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以2000年和2007年TM遥感影像为数据源,利用GIS技术,获得了南京市2个时期的土地利用动态变化。分析表明,从2000~2007年,南京市耕地减少36117.51公顷,草地减少1161.75公顷,而水域增加了23170.31公顷,建设用地增加了8272.01公顷,林地增加5750.91公顷,未利用地增加了86.03公顷。2007年,南京市生态环境状况指数为62.20,属于良好状态。人口的增长、经济的快速发展及城市规划的变革都促进了南京市土地利用的变化。  相似文献   
以内蒙古春小麦产区陈巴尔虎旗为研究实例,采用遥感方法,利用分辨率30 m的国产环境减灾卫星的NDVI数据对春小麦单产进行预测。研究选取了该卫星2009年7月29日春小麦乳黄熟期的NDVI数据,同时,建立其与春小麦单产间关系,运用数理统计与回归分析方法构建了春小麦乳黄熟期的NDVI与其单产的估产模型。利用地面实测春小麦单产对估产模型估测的单产进行精度检验,结果表明,基于影像提取的NDVI与春小麦实测单产有较好的抛物线状(y=cx2+bx+a)相关关系,NDVI与春小麦实测单产的相关关系达到显著水平,其相关系数R为0.87,单产相差160 kg/hm2,相对误差为-3.89%。表明利用国产环境减灾卫星的NDVI与实测春小麦单产建立的估产模型,对成熟前春小麦的单产进行估测,其估产精度也同样可达到与利用国外卫星的预估效益。  相似文献   
中国矿区土地退化因素调查:概念、类型与方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
矿区是受人类活动高强度干扰和加速侵蚀的区域,其生态破坏与环境污染导致严重的土地退化,造成土壤质量下降、生物多样性丧失,给我国矿山环境管理与恢复治理带来新的问题与挑战,亟待辨识与查明导致矿区土地退化的主要驱动因素.笔者通过综合分析土地退化概念、类型和成因,进一步界定了矿区范围,阐明了矿区土地退化的内涵,分析了导致矿区土地退化的生态破坏、环境污染与自然侵蚀等驱动因素的研究进展.基于此,将矿区土地退化划分为生态破坏导致的土地退化、环境污染导致的土地退化和自然侵蚀导致的土地退化3大类型,提出了一套矿区土地退化因素调查的指标体系与方法建议.  相似文献   
通过现场采集辽东湾双台子河口翅碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)光谱数据,收集标准样方(1 m×1 m)的翅碱蓬生物量(Biomass),建立相关植被指数与翅碱蓬生物量的遥感反演回归算法,发现辽宁双台子河口湿地翅碱蓬生物量与植被指数PVI、SAVI和MSAVI的相关系数R2较高,直线回归方程相关系数分别达到0.626、0.698和0.679。同时,利用得到的估算模型,结合1990—2005年的双台子河口的TM影像数据,反演该区域翅碱蓬分布面积和生物量。结果发现:辽东湾双台子河口湿地翅碱蓬面积变化呈先降后升的趋势。通过植被指数(NDVI、RVI、PVI和MSAVI)和生物量的算法反演,发现翅碱蓬生物量曲线与分布面积曲线的变化趋势一致。  相似文献   
Effects of Coffee Management on Deforestation Rates and Forest Integrity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge about how forest margins are utilized can be crucial for a general understanding of changes in forest cover, forest structure, and biodiversity across landscapes. We studied forest‐agriculture transitions in southwestern Ethiopia and hypothesized that the presence of coffee (Coffea arabica)decreases deforestation rates because of coffee's importance to local economies and its widespread occurrence in forests and forest margins. Using satellite images and elevation data, we compared changes in forest cover over 37 years (1973–2010) across elevations in 2 forest‐agriculture mosaic landscapes (1100 km2 around Bonga and 3000 km2 in Goma‐Gera). In the field in the Bonga area, we determined coffee cover and forest structure in 40 forest margins that differed in time since deforestation. Both the absolute and relative deforestation rates were lower at coffee‐growing elevations compared with at higher elevations (?10/20% vs. ?40/50% comparing relative rates at 1800 m asl and 2300–2500 m asl, respectively). Within the coffee‐growing elevation, the proportion of sites with high coffee cover (>20%) was significantly higher in stable margins (42% of sites that had been in the same location for the entire period) than in recently changed margins (0% of sites where expansion of annual crops had changed the margin). Disturbance level and forest structure did not differ between sites with 30% or 3% coffee. However, a growing body of literature on gradients of coffee management in Ethiopia reports coffee's negative effects on abundances of forest‐specialist species. Even if the presence of coffee slows down the conversion of forest to annual‐crop agriculture, there is a risk that an intensification of coffee management will still threaten forest biodiversity, including the genetic diversity of wild coffee. Conservation policy for Ethiopian forests thus needs to develop strategies that acknowledge that forests without coffee production may have higher deforestation risks than forests with coffee production and that forests with coffee production often have lower biodiversity value. Efectos de la Administración Cafetalera sobre las Tasas de Deforestación y la Integridad de los Bosques  相似文献   
