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基于南京市空气质量数据与NCEP 全球再分析资料,利用后向轨迹模式计算了 2017 年春夏(4~10 月)到达南京城区逐时的24 h 近地面气团后向轨迹,并将后向轨迹数据与臭氧质量浓度数据结合,进行轨迹聚类与潜在源区分析.结果表明,2017年南京市臭氧日最大8 h 滑动平均浓度在12~261 μg·m-3,超标共58 ...  相似文献   
利用2015年环境空气质量监测数据,对天津市OPAQ空气质量统计预报模型预测效果进行验证评估。结果表明,模型对天津市AQI和PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、O_3、NO——2的预测结果与实测结果具有较好的趋势一致性,且预测时间越临近,拟合度越好,24 h预报的相关系数r全部达到0.8以上。对PM_(2.5)的预报性能明显优于PM_(10)、O_3和NO_2,PM_(2.5)平均值预测略呈正偏差,但重污染预测值偏低约15%;O_3和NO_2预测值呈明显负偏差,O_3峰值预测不足,NO_2预测值整体偏低,均以24 h预报趋势性最好,但负偏差最为突出。  相似文献   
从实验室保存的高效好氧反硝化菌种中筛选得到一株抗汞细菌并命名为X1,经生理生化特性和16SrRNA基因序列分析,初步鉴定该菌为恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonasputida).对菌株X1进行Hg2适应特性研究,结果表明,对于Hg2浓度为2、67++4、、mg·L-1的实验组,菌体分别需要被延滞12、284018、、h后进入对数期,而8mg·L-1实验组则不能进入对数期;在好氧反硝化过程中,Hg2浓度在7mg·L+-1范围内各实验组的好氧反硝化过程中NO3-N浓度变化速率、NO2-N累积峰值、pH特征点出现时刻随着Hg2浓度的增大而增大(延迟),而Hg2浓度呈现出同硝氮一致的下降趋势,并且在对数期内除汞率能达到100%.研究表明,菌株X1对Hg2最大适宜耐受浓度为7mg·L+-1,相应适应时间约为40h.在最大耐受浓度范围内,菌株X1的生长和好氧反硝化过程呈现出"被抑制-适应-受刺激"的变化规律,其中,被抑制的时间和受刺激的程度都随着Hg2浓度的增大而增大,主要表现为延滞期的延长和对数期的缩短.此外,在对数期,菌株X1的生长速率、达到稳定期的浓度和好+氧反硝化速率也都随着Hg2浓度的增大而增大,且大于无Hg2菌组.++  相似文献   
北京地区冬季典型PM2.5重污染案例分析   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
对2013年1月10—14日发生的持续性PM2.5重污染过程从污染过程演变、气象条件影响、与气态污染物关系、区域污染背景、PM2.5浓度空间分布演变及其与地面风场的关系、PM2.5组分特征等多个方面进行全面的分析,较为完整地还原了该次重污染案例的形成原因以及主要影响因素。主要结论包括:该次重污染过程是稳定气象条件下导致的局地污染物积累,再叠加华北区域性污染的影响共同造成,其中10、12日北京地区PM2.5浓度的快速增长反映了周边污染传输的显著影响;逆温不但造成污染物难以扩散,且不同的逆温类型对PM2.5浓度水平有显著影响,同时还发现逆温的破坏导致近地面高浓度污染物向上扩散,造成百花山出现峰值高污染浓度现象;NO2与PM2.5浓度水平的高相关性反映交通污染二次转化对PM2.5浓度水平的影响,在较高湿度条件下,SO2浓度水平对湿度敏感且表现为负相关性;该次污染过程中OM、SO2-4、NO-3、NH+4等组分在PM2.5质量浓度中的占比超过70%,说明燃煤、机动车等仍是北京地区最主要的污染来源,同时SO2-4占比最高也说明区域污染传输对该次重污染的显著贡献。  相似文献   
福建九龙江流域重金属分布来源及健康风险评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为研究九龙江流域水体重金属污染水平,在其主要干流及支流采集27个表层水样,分析了Zn、Cu、As、Cr、Pb、Ni和Cd共7种重金属的含量及空间分布特征,利用因子分析方法分析重金属污染物的主要来源,并采用美国环保局推荐的健康风险评价模型对其所引起的健康风险作了初步评价.结果表明,流域水体中Zn的平均浓度最高,为154.893μg/L;As超过地表水Ⅲ类水质标准,超标率为14.81%,超标区域集中位于九龙江下游及河口区.因子分析表明,As、Cr、Cu和Ni的来源主要受各种人为活动影响,Cd、Pb和Zn的来源与成土母质、地球化学作用和农业生产活动有密切的关系.健康风险评价表明,化学致癌物对人体健康危害的个人年均风险远远超过非致癌物的年风险,儿童比成人更易于受到重金属污染的威胁.致癌物Cr和As的个人年均风险值都大于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受风险水平5.0×10-5a-1,其中Cr>As;非致癌有毒化学物质通过饮水途径所引起的健康危害的个人年均风险大小为Cu>Pb>Zn>Ni,四者风险水平在10-9~10-10a-1之间,均低于ICRP标准4~5个数量级.  相似文献   
以昆山市为典型区,采集了126个表层土壤样品,通过多元统计学、地统计学与GIS技术相结合,采用基于协同区域化理论的因子克立格法探讨了长三角多个土壤重金属有效态的区域分异,并在剖析不同空间尺度有效态重金属的空间结构特征基础上,应用空间相关分析和空间主成分分析来揭示引起这种分布格局的成因和污染来源,结果表明,昆山土壤有效态重金属服从正态或对数正态分布,变异系数较大,有效态Cd污染最重.重金属有效态在空间上可划分为块金尺度、小空间尺度(15 km左右)和大空间尺度(40 km左右),它可用3个尺度的实验(交叉)变异函数的协同区域化模型线性拟合.空间相关分析中,Cd和Zn在3个尺度中的相关性均极显著,且元素在小尺度和大尺度的相关性比块金尺度更强,大尺度的负相关特征较其它尺度明显.空间主成分分析表明,不同尺度的空间污染来源不同.重金属有效态第一、二主成分的空间分布格局结果表明重金属有效态含量与工业活动、污水灌溉和土壤性质密切相关.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Of the roughly 12,000 known plant species in Madagascar, only 3% are found in the IUCN (World Conservation Union) Red List of Threatened Species. We assigned preliminary IUCN categories of threat to the species of a comparatively well-known tribe, Coleeae (Bignoniaceae), which comprises an endemic, species-rich radiation in Madagascar. Because the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria 3.1 discourage the use of the data-deficient category, we developed a novel method for differentiating between range-limited species and poorly sampled species. We used the Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) gazetteer to determine where other collection efforts had taken place. We drew buffers around each Coleeae locality and determined how many times the surrounding area had been visited since the last sighting of the specimens by intersecting the buffers with all known botanical localities from the MBG gazetteer. We determined that at least 54% of the Coleeae species are threatened with extinction. Assignments of species to this category were often due to predicted future decline within their current area of occupancy and their lack of inclusion within the protected-area network (only 42% of species are known to occur in protected areas). Three species were presumed extinct, and an additional 12 have not been seen in decades. Among the species threatened with extinction, we "rescued" six of them from the data-deficient category by considering both the sample dates and localities of places where they occurred in relation to additional collections that took place in the immediate area. Due to their recent discovery, 15 species remained in the data-deficient category. If Coleeae is representative of the Malagasy flora, or at least of other endemic-radiated plant groups, then species loss in Madagascar may be even more extreme than is realized.  相似文献   
