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With 110-d incubation experiment in laboratory,the responses of microbial quantity,soil enzymatic activity,and bacterial community structure to different amounts of diesel fuel amendments were studied to reveal whether certain biological and biochemical characteristics could serve as reliable indicators of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in meadow-brown soil,and use these indicators to evaluate the actual ecological impacts of 50-year petroleum-refining wastewater irrigation on soil function in Sbenfu irrigation area.Results showed that amendments of≤1000 mg/kg diesel fuel stimulated the growth of aerobic beterotrophic bacteria,and increased the activity of soil dehydrogenase,hydrogenperoxidase,polypbenol oxidase and substrate-induced respiration.Soil bacterial diversity decreased slightly during the first 15 d of incubation and recovered to the control level on day 30.The significant decrease of the colony forming units of soil actinomyces and filamentous fungi can be taken as the sensitive biological indicators of petroleum contamination when soil was amended with≥5000 mg/kg diesel fuel.The sharp decrease in urease activity was recommended as the most sensitive biochemical indicator of heavy diesel fuel contamination.The shifts in community structure to a community documented by Sphingomonadaceae withinα-subgroup of Proteobacteria could be served as a sensitive and precise indicator of diesel fuel contamination.Based on the results described in this paper,the soil function in Shenfu irrigation area was disturbed to some extent.  相似文献   
王琰  俞艳霞  张先平  王孟本 《生态环境》2013,(10):1658-1664
基于2000年和2005年两期森林资源清查资料,利用双向指示种分析( two-way indicator species analysis, TWINSPAN)方法,对森林植被进行群系划分;采用生物量换算因子法,对森林样地碳密度进行估算,对碳密度及其动态变化特征进行研究;基于地统计学原理对森林碳密度的空间分布格局进行分析,并对其影响因子进行探讨。结果表明,(1)吕梁山南段森林植被可分为9个群系,即臭椿群系、柳树群系、辽东栎-油松混交群系、辽东栎群系、辽东栎-枫树混交群系、辽东栎-白桦-山杨混交群系、白皮松-辽东栎混交群系、白皮松-侧柏混交群系和槐树群系。2000年各群系的碳密度值介于23.53 Mg·hm^-2和75.65 Mg·hm^-2之间,平均值为54.90 Mg·hm^-2;2005年的碳密度值介于24.16 Mg·hm^-2和78.91 Mg·hm^-2之间,平均值为57.20 Mg·hm^-2,5年间9个森林群系的碳密度增加了2.30 Mg·hm^-2。(2)森林碳密度呈现出自南向北、自西向东增加的趋势;球状模型能很好地反映森林植被碳密度的空间结构特征;碳密度分布主要受结构性因子影响,空间依赖性较强,在小尺度上没有明显规律,而在中尺度上有群团状分布的特点。(3)随着海拔的升高,森林碳密度先增后降,1600~1800 m最大;坡上部森林碳密度最高,其次为坡下部,山脊部最低;阴坡半阴坡森林碳密度一般高于阳坡和半阳坡,无坡向处最低;斜坡和平坡碳密度值明显高于其他坡地,急坡地最小。  相似文献   
饮用水病原微生物污染是公共卫生面临的主要威胁之一,微生物监测在水质监测中的必要性日益受到人们的认可。在实际工作中,一般是通过检测指示微生物间接反映病原微生物的存在。通过调研国内外各组织、机构颁布的水质标准发现,近年来,我国环境质量标准和污染物排放标准中对于指示微生物的选择有从总大肠菌群向粪大肠菌群和大肠埃希氏菌(E.coli)转变的趋势,而美国环保署、欧盟、世界卫生组织、澳大利亚国家健康与医疗研究委员会等根据最新的流行病学证据,强调了大肠埃希氏菌(E.coli)、肠球菌(Enterococci)与粪便污染的相关性更强,可用于替代大肠菌群。建议我国在后续水质标准中对微生物指标进行增补修订时,参考国外经验,形成集成多种指示微生物与多种特定病原体的监测指标体系,以更好地保护环境功能和民众健康。  相似文献   
植物效应为重金属的生物有效性评价提供了链接,本文就污染土壤中重金属生物有效性问题,探讨了植物效应和生物有效性的关联关系。阐述各种植物效应在重金属生物有效性评价、监测及应用领域的研究进展,探讨了目前存在的某些不足。根据重金属的生物有效性评价结论,可针对不同土壤污染类型采用不同的植物应对措施,如可以尝试应用避性排斥型植物在生物有效性低的污染土壤上生产出非污染的农产品,为进行安全农业生产提出了一条新的思路。  相似文献   
随着经济的发展,港口的建设与环境的矛盾日益突出,忽视环境影响的港口规划往往产生各种环境问题.因此必须实施规划环境影响评价,以便从源头上控制港口环境污染.基于可持续发展的要求与环境管理的发展趋势,文中简单介绍了港口规划环境影响评价的目标和一般技术方法.对港口规划环境影响评价指标体系进行初步研究,从港口规划的实际情况出发提出了基于DPSIR模型的环境影响评价指标体系,同时对于实际操作中指标体系的筛选进行了讨论.  相似文献   
The impending form and extent of climate change and its direct impacts present disproportionate challenges for the most socially and economically disadvantaged groups within populations. Evaluating the vulnerability of disadvantaged groups in the context of climate change has presented tremendous theoretical, methodological and policy challenges especially where vulnerability assessment research is focused at the local community level. This study addresses the challenges by developing an interdisciplinary methodology, based on expert knowledge, and uses the state of South Australia as a case study. It focuses on key indicators that measure the exposure of local communities to climate change and socio-economic vulnerabilities of local populations. A main contribution in this study is the novel