进程还将加快,机动车保有量和能源消耗总量持续增长,大气污染防治形势将更加严峻。通过环境空气质量现状监测数据分析铁岭市老城区大气质量现状。可吸入颗粒物、降尘、二氧化氮三种污染物浓度在2001年较高,之后大体呈逐年下降趋势,只有二氧化硫浓度呈波动起伏变化的趋势。利用空气综合污染指数预测大气变化趋势,结果表明铁岭市老城区环境空气质量逐年改善。同时分析了老城区环境空气质量存在的问题。  相似文献   
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