The quality of the waters collected from R. Arno was examined in the period September 1988 to December 1989. A first campaign in September/October 1988, during a period of low water, gives a general picture of pollution conditions along the river from the source to the mouth. the river appears to be heavily polluted immediately downstream of Florence and in the area of the textile industry.

In the second campaign, through the whole year 1989, particular attention has been given to the Florence area; the most significant results, compared with those from a previous investigation carried out in 1971, show only a small reduction of the pollution load, due to the shortage and inadequacy of wastewater depuration. Some considerations are reported on pollution drop with full spate.  相似文献   
/ Collaboration of countries with an aim to share fresh surface water resources promises to generate potential joint benefits. Unfortunately, existing agreements lack the perspective and capacity to produce any real action in efficient cross-border water allocation. When that problem is encountered by any two adjacent countries claiming riparian rights to the same watercourse, this paper suggests that apossible solution to be examined is a water market. This market requires the relevant countries to engage in a bargaining process as described in the theory of bilateral monopoly. The bargaining process should determine both the water quantity to be transferred and the price to be paid. However, there has to be a fair allocation of the joint benefits resulting from the transfer for a sustainable price solution. As an empirical illustration, the paper examines the case of river Nestos shared by Bulgaria and Greece in the southern Balkans. A net revenue function quadratic in water is specified and estimated using scarce data on three agricultural crops in Greece. Sensitivity analysis on the size and distribution of the net benefits is also performed.KEY WORDS: Bilateral agreements; Water markets; Efficient allocation  相似文献   
Paper passes through many hands. In the present paper, key parts of this cycle in Japan were examined, using questionnaire surveys of households and paper makers. The study aimed to examine the paper makers' strategy for paper production and their attitude to recycling, in comparison with those of the consumers. The study especially focused on toilet paper because consumers have a lot of freedom in purchasing toilet paper. A total of 1242 consumers and 60 paper makers responded. The major findings were as follows. First, we compared the criteria of consumers for purchasing toilet paper with the conjectures of paper makers. Brand, advertisements and the appearance of shopping displays received 60% support from paper makers, but less than 12% of consumers selected these criteria even if we exclude those who do not buy toilet paper or do not have any particular criteria. On the other hand, multiple plies and benefit to the earth were selected by moderate numbers (between 20 and 25%) of consumers, while only 16.77 and 5.69%, respectively of paper makers marked these criteria. Paper makers strongly believe that many retailers sell toilet paper as a loss-leader. By comparing those matters considered important for recycling by consumers with those considered important by makers, it was shown that many makers have a clear awareness of the particular problem, the lack of used paper consumption, in the current paper recycling situation in Japan.  相似文献   
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