Spatial information in the form of geographical information system coverages and remotely sensed imagery is increasingly used in ecological modeling. Examples include maps of land cover type from which ecologically relevant properties, such as biomass or leaf area index, are derived. Spatial information, however, is not error-free: acquisition and processing errors, as well as the complexity of the physical processes involved, make remotely sensed data imperfect measurements of ecological attributes. It is therefore important to first assess the accuracy of the spatial information being used and then evaluate the impact of such inaccurate information on ecological model predictions. In this paper, the role of geostatistics for mapping thematic classification accuracy through integration of abundant image-derived (soft) and sparse higher accuracy (hard) class labels is presented. Such assessment leads to local indices of map quality, which can be used for guiding additional ground surveys. Stochastic simulation is proposed for generating multiple alternative realizations (maps) of the spatial distribution of the higher accuracy class labels over the study area. All simulated realizations are consistent with the available pieces of information (hard and soft labels) up to their validated level of accuracy. The simulated alternative class label representations can be used for assessing joint spatial accuracy, i.e., classification accuracy regarding entire spatial features read from the thematic map. Such realizations can also serve as input parameters to spatially explicit ecological models; the resulting distribution of ecological responses provides a model of uncertainty regarding the ecological model prediction. A case study illustrates the generation of alternative land cover maps for a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) subscene, and the subsequent construction of local map quality indices. Simulated land cover maps are then input into a biogeochemical model for assessing uncertainty regarding net primary production (NPP).  相似文献   
抗生素的滥用使细菌耐药性问题日益突出,给许多疾病的预防与控制增加了难度。基因突变和质粒接合转移是细菌获得抗生素抗性基因的主要方式,许多研究围绕抗性基因来展开,但是关于群体感应对于抗性基因产生和传播的影响鲜有报道。本文以大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)为模式生物,群体感应信号分子N-(β-酮己酰)-L-高丝氨酸内酯(3-oxo-C6-HSL,C6)和3种磺胺类抗生素(磺胺嘧啶、磺胺甲恶唑、磺胺氯哒嗪)为研究对象,测定了其对大肠杆菌生长效应、突变效应及接合转移效应的影响。结果表明:C6不影响磺胺对大肠杆菌的生长抑制率,但能够削弱磺胺对大肠杆菌突变的促进作用,并且能增强磺胺对大肠杆菌R388质粒接合转移的抑制作用。本文为从群体感应角度研究大肠杆菌耐药性的产生与传播提供新思路。  相似文献   
基于时空数据融合的江汉平原水稻种植信息提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
及时、准确监测水稻种植面积,对区域粮食政策制定、粮食安全以及农业发展具有重要意义。然而我国南方地区水稻生长期内降水充沛的气候特点使得遥感影像"云污染"现象严重,为解决水稻种植信息遥感提取存在可用数据不足的问题,以江汉平原为例,利用时空数据融合模型(Spatial and Temporal Data Fusion Approach,STDFA)将Landsat 8 OLI与时序MODIS数据融合,重构出具有高时-空分辨率特征数据,然后采用面向对象的SVM分类方法对研究区内水稻种植信息进行提取,结果如下:融合后的红与近红外波段反射率与真实反射率的相关系数分别为0.84和0.81,研究区水稻提取精度为94.46%,Kappa系数为0.91。说明时空融合模型能够较好地重构出高时空分辨率数据,从而实现多云雨地区农作物种植信息遥感提取。  相似文献   
基于2007~2009年的Landsat5 TM、HJ 1A/1B CCD遥感数据,利用像元二分法对三峡水库156 m蓄水位消落区的植被覆盖度进行了计算,分析了消落区植被恢复的时空变化特征,探讨了植被恢复时空变化的影响因子。2007、2008、2009年3 a 156 m蓄水位消落区植被覆盖度分别为512%、515%、492%,其中支流消落区的植被覆盖度高于干流,这与地形条件有关,坡度的大小决定了消落区植被覆盖的空间差异。2008年与2007年消落区植被覆盖状况基本一致,而2009年的植被覆盖度低于之前两年,这与三峡大坝水位调度方案不同有关,退水较晚时,植被生长时间较短,其植被覆盖度较低。研究结果表明,在正常的调度、一定的地形条件下,淹没数月的消落区植被具有一定的自然萌生能力。  相似文献   
以南京市为研究区,利用MODIS气溶胶产品数据(MOD04L2)获取研究区气溶胶标高数据,结合地面气象站点能见度观测数据,构建研究区不同季节能见度估算模型,估算南京市2013年能见度时空分布。研究结果表明,研究区能见度模型估算值与实测值总体趋势较为一致,分季节模型能见度估算均值相对误差为14.3%;南京市2013年能见度年均值为6.07km,大致呈现出由市区向周边郊区逐渐升高的趋势;研究区不同季节能见度差异明显,夏季能见度显著高于其他3个季节,在该季节全市能见度均值达到9.93km,约为其余3个季节均值的2倍左右,气候状况与经济社会发展布局是影响研究区能见度时空差异的主要因素。  相似文献   
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