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This paper presents an integrated system for the assessmentof technical and non-technical measures that are putforward in order to reduce air pollution levels in urbanareas. In contrast to the majority of the currentlyemployed assessment tools, this system allows for theevaluation of any proposed air pollution control measure interms of its combined impact on air quality and socialwelfare, by correlating the environmental and economicaspects of alternative air pollution abatement solutions.Based on the multi-pollutant, multi-effect concept, thesystem presented aims in providing policy-makers with areliable tool for the objective assessment of the mostcost-effective packages of measures, the latter beingallocated according to the particular features and needs ofthe areas examined.  相似文献   
临夏回族自治州旅游客源市场分析与定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在临夏州客源市场调查与分析的基础上,确定其客源市场应定位在周边地区,包括兰州、定西、甘南、青海省西宁、同仁等地市;在完善和发展观光休闲旅游的基础上,发展文化修学游、民族节庆体验游、生态休闲度假游、黄河三峡风情游、穆斯林民俗游、古生物考古游,并提出了相应的市场开发策略。  相似文献   
延军平 《灾害学》1997,12(4):65-68
根据贫水化的严重形势,应用水循环的原理,提出了减缓贫水化的几个主要途径,对解决城市淡水短缺有参考意义。  相似文献   
针对四川石油天然气工业环境统计中存在的非稳定污染源监测数据的统计价值不高,统计调查方法单一,个别统计指标计算未使用国家统一标准等现状,从环境监测站改组入手,改革统计调查方法,建立以必要的周期性普查为基础,以经常性的抽样调查为主体,同时辅之以全面统计报表,重点调查和科学推算综合运用的统计调查方法体系。  相似文献   
浙产白术市售种子质量的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据试验,浙江产白术种子的净度可分为3个等级:一级净度为95%以上,二级净度90%~95%,三级净度90%以下.其发芽率为45%~59%,与种子批次的千粒重密切相关.种子在室外阳光下晒干.含水量可控制在8%~10%,而在室内阴干则与环境的相对湿度密切相关.其千位重的差异与该种子批次内大.中、小粒种子的比例有关,一般种子千粒重为25.60~37.50g.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Evidence is presented that snowmelt runoff from an urban watershed can produce density current intrusions (underflows) in a lake. Several episodes of density current intrusions are documented. Water temperatures and salinities measured near the bottom of a 10 m deep Minneapolis lake during the late winter warming periods in 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1995 show significant rapid changes which are correlated with observed higher air temperatures and snowmelt runoff. The snowmelt runoff entering this particular lake (Ryan Lake) has increased electrical conductivity, salinity, and density. The source of the salinity is the salt spread on urban streets in the winter. Heating of littoral waters in spring may also contribute to the occurrence of the sinking flows, but is clearly not the only cause.  相似文献   
腾招军 《四川环境》1995,14(3):66-69
本文报道了沱江上游青白江区水环境管理的现状,分析了水环境管理中存在的问题,提出了防治对策。  相似文献   
本文以与过量形成BaSO_4沉淀反应为基础,较详细地讨论了反应条件、从而拟定了用AAS和ICP-AES间接测定天然水中的方法、确定了方法的精密度,AAS法的RSD%为1.5,ICP-AES法为3.2.两种方法对比分析的结果接近,误差为1.0%(相对)。用于天然水中的测定,获得满意的结果。  相似文献   
What size sample is sufficient for spatially sampling ambient groundwater quality? Water quality data are only as spatially accurate as the geographic sampling strategies used to collect them. This research used sequential sampling and regression analysis to evaluate groundwater quality spatial sampling policy changes proposed by California's Department of Water Resources. Iterative or sequential sampling of a hypothetical groundwater basin's water quality produced data sets from sample sizes ranging from 2.8% to 95% coverage of available point sample sites. Contour maps based on these sample data sets were compared to an original (control), mapped hypothetical data set, to determine at which point map information content and pattern portrayal are not improved by increasing sample sizes. Comparing series of contour maps of ground water quality concentration is a common means of evaluating the geographic extent of groundwater quality change. Comparisons included visual inspection of contout maps and statistical tests on digital versions of these map files, including correlation and regression products. This research demonstrated that, down to about 15% sample site coverage, there is no difference between contour maps produced from the different sampling strategies and the contout map of the original data set.  相似文献   
The Columbia River Basin is the scene of a massive effort to restore populations of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and steelhead (O. mykiss). Efficient restoration is confounded by a high level of complexity, competing sociopolitical goals and values, and uncertainty about key system properties. Simulation models and other tools of systems analysis are important to development of a comprehensive, regionally acceptable strategy. Hierarchy theory provides a useful paradigm for organized complexity within the Columbia Basin and the basis for a trilevel hierarchical structure for organizing and integrating models. Life-stage models compose the most basic simulation units at the lowest level in the proposed hierarchical modeling structure. Each life-stage model simulates a distinct period in the life cycle of anadromous salmonids. Population models at the intermediate level simulate the complete life cycles of salmon and steelhead populations. At the highest level in the hierarchy, interpopulation models simulate extensive, long-term processes that affect multiple species and stocks. A hierarchical system of models is preferable to a single model or to a group of models lacking formal structure. A principal advantage is that models have the correct spatial and temporal resolution for analyzing questions at different scales. A hierarchical structure also facilitates the flow of information among models, and aids in understanding the impacts of uncertainty. Constructing a hierarchy of models should involve both bottom-up and top-down perspectives that maintain logical consistency among models, while allowing unique model structures appropriate for each level in the hierarchy.  相似文献   
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