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A modularized and air adjustable constructed submerged plant bed (CSPB) which can be used to restore the eutrophic water is introduced in this paper. This plant bed helps hydrophyte grow under poor conditions such as frequently changed water depth, impaired water transparency, algae bloom and substantial duckweed in summer, which are not naturally suitable for growing hydrophyte. This pilot study in Waihuan River of Tianjin, China, revealed that reduction of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorus (TP) by the use of CSPB could be reached 30%–35%, 35%–40%, 30%–40% respectively in the growing season (from March to October) and 5%–10%, 5%–15%, 7%–20% respectively in the winter (from November to February) when the detention time was 6 d. The relationships between the concentration of COD, TN, TP and the detention time fit the first-order kinetic equation well and the coefficients of determination (R2) were all above 0.9. The attenuation coefficients k of the kinetic equation were a function of the water temperature. When the water temperature was quite low or quite high, k was not significantly changed with increasing or decreasing water temperature. While when the temperature was in a moderate range, an increase or decrease of water temperature would lead to a rapid increase or decrease in k.  相似文献   
不同土地利用方式土壤表层氮、磷流失特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁兴程  钱新  庞宗强  李苗 《环境化学》2011,30(9):1657-1662
利用室内人工模拟降雨,选择徐州沛沿河流域3种典型土地利用类型,研究了不同土地利用下土壤表层N、P随降雨径流的迁移过程.研究结果表明,在相同降雨条件下,3种土地产流量大小顺序为稻田地〉林地〉果园,产泥沙量大小顺序为果园〉稻田地〉林地.降雨径流水相中TN、TP浓度呈现随降雨时间的持续显著下降,然后逐渐稳定的趋势,氮磷的流失...  相似文献   
江苏省稻麦秸秆收集利用现状分析及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以江苏省稻麦秸秆收集为例,采用问卷调查与实地调研相结合的方法,调查了稻麦秸秆收集利用现状;结合当地稻麦收获期间的气象资料,分析了稻麦秸秆收集面临的困难。结果显示:(1)目前稻麦秸秆的主要利用方式是直接还田,供调研2个乡(镇)秸秆还田农户分别占调研户数的22.01%和28.75%;2个乡(镇)均有部分稻麦秸秆没有得到有效处理,乡(镇)B 50%以上的农户稻麦秸秆未被利用,被遗弃和焚烧的比例高达55%以上;(2)稻麦收获季节旬降水量为7.21~87.28 mm,旬降水时间为1.53~5.00 d,降水天气不仅影响稻麦的适时收获,更严重影响着秸秆的收集打捆、运输与贮存;(3)稻麦收获时间相对集中,大量秸秆短时间内产生,收种时间几乎完全重叠,可供秸秆收集的时间极短;(4)秸秆收集效益低,农户收集运输的收益约为60~90元·d-1,低于外出务工收入,难以吸引社会资本投入到秸秆收贮产业;(5)秸秆收集打捆装备缺乏,现有收集装备及技术亟需改进和完善,秸秆收集机械化水平低,直接影响到收集效率。因此,可收集时间短、受天气影响大、收集效益低、收集机械化水平低是当前阻碍稻麦秸秆收集的主要问题,应提升秸秆收集效益驱动力,加快稻麦收割打捆机研发,建立秸秆收集长效运行机制,以解决秸秆收集难题。  相似文献   
This paper examines how enforcement affects the structure and performance of emissions trading programs with price controls under uncertainty about firms' abatement costs. The analysis highlights how an enforcement strategy can cause abatement-cost risk to be transmitted to enforcement costs via the price of permits. When this occurs, accommodating the effect of abatement-cost risk with an optimal policy results in higher expected emissions and lower expected permit price than their second-best optimal values. However, it is possible to design an enforcement strategy that shields enforcement costs from abatement-cost risk by tying sanctions directly to permit prices. This enforcement strategy stabilizes enforcement effort, the optimal permit supply and price controls are independent of enforcement costs, and the policy produces the second-best optimal outcome.  相似文献   
为探讨咪唑类离子液体氯化1-辛基-3-甲基咪唑([C8mim][Cl])对酵母细胞的增殖生长和细胞膜通透性的影响,以不同浓度的[C8mim][Cl]处理酵母细胞,研究离子液体对酵母细胞增殖和菌落形成的影响,通过测定酵母细胞外液蛋白质和核酸的含量,判断膜通透性的大小和[C8mim][Cl]对细胞膜性结构的损伤。结果显示,0.1 mmol·L-1的[C8mim][Cl]延长了酵母细胞到达对数生长期的时间,在6~9 h之间对酵母细胞的增殖存在明显的抑制作用。1 mmol·L-1的[C8mim][Cl]使酵母细胞增殖不能到达对数生长期,对酵母细胞的增殖一直具有较强的抑制作用。随着离子液体浓度的增加,小菌落的数量增多。当平板内[C8mim][Cl]浓度达到10 mmol·L-1时,完全抑制了菌落的形成。[C8mim][Cl]处理酵母细胞后,细胞外液中OD280、OD260的值显著升高。研究表明,细胞膜等膜性结构通透性的增加是离子液体[C8mim][Cl]抑制酵母细胞增殖生长的原因之一。  相似文献   
