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Distributions of 210Pb and 7Be in the aerosol particles of different size fractions were measured around Taiwan offshore areas from October, 1994 to October, 1995. the size distribution and abundance of the aerosol particles showed both spatial and temporal variations. the particle concentrations off northwestern Taiwan were more than twice as those off northeastern Taiwan both in November and March, and the values were much higher in November than in March for both areas. the measured particle concentrations, except for one sample with an unusually high value, ranged from 10 to 83 μOgm ?3 in the study areas. the 210Pb concentrations in the aerosol particles filtered from the air mass varied between 20 × 10?3 and 72 × 10?3 dpm m?3 (1dpm = 0.45 pCi). the 210Pb concentrations in the area off southwestern Taiwan appeared somewhat higher than in other areas and were probably contributed by the land air from Taiwan which contains higher 210Pb in winter. the 210Pb concentrations off northern Taiwan were low in November when the aerosol concentrations were high, but they were high in March when the aerosol concentrations were low.

Based on the 7Be monitoring records of 20 years on the aerosol particles of the island by the Taiwan Radiation Monitoring Center, the mean settling rate averaged 0.91, 0.79 and 0.68 cm s?1, respectively, in northern, central and southern Taiwan. with these values and the 210Pb concentrations in the aerosols, the 210Pb flux was determined to be between 0.58 and 2.30 dpm cm?2y?1, with an average of 1.19 dpm cm?2y?1. Excluding the highest value due to its extremely high 210Pb and aerosol concentrations, the average is reduced to 1.05 dpm cm?2y?1. the activity median diameters (AMD) for 210Pb in the study areas were between 0.69 and < 0.49 μM with a mean of 0.5 öm based on 210Pb distributions in different particle size fractions. Thus, 210Pb was preferentially adsorbed on to the submicron particles. 7Be in the study areas showed a good correlation with 210Pb in total activity although the two nucides had different sources.  相似文献   
对西双版纳州生态环境局勐腊分局2017年8月-2020年8月逐日空气质量数据的分析表明,2-4月是勐腊县空气质量指数(Air Quality Index,AQI)频繁达到二级及以上的时段,空气质量分指数(Individual Air Quality Index,IAQI)能够达到二级及以上标准的污染物为PM2.5、PM10、O3、SO2中的一种或几种,PM2.5、PM10污染较为严重,PM2.5对空气质量的影响最大,可使空气质量达到重度污染,混合污染出现比例远大于单一污染.2019、2020年3-4月勐腊县轻度及以上连续污染日数超过5 d的5次过程中,4次污染过程的主要潜在源区在勐腊上风方向老挝西北部及泰国与其相邻的区域,权重潜在源贡献因子(Weight Potential Source Contribution Function,WPSCF)大于0.6的区域与同年3、4月泰国西北部、老挝西北部的火点密集区有较好的对应关系,4次污染过程与老挝西北部及泰国与其相邻区域的生物质燃烧关系密切;1次污染过程的主要潜在源区主要在当地,当地建筑施工、交通运输、生物质燃烧和餐饮行业细颗粒物的排放会导致勐腊县空气质量出现明显下降.为验证勐腊县连续污染过程受到了周边国家烧荒的影响,利用逐日气溶胶光学厚度(Aerosol Optical Thickness,AOT)对2020年3月23-4月9日的污染过程进行了个例分析,发现AOT大值区位于勐腊上风方向,高浓度污染物持续稳定地向勐腊传输导致勐腊出现持续重污染.  相似文献   
朱晨阳  龙湘 《四川环境》2011,30(6):51-52
本文阐述了一种新型便携式水质采样器(实用新型专利ZL20082004001.9)的研制过程。介绍了采样器的工作原理、结构组成、技术特点,分析了其适用性。该采样器的主要优点是便携性好,使用方便,采样定位准确,所采水样均匀性好,并有效解决了低水位排污口的采样难题。  相似文献   
使用热扩散管与长飞行时间气溶胶质谱联用系统对2020年深圳市秋季亚微米级气溶胶进行在线测量,获取和分析了气溶胶的化学组成及挥发性特征,并利用正矩阵因子分析法(PMF)对有机气溶胶进行了来源解析.结果显示:观测期间,气溶胶平均质量浓度为(28.3±11.1)μg/m3(9.5~76.8μg/m3),其中,有机物占比最高,为57.9%,其次为硫酸盐(24.7%).PMF对有机气溶胶解析结果得到四类源,分别为烃类有机气溶胶(HOA)、餐饮源有关的有机气溶胶(COA)、低氧化性的氧化有机气溶胶(LO-OOA)和高氧化性的氧化有机气溶胶(MO-OOA).HOA、COA、LO-OOA和MO-OOA平均分别占到总有机物的9.1%、27.2%、31.8%和31.9%.进一步采用NO+/NO2+比值法和PMF方法估算有机硝酸酯(ON)浓度,两种方法估算结果相关性良好,ON的平均浓度为0.17~0.25μg/m3,占总有机气溶胶质量的1.5%~9.7%,说明其对深圳大气气溶胶贡献显著.ON与各有机气溶胶因子的相关性比对发现,其与LO-OOA相关性最高(R=0.80),说明其可能来源于新鲜的二次生成反应.挥发性研究结果得出,深圳市气溶胶主要化学组分挥发性顺序为氯盐≈无机硝酸盐 > 铵盐 > 有机物 > 有机硝酸酯 > 硫酸盐,对于有机气溶胶因子,其挥发性排序为LO-OOA > HOA > COA > MO-OOA,除了LO-OOA,其余因子挥发性与其氧化态排序一致,而LO-OOA从50~70℃组分下降最多,说明其所含组分挥发性差异最为明显.  相似文献   