incorporation of physical, environmental and socio-demographic data sets and extensive use of spatial modelling and estimation methods to spatially define climate change and social vulnerability “hot spots”. This paper assesses vulnerability under moderate and high Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change CO2 emission scenarios in order to generate an assessment model to be used before planning is done. The result is the creation of a practical tool through which decision-makers can better understand how the complexity of one's local spatial context influences the unique exposure, which different vulnerable communities have, to the impacts of climate change. This paper presents a useful tool that can be used in the initial assessment phase by planners and policy-makers to better assist those who are limited in their ability to adapt to climate change.  相似文献   
推进全域“无废城市”建设,促进固体废物减量化、资源化、无害化是构建绿色经济体系的重要内容,对浙江实现经济社会高质量发展和“碳达峰”“碳中和”目标具有重大意义。在分析“无废城市”理念在浙江近2年实践进展的基础上,从协同体系、制度体系、监管体系、技术体系、市场体系、宣教体系6个方面总结了全域“无废城市”建设典型模式;构建了全域“无废城市”建设指标体系用于建设成效评估,并结合Spearman相关性分析针对典型地区开展了指标体系示范应用,提出了全域“无废城市”实践与成效评估优化建议,以期为推进“十四五”时期浙江省全域“无废城市”建设提质增效提供支持,为全国“无废城市”建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   
建立了煤基能源化工基地生态工业园区建设的指标体系,包括准入指标、行业生态化发展指标和园区生态效率指标,并对煤基能源化工基地生态化建设的方向提出了政策建议(基本原则:提高准入、总量控制、清洁生产、坚持“3R”原则),为国家对生态工业示范园区的建设开展分类指导提供决策参考。指标体系的合理性和实用性有待进一步论证和优化。  相似文献   
运用密度泛函理论在B3LYP/6-31G(d)水平下对多氯二苯并-对-二 (PCDDs)、多氯二苯并呋喃(PCDFs)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)和氯苯分子进行计算,找到了一个可指示产乙烯脱卤拟球菌(Dehalococcoides ethenogenes)195降解转化这些芳香卤化物脱卤反应途径和中间产物的参数—结构上可能的脱卤产物的分子总能量(ET).以ET作为理论探针可指示PCDD/Fs、PCBs、PBDEs和氯苯被菌株195转化的主要脱卤中间产物,脱卤反应倾向于生成具有较低ET值的中间产物.另外可以利用结构上可能的脱卤中间产物与具有最低ET值脱卤中间产物间的分子总能量差(?ET)作为理论探针,推断存在第2种脱卤中间产物的可能性,?ET越小,则同时存在多种脱卤中间产物的可能性越大.  相似文献   
Categorization of the status of populations, species, and ecosystems underpins most conservation activities. Status is often based on how a system's current indicator value (e.g., change in abundance) relates to some threshold of conservation concern. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves can be used to quantify the statistical reliability of indicators of conservation status and evaluate trade‐offs between correct (true positive) and incorrect (false positive) classifications across a range of decision thresholds. However, ROC curves assume a discrete, binary relationship between an indicator and the conservation status it is meant to track, which is a simplification of the more realistic continuum of conservation status, and may limit the applicability of ROC curves in conservation science. We describe a modified ROC curve that treats conservation status as a continuum rather than a discrete state. We explored the influence of this continuum and typical sources of variation in abundance that can lead to classification errors (i.e., random variation and measurement error) on the true and false positive rates corresponding to varying decision thresholds and the reliability of change in abundance as an indicator of conservation status, respectively. We applied our modified ROC approach to an indicator of endangerment in Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) (i.e., percent decline in geometric mean abundance) and an indicator of marine ecosystem structure and function (i.e., detritivore biomass). Failure to treat conservation status as a continuum when choosing thresholds for indicators resulted in the misidentification of trade‐offs between true and false positive rates and the overestimation of an indicator's reliability. We argue for treating conservation status as a continuum when ROC curves are used to evaluate decision thresholds in indicators for the assessment of conservation status. Determinación de Umbrales de Decisiones y Evaluación delos Indicadores cuando se Mide el Estado de de Conservación como un Continuo  相似文献   
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