阐述了浙江省温州市九山外河污染治理技术的集成应用及治理成效。九山外河的综合整治工程采用了外源调水、底泥生态疏浚、河岸带阻控、人工曝气复氧和生态浮岛等多项技术,整治后的九山外河水体黑臭治理初见成效,水质由原来的劣Ⅴ类水逐步改善为Ⅴ类或Ⅳ类水,水体生境和生物多样性都有了一定的提高;将治理后对河流的实际感受与预期期望进行比较,69.2%的居民认为河流治理工程得分在60分以上,对河流治理总体比较满意。最后,对九山外河治理后管理存在的问题进行了分析并提出了建议与对策。  相似文献   
工业的快速发展,给资源环境带来了前所未有的压力,于是人们纷纷探讨绿色发展之路.工业绿色发展评价指标体系的研究旨在发现工业绿色转型升级中的薄弱环节,设计评估工业的绿色发展状况的指标,引导工业绿色转型升级,从而实现工业发展与资源环境的和谐统一.文章借鉴脱钩理论的核心理念,分析资源环境的特征指标,利用工业资源消耗或污染物排放变化对工业产值的弹性脱钩值作为考察工业绿色转型升级的动态指标,建立包括工业资源环境压力、工业资源环境弹性脱钩和工业发展绿化度3个方面的工业绿色发展评价指标体系,并应用于广东省21个地级以上城市的评价分析.研究表明,该指标体系对于评价工业绿色发展具有实际可操作性,结果合理、可靠.对广东各地的实证评价分析显示,广东省工业总体绿色发展水平不断提升,在高压力水平下,逐步向资源节约型、环境友好型的新型工业化道路转型.但由于各地工业发展水平不同、资源环境约束目标不同,工业绿色发展的进程也存在较大区域差异.资源环境约束严格的珠三角核心区工业绿色发展情况相对其他地区较好,属高绿化度高资源环境压力的绿色发展模式.资源环境约束较严格的粤北山区工业转型升级也有明显进展.而在资源环境约束管理不大的珠三角非核心区与粤西地区中,江门和湛江工业绿色发展相对较好,肇庆和茂名一般,惠州和阳江工业呈粗放发展,粤东地区除汕头外,工业粗放发展趋势明显.因此,各地应制定针对性措施,促进工业结构调整,限制高消耗、重污染型行业发展,加大工业污染防治力度,推进高消耗、重污染型行业的生态化转型,推动工业绿色转型升级加快.  相似文献   
In the last decade the habit of smoking the hubbly-bubbly has increased sharply in many regions, including Europe, North America and Australia. Jordan is considered as having one of the highest consumptions of hubbly-bubbly in the world with respect to the general population. Our investigation was initiated due to the increasing trend of cancer cases in the last 10 years. The aim of this study was to determine the radioactive content in tobacco products available in the Jordanian market together with the related supplies. This study showed that all 13 samples investigated contained one or more radionuclides, from 210Pb, 40K, 137Cs, 238U, and 226Ra. Most of the samples contained natural potassium 40K and uranium 238U, lead 210Pb was found in three samples, while radium 226Ra was present only in one sample. Five samples contained the anthropogenic 137Cs. The estimated daily intake of U was found in the range between 4.4 and 115.8?µg per day (0.05–1.43 Becquerel (Bq) per day 238U), with geometric mean of 17.3?µg per day (0.2?Bq per day 238U). The geometric mean of U daily intake found represents 25% of the reference dose (RfD) value, where the highest determined U content represents 165% of the RfD value. This study demonstrated that a water vessel of hubbly-bubbly trapped less than 1.5% of the total U in Ma’assel samples. It is misleading to the public to indicate that a water vessel serves as an active filter for toxic and radiotoxic elements.  相似文献   

A rapid and selective technique for extraction, preconcentration and determination of trace amounts of cobalt in water and pharmaceutical samples by air-assisted liquid–liquid microextraction combined with flame atomic absorption spectrometry is proposed. 1-Nitroso-2-naphthol is used as a complexing agent and 1-octanol as an extraction solvent. Parameters relevant for analytical effectivity, i.e. pH of sample solution, concentration of complexing agent, volume of extraction solvent, and number of extraction cycles are optimized using a Box–Behnken design. At optimum conditions, a dynamic linear range of 5–600?µg L?1 is obtained, with a limit of detection of 1.2?µg L?1. The method is used for determination of Co(II) in environmental water and pharmaceutical samples.  相似文献   
The samples of soils, earthworms and vegetation (needles, lichens, mosses) were collected for the realization of Project TOCOEN (Toxic Organic Compounds in the ENvironment). The samples were collected from three TOCOEN model areas in Czechoslovakia—one city and two rural areas. The samples were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated pesticides (C1‐PEST) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).  相似文献   
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