Dicarboxylic acid concentration trends and sampling artifacts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dicarboxylic acids associated with airborne particulate matter were measured during a summer period in Philadelphia that included multiple air pollution episodes. Samples were collected for two 10 h periods each day using a high-volume sampler with two quartz fiber filters in series, and analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) with diazomethane derivatization. Among the dicarboxylic acids investigated, phthalic acid and adipic acid exhibited the greatest diurnal variations and the strongest linear relationship with maximum daily ozone concentration. Dicarboxylic acids and ozone concentration exhibited a poor linear relationship with organic to elemental carbon ratio. All species investigated were affected by significant sampling artifact errors at low concentrations, but sampling errors were negligible at high concentrations observed during ozone episodes.  相似文献   
北京市冬季气象要素对气溶胶浓度日变化的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
对2004年1月1—15日北京气溶胶浓度与相对湿度、气压、风速、风向等气象要素的平均日变化进行分析,结果表明:北京冬季ρ(PM10)日变化明显,受气象要素的日变化影响. ρ(PM10)与相对湿度和气压呈正相关性;风速对ρ(PM10)的日变化影响明显,09:00—18:00风速和ρ(PM10)变化趋势一致,呈正相关性,其他时间则呈负相关性; 风向对粗、细粒子的数浓度影响不同,细粒子数浓度在偏东风时大,西、西南风时小,而粗粒子则相反;粗、细粒子的数浓度日变化受气象要素的影响程度不同,相对于粗粒子,细粒子数浓度更易受气象要素日变化的影响.   相似文献   
珠江三角洲地区大气气溶胶中有机污染物背景研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
选择肇庆市鼎湖山自然保护区为珠江三角洲大气气溶胶有机污染评价的区域性环境背景.研究结果表明,珠江三角洲地区大气气溶胶中优控多环芳烃背景值萘、苊、二氢苊、芴、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并(a)蒽、、苯并(b)荧蒽、苯并(k)荧蒽、苯并(a)芘、茚并(1,2,3-cd)芘、二苯并(a,h)蒽、苯并(ghi)分别为n.d.、n.d.、tr.、0.14、tr.、0.39、0.53、0.19、1.05、1.82、1.41、0.02、2.29、0.53和2.44ng/m3,总量为10.80ng/m3,其来源主要为高等植物排放.  相似文献   
The size of particles in urban air varies over four orders of magnitude (from 0.001 μm to 10 μm in diameter). In many cities only particle mass concentrations (PM10, i.e. particles <10 μm diameter) is measured. In this paper we analyze how differences in emissions, background concentrations and meteorology affect the temporal and spatial distribution of PM10 and total particle number concentrations (PNC) based on measurements and dispersion modeling in Stockholm, Sweden. PNC at densely trafficked kerbside locations are dominated by ultrafine particles (<0.1 μm diameter) due to vehicle exhaust emissions as verified by high correlation with NOx. But PNC contribute only marginally to PM10, due to the small size of exhaust particles. Instead wear of the road surface is an important factor for the highest PM10 concentrations observed. In Stockholm, road wear increases drastically due to the use of studded tires and traction sand on streets during winter; up to 90% of the locally emitted PM10 may be due to road abrasion. PM10 emissions and concentrations, but not PNC, at kerbside are controlled by road moisture. Annual mean urban background PM10 levels are relatively uniformly distributed over the city, due to the importance of long range transport. For PNC local sources often dominate the concentrations resulting in large temporal and spatial gradients in the concentrations. Despite these differences in the origin of PM10 and PNC, the spatial gradients of annual mean concentrations due to local sources are of equal magnitude due to the common source, namely traffic. Thus, people in different areas experiencing a factor of 2 different annual PM10 exposure due to local sources will also experience a factor of 2 different exposure in terms of PNC. This implies that health impact studies based solely on spatial differences in annual exposure to PM10 may not separate differences in health effects due to ultrafine and coarse particles. On the other hand, health effect assessments based on time series exposure analysis of PM10 and PNC, should be able to observe differences in health effects of ultrafine particles versus coarse particles.  相似文献   
Plumes of atmospheric aerosol have been studied using a rangeof satellite and ground-based techniques. The Sea-viewing WideField-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) has been used to observe plumesof sulphate aerosol and Saharan dust around the coast of theUnited Kingdom. Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) was retrievedfrom SeaWiFS for two events; a plume of Saharan dusttransported over the United Kingdom from Western Africa and aperiod of elevated sulphate experienced over the Easternregion of the UK. Patterns of AOT are discussed and related tothe synoptic and mesoscale weather conditions. Furtherobservation of the sulphate aerosol event was undertaken usingthe Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instrument(AVHRR). Atmospheric back trajectories and weather conditionswere studied in order to identify the meteorologicalconditions which led to this event. Co-located ground-basedmeasurements of PM10 and PM2.5 were obtained for 4sites within the UK and PM2.5/10 ratios were calculatedin order to identify any unusually high or low ratios(indicating the dominant size fraction within the plume)during either of these events. Calculated percentiles ofPM2.5/10 ratios during the 2 events examined show thatthese events were notable within the record, but were in noway unique or unusual in the context of a 3 yr monitoringrecord. Visibility measurements for both episodes have beenexamined and show that visibility degradation occurred duringboth the sulphate aerosol and Saharan dust episodes.  相似文献   
Samples of cloudwater, rainwater and ambient aerosol were collected over Maoer Mountain in the northeast of Guangxi Province in March 1988. The pH value of cloudwater ranged from 3.37 to 6.20 with a mean value of 4.34. SO42- , NO3- , NH4+, Ca2+ and H+ were the principal ionic species of cloudwater. The advance of cold fronts into Maoer Mountain appeared to lead to higher major ionic concentration and acidity than that of warm fronts. The relative acidity and concentration of NO3- of cloudwater were much greater than that of aerosol samples. With the exception of. NO3- and H+, most of the concentration of SO42- and NH4+ in cloudwater came from the nucleation scavenging of aerosol. Gaseous nitric acid and organic acid from local may be one of the important source of cloudwater acidity. Compared with other sites, Maoer Mountain can be as a clean contrast station for studying acidic precipitation in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces.  相似文献   
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